The Problem of Gender-Based Violence Essay

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Global context of the problem, gender-based violence among adolescents, gender-based violence towards the lgbtq community, ways to mitigate the problem.

With the development of humanity, the problems of gender interaction in society have become less acute compared to the situation in past eras. Nevertheless, despite the success of the struggle for equality and established moral values​, the issue of gender-based violence continues to exist. Women, in this case, are a vulnerable side, although there are cases of violence against men.

According to the World Health Organization, the most common causes are domestic disagreements that account for 38% to 50% of women murdered by their intimate partners (5). The situation is aggravated by the fact that gender-based violence occurs not only among adults but also among young people, which creates additional difficulties and is a good reason to draw various stakeholders’ attention.

Despite widespread access to information and opportunities to receive help, victims of physical abuse often seek to cope with their challenges individually, and this does not contribute to solving the issue effectively. Gender-based violence is an urgent problem that affects people of different ages, countries, and sexual orientations and requires addressing through the creation of an adequate preventive environment and strengthening measures to persecute aggressive citizens successfully.

As people move towards democratic freedoms and human rights, along with the values ​​of equality and mutual respect, gender-based violence remains a problem in a global context. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, in some world regions, the existing patriarchal foundations do not contribute to creating a favorable environment for dealing with the issue in question.

Wood et al. examine the rural region of Tajikistan, the country in Central Asia, and note the distinctive perceptions of violence between men and women, particularly the empowerment of the male population (1). In such archaic conditions, women are not endowed with an opportunity to fight for their rights, and any manifestations of violence against them are permissible at the level of traditional perception and people’s cultural background.

Another factor proving the global context of the problem under consideration is the economic crisis in many world regions. As Dowd argues, gender-based violence develops where the authorities are more concerned about financial problems than social ones (42). Violence between intimate partners is a consequence of social and economic challenges that impede normal life and are a catalyst for aggression (World Health Organization 5). As a result, women often experience physical abuse while living in poverty because low social status is one of the concomitant factors of violence.

Today, a number of agencies work to strengthen the regulatory framework and publicize the problem at the international level. Simister cites the examples of UNECE, the World Health Organization, and some other organizations that aim to disseminate information about the inadmissibility of gender-based violence (190). As Gerlach notes, with the emergence of the United Nations, the first attempts to reduce pressure on women were undertaken globally and across different social spheres (86).

However, given the aforementioned challenges, particularly economic difficulties and patriarchal canons, the problem has not been resolved until now. Therefore, in an international context, conducting targeted work to help vulnerable populations and prevent physical abuse has weight as an activity to emphasize the importance of this issue and its urgency in modern society. Notably, the manifestation of violence among young people is an acute problem within the stated topic.

Gender-based violence in adolescence is a particularly dangerous phenomenon since the psyche of young people is not formed comprehensively, and physical abuse based on gender can be a stimulus for the development of severe disorders. According to Mathews and Gould, adolescents who have experienced gender-based violence are prone to intellectual disabilities and even chronic illnesses (61). However, despite these threatening prospects, this form of social conflict exists, and individual social constraints exacerbate it.

For instance, Chandra-Mouli et al. state that “the percentage of countries with gender gaps in school attendance increases from 37% for primary education to 54% and 77% for lower and upper secondary education, respectively” (239). Teenage girls become objects of health-harming acts, and the current social regulations cannot address this issue adequately due to the lack of proper control and sustainable policies to protect vulnerable adolescents.

The existing social norms of some groups can also be a negative driver of gender-based violence in relation to vulnerable adolescents. Sommer et al. remark that gender-based stigma may arise, and what is contrary to modern values ​​in a civilized society may be acceptable in individual communities (155). As an example, the authors cite the concept of victim-blaming, according to which a girl is initially guilty of committing violence against her due to her overly defiant behavior, appearance, and other controversial factors (Sommer et al. 155).

This practice does not fit into modern social norms, which, nevertheless, does not affect the episodic nature of cases of violence. Moreover, according to the World Health Organization, young boys can also be targets of violence from older girls, and precedents exist (21). As a result, stigmatization manifests itself against both genders, albeit unequally.

The need to ensure the protection of vulnerable adolescents from gender-based violence is felt acutely during military conflicts. Etienne gives dire cases of young females’ abuse by soldiers and notes that such incidents should be regarded as a war crime against humanity and punished to the fullest extent of the law (139).

However, even if victims of violence are assisted, they are at risk of developing dangerous mental disorders caused by acute shocks. Ensuring the safety of adolescents from gender-based abuse should be a mandatory practice in a modern democratic world, and this category of the population should be given no less attention than adults. Thus, discussing the ways to mitigate these issues from different perspectives is critical.

Issues related to gender-based violence arising from the topic of sexual orientation are the problems that concern both adults and young people. In particular, the LGBTQ community is vulnerable, and many of its members are forced to face stigma and bias from the sexual majority. Crooks et al. state that schoolchildren who identify themselves as belonging to the LGBTQ community are often harassed and pressured by peers (45). This, in turn, affects their morale negatively and is a favorable factor for the development of concomitant mental disorders. Therefore, countering such a form of bullying is an important aspect of creating a normal environment in which people with equal opportunities can defend their interests.

To provide vulnerable categories of the population with protection from gender-based violence, targeted work should be carried out from an early age. Crooks et al. propose to create special youth programs for primary and secondary school children, which include teaching social interaction skills (31). This practice can be useful as a tool to educate children and adolescents about the dangerous consequences of gender-based abuse, and building healthy behaviors is a valuable outcome of such work.

Maintaining an adequate preventive environment at the international level should be supported by responsible organizations and agencies dealing with social regulations. The World Health Organization offers a special algorithm that includes several stages of targeted work, in particular, joining the efforts of different committees, investing in maintaining a stable regulatory framework, and developing individual community practices (19).

The aforementioned problem of the perception of gender-based violence within outdated cultural values ​​can be addressed through the involvement of local representatives to implement corresponding security programs at the regional level. These initiatives may contribute to addressing the issue as effectively as possible while taking into account the characteristics of each population group.

With regard to gender-based violence in the LGBTQ community, special measures can be taken. In particular, Crooks et al. pay attention to the program of assistance to schoolchildren with non-traditional sexual orientation as one of the tools to address the problem (45). Such a program aims to give students an opportunity to share experiences and create a communication environment in which bullying gives way to positive interaction.

Addressing this form of gender-based violence at an early age is an important aspect of the formation of appropriate social values ​​and norms. As a result, in adulthood, the likelihood of facing open aggression can be minimized due to timely work with the population.

In addition, educating the adult population as a tool for strengthening preventive work is no less important aspect than corresponding regulatory decisions. According to Simister, education is an effective form of combating gender-based violence since, despite distinctive deviant features in different communities, the background of the problem is the same – abuse allowance by the gender factor (70).

The more often people hear about the inadmissibility of humiliating others’ honor and dignity, the higher are the chances of reducing the incidence of physical abuse against vulnerable groups. Moreover, through education, stakeholders can not only build but also assess the sustainability of specific measures taken to reduce risks (World Health Organization 21). Therefore, outreach work, complemented by appropriate regulatory constraints, is a valuable practice.

Addressing the issue of gender-based violence by introducing both relevant legal practices and educational projects at different levels is a crucial task due to the dangerous implications of this social problem. Particular attention should be paid to the topic of physical abuse by the gender factor among children and adolescents since their psyche is the most vulnerable, and a number of health problems can develop. The representatives of the LGBTQ community are also under the threat of social pressure and may need support and protection to defend their interests and social rights.

The reasons for gender-based violence can be distinctive, but the main prerequisites for the issue are economic constraints and impaired cultural norms promoted in individual communities. According to Etienne, local groups can educate the population successfully and build an adequate preventive environment (139). At the same time, international organizations’ activities are also valuable due to the popularization of the issue globally and an opportunity to attract public attention.

Chandra-Mouli, Venkatraman, et al. “Addressing Harmful and Unequal Gender Norms in Early Adolescence.” Nature Human Behaviour , vol. 2, no. 4, 2018, pp. 239-240.

Crooks, Claire V., et al. “Preventing Gender-Based Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Lessons from 25 Years of Program Development and Evaluation.” Violence Against Women , vol. 25, no. 1, 2019, pp. 29-55.

Dowd, Douglas. Inequality and the Global Economic Crisis: Douglas Dowd . Pluto Press, 2009.

Etienne, Margareth. “Addressing Gender-Based Violence in an International Context.” Harvard Women’s Law Journal , vol. 18, 1995, p. 139.

Gerlach, Christian. Extremely Violent Societies: Mass Violence in the Twentieth-Century World . Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Mathews, Shanaaz, and Chandré Gould. “Preventing Violence: From Evidence to Implementation.” ChildGauge , edited by Lucy Jamieson, Lizette Berry, and Lori Lake, University of Cape Town, 2017, pp. 61-67.

Simister, John. Gender Based Violence: Causes and Remedies . Nova Science Publishers, 2012.

Sommer, Marni, et al. “How Gender Norms Are Reinforced Through Violence Against Adolescent Girls in Two Conflict-Affected Populations.” Child Abuse & Neglect , vol. 79, 2018, pp. 154-163.

Wood, Elizabeth A., et al. “Exploring the Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Perceptions of Gender-Based Violence in Rural Tajikistan: A Qualitative Study.” BMC Women’s Health , vol. 21, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-15.

World Health Organization. RESPECT Women: Preventing Violence Against Women . World Health Organization, 2019.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 23). The Problem of Gender-Based Violence.

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Gender Based Violence Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Violence , Goals , Physical Abuse , Women , Gender , Development , Domestic Violence , Society

Words: 2250

Published: 03/01/2020


Impacts of Gender based violence on International Development

Gender based violence refers to the violence that is experienced in the course of cross gender interactions. However, history has been in such a position that, gender based violate refers to the violence that is normally passed on women. In the societal setting, it happens that there are instances that lead to the mistreatment of a certain group at the expense of another group. In a nutshell, gender based violence is an instance that cannot be labeled as one that affects a particular society; however, it is a phenomenon that cuts across all cultures. In essence, gender based violence cuts across all countries as well as classes. The old myth that gender based violence was only a practice of the poor and the lowly in the society has been overtaken by the events that keep on happening in the world. As a matter of fact, Gender based violence is an instance that has found positions in the society to an extent that it has ended up being a social issue (Naekery, 2013, pp. 4-34). In essence, as it will be seen in this discussion, Gender based violence affects the manner in which international development operates. In these regards, international development depends upon the provisions that, equality is emphasized between various kinds and groups of people. In these regards, most countries especially those that are located within the sub-Saharan Africa, have been known for having instances that touch on the position of women in light of the societal setting of these countries. At most instances, women have been subjected to circumstances that can better be described as inhuman and unfit for the existence of any one (Geraldine, 2010, pp. 23-56). As a matter of fact, such instances have made it impossible for these marginalized groups to effectively engage in commercial activities that are important for the development of international trade and commerce. In essence, not only women are the victims of this gender based baseless and violence. Men have also reported instances that surround on their exploitations by their fellow women. In most cases, the world has been characterized by instances that are oriented towards proliferating one group. What such societies fail to understand is that the society cannot be made up of different groups of people who hold similar positions when it comes to significance and relevance (Morna, 2009, pp. 34-37). The events that are oriented towards gender based violence are positioned in such a way that, they bring on board instances that reduce the ability of a certain society in concentrating in matters that are relevant to its developmental instances. Gender based violence in this case can best be described as domestic violence. In this regard, it is a common phenomenon that the victims of these events are often than not positioned at the front that makes it impossible for the victims of the occurrences. In the case where a woman is mistreated by his or her husband, it follows that, the same woman will be defrauded and prevented from engaging in instances that are either oriented on commerce or at some point are purposed to aid and abet the instances that are under the direct victimization of a person under the receiving end of the consequences of gender based violence. However, it should be regarded that these instances are not in abstract, they are based from stereotypical societies. Due to bias, it is obvious that women are taken as lesser beings that do not hold the same positions as the men. The effect of these instances that are directly oriented in domestic set ups of most nations is that, international development is oriented towards ensuring that, equality s maintained in almost all spheres of the world(Santos, 2013, pp. 90-134). It matters not the type or the position of gender, all that matters as far as it is in the eyes of international development, is the fact that we are all human beings. As a matter of fact, international l development cannot be achieved in the event people are not treated as equals in matters that matter most. In these cases, the events that matter most are those that touch on the direct lives of people. When taking a person who has been violated against as a result of societal positions on gender, it is obvious that such people do not have a positive mind to engage in the developmental projects, in the society. Domestic violence to the men means more than a mere act, it impacts heavily on how they view that the world. On the same note, gender based violence leads to a situation that leads to a society that is divided (Orbourne, 2010, pp. 45-50). In essence the division is facilitated by the fact that, the individuals who feel that the violence is directed to their sides unfairly will quit off from the other group which is mostly referred to as the oppressing group. How can we expense the international developmental aspects to develop? It is obvious that gender based violence hampers international development to a great extent. However, there is always a way to escape such instances that origin from the settings of the society, the instances that surround domestic violence can be abetted in the event measures are taken by the society in general so as to come to more realistic and holistic grounds that will provide for a society that shall lead to the development. In as far as this context is concerned; the development should be according to international standards. On the same note, international development is facilitated by factors that are oriented along, cooperation, social equality, inclusiveness and having a general goal that guides the activities that people engage in (Morrison, 2010, pp. 21-24). Wrangles in communities in as far as domestic violence is related, waste the time that people would be used to engage in more profitable activities such a trade. In essence, gender bade violence has been calling for a lot of revenues in problem solving instances. On the other hand, Gender based violate instances deviate the country in the strategies that it was making so as to develop and diversity its affairs. In these regards, it’s significant to denote that, a sober society in as far as inclusivity and development of social structures can greatly lead to the development of international positions and platforms (The Women Council, 2009, pp. 200-209). In a nutshell, it follows that, for international development to be adequately, realized, adequate measures are placed so as to abet the likely occurrence of Gender based violence. Gender based violence retrogresses nations and reduces the positions that can be achieved by such countries if the same conditions are kept constant In as far as he Millennium Development Goals are concerned, it follows that, millennium development goals are a significant hallmark towards the development of structures that are purposed towards the development of the society in as far as the social, economic and political set up. In these regards, Millennium Development Goals have pillars that support their functionality and manifestation in the society. As a matter of fact, millennium development goals that are purposed to extent to the year 2015 are purposed towards ensuring that, the society is well developed along spheres that center on the development. In these regards, it is significant to note that, the development takes the shape of social, economic and political areas(Nnowna, 2013, pp. 1-30). In as far as the social parameter, it follows that, the Millennium Development Goals are purposed to ensure that, the society well developed in the context of the provision of services such as hospitals and schools. With special consideration of these facilities, it follows that, the millennium development goals are oriented in such a way that calls for cooperation and inclusivity in all the areas that pertain these instances. As a matter of fact, it is unlawful for a certain group of persons to have access to schools at the expense of the other group. In essence, the groups form part and parcel of what is used by the millennium development goals in ensuring that, within a period of three or five years, our society will be diversified ad changed for the betterment of the future lives of our children. As a matter of fact, Millennium Development Goals are significant to ensure that, the economic position of our country is in order. In these regard, the Millennium Development Goals are positioned in such a manner that calls for ultimate cooperation from all sectors that forms part parcel of the developmental facets of any country. In fact, groups have been called for by the objects and the guidelines of this Millennium Development Goals that are oriented towards ensuring that we have a sane environment that is well oriented along parameters that are under the direct appreciated of all classes and Gender as equal(United Millenium Project, 2009, pp. 56-59). On the other hand, on the political arm that is supported by Millennium Development Goals, it follows that, millennium development goals are purposed to lead to a political situation that aims at ensuring that the society is founded along parameters that call for equality. As a matter of fact, in the provisions that guide the Millennium Development Goals, it is believed that, by the end of the period that ismarked by the entailment of the Millennium Development Goals, the country and the whole world should be well aware that all human beings are equal and do have a right to fight any injustices that are orchestrated at their expense. On the face of it, Millennium Development Goals are purposed to solve the existing instances such as Gender Based Violence. The MillenniumDevelopment Goals are not just mere puffs. However, they are positioned in such a way that, they are guided by the rule of law. In as far as leadership is oriented; Millennium Development Goals are directly proportional to sanity in the society. However, the issue of domestic violence cannot be taken as an issue that has gone beyond the tenability and the discretion of human beings, the following instances can be employed so as to abet and reduce on the impacts of domestic violence and the larger consideration, its end. It is researched by sociologists that Gender based violence is oriented along instances that guided by stereotypes and feelings of supremacy among different groups of people. In essence, the societies that we live are the biggest contributors to the attitudes and feelings that we hold towards other people. In these instances, the people under study are individuals that are either disadvantaged or fall victims of gender based violence. So as to reduce the Gender based violence, the society can be integrated in such a way that, both men and women interact in a way that that brings on board instances that support the idea that, both men and women are equal beings. As a result of discriminations, Violence manifests itself. As a matter of fact, if people’s minds and congenital positions in General are well catered for and given education that is relevant in this effect, it follows that the effects of Gender based Violence can be sorted. Similarly, Gender based violence can be solved if people are taught other methods of resolving conflicts. Violence is not the best decision that people can take at this time and age (Lombrone, 2009, pp. 34-58). Had it been in the medieval times when people knew not their rights, domestic violence and Gender based violence would be given a scope to that effect. However, today, the rule of law and laws that are along the provisions of the equity should adequately be utilized so as to lead to a sober society. On the same note, if strict laws are incorporated into the system that centers on ensuring that laws are abided to and those that breach the laws are punished, on the sane note, Gender based violence will be a gone case.


Geraldine , T. (2010). Gender-based Violence. New York: Oxfam Publishers. Lombrone, J. (2009). Global Crises, Global Solutions: Costs and Benefits. Kiel: Cambridge University Press. Morna, C. (2009). The Gender Based Violence Indicators Study: Botswana. Washington: African Books Collective Publishers. Morrison, A. (2010). Addressing Gender-based Violence in the Latin American and Caribbean Region: A Critical Review of Interventions. Washington: World Bank Publications. Naekery, K. (2013). Gender-based Violence and Public Health: International perspectives on budgets and policies. Chicago: Routledge. Nnowna, F. (2013). Millennium Development Goals: Achievements and Prospects of Meeting the Targets in Africa. Pretoria: African Books Collective Publishers. Orbourne, K. (2010). Gender Based Violence: Genocide in Rwanda. Kigali: GRIN Verlag. Santos, M. (2013). Consensus: combating gender based violence through Islam, tradition, and law. New York: Kachere Series. The Women Council. (2009). Gender-based violence: a resource document for services and organisations working with and for minority ethnic women. New York: The Women's Health Council Publishers. United Millenium Project. (2009). The Millennium Development Goals: A Latin American and Caribbean Perspective. Chicago: United Nations Publications.


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