renewable energy persuasive essay

This Is the Future: Essay on Renewable Energy

renewable energy persuasive essay

Today the world population depends on nonrenewable energy resources. With the constantly growing demand for energy, natural gas, coal, and oil get used up and cannot replenish themselves. 

Aside from limited supply, heavy reliance on fossil fuels causes planetary-scale damage. Sea levels are rising. Heat-trapping carbon dioxide increased the warming effect by 45% from 1990 to 2019. The only way to tackle the crisis is to start the transition to renewable energy now. 

What is renewable energy? It is energy that comes from replenishable natural resources like sunlight, wind, thermal energy, moving water, and organic materials. Renewable resources do not run out. They are cost-efficient and renew faster than they are consumed. How does renewable energy save money? It creates new jobs, supports economic growth, and decreases inequitable fossil fuel subsidies. 

At the current rates of production, some fossil fuels will not even last another century. This is why the future depends on reliable and eco-friendly resources. This renewable energy essay examines the types and benefits of renewable energy and its role in creating a sustainable future.

Top 5 Types of Renewable Energy: The Apollo Alliance Rankings

There are many natural resources that can provide people with clean energy. To make a list of the five most booming types of renewable energy on the market today, this energy essay uses data gathered by the Apollo Alliance. It is a project that aims to revolutionize the energy sector of the US with a focus on clean energy. 

The Apollo Alliance unites businesses, community leaders, and environmental experts to support the transition to more sustainable and efficient living. Their expert opinion helped to compile information about the most common and cost-competitive sources of renewable energy. However, if you want to get some more in-depth research, you can entrust it to an essay writer . Here’s a quick overview of renewable energy resources that have a huge potential to substitute fossil fuels. 

Solar Renewable Energy

The most abundant and practically endless resource is solar energy. It can be turned into electricity by photovoltaic systems that convert radiant energy captured from sunlight. Solar farms could generate enough energy for thousands of homes.

An endless supply is the main benefit of solar energy. The rate at which the Earth receives it is 10,000 times greater than people can consume it, as a paper writer points out based on their analysis of research findings. It can substitute fossil fuels and deliver people electricity, hot water, cooling, heat, etc. 

The upfront investment in solar systems is rather expensive. This is one of the primary limitations that prevent businesses and households from switching to this energy source at once. However, the conclusion of solar energy is still favorable. In the long run, it can significantly decrease energy costs. Besides, solar panels are gradually becoming more affordable to manufacture and adopt, even at an individual level. 

Wind Renewable Energy

Another clean energy source is wind. Wind farms use the kinetic energy of wind flow to convert it into electricity. The Appolo Alliance notes that, unlike solar farms, they can’t be placed in any location. To stay cost-competitive, wind farms should operate in windy areas. Although not all countries have the right conditions to use them on a large scale, wind farms might be introduced for some energy diversity. The technical potential for it is still tremendous. 

Wind energy is clean and safe for the environment. It does not pollute the atmosphere with any harmful products compared to nonrenewable energy resources. 

The investment in wind energy is also economically wise. If you examine the cost of this energy resource in an essay on renewable resources, you’ll see that wind farms can deliver electricity at a price lower than nonrenewable resources. Besides, since wind isn’t limited, its cost won’t be influenced by the imbalance of supply and demand.

Geothermal Renewable Energy

Natural renewable resources are all around us, even beneath the ground. Geothermal energy can be produced from the thermal energy from the Earth’s interior. Sometimes heat reaches the surface naturally, for example, in the form of geysers. But it can also be used by geothermal power plants. The Earth’s heat gets captured and converted to steam that turns a turbine. As a result, we get geothermal energy.

This source provides a significant energy supply while having low emissions and no significant footprint on land. A factsheet and essay on renewable resources state that geothermal plants will increase electricity production from 17 billion kWh in 2020 to 49.8 billion kWh in 2050.

However, this method is not without limitations. While writing a renewable resources essay, consider that geothermal energy can be accessed only in certain regions. Geological hotspots are off-limits as they are vulnerable to earthquakes. Yet, the quantity of geothermal resources is likely to grow as technology advances. 

Ocean Renewable Energy

The kinetic and thermal energy of the ocean is a robust resource. Ocean power systems rely on:

  • Changes in sea level;
  • Wave energy;
  • Water surface temperatures;
  • The energy released from seawater and freshwater mixing.

Ocean energy is more predictable compared to other resources. As estimated by EPRI, it has the potential to produce 2640 TWh/yr. However, an important point to consider in a renewable energy essay is that the kinetic energy of the ocean varies. Yet, since it is ruled by the moon’s gravity, the resource is plentiful and continues to be attractive for the energy industry. 

Wave energy systems are still developing. The Apollo energy corporation explores many prototypes. It is looking for the most reliable and robust solution that can function in the harsh ocean environment. 

Another limitation of ocean renewable energy is that it may cause disruptions to marine life. Although its emissions are minimal, the system requires large equipment to be installed in the ocean. 

Biomass Renewable Energy

Organic materials like wood and charcoal have been used for heating and lighting for centuries. There are a lot more types of biomass: from trees, cereal straws, and grass to processed waste. All of them can produce bioenergy. 

Biomass can be converted into energy through burning or using methane produced during the natural process of decomposition. In an essay on renewable sources of energy, the opponents of the method point out that biomass energy is associated with carbon dioxide emissions. Yet, the amount of released greenhouse gases is much lower compared to nonrenewable energy use. 

While biomass is a reliable source of energy, it is only suitable for limited applications. If used too extensively, it might lead to disruptions in biodiversity, a negative impact on land use, and deforestation. Still, Apollo energy includes biomass resources that become waste and decompose quickly anyway. These are organic materials like sawdust, chips from sawmills, stems, nut shells, etc. 

What Is the Apollo Alliance?

The Apollo Alliance is a coalition of business leaders, environmental organizations, labor unions, and foundations. They all unite their efforts in a single project to harness clean energy in new, innovative ways. 

Why Apollo? Similarly to President John F. Kennedy’s Apollo Project, Apollo energy is a strong visionary initiative. It is a dare, a challenge. The alliance calls for the integrity of science, research, technology, and the public to revolutionize the energy industry.

The project has a profound message. Apollo energy solutions are not only about the environment or energy. They are about building a new economy. The alliance gives hope to building a secure future for Americans. 

What is the mission of the Apollo Alliance? 

  • Achieve energy independence with efficient and limitless resources of renewable energy.
  • Pioneer innovation in the energy sector.
  • Build education campaigns and communication to inspire new perceptions of energy. 
  • Create new jobs.
  • Reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. 
  • Build healthier and happier communities. 

The transformation of the industry will lead to planet-scale changes. The Apollo energy corporation can respond to the global environmental crisis and prevent climate change. 

Apollo renewable energy also has the potential to become a catalyst for social change. With more affordable energy and new jobs in the industry, people can bridge the inequality divide and build stronger communities. 

Why Renewable Energy Is Important for the Future

Renewable energy resources have an enormous potential to cover people’s energy needs on a global scale. Unlike fossil fuels, they are available in abundance and generate minimal to no emissions. 

The burning of fossil fuels caused a lot of environmental problems—from carbon dioxide emissions to ocean acidification. Research this issue in more detail with academic assistance from essay writer online . You can use it to write an essay on renewable sources of energy to explain the importance of change and its global impact. 

Despite all the damage people caused to the planet, there’s still hope to mitigate further repercussions. Every renewable energy essay adds to the existing body of knowledge we have today and advances research in the field. Here are the key advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy resources people should keep in mind. 

Advantage of Green Energy

The use of renewable energy resources has a number of benefits for the climate, human well-being, and economy:

  • Renewable energy resources have little to no greenhouse gas emissions. Even if we take into account the manufacturing and recycling of the technologies involved, their impact on the environment is significantly lower compared to fossil fuels. 
  • Renewable energy promotes self-sufficiency and reduces a country’s dependence on foreign fuel. According to a study, a 1% increase in the use of renewable energy increases economic growth by 0.21%. This gives socio-economic stability.
  • Due to a lack of supply of fossil fuels and quick depletion of natural resources, prices for nonrenewable energy keep increasing. In contrast, green energy is limitless and can be produced locally. In the long run, this allows decreasing the cost of energy. 
  • Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy doesn’t emit air pollutants. This positively influences health and quality of life. 
  • The emergence of green energy plants creates new jobs. Thus, Apollo energy solutions support the growth of local communities. By 2030, the transition to renewable energy is expected to generate 10.3 million new jobs. 
  • Renewable energy allows decentralization of the industry. Communities get their independent sources of energy that are more flexible in terms of distribution. 
  • Renewable energy supports equality. It has the potential to make energy more affordable to low-income countries and expand access to energy even in remote and less fortunate neighborhoods. 

Disadvantages of Non-Conventional Energy Sources

No technology is perfect. Renewable energy resources have certain drawbacks too: 

  • The production of renewable energy depends on weather conditions. For example, wind farms could be effective only in certain locations where the weather conditions allow it. The weather also makes it so that renewable energy cannot be generated around the clock. 
  • The initial cost of renewable energy technology is expensive. Both manufacturing and installation require significant investment. This is another disadvantage of renewable resources. It makes them unaffordable to a lot of businesses and unavailable for widespread individual use. In addition, the return on investment might not be immediate.
  • Renewable energy technology takes up a lot of space. It may affect life in the communities where these clean energy farms are installed. They may also cause disruptions to wildlife in the areas. 
  • One more limitation a renewable resources essay should consider is the current state of technology. While the potential of renewable energy resources is tremendous, the technology is still in its development phase. Therefore, renewable energy might not substitute fossil fuels overnight. There’s a need for more research, investment, and time to transition to renewable energy completely. Yet, some diversity of energy resources should be introduced as soon as possible. 
  • Renewable energy resources have limited emissions, but they are not entirely pollution-free. The manufacturing process of equipment is associated with greenhouse gas emissions while, for example, the lifespan of a wind turbine is only 20 years. 

For high school seniors eyeing a future rich with innovative endeavors in renewable energy or other fields, it's crucial to seek financial support early on. Explore the top 10 scholarships for high school seniors to find the right fit that can propel you into a future where you can contribute to the renewable energy movement and beyond. Through such financial support, the road to making meaningful contributions to a sustainable future becomes a tangible reality.

Renewable energy unlocks the potential for humanity to have clean energy that is available in abundance. It leads us to economic growth, independence, and stability. With green energy, we can also reduce the impact of human activity on the environment and stop climate change before it’s too late. 

So what’s the conclusion of renewable energy? Transitioning to renewable energy resources might be challenging and expensive. However, most experts agree that the advantages of green energy outweigh any drawbacks. Besides, since technology is continuously evolving, we’ll be able to overcome most limitations in no time.

renewable energy persuasive essay

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Renewable Energy Essay Examples

Renewable Energy - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

The earth is slowly, but surely running low on its non-renewable energy. Resources like coal, oil, and natural gas are the most consumed each year (Gardner). Reasons for such marginal increases can range from using oil in gasoline to power cars, to providing heat through coal in fireplaces and stovetops in a kitchen. Pretty soon these forms of energy will become scarce and hard to produce, creating massive economic mood swings due to higher prices and lower quantity of needed resources (Introduction to Biofuels). It seems there has been no clear-cut solution to this problem. That is until recent advances in recyclable energy in the form of Biofuel, along with the infinite efficiency of Solar power.

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Introduction to Biofuels

Biofuels are a sustainable fuel source produced from dead plants called biomass, also called agrofuel (Introduction to Biofuels). Biofuels have been produced using all kinds of biomass sources since the dawn of time, for example corn, wheat, and recent evidence shows carcasses being used as fertilizer thousands of years ago. It has even been proposed that biofuel can be created from any carbon source (Gardner). The difficulty is to change over the biomass safely, neatly, and efficiently into the fluid fuel that powers the cars, planes, trains, and other forms of transportation that humans use every day. In previous decades, the wave of support for biofuels has become increasingly dramatic.

One of the most popular reasons is that biofuels are a much cleaner type of resource than non-renewable energy sources and in this way leaves a smaller carbon footprint too (Introduction to Biofuels). Whether it is corn, seeds, or some forms of grass, massive strands of these fuels can be developed and handled in the US. Making this technology crucial to American independence of western oil and natural gas. Biofuel creation from biowaste can otherwise address the issues with trash and human waste too. Effectively reducing the size of landfills and overall pollution.

Sun-powered Clean Energy

Another form of energy can be derived from the sun called solar power. A bigger portion of the world’s useable energy will be dealt with by sunlight-based engineering that take in the warmth and light produced from the sun (Hamer). Sun-powered clean energy can be utilized without being present to produce specific and efficient energy waves that pay for themselves over time. Americans should build their dependence on this earth inviting natural source. The estimate for sun powered energy in the twenty-first century is “bright”. Sun power will push the pattern of sheltered, moderate, and dependable energy. In such a plan, access to the sun through building rooftops and windows will be a key segment. Particularly in the Southwest or city regions, concentrating sunlight will give a critical level of potential energy (Hamer). Not to mention the value solar power may have in other parts of the world like the scorching sands of India or the long periods of sunlight in Alaskan summers.

Some researchers say that these forms of energy have too high of a startup cost (Utility-Scale Solar Power Is Uneconomical and Unreliable). While yes, both Bioenergy and solar power may not be cheap at the start, they do pay for themselves the longer they are in use. For example, the average solar panel costs approximately $20,000 for a 1,500 sqft home (Hamer). Yes! This is a large chunk of money on start up, but typically the average American power bill can cost up to $300 a month. While the average solar bill is between $100-$200 a month, nearly less than half the monthly bill is. Which means within about 20 years or less, customers will be earning free energy (Hamer). The best part, after you pay the Solar Panels off you potentially will never have to pay an electric bill ever again. While with biofuels, the initial costs may be higher due to an unequal distribution of energy. Overtime the more people that decide to buy and or switch to bioenergy powered products, the more refined and efficient it will be causing both production and product value costs to recede (Introduction to Biofuels: At Issue). The same way that as more automobiles gained popularity, the less the product cost to produce.

So, What Now?

Now that the information is public, how can it be used in day to day society? The most common of the two alternative energy sources is solar power (Hamer). This form of power is used and seen every day whether it’s to spin the little solar powered merry go round on the window sill, or the solar farms used to power nearly half a million homes worldwide. Both of which provide some sort of value either monetary or economically. In the case of biofuels, research may play a factor in how quickly people begin to see its potential to be implicated into their life (Introduction to Biofuels: At Issue). There is an obvious risk in trying to make both human and plant waste useful. But many scientists believe that the only way to get rid of our waste issue is by learning how to properly recycle it into our lives.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024.


IvyPanda . "113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024.

Renewable Energy Explained

Solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal power can provide energy without the planet-warming effects of fossil fuels.

Chemistry, Conservation, Earth Science, Engineering

Braes of Doune Wind Farm

As of 2017, wind turbines, like the Braes of Doune wind farm near Stirling, Scotland, are now producing 539,000 megawatts of power around the world—22 times more than 16 years before. Unfortunately, this renewable, clean energy generator isn't perfect.

Photograph by Jim Richardson

As of 2017, wind turbines, like the Braes of Doune wind farm near Stirling, Scotland, are now producing 539,000 megawatts of power around the world—22 times more than 16 years before. Unfortunately, this renewable, clean energy generator isn't perfect.

In any discussion about climate change , renewable energy usually tops the list of changes the world can implement to stave off the worst effects of rising temperatures. That's because renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, don't emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Clean energy has far more to recommend it than just being "green." The growing sector creates jobs, makes electric grids more resilient, expands energy access in developing countries, and helps lower energy bills. All of those factors have contributed to a renewable energy renaissance in recent years, with wind and solar setting new records for electricity generation. For the past 150 years or so, humans have relied heavily on coal, oil, and other fossil fuels to power everything from light bulbs to cars to factories. Fossil fuels are embedded in nearly everything we do, and as a result, the greenhouse gases released from the burning of those fuels have reached historically high levels. As greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere that would otherwise escape into space, average temperatures on the surface are rising. Global warming is one symptom of climate change, the term scientists now prefer to describe the complex shifts affecting our planet’s weather and climate systems. Climate change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts. Of course, renewables—like any source of energy—have their own trade-offs and associated debates. One of them centers on the definition of renewable energy. Strictly speaking, renewable energy is just what you might think: perpetually available, or as the United States Energy Information Administration puts it, "virtually inexhaustible." But "renewable" doesn't necessarily mean sustainable, as opponents of corn-based ethanol or large hydropower dams often argue. It also doesn't encompass other low- or zero-emissions resources that have their own advocates, including energy efficiency and nuclear power. Types of Renewable Energy Sources Hydropower: For centuries, people have harnessed the energy of river currents, using dams to control water flow. Hydropower is the world's biggest source of renewable energy by far, with China, Brazil, Canada, the U.S., and Russia being the leading hydropower producers. While hydropower is theoretically a clean energy source replenished by rain and snow, it also has several drawbacks. Large dams can disrupt river ecosystems and surrounding communities, harming wildlife, and displacing residents. Hydropower generation is vulnerable to silt buildup, which can compromise capacity and harm equipment. Drought can also cause problems. In the western U.S., carbon dioxide emissions over a 15-year period were 100 megatons higher than they would have been with normal precipitation levels, according to a 2018 study, as utilities turned to coal and gas to replace hydropower lost to drought. Even hydropower at full capacity bears its own emissions problems, as decaying organic material in reservoirs releases methane. Dams aren't the only way to use water for power: Tidal and wave energy projects around the world aim to capture the ocean's natural rhythms. Marine energy projects currently generate an estimated 500 megawatts of power—less than one percent of all renewables—but the potential is far greater. Programs like Scotland’s Saltire Prize have encouraged innovation in this area. Wind: Harnessing the wind as a source of energy started more than 7,000 years ago. Now, electricity-generating wind turbines are proliferating around the globe, and China, the U.S., and Germany are the world's leading wind-energy producers. From 2001 to 2017, cumulative wind capacity around the world increased to more than 539,000 megawatts from 23,900 megawatts—more than 22 fold. Some people may object to how wind turbines look on the horizon and to how they sound, but wind energy, whose prices are declining, is proving too valuable a resource to deny. While most wind power comes from onshore turbines, offshore projects are appearing too, with the most in the United Kingdom and Germany. The first U.S. offshore wind farm opened in 2016 in Rhode Island, and other offshore projects are gaining momentum. Another problem with wind turbines is that they’re a danger for birds and bats, killing hundreds of thousands annually, not as many as from glass collisions and other threats like habitat loss and invasive species, but enough that engineers are working on solutions to make them safer for flying wildlife. Solar: From home rooftops to utility-scale farms, solar power is reshaping energy markets around the world. In the decade from 2007 and 2017 the world's total installed energy capacity from photovoltaic panels increased a whopping 4,300 percent. In addition to solar panels, which convert the sun's light to electricity, concentrating solar power (CSP) plants use mirrors to concentrate the sun's heat, deriving thermal energy instead. China, Japan, and the U.S. are leading the solar transformation, but solar still has a long way to go, accounting for around just two percent of the total electricity generated in the U.S. in 2017. Solar thermal energy is also being used worldwide for hot water, heating, and cooling. Biomass: Biomass energy includes biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, wood, wood waste, biogas from landfills, and municipal solid waste. Like solar power, biomass is a flexible energy source, able to fuel vehicles, heat buildings, and produce electricity. But biomass can raise thorny issues. Critics of corn-based ethanol, for example, say it competes with the food market for corn and supports the same harmful agricultural practices that have led to toxic algae blooms and other environmental hazards. Similarly, debates have erupted over whether it's a good idea to ship wood pellets from U.S. forests over to Europe so that it can be burned for electricity. Meanwhile, scientists and companies are working on ways to more efficiently convert corn stover, wastewater sludge, and other biomass sources into energy, aiming to extract value from material that would otherwise go to waste. Geothermal: Used for thousands of years in some countries for cooking and heating, geothermal energy is derived from Earth’s internal heat. On a large scale, underground reservoirs of steam and hot water can be tapped through wells that can go a two kilometers deep or more to generate electricity. On a smaller scale, some buildings have geothermal heat pumps that use temperature differences several meters below ground for heating and cooling. Unlike solar and wind energy, geothermal energy is always available, but it has side effects that need to be managed, such as the rotten-egg smell that can accompany released hydrogen sulfide. Ways To Boost Renewable Energy Cities, states, and federal governments around the world are instituting policies aimed at increasing renewable energy. At least 29 U.S. states have set renewable portfolio standards—policies that mandate a certain percentage of energy from renewable sources. More than 100 cities worldwide now boast receiving at least 70 percent of their energy from renewable sources, and still others are making commitments to reach 100 percent. Other policies that could encourage renewable energy growth include carbon pricing, fuel economy standards, and building efficiency standards. Corporations are making a difference too, purchasing record amounts of renewable power in 2018. Wonder whether your state could ever be powered by 100 percent renewables? No matter where you live, scientist Mark Jacobson believes it's possible. That vision is laid out here , and while his analysis is not without critics , it punctuates a reality with which the world must now reckon. Even without climate change, fossil fuels are a finite resource, and if we want our lease on the planet to be renewed, our energy will have to be renewable.

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renewable energy persuasive essay

Renewable energy – powering a safer future

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge – and key to the solution.

A large chunk of the greenhouse gases that blanket the Earth and trap the sun’s heat are generated through energy production, by burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and heat.

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, are by far the largest contributor to global climate change , accounting for over 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions.

The science is clear: to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, emissions need to be reduced by almost half by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050.

To achieve this, we need to end our reliance on fossil fuels and invest in alternative sources of energy that are clean, accessible, affordable, sustainable, and reliable.

Renewable energy sources – which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth – are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air.

Fossil fuels still account for more than 80 percent of global energy production , but cleaner sources of energy are gaining ground. About 29 percent of electricity currently comes from renewable sources.

Here are five reasons why accelerating the transition to clean energy is the pathway to a healthy, livable planet today and for generations to come.

1. Renewable energy sources are all around us

About 80 percent of the global population lives in countries that are net-importers of fossil fuels -- that’s about 6 billion people who are dependent on fossil fuels from other countries, which makes them vulnerable to geopolitical shocks and crises.

In contrast, renewable energy sources are available in all countries, and their potential is yet to be fully harnessed. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates that 90 percent of the world’s electricity can and should come from renewable energy by 2050.

Renewables offer a way out of import dependency, allowing countries to diversify their economies and protect them from the unpredictable price swings of fossil fuels, while driving inclusive economic growth, new jobs, and poverty alleviation.

2. Renewable energy is cheaper

Renewable energy actually is the cheapest power option in most parts of the world today. Prices for renewable energy technologies are dropping rapidly. The cost of electricity from solar power fell by 85 percent between 2010 and 2020. Costs of onshore and offshore wind energy fell by 56 percent and 48 percent respectively.

Falling prices make renewable energy more attractive all around – including to low- and middle-income countries, where most of the additional demand for new electricity will come from. With falling costs, there is a real opportunity for much of the new power supply over the coming years to be provided by low-carbon sources.

Cheap electricity from renewable sources could provide 65 percent of the world’s total electricity supply by 2030. It could decarbonize 90 percent of the power sector by 2050, massively cutting carbon emissions and helping to mitigate climate change.

Although solar and wind power costs are expected to remain higher in 2022 and 2023 then pre-pandemic levels due to general elevated commodity and freight prices, their competitiveness actually improves due to much sharper increases in gas and coal prices, says the International Energy Agency (IEA).

3. Renewable energy is healthier

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 99 percent of people in the world breathe air that exceeds air quality limits and threatens their health, and more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes, including air pollution.

The unhealthy levels of fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide originate mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. In 2018, air pollution from fossil fuels caused $2.9 trillion in health and economic costs , about $8 billion a day.

Switching to clean sources of energy, such as wind and solar, thus helps address not only climate change but also air pollution and health.

4. Renewable energy creates jobs

Every dollar of investment in renewables creates three times more jobs than in the fossil fuel industry. The IEA estimates that the transition towards net-zero emissions will lead to an overall increase in energy sector jobs : while about 5 million jobs in fossil fuel production could be lost by 2030, an estimated 14 million new jobs would be created in clean energy, resulting in a net gain of 9 million jobs.

In addition, energy-related industries would require a further 16 million workers, for instance to take on new roles in manufacturing of electric vehicles and hyper-efficient appliances or in innovative technologies such as hydrogen. This means that a total of more than 30 million jobs could be created in clean energy, efficiency, and low-emissions technologies by 2030.

Ensuring a just transition , placing the needs and rights of people at the heart of the energy transition, will be paramount to make sure no one is left behind.

5. Renewable energy makes economic sense

About $7 trillion was spent on subsidizing the fossil fuel industry in 2022, including through explicit subsidies, tax breaks, and health and environmental damages that were not priced into the cost of fossil fuels.

In comparison, about $4.5 trillion a year needs to be invested in renewable energy until 2030 – including investments in technology and infrastructure – to allow us to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

The upfront cost can be daunting for many countries with limited resources, and many will need financial and technical support to make the transition. But investments in renewable energy will pay off. The reduction of pollution and climate impacts alone could save the world up to $4.2 trillion per year by 2030.

Moreover, efficient, reliable renewable technologies can create a system less prone to market shocks and improve resilience and energy security by diversifying power supply options.

Learn more about how many communities and countries are realizing the economic, societal, and environmental benefits of renewable energy.

Will developing countries benefit from the renewables boom? Learn more here .

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It’s time to stop burning our planet, and start investing in the abundant renewable energy all around us." ANTÓNIO GUTERRES , United Nations Secretary-General

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Home / Messages about harms of fossil fuels increase support for renewables, with or without a moral emphasis

Climate Note · Jul 20, 2023

Messages about harms of fossil fuels increase support for renewables, with or without a moral emphasis, by abel gustafson , matthew goldberg , sanguk lee , miriam remshard , andrew luttrell , seth rosenthal and anthony leiserowitz, filed under: messaging.

Messages about harms of fossil fuels increase support for renewables, with or without a moral emphasis

We are pleased to share the findings of a new study , conducted in collaboration with the Center for Public Engagement with Science at the University of Cincinnati. This study examines the persuasive effects of moral appeals on public support for the transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.

The global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) will be greatly affected by social factors such as public opinion, consumer demand, and political support. Political polarization over renewable energy has increased in the U.S. over the past five years . This divisive political climate underscores the importance of finding ways to communicate about renewable energy across different segments of the public. 

One approach is appealing to people’s moral foundations. Some research has argued that morality is a primary source of people’s opinions on a wide variety of issues. Prior studies have found that moral appeals can be persuasive for diverse people – particularly when they highlight moral principles held by the audience. For example, a message might be more persuasive if it argues that we should transition to renewable energy because fossil fuels are unethical due to pollution harming innocent people (violating a common moral principle) and to fewer people if it argues that we should make this transition because of climate change. Similarly, a message could argue that fossil fuels are unethical because the pollution contaminates the cleanliness of the natural environment – activating another key “moral foundation” of purity.

Here, we report findings from a recent experiment testing whether persuasive effects are enhanced by explicitly emphasizing the moral and ethical aspects of different energy sources. Although all information about the harms of fossil fuels and benefits of renewable energy could be interpreted as having some degree of moral implications, it is important for communicators to know if it is beneficial to explicitly make a strong moral claim as a reason to transition away from fossil fuels. Therefore, our study tested the effect of explicitly calling out those ethical implications, compared to only describing the negative impacts of fossil fuel use without an explicit statement about morals and ethics.

Overall, we found that explicitly emphasizing the moral aspects of the issue did not provide a boost in either persuasiveness or message durability. Put simply, we found that the messages describing the negative effects of fossil fuels and advantages of clean energy already had strong and durable effects and nothing was gained by adding an explicit claim about ethics. While this is only one study, the findings suggest that direct statements about the morality or immorality of different energy sources do not necessarily enhance the persuasiveness of messages. 

In our study, research participants were randomly assigned to watch one of five animated videos. Two non-moralized videos explained how fossil fuels can harm human health and the environment, respectively. Two “moralized” videos contained the same information but also included additional arguments about why this means using fossil fuels is inherently immoral , because doing so harms innocent people or contaminates the purity of nature , respectively. The image below provides an example. The fifth video, which provided information about an unrelated topic, provided the control (baseline) condition.

Displays a sample message used in the study, stating: “This is simply wrong. It is unethical to hurt innocent people with the pollution caused by burning fossil fuels. Innocent people do not deserve to be harmed like this.”

We found that all four messages were effective at changing beliefs about renewable energy and support for an energy transition. However, adding the specific moral claims (“this is unethical”) did not increase the persuasiveness of the message. Instead, all messages were similarly effective.

Persuasive Effects Over Time

In addition to investigating the immediate persuasive effects of the video messages, we also tested how long the persuasive effects lasted . Most studies on persuasion only measure immediate effects – that is, how attitudes and opinions are affected right after persuasive messages are presented. But it is critical to also understand how durable these changes are. Persuasion that quickly fades away might not be practically useful, especially when the desired outcomes are longer-term, such as changing daily habits or voting in a future election.

Accordingly, we measured participants’ opinions at three different times: immediately after seeing the message, about 10 days later, and then finally after another 10 days. This allows us to measure how much the initial changes in opinions persisted (or decayed) over time. Our findings (visualized in the figure below) showed that all four messages – whether moralized or not – had durable persuasive effects on people’s support for a transition to renewable energy. Across the four different messages, between 32% and 48% of the original treatment effect was still present after three weeks. However, we found no evidence of an added boost in durability from the explicit moralization of the message. Instead, there was similarly strong durability across all versions of the message.

Displays standardized treatment effects for all four treatment conditions across three time points each. The Harm condition had an effect of 0.21 at Time 1, 0.09 at Time 2, and 0.06 at Time 3. The Harm + Moral condition had an effect of 0.19 at Time 1, 0.06 at Time 2, and 0.06 at Time 3. The Purity condition had an effect of 0.19 at Time 1, 0.09 at Time 2, and 0.09 at Time 3. The Purity + Moral condition had an effect of 0.20 at Time 1, 0.11 at Time 2, and 0.10 at Time 3.

Gustafson, A., Goldberg, M., Lee, S., Remshard, M., Luttrell, A., Rosenthal, S., & Leiserowitz, A. (2023). Messages about harms of fossil fuels increase support for renewables, with or without a moral emphasis . New Haven, CT: Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and University of Cincinnati Center for Public Engagement with Science.

Funding Sources

This project was supported by the U.S. Energy Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and the University of Cincinnati’s Center for Public Engagement with Science.

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    Climate change is costing the world trillions of dollars by trying to stop it. Using renewable energy would save the U.S. over $700 billion a year in the 2040s. Around 1 million additional jobs would also be created due to this transition. (Alexander, 2018).

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    Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. Decent Essays. 1188 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. The time has come, we're running out of fossil fuels and we need an alternative. That is where renewable energy comes in; The best part about it is that it is renewable so it will always be available to us, and we can acquire this energy through solar ...

  4. Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy

    Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. The most popular ways of generating power are natural resources (fossil fuels) such as oil and coal. These fuels are becoming more and more unobtainable in recent years. Many people have become aware of this and have made an effort in fixing this by creating new ways of generating power we call this ...

  5. Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy

    Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. Decent Essays. 767 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Renewable energy is the source of the future energy developments. We are seeing a dramatic shift in the attitude toward renewable energy throughout the world. Many countries turning towards cleaner methods and more safe, practical, and efficient.

  6. Renewable Energy Essay: Tips to Write a Great Paper

    A poorly written essay may fail to engage your readers and diminish the significance of your message. Consider what's at stake when writing a renewable energy essay. To make your work stand out, pay special attention to writing mechanics such as coherence and persuasive techniques. Additionally, adhere to grammar and writing style requirements.

  7. This Is the Future: Essay on Renewable Energy

    As a result, we get geothermal energy. This source provides a significant energy supply while having low emissions and no significant footprint on land. A factsheet and essay on renewable resources state that geothermal plants will increase electricity production from 17 billion kWh in 2020 to 49.8 billion kWh in 2050.


    THREE ESSAYS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY . by . Nhu Nguyen . A Dissertation . Submitted to the Faculty of Purdue University . In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of. Doctor of Philosophy . Department of Agricultural Economics . West Lafayette, Indiana . August 2023

  9. Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy

    Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. 785 Words4 Pages. Since the turn of the century, researchers, politicians, and scientists have vastly drawn attention to the need to acquire natural renewable energy resources. Nobody accurately predicts the future of fossil fuels, but logical assumptions and wise planning regarding the duration and impact ...

  10. Essay on Importance of Renewable Energy

    Tidal power generators are the most predictable and affordable source of energy. For example, The Bay of Fundy in Canada has the world's highest tides, which reach speeds up to 17 kph generating 700 kilowatts of power compared to 600 kilowatts produced by wind turbines (Meyer 66). Therefore, the global implementation of renewable sources is a ...

  11. Renewable Energy

    Paper Type: 900 Word Essay Examples. In this paper I will be comparing the energy policies of Russia and Poland. I will first give a brief overview of each state and explain why I choose to compare them. I will then look at the prevalence of fossil fuel energy, nuclear energy, and renewable energy in both countries.

  12. Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy

    Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. As the world population rises, we are using more and more energy and it is depleting faster than ever. Our fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) will not last forever and at some point we will have to switch over completely to renewable energy sources. While most of the world still uses non-renewable ...

  13. Renewable Energy Essays (Examples)

    enewable Energy Sources Today: A eview The emergence of modern-day developed economies depended heavily on the availability of cheap and abundant energy, but the planet's oil reserves, which supplies over 35% of the world's energy needs, are projected to be depleted within a hundred years (Balat 19). As this resource is depleted, demand will increase and drive prices to unheard of levels ...

  14. Renewable Energy

    The wind, the sun, and Earth are sources of renewable energy. These energy sources naturally renew, or replenish themselves. Wind, sunlight, and the planet have energy that transforms in ways we can see and feel. We can see and feel evidence of the transfer of energy from the sun to Earth in the sunlight shining on the ground and the warmth we ...

  15. RCL3: Persuasive Essay Proposal: Funding the Future of Renewable Energy

    RCL3: Persuasive Essay Proposal: Funding the Future of Renewable Energy. ... The most efficient energy conversion rate of renewable energy systems is solar power, and the average solar panel is less than 50% effective when it comes to converting the Sun's energy to electricity (Jacobsson). However, the potential for all of these energy ...

  16. 113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Renewable Energy Sources Summary. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy and geothermal energy are the main renewable sources of energy. In an analysis of 2005 energy sources, it is evident that nuclear energy was the dominant energy source followed […] Wind Energy, Its Advantages and Disadvantages.

  17. Renewable Energy Explained

    Renewable Energy Explained

  18. Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy

    Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. Decent Essays. 1696 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. States citizens must realize this issue. Wind power can save the planet and it's species. Reduces these harmful gases can save hundreds of eagles. Together people must unite if not for themselves, but for their children and the animals in our earth.

  19. Renewable energy

    Renewable energy - powering a safer future

  20. Messages about harms of fossil fuels increase support for renewables

    This study examines the persuasive effects of moral appeals on public support for the transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. The global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) will be greatly affected by social factors such as public opinion, consumer demand, and political support.

  21. Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy

    Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. Decent Essays. 1161 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Renewable Energy. The world around us mostly runs on fossil fuels in order to produce electricity; however, there will be a period that comes where we will run out of those fossil fuels. We only have so much time before a crisis hits and we have nothing ...

  22. Going Right

    Hey, for my final blog post of the year, I want to talk about the impact of renewable energy, my persuasive essay topic. Renewable energy is really the energy of the future. With ways to benefit the economy and enviornment, there should be nobody on the opposing side… but there is. Renewable energy can help […]

  23. Persuasive Speech On Renewable Energy

    Renewable energy brings many desirable health, environmental, and economic benefits. These renewable methods may ultimately provide a brighter future for generations to come. 1931 Words; ... Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy. The world around us mostly runs on fossil fuels in order to produce electricity; however, there will be a period that ...