Skyn, liggie, skyn!

Skryf ‘n opstel: My familie

Die kategorie, ‘opstelle’ wat eintlik sommer net so terloops ontstaan het, trek al hoe meer aandag en Google stuur al hoe meer versoeke van opstelle na my mandjie.

‘My familie’ kan ook ‘n lekker onderwerp wees om oor te skryf. Families is mos uiteenlopend en jy kan regtig hier wyd gaan as jy sou wou.

Jy kan dalk net van jou gesin vertel, of gaan jy jou ooms en tannies, niggies en nefies ook insluit?

Voor jy sommer net almal opnoem wat in jou familie is, dink ‘n bietjie aan dinge wat julle familie uniek maak, dinge wat vir jou lekker is om juis deel van julle familie te wees. Het julle sekere familietradisies, of doen julle sommer soms op die ingewing van die oomblik iets lekkers? Kuier julle familie graag saam, of is julle maar elke gesin op sy eie?

Brei ‘n bietjie uit oor elke lid in julle gesin. Wat doen jou ma? Werk sy buitenshuis, of is sy by die huis besig om die gesin te versorg? En jou pa? Wat is sy beroep? Is hy baie betrokke by die gesin en doen julle dinge saam? Vertel van jou broers en susters, en sommer van hulle kêrels en meisies ook.

Is daar dinge waarin van jou gesinslede uitblink? Jou broer is dalk die wêreldskaatskampioen vir elfjariges. Vertel daarvan! Of jou suster is dalk ‘n danser van formaat. Dalk woon sy kompetisies by. Vertel dalk hoe jou kleinsussie elke middag klavier oefen en hoe dit jou irriteer!

Wat is julle familiegeheimpies waaroor julle stilweg lag, maar nie mag oorvertel nie? Dis NOU jou kans!

Is julle familie grapperig en hou van lawwe dinge doen, of is julle ernstig? Is julle spelerig, of sit julle heeltyd voor die rekenaar? Reis julle graag? Gaan stap julle graag in die natuur?

Waar hou julle vakansie? Wat behels dit?

Het julle troeteldiere? Wat is dit? Wie se hond/kat/budjie is dit? Wie versorg dit?

Is daar dalk iets wat nie lekker is in julle familie nie, wat jy voel om te vertel? Iets wat jy van jou hart af wil kry? Dalk is daar nie ‘n pappa of ‘n mamma in julle gesin nie. Dalk moet julle kinders alleen regkom? Dalk moet jy as kind jou ouma versorg? Self kosmaak vir julle gesin? Vertel ons daarvan.

Nou toe! Nou is dit jou beurt. Gaan teken ‘n prentjie van almal in jou familie en dink ‘n bietjie wat jy oor elkeen wil vertel. Onthou, dit is JOU storie. Geniet dit om jou storie te vertel. Dis ‘n unieke storie en niemand anders kan presies dieselfde storie as jy vertel nie.

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'n Flitsliggie wat oral inskyn, ook waar dit soms ongemaklik is... A Flashlight whose light shines everywhere, even on places where it is not so comfortable. Beskou all artikels deur Toortsie

8 thoughts on “ Skryf ‘n opstel: My familie ”

Ek sal jare lank moet skryf aan daai opstel! Herhinder my aan ‘n Afrikaanse eksamen opstel vraag… “Skets ‘n vakansie toeneel” Ek het dit letterlik opgeneem en so tussen die skrywery ‘n mooi boom geteken! Dit was on “den”… As ek reg onthou was die onnie so half en half beindruk… 😉

Maak dit ‘n vervolgverhaal. Soos wat is haar naam nou weer? Nellie Visagie

Like Liked by 1 person

Mmmm… hier’s ‘n klein geheimpie… Nellie sal weer binnekort by ons ‘n draai kom gooi… ek moet laat sy haar verhaal kom vertel! 😉

Ons wag in spanning.

Gee ons ‘n week of so… ek is druk besig om ander kortverhale klaar te maak… dan kan Nellie haar beurt kry! 😀

100 persent. 😁

Groete… ek het weer kom lees! Ek wonder… hoe lyke dinge nou? Sal ons anders skryf oor ons familie nou in die dae??

Gesels saam, asseblief! Kanselleer antwoord

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  • Uitnodiging
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  • Sy Sange op Haar Vingerpunte
  • Spelend in die Asem van God
  • Slapend - Ontwaak
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  • Groot toon het nie neus
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  • 'n Gedig is 'n Gedig net om 'n Gedig te Wees
  • Dans met Katrina
  • Niemand Sal Je Zeggen Wie Je Bent
  • Beslan, 1 Septermber 2004
  • Gedig vir Elizabeth Eybers
  • W.E.G. Louw
  • Wilma Stockenström (1933- )
  • Willekeurige plasings
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  • Verklaring van Menseregte
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  • Die Goeie Ou Dae
  • Rachel de Beer
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  • Die Spookstorie
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  • Elke Bobbejaan op sy eie Krans
  • Hasie en Skilpad
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  • Die Dwergie van die Doringbos
  • Die Heks se Kat
  • Die ou Vrou van die Vlamme
  • Die Reus en die Towernaar
  • Die Verlore Swaard
  • Huis-toe ...
  • Onder Duiwelsdak
  • Ou Kraakbeen, die Mensvreter
  • "Vêrsien, Vêrhoor en Fynruik"
  • Die Saad van Alle Kwaad
  • Ons Toekoms
  • ’n Vrydag, 2030
  • Heel maklik
  • Die Stoomkamer
  • Jy het belowe
  • Die leë woonstelblok
  • Die rietbos
  • Doodsertifikaat
  • Vergelyk (compare)
  • Step 1: What is a pronoun?
  • Learn (Slow)
  • Learn (Fast)
  • Learn (Faster)
  • Learn (Fastest)
  • Test Questions
  • Q & A (beginner)
  • Q & A (expert)
  • Verb 2nd Conjunctions (normal)
  • Verb 1st Conjunctions
  • Verb Last Conjunctions
  • Eng to Afr (beginner)
  • Verbs: Modal Helping Verbs
  • Verbs: Regular 1
  • Verbs: Regular 2
  • Verbs: Prefixed
  • Verbs: Inseparable Compounds
  • Verbs: Separable Compounds
  • Verbs: Reflexive
  • Verbs: Conjugated
  • Learn (movie)
  • Test Yourself
  • Prep + Verbs (Context)
  • Prep + Verbs (Learn)
  • Fill-in-the-blanks
  • Social Exchanges
  • Learn - Color (video 1)
  • Learn - Color (video 2)
  • Learn - Color (video 3)
  • Learn - Color Fan (slow)
  • Learn - Color Fan (faster)
  • Learn - Color Fan (fastest)
  • Wind Directions
  • Days of the Week
  • Periods of Time
  • Cycles of Time
  • Time of the Day
  • Class Phrases
  • Degrees of Comparison
  • Character Traits
  • Intensive Forms
  • The Body - External
  • The Body - Internal
  • Clothing - General
  • Clothing - Men's
  • Clothing - Women's
  • Clothing - Fabrics
  • Physical Description
  • General Food Terms
  • Seasonings and Condiments
  • Grains, Nuts and Seeds
  • Food related Actions
  • General Health Terms
  • Toiletries and Cosmetics
  • Ailments and Symptoms
  • Physical Examination
  • Dwelling Options
  • The House - Outside
  • Movie Examples
  • The House - Furniture
  • The House - Appliances
  • The House - Cooking Ware
  • House Cleaning
  • Office Supplies
  • Hobbies and Leisure
  • Life Events
  • Think Activities
  • Mental States
  • Wild Animals - Large
  • Wild Animals - Medium and Small
  • Fish and Aquatic Life
  • Reptiles and Amphibians
  • Baby Animals
  • Animal Sounds
  • Human-Animal Terms
  • Farm Animals
  • Zoo Animals
  • Universe and Planets
  • Metals and Elements
  • Plants and Trees
  • Countries and Nationalities
  • Letters, Texting, Email
  • Negotiation
  • Communication Verbs
  • Transport - Car
  • Transport - Bicycle
  • Transport - Flight
  • Tools - Garden
  • Tools - General
  • Digital Gadgets
  • Measures and Weights
  • Containers and Storage
  • from German & Greek
  • from Latin: -EEL and -AAL
  • from Latin: -EER
  • from Latin: -ISME
  • from Latin: -SIE
  • from Latin: -TEIT
  • Flavoring Particles
  • Idiomatic Interjections
  • Idiomatic Phrases
  • Common Sayings
  • Sayings - A
  • Sayings - B
  • Sayings - D
  • Sayings - E,F
  • Sayings - G
  • Sayings - H
  • Sayings - I,J,K
  • Sayings - L
  • Sayings - M,N
  • Sayings - O
  • Sayings - P,R
  • Sayings - S
  • Sayings - T,U,V,W
  • Abbreviations
  • Countries (list)
  • Grammar Introduction
  • Articles: Definite or Indefinite
  • Nouns Related
  • Tenses Intro
  • Be&Have (Conj. Verbs)
  • B2 — Regular Verbs
  • Separable Verbs
  • Reflexive Verbs
  • Infinitives
  • Active vs Passive Voice
  • Progressive
  • Tenses Review
  • Prepositions
  • Fairy Tale Reference
  • Eng-Afr Comparisons
  • Grammar Q&A
  • [B1.i] (wees) Tenses
  • [B1] (wees) Progressive
  • [B1.ii] (wees) Questions
  • [B1.iii] (wees) Negation
  • [B1.iv] (wees) with Modals
  • [B1.i] (hê) Tenses
  • [B1] (hê) Progressive
  • [B1.ii] (hê) Questions
  • [B1.iii] (hê) Negation
  • [B1.iv] (hê) with Modals
  • [B2.i] Tenses
  • [B2] Progressive Tenses
  • [B2.ii] Questions
  • [B2.iii] Negation
  • [B2.iv] with Modals
  • [B2.] Progressive Tenses
  • Tenses-Questions-Negation
  • [C1] 3rd Pos: Object Pronoun
  • [C2] 3rd Pos: Negation
  • [C3] 3rd Pos: Time Words
  • [C] 3rd Position Review
  • [D1] Conjunctions: Verb 2nd
  • [D2] Conjunctions: Verb Last
  • [D3] Conjunctions: Verb 1st
  • Review [A - D]
  • B2 Root Verbs - Regular (Review) ►
  • B2 Prefixed (Review) ►
  • [Ci] Object Pronouns
  • [Cii] Negations
  • [Ciii] Time Words
  • [vii.] Link Verbs (B2-4)
  • B1 - Tense-Questions-Negation
  • B1 - Modals
  • B2 - Tense-Questions-Negation
  • B2 - Modals
  • B3 - Tense-Questions-Negation
  • B3 - Modals
  • [E] Special Infinitives
  • [F] Standard Infinitives
  • [G] Preposition + Verb
  • [H] Adjective Shift
  • [I] Degrees of Comparison
  • [J] Prepositional Combinations
  • [K] Directionals
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My Gesin en my Familie

Introduce yourself and talk about your family (age, gender, birthdays, job, school, hobbies, relationships, etc.)

Stel jouself voor en praat oor jou gesin/familie (ouderdom, geslag, verjaarsdae, werk, skool, stokperdjies, verhoudinge, ens.)

Gesin : My pa (ma, broer, suster) se naam is. Familie : Ek het 'n oupa en twee oumas. Aan my pa se kant het ek twee ooms en twee tantes. Aan my ma se kant is daar net een tante (tannie). Sy is nie getroud nie. Ek het ses niggies en twee nefies. Ouderdom : Ek is twee-en-twintig jaar oud. Geslag : Ek is 'n vrou, en daar is twee vrouens en drie mans in ons gesin. Verjaarsdae : My verjaarsdag is op 12 April. My suster se verjaarsdag... Werk : My pa werk by ... My ma werk vir die president. Skool : Ek is nie op skool nie, maar my suster ... Stokperdjies : Ek hou van skaak speel, en tafeltennis.

Jannie (24 jaar oud)

Susan (13 jaar oud), aletta (82 jaar oud).

My naam is Nestor. Ek is vyftien jaar oud en ek is in graad tien. My vakke op skool is biologie, wetenskap, sosiale studies, wiskunde, en Duits. Ek speel vlugbal en sokker. My stokperdjie is fietsry. Ek het 'n bergfiets en ek ky elke naweek by die rivier.

My suster, Benita, is ouer as ek. Sy is sestien jaar oud en sy is in graad elf. Sy hou van swem en gimnastiek. Sy speel ook die klavier en die viool. Sy is baie musikaal. Sy doen goed op skool en sy wil eendag 'n dokter word. Sy wil spesialiseer as 'n kinderarts. Sy is mal oor klein kindertjies.

My pa en my oupa is prokureurs. Hulle is vennote by dieselfde praktyk. My pa geniet sy werk. My pa hou ook van fietsry en ons ry baie keer saam by die rivier.

My ma is 'n inspektrise. Sy werk by 'n fabriek en sy moet seker maak die kwalititeit van die produkte is goed.

My pa se ouers is oupa Josef en ouma Kathy. Soos jy weet is oupa Josef ook 'n prokureur. Ouma Kathy is nou by die huis. Haar gesondheid is nie meer so goed nie. Ons sien my ouma en oupa elke naweek. Hulle kom Sondae by ons eet. 

My ma se pa is oorlede. Hy is dood toe ek baie klein was. Ek kan hom nie onthou nie. My ma se ma, Ouma Sandra werk by 'n bank. Sy woon drie ure van ons af. Ons gaan so drie of vier keer per jaar vir haar kuier. In die somer dan kom sy altyd saam met ons op vakansie. Sy het 'n baie goeie algemene kennis, en dit is baie interessant om na haar te luister.

Ons het ook 'n hond, Wollie. My ma wil 'n kat hê, maar dit sal nie werk nie, want my pa is allergies vir katte. As daar 'n kat in die kamer is, dan trek sy neus toe en hy begin hoes.

Vrae oor jou familie en jou gesin

  • Wat is jou naam? Hoe oud is jy? Wat doen jy (werk, studeer)?
  • Wat is jou pa se naam? Hoe oud is jou pa? Wat doen jou pa (waar werk hy)?
  • Wat is jou ma se naam? Hoe oud is jou ma? Wat doen jou ma (waar werk sy)?
  • Het jy broers of susters? (ouderdom, wat doen julle, ...)
  • Is jy getroud? (Wat is jou eggenoot [man/vrou] se naam?
  • Vertel my van jou ouma en oupa en van jou ooms en tannies.

Thursday, 19 September

02 Nov 2015

How to help your kids with Afrikaans essays


Previously we looked at how you can help your child with comprehension homework. This week we focus on writing Afrikaans essays.

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Planning is the most important part of the writing process. With proper planning 80 per cent of the work is done. Different types of essays require different ways of planning. Let’s look at the narrative essay and the descriptive essay as examples.

Narrative essays

  • Every story needs characters, a place, time, reason and events. We therefore use the “Take 5” hand diagram.
  • Use your writing hand and trace your other hand on paper in pencil.
  • Each of the five fingers has one of the following headings: who, where, when, what and why.
  • Write two short sentences in the middle of the hand without any details about the subject of your essay. The five fingers constitute the required detailed content of your story.
  • The idea is to have a brief plan and use keywords. Then before you write the first draft of your story, you already have all the elements in place.

essay about my family in afrikaans

Descriptive essays

  • A descriptive essay is about something you see, hear, feel, smell or taste. So why not use your senses in planning it?
  • Here you can use the spider diagram. Place the word, idea or scene you have to describe in the middle.
  • Each spider leg represents a sense: sight, hearing, touch, feeling (figurative), smell and taste.
  • Now connect keywords to each sense. You can now decide if you want to use a combination of all six senses or only one or two.

essay about my family in afrikaans

When you write your essay, don’t write it completely in English. The next tip is meant specifically for Afrikaans first additional language learners (but it can also apply to English first additional language learners).

  • Plan your essay.
  • Start your first draft. Write IN Afrikaans as far as possible; when you can’t remember the Afrikaans word, you can write the word in English. The idea is to think IN Afrikaans as much as possible.
  • When you write your essay in English and then translate it, your syntax won’t make sense, because Afrikaans and English follow different sentence structures. Afrikaans follows the “stompi”-sentence construction. See below for what this means.
  • When you’ve completed the essay, use a dictionary to translate the English words.
  • When the words are translated and the word order has been checked, write your final draft as neatly and accurately as possible in your book.
  • Make sure your essay has a heading and that you’ve written the word count at the bottom. These two elements give you easy points.

My biggest wish is that parents and learners would come to accept that Afrikaans is not a difficult subject, provided the necessary assistance and support is available in primary school and time is devoted to laying a good foundation.

Parents, please make sure your child knows their sound alphabet, not the capital pronunciation alphabet. A child reads with the sound alphabet. Your child has to read. Watching TV every night, even if it’s an Afrikaans soapie, won’t improve your child’s Afrikaans. By writing down words on paper, developing a vocabulary and using new words their knowledge of the language will improve.

A great influence in homework (and more so homework help for your child’s second language) is your attitude as a parent. If you like the subject and feel equipped to help with homework for the subject, your child will be more receptive to achieve in the subject. Unfortunately the opposite is also true. If you don’t like a subject, don’t feel competent to help with homework and your attitude suggests it’s not important, you do as much damage as a bad teacher. Our children look to us and learn from us.

Take a look at Rodney Atkins’ music video for Watching You ( ).

* The “stompi”-sentence structure is followed mainly in Afrikaans. This means the sentence has the following order: subject, first verb, time, object, manner, place, second verb, infinitive.

-Marelize Swanepoel

Marelize Swanepoel has been an Afrikaans teacher for eight years and is currently based at Welridge Academy in Weltevredenpark, Johannesburg. 

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essay about my family in afrikaans

Talking About Your Family in Afrikaans

Listen to a conversation about someone's family

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Vocabulary (Review)

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essay about my family in afrikaans

How To Write An Essay In Afrikaans?

essay about my family in afrikaans


Writing an essay in Afrikaans is a great way to communicate your thoughts and ideas. It can also be used to demonstrate your knowledge of the language, as well as to reflect on cultural values and issues that are specific to South Africa. Unfortunately, many students struggle with writing essays in this unique language due to its structure and complexity. Fortunately, there are some tips that you can follow which will help make the process easier.

Tips For Writing An Essay In Afrikaans

Understand the language structure.

The first step in writing an effective essay in Afrikaans is understanding the language structure. Unlike English, Afrikaans has two verb forms – present tense (presente tyd) and past tense (verlede tyd). Both forms must be used correctly when constructing sentences during the writing process for it to flow properly. Additionally, there are three main parts of speech: nouns (naamwoorde), verbs (werkwoorde) and adjectives (bijvoeglike naamwoorde). Understanding how these elements should be combined will also help ensure that your essay reads smoothly throughout.

Research Your Topic

Before starting any kind of paper or assignment it is important to research the topic thoroughly so you have a good foundation on which to build upon when developing arguments or formulating opinions about it. There might already be existing literature around what you’re discussing so use this information wisely by reading up on other people’s ideas or theories related to it before forming your own conclusions or making suggestions regarding potential solutions if relevant.. This way you’ll have more facts at hand which can then be integrated into your essays effectively while avoiding any mistakes caused by incorrect assumptions made beforehand based solely off personal opinion rather than fact-based evidence from reliable sources such as academic journals etc…

Plan Out Your Ideas

Once all necessary research has been done, start planning out what points need addressing within each paragraph of your essay accordingto their relevanceand importancein relationto one another; i ewhich ones should comefirstsecondthirdetc.. This helpsyou stay focusedon topicsat handwhile still beingableto expressyourideas freely without getting sidetrackedonto somethingunrelatedor irrelevanthiswayyoucanbetterdevelopargumentsfor examplebybeingabletoshowhowonepointleadsdirectlyintothenextprovidingthereaderwithanextensiveanalysisoftheissueinyourpaper…

Use Appropriate Vocabulary And Grammar Onceyouhaveplannedoutyour outlineit’stimefocusingonlanguageuseWhenwritinganykindofessaybutespeciallyinaforeignlanguagelikeAfrikaansketyouneedtoconsiderthevocabularyusedAsmentionedbeforetherearetwomainverbformsinAfrikansthatneedbeappliedcorrectlywhenconstructingsentencesbothpresenttenseandpasttenseAdditionallytryincorporatingwordsfromotherSouthAfricanlanguageslikeXhozaZuluetcintoessaysmakeitmoreauthenticToavoidmakingmistakeswithgrammartryreadingwhatyouscribealoudsoyoucanpickupanyerrorsquicklyandfix thembeforesubmittingthefinalcopyofyourwork….

Conclusion WritinganessayinAfrikkansaschallengingbutnotimpossibleWithsomecarefulplanningresearchingappropriatevocabularyusageandanunderstandingofthelanguage’sstructuresuccessfullycompletingacademicpapersinafricanwillbesignificantlyeasierGoodluck!

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Afrikaans Essay Examples

The controversial history and impact of afrikaans in south africa.

Afrikaans is a West Germanic language that is spoken in South Africa, Namibia, and to a lesser extent in Botswana and Zimbabwe. In my Afrikaans essay, I will examine the language's controversial history and its impact on South African society. Afrikaans is one of the...

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