English Essay on “My World of Fantasy” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

My World of Fantasy

Fantasy is a genre that uses magic and other supernatural forms as primary element of plot, theme, and/or setting; or simply, a fancy or imagination or specially, a whimsical or fanciful conception. True, that “Fantasy minors desire, Imagination reshapes it”.

Fairy tales and legends have been an important source for fantasy. Mythic and other elements that would eventually come to describe fantasy have been a part of some of grandest and most celebrated works of literature. The popularity of the fantasy genre can be evidenced from the more recent best selling status of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books, and the film adaptations of many epics such as Mahabharata and Ramayana. There has to be a reason and swung calmly, lending a rustling, cool, comfortable breeze. On the top of the hill was a small but with a vent from which wisps of smoke drifted out into the black and seamless sky. Beyond the hill was a slope that tapered off into the vast eternity. Yet, I was not afraid, because I knew that no one could ever fall into it. Inside the hut, a fire was crackling and a cozy hearth, covered in a soft, square, red carpet. And on that carpet, there I was, a child of four years age. I had no expression on my face for I was in complete security, without fears, wrapped in the assurance that I was cared for and could never be hurt. A force, not unlike the love of my parents, but stronger, coming from an ultimate life source, permeated my presence, granting me perfect security. I felt all the hazy beauty of nostalgia, but it was a daydream. Fantasy is what you have found!

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Fantasy World Essay Examples

Fantasy World - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

A fantasy world is a fictional universe that is created by the imagination of an author or a creator. It is a place where anything and everything is possible, and where the rules of physics and the laws of nature do not necessarily apply. In a fantasy world, there can be mythical creatures, magical powers, and enchanted lands. These worlds can be created in literature, films, games or any form of storytelling media. They offer an escape from reality and often have their own unique cultures, customs, and histories. In a fantasy world, readers or viewers can lose themselves in a world that is vastly different from their own, where they can explore the unknown and experience things that they never thought possible in the real world.

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Commaful Storytelling Blog

How To Write A Fantasy World

December 22, 2020

While you may be an expert at creating characters, crafting plots, and filling in the details of your world, it’s likely that the details and workings of the fantasy world itself have left you confused. How do you get started? Where do you even begin? How do you make a world that’s both realistic and fantastic at the same time? In this post, we’ll walk you through the process, from creating the map to populating the world with cultures and languages.

Understand how worldbuilding started

Magic in fantasy is more than just labels like “D&D-style” or “SFF-grungy.” It’s an important part of any fantasy world, and much like a living, breathing creature, magic forms a symbiotic relationship with the world you’re building. Not all magic systems are created equal. What functions best for you and for your characters depends on the scope you’ve chosen for your fantasy world. To keep your fantasy magic system from sputtering out your readers’ suspension of disbelief, it’s important to read and research worldbuilding tropes and values. Because at the end of the day, no matter how grounded your fantasy world feels, a wildly imaginative array of fantasy magic spells, enchantments, weapons, and creatures can and will demolish any semblance of reality.

The realism of your fantasy world is separate from your magic system, your dragons, and your fiery wizards. Avoid constructing hard rules for elements in your magical system — only define the parts that are crucial to your story. When drawing on mythology and folklore traditions for inspiration, avoid drawing from the too-common well-worn elements like elves, dwarves, goblins, and halflings. Even the most anemic versions of these creatures don’t match up to a modern definition of a fantasy race, and the Tolkienian wheel has turned twice since their original introduction in The Hobbit . When you introduce a powerful new entity into your fantasy world, it should feel downright life-threatening.

Research your world

Creating a fantasy world is no small task, it should be emphasized. So before you get started, take a few hours and do some research on mythology and historical civilizations. The more familiar you are with human history, conversations, and culture, the more easily you will be able to create layers and nuances in your fantasy world. Study the difference between your fantasy and historical settings. One of the major things that you will need to consider when creating a fantasy setting is how you will distinguish your fictional world from the one that most people know. Even though you want your characters and their ethical dilemmas to be relative to your reader, these ethical dilemmas need to be rooted in human history, rather than another fictional world.

Take notes of details that make your setting distinctive. You can also use a few hours of research to get started on some of the specific elements your fantasy world may possess. You need to create flags, currency, food and instruments of war to be able to start writing. You’ll also need to create your religious system, its god or set of gods, taboos, how it was formed, and anything else that you can think of. Remember to consider how religion might be alike in your fantasy world versus real-world religions, or how it might be the opposite. Next, create maps. If you don’t have a background in cartography, you can draw your map with a pen, and it will still be pretty. If you would like to focus on a particular part of your world, choose a perspective, whether that of a real-world fighter, explorer, or spy.

Fill your world with up with things

This means people, places, languages, and products that all need to be exhaustingly researched and included so that it’ll be clear that you’ve put in the effort. You may have to defer or refuse to write something, simply because you’re not qualified to know it. For instance, medieval England might have been your comfort zone, but any scenes in futuristic Kenshin should be left in the hands of those who know more about Japan. The same goes for languages. If your book requires a unique language to be believable, then you may want to reject your first offer for someone to help you. Language is a notoriously tricky subject, so it can help to read a grammar book or two to help you better understand syntax and verb forms.

Character details are another area that can get easily overlooked — make sure to write about their hair’s texture and color, as well as their eye color and skin tone. You need to stay consistent, so while you’re creating a fantasy world’s shopping list, take a moment to also sketch out a family tree showing all your characters’ relations to each other. Keep a separate document of all the products in your world that you’ll need to create a shopping list of all the props you’ll need to compose. This will come in handy when you start to actually build these items on paper, in which case you’ll have to follow this next piece of advice.

Flesh your world with every kind of picture

Before you create your fantasy world, you need to extrapolate its history. Create a family tree or lineage for your characters, and decide what kinds of transformative-world events happened in the past. These events will become details in your narrative as the present-day protagonist is thrust into another type of transformative event, but examining the geological and biological changes of the world can inform your plot. Perhaps something fell from the stars onto the land? Maybe it created new kinds of people and clans? Major events like that will create interest in your fantasy world, because the reader will be able to understand the core elements of the story and the human beings within it. Think of the details you can flesh out with your events. Monsters, wars, locations…there’s even a theological study in the question of what the presence of the object of their worship on their world would do to the beliefs and cultures of your fictional civilization.

Next, create the physical topography of your world. Plan out your fantasy world’s major geographic regions, and remember to be creative. You could get away with being nostalgic and leeching off of your own continent’s borders and backstory, but that’s the kind of derivative thinking that would cause your readers to reach for the off switch. Fantasy worlds are supposed to be freeing, so instead let your imagination loose and focus on synthesizing traits and social archetypes into narratives that are part geopolitical speculation, fantasy, sociology, and history — all the elements your readers will be devouring when they read your bestselling fantasy.

Develop your races

When planning a fantasy world, you usually begin with the geography. You know, mountains and hills and rivers and lakes and the like, and often that’s as far as you get. Though these broad strokes may seem enough to you in the dark days of preplanning, just barely conceiving this world is not enough. You need to do more than just conjure an outline, more than discover the elemental composition of surface terrain. If you want to flesh out a world that wholeheartedly thrives under imagination, your next step is to really delve into the races of humanoids that inhabit your world.

Your races determine your cultures, which in turn define the world more than just the shapes of its hills and the colors of its sky. The humans have split in two different countries that have been at war for years, or the elves keep to themselves, having forgotten all but how to enjoy beauty? Understanding the attitudes and beliefs of your races both individually and as a whole is how you construct the bedrock upon which you’ll set your narrative. It’s also helpful to have a list of names, but the race itself is what you need to study and understand.

Plan your magic system

The level of magic used in your fantasy world is an important distinguishing factor, and the elements of magic will play a big part in defining what kind of fantasy you’ll be writing. Create a history of your world’s magic, starting at its real-world origin and tracing its use over the course of the series’ plot. Going forward, you should know how magic becomes more or less available in the world, and beware overdoing it! Unexplained magic can make your audience say snap! and suddenly something seems false. On the other hand, dry no magic can make the world feel dull and lifeless — and make the story’s outcome seem predictable. This ties directly into library research, in that you should give yourself enough working specifics about your magic system to make it seem realistic, but not so many details that you can make up your own rules when things get interesting.

Another big task in mapping out your world is creating the cultures of the lands that populate it. Weave a rich, varied history for each country and align it with the natural world around it. Create a culture “system,” meaning that fantasy cultures must have social, political, and religious systems. What will determine where one culture fits besides geographic location? Consider how a nation’s land might seem infertile to one culture — or provide rain and abundant crops to another. How do the people survive in their environment?

Investigate creating your own mythology

If you’re writing a fantasy story that’s set in a fictional world, you have a unique opportunity to craft a self-contained mythology that’s all your own. Opting to create your own mythology is a large undertaking — one that comes with a lot of responsibility — but it’s a choice that will far outshine whatever preparatory work you have to do. The benefits of crafting your own mythology can be as simple as providing your reader with an enthralling and unusual world to explore, or as profound as tying together different pieces of your story in a way that makes the whole much greater than the sum of its parts. If nothing else, you’re sure to impress potential readers when you say you’re creating whole new sets of stories and creatures to go along with your new mythology.

Worldbuilding with a focus on your own mythology allows you to provide your fictional creations with rich cultural details, intertwining history and cultural habits. People experience time differently than we do, and have ideas of space and magic unique to their world. You not only provide a detailed imagining of a new and exciting world, you give the people who live in its existing cultural depth. A lot can happen even when you don’t see it happening on the surface.

Incorporate bizarre elements

Not all fantasy worlds fit a template. If you are writing about a magical, supernatural universe, there are fewer restrictions on what kind of creatures, people, and places you can create. That doesn’t mean you should make everything a giant snake dog/deer centaur/weretiger hybrid, though. Unless you are writing in a genre aside from straight fantasy, it’s probably better to rely on more conventional creatures and people.

Wild things can be fun, though — especially if you incorporate them in a way that makes your fantasy landscape unique and believable. What if, for example, you chose to eliminate all non rhinoceroses from your fantasy world, instead of just arbitrarily having some half-hedgehog mess running around? Or rather than a world in which water is just naturally corrosive ice, the opposite is true, and water-breathing humans have built city-boats to sail around in? These seemingly random changes actually give your fantasy setting a different sort of logic within its own universe, and make your creatures, people, and places relative to everything else in the world.

No matter what, remember to keep things simple. “Fantasy,” of course, is sometimes used as a synonym for “complicated,” because there’s often so much going on in fantasy worlds. And some authors may overcomplicate their imaginations. But good fantasy, however over the top it might seem at times, has a kind of logic behind it. If you and your readers are going to follow the events of your story, you have to present to them a fantasy world that makes sense to them. Then your own readers won’t be so anxious and confused — about how to write a fantasy world, or how to read your fantasy book. Creators are writers, so let your creativity guide you as you write your world, and the creativity of your readers will follow suit.

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Writing Beginner

150 Best Fantasy Writing Prompts to Spark Your Creativity

Fantasy has always been my gateway to the impossible, a realm where my creativity knows no bounds.

From my earliest scribbles to the novels I’ve published, the lure of fantastical worlds has been a constant companion.

With that in mind, let’s go through 150 fantasy writing prompts. I invite you to step into the unknown, to challenge your imagination, and to craft stories that resonate with the magic and wonder of what lies beyond our reality.

Epic Quests

Necromancer Tower Silhouette Moonlight -- Fantasy Writing Prompts

Table of Contents

  • The Last Ember of Hope: In a world where darkness has swallowed the lands, your protagonist discovers the last ember of hope, capable of reviving the ancient light. What quest must they embark on to use it?
  • The Broken Crown: A royal heir finds the pieces of a legendary crown that promises ultimate power. Each piece is guarded by a mythical beast. How do they go about reclaiming their kingdom?
  • The Forbidden Manuscript: A map hidden within an ancient, forbidden manuscript reveals the path to a city of gold. But what perils guard the way?
  • The Elemental Swords: Four swords imbued with elemental powers are scattered across the realms. Who seeks them, and why?
  • The Mirror of Futures: A mirror that shows possible futures has been shattered into seven pieces. Can your characters prevent the darkest of futures from becoming reality?
  • The Last Dragon Egg: Your protagonist finds the last dragon egg. What forces of darkness covet it, and for what purpose?
  • The Library of Lost Voices: A library containing the knowledge of civilizations long gone beckons. But entering is a pact with eternity. Who dares to enter, and what do they seek?
  • The Weaver’s Loom: A loom that can weave fate itself has been discovered. Who controls it, and to what end?
  • The Celestial Tournament: A tournament where the prize is a wish granted by the gods themselves. Who are the contenders?
  • The Gatekeeper’s Riddle: A gate that leads to paradise itself, but only those who can solve the Gatekeeper’s riddle may enter. What is the riddle, and who wishes to solve it?

Magical Realms

  • Whispering Woods: In a forest where trees communicate and guard ancient secrets, a lost traveler hears their whispers. What do they learn?
  • The City Beneath the Waves: A city submerged beneath the ocean, hidden from the modern world, is discovered by a daring marine biologist. What mysteries lie within?
  • The Mountain That Eats Memories: A mountain rumored to consume the memories of those who climb it. Who ventures there, and what are they hoping to forget?
  • The Crystal Caverns: Vast caverns filled with crystals that can store thoughts and dreams. A thief seeks the crystal containing the secret to eternal life.
  • The Valley of Eternal Autumn: A hidden valley where it’s always autumn, and the inhabitants never age. A newcomer stumbles upon it by chance.
  • The Sky Cities: Cities that float in the sky, accessible only by those who can tame the winds. What brings a ground-dweller to their lofty domains?
  • The Frozen Garden: A garden where every plant is encased in ice, preserving its beauty forever. What is its keeper’s sorrow?
  • The Library of Echoes: A library where every book contains the life story of a person, still alive or long dead. A young scholar finds their own story among the shelves.
  • The Night Market: A market that appears only at night, selling wares that can’t be found in the light of day. Who runs it, and what is the price of its goods?
  • The Bridge of Mist: A bridge that connects the world of the living with the world of the dead. A grieving person seeks to cross it.

Dark Fantasy

  • The Feast of Shadows: A kingdom where once a year, the dead return to feast with the living. What happens when one guest refuses to leave?
  • The Cursed Knight: A knight cursed to live in the shadows, unseen by the world. What quest could lift their curse?
  • The Ashen Plague: A plague that turns its victims to ash, spreading across the land. Who discovers its origin, and can they stop it?
  • The Pit of Despair: A pit that appears in the center of a city, from which horrifying creatures emerge. What ancient evil has been awakened?
  • The Blood Moon Cult: A cult that believes the blood moon grants them unspeakable powers. What ceremony are they planning?
  • The Witch’s Forest: A forest ruled by a powerful witch, feared by all. A band of rebels seeks to challenge her reign.
  • The Demon’s Pact: A desperate soul makes a pact with a demon, trading their humanity for power. What is the price of such a deal?
  • The Haunted Armor: Armor that possesses those who wear it, making them invincible in battle but at a great cost. Who dares to don it?
  • The Necromancer’s Tower: A tower that appears overnight, home to a necromancer who seeks to conquer the dead and the living. Who can stop them?
  • The Shadows’ Whisper: A town where shadows whisper secrets to those who walk at night. What truth is too dangerous to be known?

Myth & Legend Retellings

Enchanted forest with glowing trees whispers secrets of ancient magic.

  • The Sword in the Stone: A young peasant discovers a sword lodged in a stone, said to be the key to uniting the kingdom. Who is worthy to wield it?
  • The Phoenix Reborn: A phoenix, thought to be extinct, is reborn from its ashes. What role does it play in the fate of the world?
  • The Labyrinth of the Minotaur: A labyrinth that traps those who enter, guarded by a monstrous minotaur. Who dares to navigate its twists and turns?
  • The Sirens’ Song: A sailor hears the haunting song of sirens, drawing them toward treacherous waters. What do they seek beyond the waves?
  • The Curse of Medusa: A curse that turns those who gaze upon Medusa to stone. Who seeks to break it, and at what cost?
  • The Quest for Excalibur: A quest to find King Arthur’s legendary sword, said to grant its wielder unrivaled power. Who is worthy of such a weapon?
  • The Tale of Prometheus: The story of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give to humanity. What consequences follow his act of rebellion?
  • The Call of the Valkyries: The Valkyries descend from the heavens to claim the souls of fallen warriors. What do they see in the heart of a hero?
  • The Trickster’s Gamble: A trickster god challenges mortals to a game with high stakes. What do they stand to win or lose?
  • The Song of Orpheus: Orpheus descends into the underworld to retrieve his beloved Eurydice. Can he resist the temptation to look back?

Fairy Tales Reimagined

  • The Tower of Rapunzel: A tower hidden deep in the forest, where a princess with hair of gold is held captive. Who seeks to rescue her?
  • The Three Wishes: A genie grants three wishes to whoever releases them from their lamp. What are the unintended consequences of each wish?
  • The Pied Piper’s Promise: The Pied Piper returns to a town that once betrayed him, seeking retribution. What price will they pay for their betrayal?
  • The Mirror of Snow White: A mirror that tells the truth, no matter how painful. What does the fairest of them all see when she gazes into it?
  • The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg: A farmer discovers a goose that lays golden eggs. What greed consumes those who covet its treasures?
  • The Frog Prince’s Curse: A prince cursed to live as a frog until he receives true love’s kiss. Who is brave enough to see past his appearance?
  • The Magic Beans: A farmer trades his cow for magic beans that grow into a beanstalk reaching the clouds. What awaits at the top?
  • The Seven Dwarfs’ Secret: Seven dwarfs protect a mine filled with precious gems. What do they fear more than thieves?
  • The Sleeping Kingdom: A kingdom cursed to sleep for a hundred years. Who will awaken them from their slumber?
  • The Red Riding Hood’s Revenge: Little Red Riding Hood returns to the forest, armed with knowledge and vengeance. Who is the true wolf in this tale?

Dystopian & Utopian Societies

  • The Last City on Earth: In a world ravaged by environmental catastrophe, the last remaining city struggles to survive. What hope remains for humanity?
  • The Perfect Society: A utopian society where every need is met, but at what cost? What flaws lie beneath the surface of perfection?
  • The Rebellion’s Revolt: A rebellion rises against a tyrannical government that promises safety in exchange for freedom. What sacrifices must be made for true liberation?
  • The Lost Colony: A colony on a distant planet loses contact with Earth and must fend for themselves. What secrets do they uncover about their new home?
  • The Class Divide: A society divided between the privileged elite and the oppressed masses. What sparks the flames of revolution?
  • The Cult of Technology: A society where technology reigns supreme, blurring the lines between humanity and machines. What happens when the machines rebel?
  • The Garden of Eden: A secluded paradise where nature thrives in harmony with humanity. What dangers lurk beyond its borders?
  • The Experiment: A social experiment gone awry, where citizens are pawns in a game of power and control. Who will defy the rules and break free?
  • The New World Order: A world where a single entity rules over all, enforcing peace through absolute control. What resistance movements emerge in the shadows?
  • The Hope of Tomorrow: A glimmer of hope shines through the darkness, promising a better future for those who dare to fight for it.

Supernatural Encounters

  • The Haunted Mansion: A mansion rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of its past inhabitants. What secrets do its walls hold?
  • The Ghost Ship: A ship lost at sea reappears, crewed by the restless spirits of those who perished aboard. What drove them to return?
  • The Curse of the Werewolf: A curse that transforms its bearer into a savage beast under the light of the full moon. Who seeks to break the curse, and at what cost?
  • The Vampire’s Masquerade: A masquerade ball attended by vampires, where mortals are unwitting guests. What dark secrets are concealed behind their elegant facades?
  • The Witching Hour: A town where magic is real, and witches practice their craft in secret. What happens when their existence is threatened by outsiders?
  • The Guardian Spirit: A spirit bound to protect a sacred place from harm. What lengths will it go to defend its charge?
  • The Faerie Court: A hidden realm where the fae hold court, striking bargains with mortals. What do they demand in return for their favors?
  • The Demon’s Bargain: A demon offers to grant a mortal’s deepest desire in exchange for their soul. What temptation proves too great to resist?
  • The Cursed Forest: A forest cursed by an ancient evil, where the trees whisper dark secrets to those who dare to listen.
  • The Seance: A seance to communicate with the spirits of the dead goes horribly wrong, unleashing forces beyond human comprehension.

Time Travel & Alternate Realities

  • The Time Traveler’s Dilemma: A time traveler discovers they can change the course of history, but at what cost? What paradoxes do they face?
  • The Parallel Universe: A rift opens, allowing travelers to visit alternate realities. What dangers lurk in worlds where history took a different path?
  • The Time Loop: A person finds themselves trapped in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over again. What choices can break the cycle?
  • The Butterfly Effect: A small change in the past leads to catastrophic consequences in the present. How do characters navigate the repercussions of their actions?
  • The Future Imperfect: Travelers journey to the future to prevent a cataclysmic event. What sacrifices must they make to alter destiny?
  • The Time Heist: A group of thieves uses time travel to steal priceless artifacts from the past. What consequences follow their actions?
  • The Time Keeper: A guardian of the time stream seeks to maintain the balance of past, present, and future. What threats endanger the fabric of reality?
  • The Timeless War: A war that spans centuries, fought across different eras by factions with access to time travel technology. What drives them to fight across time?
  • The Alternate History: A world where pivotal moments in history unfolded differently, leading to a vastly altered present. What events shaped this alternate reality?
  • The Time Capsule: A message from the future warns of impending doom. What steps can be taken to avert disaster?

Space Fantasy & Cosmic Adventures

  • The Starship Voyager: A starship embarks on a journey to explore the far reaches of the galaxy. What wonders and dangers await its crew?
  • The Alien Diplomat: A diplomat negotiates peace between warring alien factions. What hidden agendas threaten to derail their efforts?
  • The Cosmic Entity: A being of immense power awakens from eons of slumber, reshaping galaxies with its whims. What challenges arise when mortals encounter such a force?
  • The Galactic Empire: A vast empire spans the cosmos, ruled by an immortal emperor. What rebellions stir in the outer reaches of the galaxy?
  • The Space Pirates: Pirates roam the stars, plundering ships and colonies with impunity. What drives them to seek riches among the stars?
  • The Interstellar Colony: Colonists establish a settlement on a distant planet, facing unknown dangers and alien wildlife. What trials test their resilience?
  • The Cosmic Phenomenon: An anomaly in space defies all scientific explanation, drawing explorers and scholars to unlock its secrets.
  • The Celestial Guardians: Guardians protect the universe from cosmic threats, wielding ancient artifacts of unimaginable power. What challenges do they face in their quest to maintain order?
  • The Intergalactic Tournament: A tournament brings warriors from across the galaxy to compete for honor and glory. What conflicts arise when rival factions clash?
  • The Stellar Explorer: An explorer ventures into the depths of space, seeking knowledge and adventure among the stars.

High Fantasy & Political Intrigue

 Eerie medieval banquet where the living feast with the dead.

  • The Throne of Eldoria: A kingdom divided by warring factions vies for control of the throne. What alliances are forged and betrayals committed in the pursuit of power?
  • The Council of Magi: A council of mages governs the realm, but whispers of corruption threaten to tear it apart. What secrets do they hide behind their spells?
  • The Exiled Prince: A prince returns from exile to reclaim his birthright, facing enemies both within and without. What price is he willing to pay for redemption?
  • The War of the Five Kingdoms: Five kingdoms clash in a struggle for dominance, each with its own ambitions and alliances. What strategies are employed in the game of thrones?
  • The Court of Shadows: A secret society pulls the strings of power from the shadows, manipulating kings and queens like pawns on a chessboard. Who dares to challenge their influence?
  • The Prophecy’s Prodigy: A prophecy foretells the coming of a chosen one destined to change the course of history. How do they fulfill their destiny while navigating the machinations of fate?
  • The Mage Rebellion: Mages revolt against their oppressive rulers, seeking freedom from persecution. What sacrifices are made in the name of liberation?
  • The Sword of Kings: A legendary sword said to choose the rightful ruler of the realm. Who is worthy to wield its power, and what tests must they pass?
  • The Noble Betrayal: A noble family plots against the crown, driven by ambition and revenge. What consequences follow their treachery?
  • The Court Jester’s Jest: A court jester uses humor and wit to navigate the treacherous waters of political intrigue. What secrets lie behind their laughter?

Urban Fantasy

  • The Hidden Enclave: A hidden enclave of mythical creatures exists within the heart of a modern city. What happens when their existence is threatened by urban development?
  • The Detective’s Dilemma: A detective investigates supernatural crimes in a city where magic and technology collide. What mysteries lie beyond the veil of reality?
  • The Vampire Masquerade: Vampires, werewolves, and witches live among humans, hiding their true nature in plain sight. What conflicts arise when their worlds collide?
  • The Fey Market: A market where faeries and other mythical beings barter with mortals for rare and magical goods. What bargains are struck in the shadows of the city?
  • The Witch’s Brew: A witch brews potions and spells in a modern-day apothecary, catering to the supernatural clientele of the city.
  • The Werewolf Pack: A pack of werewolves navigates the complexities of pack dynamics and territorial disputes in an urban jungle.
  • The Secret Society: A secret society of mages meets in the hidden corners of the city, wielding magic to influence the course of events.
  • The Ghostly Guardian: A ghost haunts the streets of the city, seeking justice for past wrongs. What unfinished business binds them to the mortal realm?
  • The Urban Shaman: A shaman walks the line between the spirit world and the modern world, protecting the city from supernatural threats.
  • The Demon’s Deal: A demon offers power and riches to those willing to make a deal. What price do they demand in return?

Fantasy Creatures & Beasts

  • The Dragon’s Hoard: A dragon guards a hoard of treasure, daring adventurers to brave its lair. What drives them to seek the dragon’s riches?
  • The Griffin Riders: Warriors ride griffins into battle, their bond forged through years of training and trust. What challenges do they face in defending their kingdom?
  • The Unicorn’s Blessing: A unicorn grants its blessing to those pure of heart, but what trials must they overcome to prove themselves worthy?
  • The Phoenix’s Rebirth: A phoenix rises from the ashes, its flames a symbol of renewal and hope. What prophecy foretells its return?
  • The Leviathan’s Wake: A massive sea creature awakens from its slumber, threatening to capsize ships and swallow sailors whole. What legends surround its origins?
  • The Centaur Tribes: Centaur tribes roam the plains, their loyalty divided among ancient rivalries and alliances. What sparks the flames of war among them?
  • The Mermaid’s Song: Mermaids lure sailors to their doom with their enchanting songs. What secrets lie beneath the waves, waiting to be discovered?
  • The Basilisk’s Gaze: A basilisk turns its victims to stone with a single glance. Who seeks to slay the beast and claim its treasure?
  • The Kraken’s Fury: A kraken rises from the depths, its tentacles threatening to drag ships to the ocean floor. What sacrifices are made to appease its wrath?
  • The Chimera’s Challenge: A chimera stalks the countryside, its monstrous form a terror to all who encounter it. What hero dares to face the beast?

Enchanted Objects & Curses

  • The Mirror of Truth: A mirror that reflects the truth of whoever gazes into it, revealing their deepest desires and darkest secrets.
  • The Sword of Destiny: A sword forged by ancient gods, said to grant its wielder the power to shape the future. Who is worthy to wield it, and for what purpose?
  • The Ring of Invisibility: A ring that grants its wearer the power of invisibility, but at what cost? What temptations lead to its misuse?
  • The Amulet of Protection: An amulet that wards off evil and grants its wearer protection from harm. What dangers test its power?
  • The Wand of Wishes: A wand that grants three wishes to whoever holds it. What unintended consequences follow each wish?
  • The Curse of Silence: A curse that prevents its victim from speaking, condemning them to a life of solitude and isolation.
  • The Book of Shadows: A book filled with spells and incantations, its pages whispering secrets to those who dare to read them.
  • The Fountain of Youth: A fountain that grants eternal youth to those who drink from its waters. What lengths will people go to obtain its elusive power?
  • The Locket of Memories: A locket that holds memories of a lost love, offering solace to those who grieve.
  • The Key to the Unknown: A key that unlocks doors to other realms and dimensions, but what dangers lurk beyond each threshold?

Cross-Genre Fusion

Majestic cities soar among clouds, inaccessible to mere mortals

  • Steampunk Sorcery: A world where magic and steam-powered technology coexist, blending the elegance of the Victorian era with the wonders of the arcane.
  • Cybernetic Samurai: Samurai warriors enhanced with cybernetic implants, blending ancient martial arts with futuristic technology.
  • Gothic Noir: A noir detective navigates the shadowy streets of a gothic city, where vampires and werewolves lurk in the darkness.
  • Mythic Space Opera: Epic space battles unfold against the backdrop of ancient myths and legends, as heroes clash with cosmic deities.
  • Fairy Tale Steampunk: Classic fairy tales reimagined in a steampunk world, where clockwork automatons and airships roam the skies.
  • Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy: Magic emerges in a world ravaged by nuclear war, offering both hope and peril to the survivors.
  • Historical Fantasy: Historical events infused with elements of fantasy, where legendary figures and mythical creatures shape the course of history.
  • Contemporary Mythology: Modern-day gods and goddesses walk among mortals, their powers hidden in plain sight in the modern world.
  • Cosmic Horror Fantasy: Eldritch horrors from beyond the stars threaten to consume the universe, driving mortals to the brink of madness.
  • Magical Realism: Everyday life infused with subtle magic and wonder, blurring the line between the mundane and the fantastical.

Ancient Civilizations & Lost Worlds

  • Atlantis Rediscovered: Explorers discover the lost city of Atlantis hidden beneath the waves, its secrets waiting to be uncovered.
  • The Tomb of the Pharaoh: Archaeologists unearth the tomb of an ancient pharaoh, awakening a curse that threatens to unleash chaos upon the world.
  • The Forgotten Temple: A hidden temple deep in the jungle holds the key to unlocking ancient mysteries and forgotten powers.
  • The Ruins of El Dorado: Explorers search for the legendary city of gold, facing treacherous jungles and rival treasure hunters along the way.
  • The Lost Library of Alexandria: Scholars seek to uncover the lost knowledge of the Library of Alexandria, rumored to contain secrets beyond imagination.
  • The Labyrinth of Crete: Adventurers brave the labyrinth of Crete, facing deadly traps and mythical beasts in their quest for glory.
  • The Sword of Excalibur: King Arthur’s legendary sword, Excalibur, lies hidden in a forgotten tomb, waiting for a new hero to claim it.
  • The Oracle’s Prophecy: An oracle foretells the rise and fall of empires, guiding heroes and kings through the twists and turns of fate.
  • The City of Shangri-La: A mythical city hidden in the Himalayas, where immortals dwell in eternal peace and harmony.
  • The Gates of Babylon: The gates of Babylon open once more, revealing a gateway to other worlds and dimensions beyond imagination.

If you’d like a video version of 30 of my fantasy writing prompts, I made this recording for you:

Final Thoughts: Best Fantasy Writing Prompts

Explore the limitless possibilities of fantasy writing with these enchanting prompts, igniting your imagination and guiding you through realms of wonder and darkness.

For more inspiration, check out the other blog posts below.

Read This Next:

  • 500 Best Fantasy Words: Mega List of Fantasy Vocabulary
  • How To Write A Fantasy Short Story (Ultimate Guide + Examples)
  • 500+ Superhero Name Ideas for Storytellers
  • 200+ Superhero Ideas for Storytellers (Massive List)
  • How to Write A D&D Campaign (Epic DM Guide in 2024)

Home / Essay Samples / Literature / Literary Genres / Fantasy

Fantasy Essay Examples

Fantasy: iconic conventions of this genre.

The origins of the fantasy genre can be traced back all the way to the days of Greek literacy, and Roman novels. They helped establish what we call fantasy today and shaped the genre for millenniums on end. Not only in early fantasy, but even...

Justice in Fantasy World

Fantasy World is a setting in which fictional characters also have to face so many challenges in their day to day lives. People say nothing is easy to get and for that one must do so much hard-work and has to face criticism among their...

The Concept of Zombies, and the Apocalyptic Scenario

The zombie apocalypse can be described as a widespread or universal disaster caused by the reincarnate humans in any work of literature. In other words, it is a specific scenario in the literature that fuse science fantasy, fiction, horror, or dystopian exhibiting the failure of...

We Are Currently Living in a Version of a Zombie Apocalypse

Have we ever wondered what an apocalypse is? According to various resources found on the internet, it is a single event that involves the destruction of everything in its wake at a gigantic level. If this definition is not satisfying enough, then maybe the terminology...

Review of the Book Elemental by Antony John

The book that I read this quarter is Elemental by Antony John. This book is about an unlikely hero rising up and saving his colony. His name is Thomas, he is 16 years old and he doesn’t have an element, or so he thinks. In...

Review of Becoming the Dragon by Alex Sapegin

Becoming the Dragon is the first instalment in the fantasy epic The Dragon Inside by Alex Sapegin. Becoming the Dragon follows the story of Andy, a teenage boy growing up in small town modern Russia. Andy’s life started to change when he was struck by...

The Influence of Rowling and Tolkien on Fantasy Genre

To classify under what genre a literary work fits means to state exactly the formal and thematic features of the work and to choose a relevant genre label. It seems to be easy. Probably, it is so because the definition supposes there is acertain set...

Literary Canons on the Genre of Fantasy Novel

Imagination is a unique form of human ability that could create ideas not currently in any physical sense. It is a writers’ essence in creating a fictional world. A world where ideas are created as a medium for fantasy novels to emerge from an imaginative...

Reality Vs Fantasy in James Joyce’s Araby

James Joyce was one of the most controversial writers of his time. He was often thought of as perverse through his writings, leading to one of his most well-known books “Ulysses” to be banned in some countries. While he may very well be a bit...

Review of the Crystilleries of Echoland by Dew Pellucid

Author Dew Pellucid weaves a teen fantasy with a murder mystery twist in The Crystilleries of Echoland. Will Cleary has not seen his twin sister Emmy in ten years. Both children were kidnapped at the age of two, but only Will was recovered by two...

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About Fantasy

Fantasy literature is literature set in an imaginary universe, often but not always without any locations, events, or people from the real world. Magic, the supernatural and magical creatures are common in many of these imaginary worlds. Fantasy literature may be directed at both children and adults.

Alice in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll. The Hobbit (1937) by J. R. R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings (1954–1955) by J. R. R. Tolkien.

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