How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Grant Proposal

Customer Success Manager at Instrumentl

Reviewed by:

October 27, 2021

Last Updated:

November 20, 2023

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If you’re applying for a grant, the funder will often ask you to submit a cover letter with your grant proposal.

I know, this can be frustrating. You’re already dedicating time to writing a successful grant proposal . Why do you also have to write a cover letter? 

Although it may seem like extra work, it’s actually a critical step to get right. If you don’t nail it, the funder may pass over your application entirely.

To avoid this, we’re going deep into how to write effective cover letters for grants. In this article, we’ll unpack:

  • What cover letters for grant proposals are
  • Why it is an important piece of your grant application
  • And the six parts of a successful cover letter
  • Templates to get you started
  • Pitfalls to avoid

Let’s dive in!

Grant Proposal Template for Nonprofits (+5 Tips Included)

What are Cover Letters for Grant Proposals?

A cover letter for a grant proposal is a document that goes along with your completed proposal. It is your opportunity to demonstrate that you understand the priorities and interests of the funder and how your work aligns with their goals.

An effective cover letter will communicate why your organization and your program deserve to be funded . It should pique the funder’s interest, getting them to read your full proposal. 

Pro Tip : Cover letters are typically only requested by foundations and corporations . In the case of government grants , they don’t ask for cover letters because they have very specific proposal layouts and requirements.

Only submit a cover letter if the funder requests one. Many funders now utilize online application systems which do not require a cover letter, so make sure you understand the requirements of the specific funder.

Overall, the cover letter provides a taste of your organization and request. It should entice the funder and demonstrate why you are a good fit.

Good grant application letters reference the funder's requirements, is directed toward the funder and not generic, and includes a cover letter.

Why Are Cover Letters Important for Nonprofits?

If you see the cover letter as just a nother checkbox you need to complete before submittign your application, think again. Here are 4 reasons why you need to think hard about writing a grant proposal cover letter that captures the attention of funders.

What good grant cover letters include

First Impressions Matter: Setting the Tone for Your Proposal

The cover letter is the first point of contact that your nonprofit has with a potential funder, and you want to make a good impression ! 

A professional, concise, well-written cover letter sets the tone with the funder for the rest of your proposal. It’s also a chance for you to capture the reader’s attention and get them excited about your proposal.

Building a Connection With Potential Funders

Your cover letter is your opportunity to get the funder engaged .

The cover letter gives you a chance to share your “elevator pitch” with the funder. If a funder walks away from your cover letter feeling excited about your project, you’re leagues ahead of the competition that submitted a dry, cookie cutter cover letter.

Highlighting Key Points From Your Grant Proposal

A grant proposal’s cover letter isn’t all that different from a potential job’s cover letter.

Highlight the key points that will help you stand out above other applicants . Don’t be afraid to brag a little bit! Tell the funder why your proposal or project is unique and impactful. 

But remember—a cover letter is not an executive summary .

Demonstrating Organizational Maturity and Professionalism

Your cover letter is an opportunity to demonstrate your organization’s maturity and professionalism . Make it known that you receive and manage a large grant portfolio of grants every year, and that you have experience in maintaining grant compliance .

In doing so, you are showing the funder that they can trust you with their award.

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6 Parts of a Successful Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Below are general formatting tips for your grant’s cover letter:

  • Your cover letter should be written on company letterhead.
  • The date on the cover letter should match the date of your proposal or application.
  • The letter should be contained to one page, consisting of 3-4 paragraphs.
  • Find the appropriate contact person at the funding organization so you can address your letter to a specific person.
  • The address of the funder should be placed at the top of the letter. Format the address as: contact name, title, funder name, address.
  • Use a formal introduction in the salutation, such as “Dear Mr/Mrs.”
  • The letter should be signed by an appropriate official from your organization, such as the Executive Director.
  • Include the word “ENCLOSURE” or “ATTACHMENT” at the bottom to indicate that the letter is part of a larger packet.

In addition to these basic formatting tips, there are 6 basic parts that you should be sure to include in your grant proposal cover letters.

Introduction: Who You Are

Be sure to introduce your organization at the beginning of your cover letter. 

This provides readers with a background understanding of your nonprofit and its purpose. You want to include things such as the name of your organization, your mission and values , and how long you have been in existence.  

About Your Organization: What You Do

In this section, you want to concisely explain what your organization does—include relevant programs and projects. 

This will show that your organization’s work aligns with their mission and giving priorities.

Need Statement: The Problem You're Addressing

Clearly state the problem that your program or project intends to address. 

This demonstrates to the reader that you are filling a gap that exists in your community. You should include data to support your statements when possible so that the funder knows the need is real.

Project Overview: Your Plan

While space is limited in a cover letter, it is important to share outline a well-thought-out project plan. Showing funders how you plan to utilize their funds will help your proposal stand out.

Core parts of a grant cover letter

Funding Request: What You Need

The whole purpose of submitting a grant proposal is to secure funds for a program or project. 

Don’t dance around it. Call out exactly how much money you need for your initiative so that the funder knows up front whether or not your request is in alignment with their giving priorities. 

Pro tip: Often, nonprofits don’t ask for enough funding. To not leave anything on the table, Instrumentl users can quickly uncover how much to ask for in a grant by using our insights on funders.

Closing: Why They Should Support You

You want to end your cover letter by telling the funder why they should support you. Whether it is because your missions are aligned, your project is super unique (ideally, both!), you want to clearly state these reasons in your cover letter. 

Consider closing the letter with an invitation for a site visit or program observation, if appropriate. Be sure to include the contact information for whoever can answer application questions. And end with a confident statement such as “I look forward to speaking with you more about this program.”

 Arguments Why They Should Support You

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3 Sample Cover Letters for Grant Proposals

In this section, we have written original sample grant proposal cover letters. Following each example, we break down the good and bad parts of each letter.

1. Following Up After Meeting With The Funder

Grant proposal cover letter example one breakdown.

Here’s why we like this cover letter:

  • Referencing those prior conversations will remind the funder that you’ve already done some leg work in terms of outreach and research into the foundation.
  • This letter includes erveral of the key parts of a successful cover letter, such as the introduction, information about the organization, funding request, project information, and a confident closing. 

The letter is also signed by the executive director and provides her contact information. However, there could be a bit more emotion incorporated into this letter to help the funder form a connection with the organization and the project .

2. Breaking The Ice With A New Funder

Grant proposal cover letter example two breakdown.

Our second grant proposal cover letter example also covers many of the key components: organizational info, funding request, project information, and a closing. 

We really like how the closing in this letter includes an invitation for the funder to tour the facility and see the work in action—this is such a good idea!

This letter is lacking a statement of need , however. Although it clearly shows alignment between the nonprofit’s work and the funder’s mission, there’s no information about why there is a need in this community for support for people suffering from PTSD . Again, some data points would go a long way here in making this a more compelling case for support.

Also note that this letter does not reference any prior conversations with the funder. This is a good template to use if you are applying to a funder for the first time.

3. Renewing Funding From A Previous Funder

Grant proposal cover letter example three breakdown.

Our final example demonstrates how you would write to a funder that has previously funded your organization.

The nonprofit explains how a prior grant from this foundation helped their program; we LOVE that they included data about how many youth were served from the prior grant. This helps the funder really understand the impact of their donation, which will give them confidence in choosing to fund this organization again. 

This letter also does a great job of showing the nonprofit’s alignment with the funder’s mission and work . Again, this instills confidence in the funder that they’re making a good investment with their money.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Grant Proposal Cover Letter

So, we’ve reviewed what a grant proposal cover letter is, why it is important, and what the key parts are that should be included in the letter. 

You’re probably feeling like you’re almost ready to start writing your own cover letters—but hold on. Before you dive in, let’s review some common pitfalls in cover letter writing and how you can avoid making these mistakes.  

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Overloading the Cover Letter with Jargon

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you’re writing a grant proposal cover letter is filling it with industry-specific jargon .  

Don’t try to impress the funder with all the fancy terminology of your industry. Not all funders will understand this lingo, and it could end up confusing them instead of helping to make the case for your project.  

Ignoring Specific Funder Guidelines and Requests

This is a critical mistake that many grant applicants make. Don’t ignore the funder’s guidelines !

Every funder will have different requests—whether they want you to hand-deliver 10 copies of your single-sided application or request a signature from your Board Chair, it’s imperative that you follow these guidelines.  

This relates to the cover letter as well! If a funder specifically says to not include a cover letter, listen to them!

Being Vague or Generic in Your Statements

Another common pitfall that nonprofits fall into is being overly generic and vague in their cover letters . 

To demonstrate why your nonprofit is a good fit for the funding opportunity, share specifics about your organization, background, mission, and goals.  

Another piece of advice—don’t use the generic “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Human Resources” salutation. Find a specific contact to direct your proposal to so that you can personalize the letter.

Instrumentl is a great resource for finding funder details, providing clear insights into who some of the key people within a foundation are.

Overlooking the Importance of Follow-Up Information

All of the examples that we showed you included details on who the funder should contact if they have any questions . This is so important! 

You don’t want a potential funder to be stuck Google-searching information on your nonprofit if they need to contact you. That’s a sure fire way to get your application declined.

Wrapping Things Up: Cover Letters for Grant Proposals

To conclude, make sure you understand funder requirements, obtain information for a direct contact at the funder, and write the cover letter after you complete the grant proposal application. 

If you follow these steps, you will be well on your way to writing a good grant application letter.

For more tips on enhancing your grant proposals, check out these 21 grant writing examples for nonprofits !

Amelie Heurteux

Amelie Heurteux

Amelie Heurteux, a Customer Success Manager at Instrumentl, works day in and day out training nonprofits and grant writers how to efficiently prospect new funders and streamline their grant tracking and management processes.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / Cover Letters / Grant Proposal Cover Letter Sample: Expert Guide (Templates)

Grant Proposal Cover Letter Sample: Expert Guide (Templates)

A Grant Proposal Cover Letter is a formal document that provides information about a proposed project or mission.

It is submitted to government agencies, foundations, or organizations that provide grants.

The grant proposal cover letter is submitted with the grant proposal or application document. It provides vital information about the project, its background, purpose, and goals. The grant proposal cover letter is used to help persuade the reviewer to provide financial support for the project. The letter can be used by organizations that have written a grant proposal or application document to potential funders.

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Writing a Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Organizations writing a grant proposal cover letter must ensure they follow a well-outlined process. The step-by-step process ensures that all elements of the grant proposal letter are included. It also helps ensure that the letter is written in an appropriate format.

The following is a step-by-step process of how to write a grant proposal cover letter:

The top of the grant proposal cover letter should include a letter header. The organization’s writer may opt to use a formal header to ensure the letter looks more professional. The information provided in the header will ensure that general information concerning the organization and funder is provided.

The following information should be contained in a grant proposal cover letter header:

The date indicated in the header of a grant proposal cover letter should be the same as the date stated in the complete grant application. Stating the same date on both documents means they are sent to the guarantor on the same day. It helps create consistency in all the documents.

Address the funder

The funder’s name, address, city, state, and zip code should be indicated. The funder’s details provide information on who the letter is for. The funder’s address should appear under the sender’s address. The organization’s writer should confirm the name and address of the funder with a phone call or email the funding body. It will help to ensure the funder’s details have not changed.

Your company details

At the top left of the header, the writer’s company name and address should be provided. The writer’s company details will provide the funder with information on which organization is writing the letter.

Secondly, the organization’s writer must greet the funder with ‘Dear’ and include a recipient’s title such as Mr., Ms., Dr, etc. The salutation should be followed by the funder’s name, which should be punctuated with a comma. The writer can ensure that the right person is being addressed by calling the company or organization meant to receive the letter and confirming the detail.


Thirdly, the organization’s writer should be introduced in the grant proposal cover letter. The organization’s legal name, which is its corporate name, should be indicated. In addition, the writer should indicate what the organization does and the need for its work.

Next, the body of the grant proposal cover letter should discuss the project. The information provided in the body will enable the recipient to understand what the organization hopes to accomplish with the grant. The writer should explain what the project is, the purpose it serves, and how it aligns with the funder’s priorities.

The writer can also add any data obtained that shows why the project is necessary. The amount of money the organization requests and the reason or use for the sum should be provided.

The following information should also be outlined in the body of the grant proposal cover letter:

Explain methods, strategies, and solutions

The writer should provide information on how the organization plans to use the grant and the solutions the fund will offer to a problem. The writer can incorporate a visual representation or graphic model of this information. The methods used to represent the organization’s data should be combined with details to ensure that the grant proposal cover letter has a professional tone. The writer can mention a timeline of when the funder should expect to see results.

Explain your corporate structure

The body of the grant proposal cover letter should also contain information on the grant requesting organization’s corporate structure. The writer should indicate that the organization’s internal management structure supports the project. The information on the corporate structure should be brief.

Highlight your strengths

The writer should explain why the organization is the best place to execute the project or mission. Comparison with other organizations can provide clarity on which areas the writer’s organization excels in . The writer may sight the experience of the organization’s staff and volunteers, experience with the problem the project hopes to resolve, or community support for the organization. The names of the other organizations used in the comparison don’t have to be mentioned. The writer’s emphasis should be placed on highlighting the organization’s strengths.

Finally, the concluding paragraph should summarize the information already stated in the grant proposal cover letter. The writer should also include a thoughtful sentiment of what partnering with the funder would mean to the project’s beneficiaries. An expression of the writer’s appreciation for the funder’s consideration of the grant proposal should be indicated. The writer can also extend an invitation for the funder to visit the organization or its worksite.

The writer should end the grant proposal cover letter by signing off with an appropriate word or phrase such as ‘Sincerely,’ an ‘awaiting your response’ or ‘With great hope.’ The sign-off word or phrase used should suit the theme or topic of the letter. The executive board of directors, board president, or both should sign the grant proposal cover letter. The sign-off should indicate the signer’s first name, middle initials, last name, and jobs title. The writer should also provide the contact details of an individual who can answer the funder’s questions.

Note: The word ‘ENCLOSURE’ or ‘ATTACHMENTS’ should be written at the bottom of the grant proposal cover letter. These words help to indicate that the grant proposal is included in the packet. Writing these words in all caps emphasizes the importance of the grant proposal.

Grant Proposal Cover Letter Template

[Organization’s Name]

[Organization’s Address]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Funding organization’s contact Name]

[Funding Organization’s name]

Dear {funding organization’s contact Name],

[Organization name], which has been around for{number] years, is requesting a grant of ${amount]. The funds will be for an upcoming project, [project title]

Our organization focuses on [organization’s mission]. The project centers on [purpose of the project]. We target [group set to benefit from the project]. The need for the project is supported by our primary research, which found that [ the problem the project aims to solve]

The grant fund provided by your organization will enable us to [how the grant will be applied]. The fund will ensure that [ potential positive impacts provided by the funds]. Our [corporate structure] have expressed their enthusiasm for the project. We believe that our connection with [target beneficiaries] places us in the best position to carry out this project.

We appreciate your consideration. Please feel free to contact [name of organization’s contact] for any questions at [phone number or email].


[Name of CEO/board chair]

Sample Letter

Oracle Literacy Center

245 Hill Street

Boston, MA 46479

May 18th 2020

Neilson White

Waves Discovery foundation

Boston, MA 43578

Dear Mr. White,

The Oracle Literacy center, which has been around for 10 years, is requesting a grant of $ 500,000. The funds will be for an upcoming project, Digital Literacy Academy.

Our organization focuses on bringing literacy to disadvantaged communities in developing countries. The project centers on developing digital skills in Malawi. We target poor, disadvantaged adolescence and children. The need to implement the project is supported by our primary research, which found that less than 4% of the population has digital skills. We understand that your organization aims to increase literacy in developing nations; hence, why we believe that parting with you can help both organizations meet their goals

The grant provided by your organization will enable us to build a learning facility in the outskirts of the capital. The fund will ensure that poor, underprivileged children pioneer a new digital era in the county to facilitate its development. Our board of directors has expressed their enthusiasm for the project. Our connection with the local people places us in the best position to carry out this project.

We appreciate your consideration. For any questions, please feel free to contact James Green at 555-555-7788 or [email protected].

Mary Winters

Executive Director and Manager

Do’s and Don’ts for Writing the Letter

When writing a grant proposal cover letter, it is important to consider the dos and don’ts.  Understanding the do’s and don’ts of writing a grant proposal cover letter will ensure that the organization captures the funder’s attention. It will also ensure that the letter is effective in communicating information about the organization and the grant.

The following are the does and don’ts of a grant proposal cover letter:

Following are the dos for a grant proposal cover letter:

The grant proposal cover letter should be a quick read for the funder. Therefore, the writer of the letter should ensure that it is only limited to one page. The contents of the cover letter should be focused and to the point. Each paragraph should be limited to only a few sentences to ensure that the letter is short.

Ask for feedback

Upon completion of the grant proposal cover letter, the writer should ask a co-worker to read it. The co-worker will help identify any typos in the letter. The reception of positive feedback will be an indication that the writer should send the letter. In addition, asking for feedback will help ensure that the grant proposal cover letter effectively compels the funder to consider the organization’s grant proposal.

Format the letter carefully

The writer of the grant proposal cover letter should ensure it is appropriately formatted. A well-formatted grant proposal cover letter ensures that single spacing is applied throughout the letter. There should also be spacing between the organization’s address and the funder’s address. Appropriate spacing should also be applied between paragraphs. If possible, the writer should include a live ink signature. Three blank spaces should be left where writers can indicate a complimentary close and their name for the signature.

Send the cover letter in PDF

The grant proposal cover letter should be in PDF if the writer intends on sending the letter via email. PDF will ensure that the letter is safe from malware. It also helps the foundation sign the letter digitally if it wishes to do so. Sending the cover letter in PDF will also lead the funder to perceive that the organization is competent.

Write the cover letter last

The cover letter should be written last because it helps the organization reflect on achievements such as completing the fund request. It also ensures that the writers provide information from a knowledgeable perspective. The writer also ensures that the cover letter is more engaging than the other documents attached to it.


Following are the don’ts for writing a grant proposal cover letter:

Don’t repeat the information in the proposal

The grant proposal cover letter should not be a repetition of the information contained in the proposal. Its main purpose is for the funder to get to know more about the organization and its project. It is a tool that can persuade the funder to provide the organization with the grant.

Don’t use big words

The writer of a grant proposal cover letter should avoid using complex words that the funder may not understand. The use of complex words could be counterproductive and jeopardize the organization’s chances of receiving the grant. Instead, the writer should only focus on pleading the organization’s case before the funder.

Don’t make grammatical mistakes

The writers should proofread the grant proposal cover letter upon completion. No grammatical mistakes should be present in the document. The presence of grammatical errors may lead to the organization being perceived as unprofessional and lazy.

Key Takeaways

  • A grant proposal cover letter effectively provides information about an organization’s grant proposal and shows its commitment to the project suggested to the funder.
  • The letter can achieve its effectiveness by providing clear, concise information about the project.
  • The organization must ensure that it mentions certain aspects of the project, like its potential beneficiaries.
  • The tone of the letter should be professional.

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Geoffrey Scott

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Cover letter for grant proposal: sample & tips for success.

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Once you’ve decided to turn your passion into a children’s activity business and write a business plan , you should turn your attention to funding. How are you actually going to get this new venture off the ground? At Sawyer , we work with thousands of children’s activity and education businesses and we know that grants are a great way to subsidize the cost of starting a new business so you can get your first students in the door. 

In order to successfully win a grant, you need a strong grant proposal. Talking about your business and what you will accomplish with the money awarded to you is part of writing a good grant proposal, but personalization is even more important. Even though it might take longer to write personalized proposals for each grant, it is definitely worth the time spent. And the cover letter for a grant proposal is the number one place to show this personalization.

Cover letter for grant proposal: Sample & tips

Use these tips and our template to help you write a great cover letter for a grant proposal.

How to research grant opportunities

Writing a grant proposal cover letter, cover letter for grant proposal sample.

When it comes to writing a grant proposal and winning the grant, personalization is key. Whether you are looking for government or private grants, there are a lot of incredible opportunities for you to find the right ones for your new children’s activity or education business. Here are our suggestions on how to research grant opportunities so you can personalize your cover letter and proposal.

Cover all of your bases

Grants are, for all intents and purposes, free money, so it is in your best interest to do as much research as possible so that you can apply to any and all grants to which you are eligible. This means looking at government, both federal and state-level, as well as private grants. Private grants are offered by corporations and foundations and can have additional requirements. For example, some private grants are exclusively for women or minority communities. 

You can find private grants here:

  • National Association for the Self Employed (NASE)
  • Grants for indigenous people
  • Grants for women

To find government grants, check out:

  • Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs)
  • Economic Development Administration (EDA)

Read about the organization or agency

Before you start writing  the cover letter of your grant proposal, do your research! Read about the mission, values, and goals of the organization or agency that is awarding the grant. Take notes so that you can tailor your cover letter and additional elements of your grant proposal to that specific agency or organization. This will help you stand out and let the reader know that you spent the time to personalize your proposal to fit this specific grant.

Research past winners

Most grants will include a page with past winners. Take a look at these people and their companies so you can see what the organization or agency is looking for in a grant recipient. We also recommend that you reach out to these past winners to see if you can set up an informational phone call or coffee chat to learn more about their success. If you do this, be polite and aware of their time. Come prepared with questions and be sure to say thank you afterwards.

Photo of cover letter for grant proposal

Once you have done your research, you are ready to begin writing your grant proposal cover letter. Take a look at the website for the grant to which you are applying to make sure they do not have any styling or formatting requirements. In addition, some government grants do not require a cover letter at all. Therefore, you should always double check before writing one. 

The goals of your grant proposal cover letter are:

  • Introduce your business to the reviewer
  • State what you need (the amount of funding)
  • Explain why you need the funding

What makes a successful grant proposal cover letter?

  • It is succinct and to the point: Do not go over 1 page.
  • It is unique: Don’t repeat what they will read in your proposal.
  • It is personalized: Show them how much research you have done and why your children’s activity or education business fits with their mission.

Important tips for your grant proposal cover letter

  • Use your company letterhead so it looks professional. You can use free design sites like Canva to easily create letterheads. 
  • Make sure you use the same date throughout your application. Even though experts suggest that you write your cover letter last, use the same date, which is the date of submission, across the whole proposal.
  • Double check the organization’s contact information with a call or email so you know it is correct when adding it to the cover letter.
  • Address the cover letter with “Dear” and then the title and last name of the reader. Make sure that you have the right name when you confirm the contact information.
  • End the cover letter by signing “Sincerely” and your name and the name of any other high level board members, if you have them for your company. Leave room to sign it by hand and type your name below that.
  • Include the word “ENCLOSURE” in all caps at the bottom of the letter.

Photo of grant proposal cover letter

‍ Cover letter for grant proposal outline

  • In your first paragraph, introduce your proposal, company, and request. Make sure you use the legal name of your company. Explain what you will accomplish with your company and, if there is data to back it up, include one point of research. For example, if you are starting an art education business, include a piece of information on the benefits of art classes for children.
  • The next 2 paragraphs should be short, but pack a punch. Talk about the purpose of your business and how it fits with the mission of the organization or agency. If you are applying for a specific grant based on eligibility, like one for women, make sure to speak to this in the letter.
  • Your conclusion paragraph should summarize what was said above and can mention how the grant and support of the organization would be beneficial for your company. You can even invite the reader to visit your classes online or in-person once they are up and running.

October 21, 2021

Grant Administrator

Organization Name

1234 Main St.

Anytown, USA 12345

Dear Mr. Jay,

Please find enclosed the grant proposal for Little Hands Art Community, a new art program helping children find their passion for creation. We are respectfully requesting a grant of $50,000 to start this children’s education program with online and in-person activities for children of all ages. Art has incredible abilities to help children regulate their emotions and stabilize their feelings, according to research done by the National Endowment for the Arts .

By working with qualified art teachers as well as licensed developmental specialists, Little Hands Art Community has a goal of teaching children to find beauty in everything. We will have classes available for children of all ages and ability levels. In addition, part of the funding requested will go towards scholarships and free classes that will help children from low-income families attend classes.

We have been working with children in our neighborhood of Santa Fe on our own for 6 months now and seen a vast improvement not only in fine motor skills, but also in emotional intelligence. Parents and teachers have reported that the classes have helped students better understand themselves and each other. We know that setting the next generation up for success is one of the missions of Organization Name and we hope you can see how Little Hands Art Community fits into that goal.

Thank you for taking the time to read our included proposal and consider us for this grant. We look forward to speaking with you more about how Little Hands Art Community can partner with Organization Name to help more children lead happy and healthy lives. If you have any immediate questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to me at 555-555-5555. 

Sincerely, ‍

Elizabeth Jones (signature) ‍

Elizabeth Jones

Founder, CEO of Little Hands Art Community

123 Smith St,

Santa Fe, New Mexico 12345

[email protected]


Photo of cover letter for grant proposal sample

With these tips & cover letter grant proposal sample, you should be well on your way towards writing a strong cover letter for grant proposals. For even more information on how to get a small business grant , check out our guide. If you are looking for more guidance on how to start a business teaching children , the resources and tools offered by Sawyer for Business can help. 

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How to Write an Effective Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Make It Brief but Inviting

Image by Ran Zheng © The Balance 2020 

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When Do You Include a Cover Letter?

Attributes of a good cover letter, formatting your cover letter, how long should the cover letter be, sample cover letter, mistakes to avoid in your cover letter, make your cover letter stand out.

Joanne Fritz is an expert on nonprofit organizations and philanthropy. She has over 30 years of experience in nonprofits.

Although the main parts of your grant proposal will take up most of your time and energy, don't shortchange your cover letter. Attention to the subtler points of putting the proposal package together can make or break a funding request. Don't turn off your funder with a sloppy cover letter.

Mim Carlson and Tori O'Neal-McElrath, authors of Winning Grants, Step by Step ,   point out that the cover letter should:

  • Introduce your organization to the correct person.
  • Assure the funder that this project has the support of your board of directors .
  • State what you are asking for - how much and for what.

Use a cover letter for proposals to corporations and foundations, but not for federal or state grant applications. Those funders only want what they ask for, and they rarely ask for a cover letter.  

Your cover letter should:

  • Get to the point quickly
  • Does not repeat the information that is in the proposal
  • Tell the reader how well you understand the funder and how your grant fulfills the funder's requirements

Beverly A. Browning, the author of Grant Writing for Dummies , suggests that you write the cover letter after you've completed the entire proposal, and when you are in a reflective mood. Browning says:

"As you consider your great achievement (the finished funding request), let the creative, right side of your brain kick in and connect your feelings of accomplishment to the person who will help make your plans come true."  
  • Use your organization's letterhead. Put the same date on the cover letter that is on the completed grant application. That is the date you will send the grant proposal to the grantor. Using the same date makes all the documents in your proposal package consistent.
  • For the inside address (goes at the top of the letter) use the foundation or corporate contact person's name and title, followed by the funding source's name, address, city, state, and zip code. Double-check this information with a telephone call or an email. Such information changes frequently, so make sure you have the current name and address.
  • In your salutation, use "Dear" plus the personal title (Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Messrs., etc.), followed by the last name. It is critical that you address the letter to a particular person. Call the foundation or corporate office to make sure you have the right person and the correct personal title. These details may seem unimportant, but they do matter.
  • Your first paragraph should be short and focused. Introduce your organization (its legal name, which will be your corporate name  ) and tell the funder how much money you are requesting and why. Include a sentence or two about what your organization does, and then include one research-based point that shows there is a need for what your organization does.
  • Write one or two more brief paragraphs. State your project's purpose and how it fits with the funder's mission or funding priorities. Include the fact that your board of directors fully supports the project.
  • End your letter with a summarizing paragraph. Add what this funding partnership can mean for your project's target audience. You might want to include an invitation for a site visit as well.
  • Use a closing such as "Sincerely."
  • The letter should be signed by the executive director or the board president, or both. Below the signature, type the signer's first name, middle initial, last name, and job title. Although the ED or board president should sign the letter, do include the contact information for the best person to answer questions at the end of the last paragraph.
  • At the bottom of the letter, include the word, "ENCLOSURE" (in all caps).

Limit your cover letter to one page with three or four paragraphs. It should be a quick read.

The tone and specifics of your cover letter may vary depending on whether you've been invited to submit a full proposal after sending a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) , or if this project is your organization's first approach to this particular foundation.

Mary Smith, PhD
Program Officer
Community Foundation
4321 Common Lane
Some City, YZ 55555
Dear Dr. Smith:
The Some City Senior Center respectfully requests a grant of $50,000 for our Senior Latino Community Outreach Pilot Project.
As the largest senior center in Any County, serving over 450 seniors every day, we are aware of the changing demographics in our service area. And we are committed to growing and adapting our center to meet emerging needs. The Senior Latino Community Outreach Pilot Project will allow us to pilot a one-year effort to determine if our center can effectively:
Provide comprehensive access to health and social services to seniors in the Latino communities served by our center, and
 Raise and fully integrate the cultural competency of the board, staff, and volunteers of the Some City Senior Center.
Our board of directors is enthusiastic about this program and eager to launch it so we can become the most inclusive and culturally competent center for seniors in all of our communities that need these services. Should we find at the end of our pilot year that this program is, in fact, successful, our board has committed to including a portion of the project's yearly expenses into our annual operating budget so that the program becomes an integral part of our core services.
Through this project, the Center will become the primary referral given by Health Access Latinos, Families of Any County, and three community clinics within a fifteen-mile radius of our center. We will also accept referrals of Spanish-speaking seniors from any other community agency in our immediate service area.
Thank you for your consideration of our request. I will follow up with you in the next week to answer any questions you might have, as well as to learn whether we might meet with you to discuss the merits of our proposal. Meanwhile, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Connie Jones, our Director of Development, at (555) 555-5555, x555, or
Jane Lovely
Executive Director

*Letter reprinted (with modifications) with permission from Winning Grants, Step by Step, Second Edition, Tori O'Neal-McElrath, Jossey-Bass, 2008.  

  • Writing too much.  A cover letter is not a dissertation, nor is it a full proposal. Keep it short and to the point Tip: Have someone else read it. Do they understand it? 
  • Using big words . If you've been to graduate school, you learned to write in a complicated way. Don't do that here. You're not trying to impress someone with your erudition. You only want to state your case as naturally as possible. If you don't know when you're overcomplicating your writing, use an app such as Hemingway . It will tell you when your sentences are hard to read and when you are too wordy.
  • Making Grammatical Mistakes . If you're not sure of your grammar, don't take chances. Use the grammar check in WORD, and, also run your draft through an app such as Grammarly . There is a free version, but the paid version goes well beyond the necessary grammar check.

Sad to say, but your grant proposal may be among hundreds or thousands that a typical foundation will see during an average year. Your cover letter can make the difference in getting to the next step towards funding. But how can you make it stand out?

Don't try anything "cute," as foundation officials will not be impressed.

The cover letter would not be appropriate for a story about a client , although you should have a story for other parts of your proposal, such as the description of the problem. Include a paragraph about why your organization is the one that can best accomplish this mission. Survey your competitive organizations and assess just how and where you excel. That may be in the strength of your staff and volunteers, your experience with this particular problem, or the community support you enjoy.

You don't need to mention the names of competitors or criticize them. Just highlight your strengths. This would be a good time to consult with others around the office. Pull a few people together and brainstorm how your nonprofit excels. 

Fundamentally, the cover letter should be forward moving, easy-to-read and compel the reader into the larger proposal. Don't put any obstacles in the way of the reader that might deter them from reading further.

cover letter grant funding


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Home › Writing › What is Grant Writing? › How to Write a Great Grant Proposal Cover Letter

How to Write a Great Grant Proposal Cover Letter

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Although your grant proposal cover letter isn’t the most exciting part of the grant proposal, it’s still vital to get funding. T he cover letter is the first contact point a potential organization or funder will have with your nonprofit project.

It’s like going out on a date. Sure, looks aren’t everything. Nevertheless, if you utterly don’t care about how you dress, you’re making it harder for yourself.

And just like your looks, you want to make your grant application cover letter simple and focused on impressing a particular person. It’s the first contact with the executive or organization you wish to request funding. If you want them to read your grant proposal request, they’ll have to like the cover letter first.

More crucial steps will come later, presuming the funder reads your cover letter. Although you can search for sample cover letters, they are usually hard to find.

Research shows that about 35% of grant funders funded 50% or more of the received grant requests. So, your grant proposal cover letter needs to be a complete home run. Here’s how.

How to Write a Grant Proposal Cover Letter 

How to writer a grant proposal cover letter

First of all, an average grant proposal letter shouldn’t be more than one page long. Cover letters are the pitch of your detailed grant proposal. Think of it as a summary of your book.

Before writing the first paragraph, you should open the letter with the contact’s name, title, address, and other related information. Although this might sound obvious, double-check that the contact information is correct. There are countless examples of rushed letters. You don’t want your project to crumble due to a misspelled executive director name.

Do your research before starting the cover letter. You can quickly find the correct information via a single call, email, or simply by doing some Internet scavenging.

Similarly, address the person with “Dear” and add a personal title such as Mr. or Mrs. Again, it’s cover letter 101, so it will feel even worse if you misspell the first step.

If this doesn’t seem like a big deal, look at it like this. Executives have a keen eye for sloppiness. Since they will skim any cover letter first rather than reading it to the last paragraph, you don’t want mistakes popping out.

The initial information tells the funder you didn’t go in headfirst, and proper addressing tells them you’re a potential candidate. If the letter lacks, you’ll be mistaken for a novice instead of a candidate worthy of doing business.

If you’re interested in learning more about the grant writing process, then take a look at our grant writing certification course.

Want to Become a Great Grant Writer

Get Straight to the Point in Your Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Everybody knows why you’re writing a grant proposal cover letter; it’s in the name. Meaning, there’s no reason to sugarcoat it.

After you nail the introduction, it’s time to introduce yourself and your organization. In the first paragraph, format the content into two sentences maximum. Here, you’ll write who you are and your job title. That’s it.

Next, get right to the point. Describe why your organization or foundation needs the grant, what’s your mission, and most importantly, the budget you’re requesting. Maybe you’re working on a community project, or it’s a charity. Either way, make it brief.

While on the topic, you should create a proposal for grants of all sizes. Even if a smaller grant doesn’t suffice, having it can attract larger grants. There are about 900 federal grant programs . Don’t limit yourself.

Another great touch is to validate your project via research. If you have cold data that justifies your organization’s existence, rarely will anyone find a way to object.

If you’re not 100% sure how to format the paragraph, create a sample cover and share it with friends or co-workers. Write the section, read the grant request introduction, then ask two questions .

  • Can you tell me what the project is about? – Although the mission is clear to you as a writer, it might read astrophysical development documents to a fresh pair of eyes.
  • How did you feel when you read the requested funding? – This is to see how another person will react. Keep in mind that how your friend and the funder reacts can differ.

Methods, Strategies & Solutions

In the next paragraph, you should explain how you plan to use the grant to the grantor. By doing this, you’re effectively telling the funder that you have a plan in motion. You can also include a graphical modal for visual representation, depending on the format.

Some writers like to use a numbered sample. The format can work both when you’re explaining your goals and strategies:

  • The organization’s four main goals
  • The project’s five phases

Usually, you want to back up each number with further details. Although an excellent overview, simply including a couple of numbers in your letter won’t suffice. Find the balance between simplicity and complexity. Numbering provides a clear summary, while further details should give the letter a more professional tone.

An additional touch is to offer a timeline where you explain significant milestone and their due dates. You can also do that by using a brief bullet-point format. The timestamps can be months or quarters, depending on the project’s length.

Again, remember you’ll go into full detail in the grant proposal. Although defining strategies and methods isn’t crucial for the cover letter, add it if you can fit it on that one page.

Cover Letters & Necessary Data

After the mission details and budget proposals, it’s time to quickly cover organization info and structure. It can be tedious, but every grant proposal needs it, especially if you grab their attention.

Again, keep it short. Explain your corporate structure and related information in just a couple of sentences, including the founding date. Grant proposals require the data, and although you’re not writing a contract but a cover letter, you still need to present the essential information.

You should also explain how your project matches the funder’s and why the funder should give you the support and funding priority.

As always, double-check the information in your proposal letter, especially if you’re running a nonprofit organization. It’s somewhat easier to get grants for a nonprofit project, but funders are more likely to check the details. Although many think that foundation funding is the primary source for nonprofits, about 80% of income comes from other sources.

If the grant funder likes your cover letter, you want to make it easy for them to contact you about the grant proposal.

Always end all your cover letters with a positive closing line such as “Looking forward to your response.” The goal is for the letter to sound optimistic, grateful, but not needy.

Sign the letter and if your organization has an executive director, have them sign as well.

Common grant proposal cover letter elements

Cover Letter Tips & Mistakes to Avoid

For the final polish of your proposal, you can do things to give the letter a more personal and professional touch.

Ask for Feedback

Before pressing “send,” have co-workers read the sample of the proposal one more time. Good feedback is hard to find, and once you make contact, the fabled typos become irreversible. Don’t be gun shy to even reach out to your wider community for support.

Send the proposal sample page to anyone you can and collect their feedback. Naturally, you don’t want to spend half of your waking life collecting feedback. Still, a cover letter is just words on a paper without the reader understanding what you want, especially when they’re giving you money.

If still not convinced, it takes between 80 to 200 hours to write a grant proposal, and it can cost several thousand dollars if you’re hiring a grant writer . You don’t want a single page to ruin all the hard work.

Use Plain English

We all want to impress others. But using complex words can easily backfire and ruin your chance.

The point of a proposal letter isn’t to show your vocabulary but to state your case as straightforward as possible. If you’re unsure if you’re overdoing it, some helpful apps and websites will tell you if a sentence is too long or too complex.

Final Formatting

Ensure the dates match since you’ll have a date both in the cover letter and the main grant proposal. You don’t want to send a proposal where the grant proposal has April 5th while the cover letter has November 27th. This goes for other files you’ll send as well.

The cover letter should use single-space and leave space between addresses in the heading. Double-space means less room to write the limited information you need. This doesn’t mean you should delete the area between paragraphs. Give the letter room to breathe.

Although unnecessary, it can be a nice touch if you place your signature in live ink. Leave about three empty spaces the complimentary close and your name for the signature.

Send the Cover Letter in PDF

If you’re emailing the grant proposal letter, email the document in PDF. There’s a chance the foundation will offer to sign documents digitally. Additionally, unlike other text files, PDF is safe from malware. Meaning, a PDF will not only look competent but will also leave a good impression in the eyes of the more “tech-savvy” grant funders.

If you are new to grant writing and are looking to break-in, we recommend taking our Grant Writing Certification Course , where you will learn the fundamentals of being a grant writer, how to write proposals that win grants, and how to stand out as a grant writing candidate.

cover letter grant funding

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Become a Certified Grant Writer. In this course, we teach the fundamentals of grant writing, how to create great grant proposals, and how to stand out in the recruiting process to land grant writing jobs.


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How To Write An Effective Grant Proposal | A Nonprofit’s Guide

Before writing a grant proposal, you must understand the basics of grant funding. In this article, we discuss the different types of grants, how to find grants that fit your organization’s needs, nine essential components of a good grant proposal, and provide you with templates, samples and tips to help you get started.

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For many nonprofits, grants are very appealing. They can provide the opportunity for an organization or business to make a significant impact on its community that it would otherwise be unable to fund . But before diving into writing nonprofit grant proposals, take a moment to ask yourself:

“Does my nonprofit need to be applying for a grant in the first place?”

Writing effective grant proposals can seem like stepping into a confusing, long labyrinth, and one that comes with many strings attached.

It’s important to know if applying for grants is the right decision to fund your nonprofit, amongst many other funding sources at your disposal. And if so, how much energy should you invest in the process? Now, let’s understand the basics of grants, different types of grants, and how your nonprofit can write an effective grant proposal step by step.

What are Grants?

A grant is a bounty, contribution, gift, or subsidy (in cash or kind) bestowed by a government or other organization (called the grantor) for specified purposes to an eligible recipient (called the grantee). Grants are usually conditional upon certain qualifications as to the use, and maintenance of specified standards, or a proportional contribution by the grantee or other grantor(s). – Business Dictionary

Grants are typically awarded to nonprofit organizations for a distinct program or purpose.  Grantmakers generally focus their “giving” on:

  • A specific population (such as children or organizations in New York)
  • Certain types of nonprofits (such as animal shelters or environmental groups)
  • Particular types of support (such as program development or funding for equipment)

What is a Grant Proposal?

A grant proposal is a request that a funder join the nonprofit as a partner to achieve specific results. It is an appeal for money (a grant) that is sent to either a profit or non-profit grant-awarding organization. Every year, many corporations, organizations, and government agencies dispense billions of dollars in grants to companies for addressing issues these organizations are interested in. At its best, a grant proposal must be a persuasive and well-supported argument for change.

Different Types of Grants

Grants can provide different types of support for your organization .

For example:

  • Operating support or unrestricted funding is a grant for day-to-day operating costs. It is used to support the general work of an organization and is not dedicated to a particular purpose or project.
  • Capital support is most commonly given for specific capital campaigns .  These involve building construction or acquisition, land acquisition, renovations, remodeling, or the rehabilitation of property.
  • Example: Technology Grants for Nonprofits which can help nonprofits leverage technology for their mission.

Pro tip: Grant-based funding isn’t sustainable alone. It has to be part of a diversified fundraising plan. Many fundraising experts recommend that no more than 20% of your funding comes from grants. Any more than that and you risk sinking your organization if a key grant falls through.

How do I know if I should apply for a grant? And where can I find them?

Grants are not the answer to securing funds quickly or in a pinch. However, they are a great solution for nonprofits raising funds to carry out carefully planned programs.

Read more about where to find grants for your nonprofit here .

Check out winning grant proposals at Grantspace .

The most common myths about nonprofit grants

1. foundations and corporations are like santa claus..

While there’s indeed a lot of money available to nonprofits out there, over 50 billion dollars to be precise, this money isn’t just sitting there waiting for you to ask for it. You’ll need to put the work in, and the requirements can be demanding.

2. Only big nonprofits can apply.

There are grants out there for all types and sizes of nonprofits. In addition to that, while many grants are project-specific, there are plenty of grants that are unrestricted and can fund some of your operating costs or capital campaigns as well.

3. Grant writing is a mysterious, strange art.

While there’s a lot to learn about writing excellent, winning grant proposals, it’s also not magic. Once you know the basics, developing a winning nonprofit grant proposal is quite logical.

How to Write an Effective Grant Proposal [Step-by-Step]

tips to write nonprofit grant

1. Be Prepared

First, create a diversified fundraising plan – where grants are only one of the funding sources. Consider if applying for a grant is the best way to fund the desired project/campaign.

Commit yourself to applying for a grant only if you match all the foundation’s qualifications and are willing to research and write tailored applications for each foundation. Only for the kinds of funding you already identified you are pursuing in your fundraising plan. This will save everyone time and energy.

Additionally, ensure you have the resources and time to research foundations and grant-writing opportunities for your organization. Ask yourself if your organization can accomplish what is asked.

Furthermore, find a qualified writer with experience writing grants, or invest in grant writing training for an existing staff member.

Pro tip: Create a grant calendar that includes all the important dates and deadlines for grants you wish to apply for in the next year or two.

2. Don’t Be Generic

If you want to have any chance at all at getting your grant application approved, you can’t write one generic application and send off duplicates to different foundations. This makes it appear to a reviewer that your application is an afterthought, and that’s not a good thing.

The most essential guideline of them all: you need to tailor your application to whichever organization you’re submitting it to.

To do that, you’ll need to do some intense research. Carefully examine the call for proposals and the organization’s website. This can help you draw connections that may then aid you in preparing your application.

Grantmakers are usually looking for a specific cause or subject to fund, so always make sure to thoroughly read what the grantmaker is interested in understanding. Ensure that it’s relevant to your organization’s mission before applying.

Pro tip: Never compromise your mission or beliefs to get any kind of funding.

3. Data Yet Again

Data is what wins grants.

Even if you hire the most experienced grant writer , messy data throughout the organization will prevent grant writing from ever getting started. If you don’t collect relevant data, manage and update it, there’s not much that can be done.

A warm story  might get someone to give you $20 out of their pocket. But a foundation with $50,000 grants can’t give based on heart-warming stories alone.

Successful grant applications focus on the impact. The best grant proposals distill in clear and plain language the need the grant will address and the unique approach that the organization’s proposed initiative takes to do so.

Pro tip: Search the Internet for previously funded grant applications posted online by organizations that received grant awards. Study a mixture of grant applications funded by the federal government, foundations, and corporations.

Before Submitting the Grant Proposal

1. review and get a fresh perspective.

When we’ve been reading, speaking, living, and breathing our nonprofit – we can become a bit blind to the language we’re using.

Assume that the funder isn’t familiar at all with the work that you do. Write as if the funder will be hearing about your nonprofit for the first time.

Avoid jargon and abbreviations. If you’re struggling to take a step back, it can be helpful to ask someone less familiar with the work that you do to take a look and give you their feedback (e.g. a friend or a willing acquaintance).

2. Get Clear And Concise

Funders will lose interest if your application is too difficult to understand or takes too much of their time.

No one should be trying to figure out what you’re trying to say or what you’re asking for the money for. Be clear and straightforward in your request.

3. Double-Check the Grant Application

  • Double-check spelling, calculations, and due dates.
  • Make sure to include all the required forms and necessary attachments by checking the submissions package.
  • Check that page number and font size requirements are followed and that documents are presented in the order described.
  • You may need to have your CEO and the Board President sign the cover sheet or letter.
  • Pay attention to character limits.
  • Have another staff member review the budget lines.
  • Have a clear contact from your organization.

Grant Proposals: The Basics

Before sending over a full grant proposal, you’d typically first send a letter of inquiry. Many trusts and foundations require a letter of inquiry or request for an application before submitting your application.

The letter of inquiry serves as an introduction to your project and a way to gauge interest from the funding committee. If they want additional information, they will respond with a request for a more in-depth proposal.

The letter should be no longer than two pages.

In the letter of inquiry, be as specific as possible. Add examples in a concise, succinct manner. Keep language simple and avoid ambiguous or general generic statements.

Following the letter of inquiry, if you’re invited to send a more in-depth proposal, you’d typically send a 7-10-page document providing more information about your organization, the project, the needs, and the outcomes. This proposal typically includes a cover letter and appendices, as well.

Note that some grant foundations prefer a concise proposal of about 3-5 pages instead of this typical longer proposal. This one is sometimes referred to as a letter of proposal.

9 Essential Components of a Good Grant Proposal [Template Included]

Note that different foundations and grantmakers might require a different format. Always carefully read the call for proposals before embarking on the writing process.

The grant proposal writing process consists of the following stages:

1. Proposal Summary

Provide a short overview of the entire proposal. Include the funds you’re requesting through the grant, as well as the resources that others will contribute.

2. Introduction to the Applicant

Describe your nonprofit organization and make a case for your credibility. Explain why you can be trusted to steward the funds responsibly. Also share your organization’s history, your success record, and why you’re the right fit for the project.

3. The Need/The Problem Statement

Establish the need for your project. Demonstrate who will benefit and how they will benefit. State the consequences of not funding the project and the needs not being addressed. This should be a factual, well-documented description of the situation. Share about what concerns you and why it matters.

Pro tip: Incorporate a case study of a real beneficiary your organization has served. Show a real need for a real person (of course – change the name for confidentiality reasons). Explain your time frame, and why securing funding is critical now.

4. The Objectives and Outcomes

What are the desired outcomes? Define the goals and state how you will measure whether you’ve achieved them.   Lay down the specific, measurable outcomes you expect your project activities to produce. Objectives should be consistent with your statement of need.

5. Program Plan

How are you going to execute the project? Describe how you will achieve the objectives. What will be your key activities? Provide thorough details about them. Who will do what? When and how will they do it?

6. The Capacity

You also need to explain how your organization is preparing for the project. For example, do you have adequate, trained staff and a supportive board and community? Connect this to the time frame – how will you execute your program plan in time?

7. Evaluation Plan

Describe how you’ll evaluate that the objectives have been reached. How will you track and measure whether activities are rolling out as planned? How will you know you’re succeeding and what will tell you that?

8. Program Budget

Provide a thorough and realistic budget. You must try to include details of expenses as well as other sources of anticipated revenue. For instance, such as by the applicant organization or the resources that other partners will contribute.

9. Sustained Impact

Talk about the long-term.   Does your project need continuous funds or is it a one-time undertaking? How will you continue to produce impact  beyond the period of grant funding?

Note:   Some funders may require that you attach specific documents to your proposals, such as your organization’s 501(c)(3) letter from the Internal Revenue Service, a list of your board directors and their affiliations, your current operating budget, or letters from partner organizations.

nonprofit grant proposals

Grant Proposal Cover Letter (Format, Samples, and Tips)

Your Grant Proposal Cover Letter Must Include:

  • The project is mentioned in the very first line.
  • A request for the grant amount
  • Description of how this project is important, and how it will further the foundation’s mission.
  • List the contents of the proposal
  • References to previous contacts with the foundation if any
  • Contact details in case the funder wants any additional information
  • A cover letter signed by your organization’s executive director

Cover Letter Format

Find the cover letter format here.

A sample cover letter and sample grant proposal can be found here .

Key Tips & Strategies for Grant Proposal Cover Letter

  • Keep your cover letter brief and to the point
  • Make sure it does not repeat the information that is already in the proposal
  • Show the reader how well you understand the funder and how your grant fulfills the funder’s requirements
  • Your first paragraph should be short and succinct. Introduce your organization and tell the funder how much money you are requesting and why.
  • Include a sentence or two about what your organization does, and one research-based point that shows the need that your organization addresses.
  • Limit your cover letter to one page with three or four paragraphs.
  • Use the same date that you’ll be sending the complete grant application to the funding source. You want to create documents that are consistent.
  • Close your cover letter with a summarizing paragraph. Share a closing thought about what this funding partnership can mean for the future of your project’s target audience.
  • At the bottom of your letter, include ENCLOSURES or ATTACHMENTS.

Examples of Grant Proposals for Nonprofit Organizations (Sample):

Take inspiration from some of the most successful grant proposals:

  • Kennett Area Senior Center: This application was submitted to the community foundation in the county where the Kennett Area Senior Center operates to request funding to provide needed services and assistance to local senior citizens. Read and learn from it here .
  • Arts Funding Grant Proposals: This proposal is another example of a comprehensive and well-written grant proposal. Read it here .
  • Sample Youth Program Funding Proposals: Here are examples of William T Grant Scholars Proposals. Read them here .

Here’s a podcast for you on growing your grant potential, that you may find helpful:

Over To You

Winning a grant is almost like completing a long-distance run. Grant applications are often rejected the first time.

It’s important to have an existing relationship with the grant-giving organization to improve the likelihood of acceptance. Like all fundraising , no might mean “no for now” and much of it boils down to relationships.

For that reason, if your grant proposal is rejected, respond graciously. Contact the funder to ask if you might try to submit again with appropriate changes or if they might still be interested later in a different project. However, don’t become a pest or turn sour – don’t burn the bridge!

You may not be able to control everything that influences the decisions of grant-givers. However, you can increase your chances of approval by clearly communicating your organization’s mission and credibility, stating the need for the project how you’ll be meeting that need, and your passion for what you are trying to accomplish.

Choose Donorbox as your donation system and check out our Nonprofit blog  for more nonprofit resources and tips.

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Raviraj heads the sales and marketing team at Donorbox. His growth-hacking abilities have helped Donorbox boost fundraising efforts for thousands of nonprofit organizations.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Grant Proposal Cover Letter

  • February 25, 2023

The Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Grant Proposal Cover Letter

The Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Grant Proposal Cover Letter article shows you how to follow the rules and craft winning cover letter,

Let’s say you’re a nonprofit organization seeking funding for a new project that will provide education and resources to low-income families in your community.

You’ve identified a potential funder that aligns with your mission and values, and you’re ready to submit a grant proposa l. But before you start working on the proposal itself, you need to write a cover letter that will introduce your organization and project to the funder.

Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when writing your grant proposal cover letter:

  • Address the letter to a specific person : Try to find out who will be reviewing your proposal and address the letter to them directly. If you can’t find a specific name, use a generic greeting like “Dear Grant Review Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern.”
  • Keep it concise : Your cover letter should be no more than one page, and should briefly introduce your organization, the project you’re seeking funding for, and why you believe your organization is a good fit for the funder.
  • Show enthusiasm: Let the funder know how excited you are about the project and how it aligns with their mission and values.
  • Use a professional tone: While you want to convey enthusiasm, be sure to maintain a professional tone throughout the letter.
  • Thank the funder : End the letter by thanking the funder for their consideration and including your contact information in case they have any questions.
  • Be overly casual : While you want to convey enthusiasm, avoid being too informal in your language or tone.
  • Use jargon or acronyms: The funder may not be familiar with your organization or industry-specific terminology, so avoid using jargon or acronyms that could be confusing.
  • Repeat information from your proposal: Your cover letter should introduce your organization and project, but should not repeat information that is already included in the proposal itself.
  • Make unsupported claims: Avoid making statements that cannot be supported by data or evidence.
  • Send a generic letter: Tailor your cover letter to the specific funder and project, rather than sending a generic letter that could be used for any proposal.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can create a strong grant proposal cover letter that will introduce your organization and project to potential funders and increase your chances of receiving funding.

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Four common grant proposal documents (free samples included)

  • Melissa Pulis (she/her)
  • July 13, 2023

Person typing on a laptop with document icons coming out of a folder.

Nonprofit work means paperwork. While Candid is working to reduce that burden broadly, here is one specific way we are trying to help: by providing sample grant proposal documents . 

There are four major documents that you may need to create if your nonprofit is looking for funding. Each has a different purpose and elements you’ll need to make your case to funders.  

In this blog, we share the major types of grant proposal documents, their components, and free sample resources to show you what a successful version of each one looks like. 

Letters of inquiry (LOI)

If you’re new to fundraising and grant writing, you may have not heard the term letter of inquiry , or LOI. Honestly, when you do, it’s good news. 

A letter of inquiry or LOI is something a funder may ask for in lieu of a full grant proposal. Instead of a giant stack of papers, you just need to write a few pages to create a LOI that will get the funder excited to support your cause or project.  

Sometimes, this can be the first step in a funder’s broader grant proposal process. In this case, you may be asked to complete a LOI to show whether you meet the grant criteria, so time is not wasted on a full proposal. Other times, it serves as the entire proposal. 

Here’s what a letter of inquiry should include: 

  • An introduction that summarizes the letter.  
  • A brief description of your organization and why this particular project is important.  
  • A statement of need that convinces the reader your project meets the specific needs of those you serve. 
  • A methodology that explains how you’ll do it. 
  • Other funding sources that are being approached. 
  • Finally, a summary of what was just said and a brief thank you to the funder for considering your organization.  

The biggest challenge is you only get a couple pages to make your case. In our LOI sample documents , you will see examples of how you can summarize projects in a compelling and concise way. 

Cover letters

This is the most important part of your grant proposal: the cover letter . Think of a cover letter as a compelling introduction to the contents of your full proposal. It’s your first chance to connect your project with the funder’s philanthropic mission.  

At minimum, your cover letter should include: 

  • An introduction to your project. 
  • The dollar amount of funding you need.  
  • How your project and organization will further the foundation’s mission. 
  • A list that outlines the proposal’s contents. 
  • Contact details in case the funder wants additional information. 
  • A signature from your organization’s executive director. 

Additionally, if your organization has branded letterhead, consider using it for added polish. 

In our sample documents, you’ll find three different examples of cover letters that include these aspects. 

Proposal budgets 

Proposal budgets may seem a bit dull, but many funders say it’s the first part of a grant proposal that they read. Your budget should show your credibility and impact with numbers.  

A proposal budget should include: 

  • Grants and other funding contributions. 
  • Earned income from events, products, and fees. 
  • Direct costs, like staff time, consultants, supplies, equipment, and evaluation (such as conducting surveys or collecting feedback). 
  • Indirect costs—or the invisible costs, like rent, utilities, office supplies, marketing, and administrative staff. 

Make sure your budget adds up (it’s a big red flag when it doesn’t). Not only should the math be correct, but it should also match the request for funding you’re making in the proposal.  

To see this in practice, review our proposal budget sample documents.  

Full grant proposals

Here’s the big one. Writing a full grant proposal can be a little intimidating.   

Before you begin, make sure to read and re-read the instructions from the funder. You don’t want to miss some simple but important proposal requirements, like using a specific font. 

Here are the key elements of a proposal: 

  • Executive summary. This is where you’ll give a snapshot of the problem, your solution for addressing it, why your organization can help, and the amount of funding you’ll need to do so. 
  • Needs statement. Next is a needs statement that shows why your project is needed and aligned with funders’ focus areas. 
  • Project description. In this section, you’ll share your project’s goals and objectives, detailed activities, and information about your organization. 
  • Proposal budget. Finally, a budget that shows in numbers how you’ll address the problem. 

Reading examples of full grant proposal documents can be a helpful way to get started. You can also check out our free live and on-demand trainings .  

Need more help? Our team of online librarians is here to provide resources and support. You can reach out to them by emailing [email protected] or via chat during business hours.  

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About the author

Portrait of Melissa Pulis

Melissa is an experienced information professional who leads Candid’s Online Librarian program and oversees content creation for Candid Learning’s Knowledge Base Articles. She is passionate about librarianship, providing equitable access to information, and teaching people how to navigate online resources.

In addition to her experience leading the Online Librarian program, Melissa has extensive nonprofit experience having worked in development for both small and large Cleveland-area nonprofits and as a grants manager for a private foundation. Melissa has a Master of Library and Information Science from Kent State University.

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Adelene Hampton says:

Thank you. I want to improve education, mathematically in the state of Louisiana. Your cupport has been most helpful and appreciated.

Gary Van Dyke says:

need grant for medical expenses

Geoffrey says:

Insightful well arranged tips on proposal writing. Want to learn more and examples

Jesus Loera says:

Good evening friends, I am Jesus Loera. Lately I have become interested in grant writing but haven't a clue where to start. I am a life long resident of Brownsville Texas. We are stuffed up against the Mexican border. Not extremely prosperous, sad to say. I work for a Community College in need of funding, I am a member of a Unitarian Church with only 6 members and I recently joined the local Freemasons. All these organizations in desperate need of finical help. I am willing to help as much as possible, but in need of some coaching.

Kate, Digital Communications Manager, Candid says:

Candid does not suggest specific funders or approach them on your behalf. But we can point you to resources that should help you in your funding search. You can check out our Knowledge Base for information on getting grants and finding donors .

Christian Wilson says:

We need additional funding in the amount of $20,000 to feed 700 people during the weekend when there are no services provided. The local funders have been tapped out and tell us that they cannot assist us. Can you advise me of other alternative funding that might be available so that we can continue to feed these families?

Leslie England says:

Greetings! We are a 501c3 trying to get a grant to buy a building for a homeless shelter in our area. We have no idea how to find grants or apply for them. Where do you begin?

Jean niyungeko Fessi says:

the information is so helpful, thanks for being resourceful.

Bruce says:

I also maintain both a paper and electronic file of key documents usually required like IRS letter, BOD list, 1page overview of organization including Mission statement, most recent 990, annual budget including income and expenses. All this helps especially with online applications!

Lorent Damaseke Mvula says:

Thanks for the knowledge and skills I have learned on grant proposals, this really sharpens my knowledge.

RMM- ED says:

Thank you for posting this!

This is super helpful, thank you!

Cindy Dashnaw Jackson says:

This is an incredible resource and a generous action, Melissa. I hope many nonprofits see this article!

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Grant Writer Cover Letter Example

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Start your Grant Writer cover letter by addressing the specific person or committee who will be reviewing your application, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention your current role or professional status. Immediately follow this with a concise statement of your interest in the grant opportunity and how your experience aligns with the grant's objectives. For instance, you could say, "As a professional grant writer with a proven track record in securing funding for non-profit organizations, I am excited about the opportunity to apply for [specific grant] which aligns perfectly with my expertise in [specific area]." This approach immediately establishes your credentials and shows your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

The best way for Grant Writers to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude and eagerness for the opportunity. This can be done by thanking the reader for considering their proposal and expressing hope for further discussion. For instance, "Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the possibility of further discussing how we can contribute to your mission." It's also important to include contact information for easy follow-up. Lastly, a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards" followed by the writer's name and title should be used. This ending leaves a positive impression, shows respect for the reader's time, and demonstrates the writer's enthusiasm about the potential partnership.

In a cover letter, Grant Writers should include the following: 1. Introduction: This should include a brief introduction of the organization, its mission, and the purpose of the grant request. It's important to make a strong first impression that engages the reader. 2. Summary of the Proposal: This should be a concise summary of the project or program for which funding is being sought. It should include the total cost of the project, the amount being requested from the grantor, and a brief explanation of how the funds will be used. 3. Relevance to the Grantor: Explain why your project or program aligns with the grantor's mission or funding priorities. This shows that you've done your research and understand the grantor's goals. 4. Impact: Highlight the potential impact of the project or program. This could include the number of people served, the benefits to the community, or other measurable outcomes. 5. Closing: In the closing, express gratitude for the grantor's consideration and provide contact information for follow-up questions or discussions. 6. Attachments: Mention any attachments that accompany the cover letter, such as the full grant proposal, a budget, or letters of support. Remember, the cover letter is your chance to make a compelling case for your grant proposal. It should be professional, concise, and persuasive, demonstrating your organization's credibility and the value of your proposed project or program.

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How do I write a proposal cover letter?

The cover letter often is your proposal's first chance to connect your project with the reader's philanthropic mission. It goes on top of a proposal, but it is not the same as an executive summary, which states your proposal's key points.

At minimum, your cover letter should:

  • Request your dollar amount and introduce your project in the first sentence
  • Describe how your project and/or organization will further the foundation's mission
  • Reference your most recent contact with the foundation
  • List the proposal's contents
  • Give contact details in case the funder wants additional information
  • Be signed by your organization's executive director
Dive in to this topic with our self-paced course: Crafting compelling grant proposals Learn how to craft a compelling and competitive proposal.

Sample cover letters

Samples of actual cover letters are usually hard to find because the donor and applicant may be very protective of these documents. Also, they usually are very specific to the project, organization, and funder.

However, our Sample Documents section is a searchable collection of proposals, cover letters, letters of inquiry, and proposal budgets that were actually funded. Each proposal includes a critique by the decision-maker who awarded the grant.

You also might check if anyone in your professional networks would be willing to share sample proposals and cover letters.

See also our related Knowledge Base articles:

How do I write a grant proposal?

What should be included in a letter of inquiry? Where can I find samples?

More articles on proposal writing.

Have a question about this topic? Ask us!

Candid's Online Librarian service will answer your questions within two business days.

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Explore resources curated by our staff for this topic:, staff-recommended websites, sample cover letters & proposals.

Nonprofit Guides has a sample proposal cover letter, letter of inquiry, proposal, budget, and other items that may be of use to grantseekers.

Sample Grant-Proposal Cover Letter

Sample cover letter that introduces a grant proposal.

How to Write an Effective Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Lists attributes and tips to write good cover letters. Includes sample cover letter.

Sample Cover Letter,Proposal,Letter Proposal

Each section includes a brief description of its purpose and what to include.

Staff-recommended books

Winning Grants Step by Step

Winning Grants Step by Step

Find: Amazon | Free eBook

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7 Grant Manager Cover Letter Examples


When applying for a grant manager position, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in helping your application stand out. In the competitive field of grant management, a strong cover letter can showcase your skills, experience, and passion for the role, while also demonstrating your ability to effectively communicate and articulate your qualifications.

A grant manager is responsible for overseeing the entire grant process, from researching and identifying potential funding opportunities to preparing grant proposals and managing awarded grants. As such, it is crucial to highlight your relevant experience, knowledge, and achievements in your cover letter to convince hiring managers that you are the ideal candidate for the position.

In this article, we will provide you with some valuable examples of grant manager cover letters. Each example will demonstrate different approaches to crafting a compelling cover letter that effectively highlights the applicant's qualifications and aligns them with the requirements of the grant manager role. By examining these examples, you can gain insights into what makes a cover letter strong and learn how to tailor your own cover letter to maximize your chances of success.

So, whether you are an experienced grant manager looking for a new opportunity or a recent graduate aiming to enter the field, read on to discover some powerful examples of grant manager cover letters that will inspire you to create your own standout cover letter.

Example 1: Senior Grant Manager Cover Letter

Key takeaways.

Samantha's cover letter effectively showcases her extensive experience in grant management and highlights her ability to make a meaningful impact in the role of Senior Grant Manager at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

When applying for a grant management position, it is crucial to emphasize your experience and achievements in managing grants, including any improvements or efficiencies you have implemented. This demonstrates your ability to effectively allocate resources and drive impact.

Samantha provides specific examples of her accomplishments, such as reducing administrative costs by 20% and streamlining grant application processes by 30%. These quantifiable achievements demonstrate her ability to optimize grant management processes and deliver tangible results.

Be sure to include measurable achievements in your cover letter to highlight your track record of success. This not only showcases your abilities but also provides concrete evidence of your impact.

While Samantha effectively highlights her experience and achievements, she could further emphasize her alignment with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's mission and values. This could include mentioning any previous work or involvement in projects related to global health or social justice.

To stand out as a candidate, it's important to demonstrate your passion and alignment with the organization's mission. Highlight any relevant experience or involvement in projects that showcase your commitment to the foundation's goals.

Example 2: Government Grant Manager Cover Letter Example

Michael's cover letter effectively showcases his extensive experience in program analysis and grant management within federal agencies, positioning him as a strong candidate for the Government Grant Manager position at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

When applying for a specialized role like Government Grant Manager, it is crucial to highlight specific experience and expertise in program analysis, grant management, and federal regulations. This demonstrates your ability to navigate the complexities of the role and make informed decisions.

He emphasizes his achievements in managing grants worth over $10 million and successfully overseeing the entire grant life cycle. This highlights his ability to effectively manage budgets, ensure compliance, and cultivate strong relationships with grant recipients.

Quantify your achievements and highlight the scale of your responsibilities in managing grants. This demonstrates your ability to handle large budgets and complex grant management processes.

Michael also mentions his experience in leading cross-functional teams, developing grant policies, and streamlining processes. This showcases his leadership skills and ability to drive organizational efficiency.

Highlight your experience in leading teams and implementing process improvements. This indicates your ability to coordinate and collaborate with stakeholders, ensuring effective grant management practices.

Overall, Michael's cover letter effectively positions him as a highly qualified candidate with the necessary expertise and experience to excel in the role of Government Grant Manager at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Example 3: Nonprofit Grant Manager Cover Letter

Emily's cover letter effectively showcases her experience and achievements in grant writing and nonprofit development, positioning her as an ideal candidate for the Nonprofit Grant Manager role at Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

When applying for a nonprofit grant manager position, it's crucial to highlight your track record of securing funding and managing grants successfully. This demonstrates your ability to contribute to the organization's financial sustainability and impact.

She emphasizes her accomplishments by quantifying the grant funding she secured and the percentage increase she achieved.

Quantify your achievements to highlight the impact of your work. Numbers and percentages provide concrete evidence of your effectiveness and can impress hiring managers.

Emily also highlights her experience in managing grants and implementing efficient systems to streamline processes and reduce administrative overhead.

Showcase your ability to effectively manage grants and improve operational efficiency. Grant management skills, including compliance and reporting, are highly valued in this role.

To further strengthen her application, Emily could have mentioned any specific knowledge she has of breast cancer research or programs, as well as her familiarity with Susan G. Komen for the Cure's initiatives.

Demonstrate your passion for the organization's mission and your knowledge of the specific cause or sector. This shows your commitment and connection to the work being done.

Example 4: Education Grant Manager Cover Letter

Benjamin's cover letter effectively highlights his relevant experience and passion for educational equity, positioning him as an ideal candidate for the Education Grant Manager position at Teach For America.

When applying for a role in education, it is crucial to demonstrate your commitment to the organization's mission and values. This shows your alignment with their goals and your potential to contribute to their important work.

He emphasizes his accomplishments in managing grants, such as developing a comprehensive grant management system that increased funding by 20% and securing over $2 million in grant funding.

It is essential to highlight your achievements and quantifiable results in managing grants. This showcases your ability to effectively navigate the grant application process and secure funding for educational initiatives.

Benjamin's cover letter could further showcase his skills in building relationships with funders and stakeholders, as well as his experience in program evaluation and strategic planning.

Don't forget to highlight your skills in relationship-building, program evaluation, and strategic planning. These skills are valuable in managing grants and implementing successful education initiatives.

Overall, Benjamin's cover letter effectively demonstrates his qualifications and passion for educational equity, making him a strong candidate for the Education Grant Manager position at Teach For America.

Example 5: Healthcare Grant Manager Cover Letter

Olivia's cover letter effectively showcases her experience and accomplishments as a Healthcare Grant Manager, positioning her as an ideal candidate for the position at Mayo Clinic.

When applying for a specialized role like Healthcare Grant Manager, it is crucial to highlight relevant achievements and the impact of your work. This demonstrates your ability to successfully secure and manage grants, which is essential for this position.

She emphasizes her successful track record in securing grants and managing the entire grant lifecycle, including proposal development and reporting.

Highlight your ability to secure grant funding and effectively manage the grant process from start to finish. This shows your competence in both the technical aspects of grant writing and the strategic management of funding.

Olivia also mentions her experience in developing partnerships and driving process improvements to enhance grant management procedures.

Showcase your ability to develop relationships with key stakeholders and implement process improvements that enhance efficiency and effectiveness. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and your ability to add value to the organization.

To further strengthen her cover letter, Olivia could have specifically mentioned her experience in working with healthcare-related grants and her familiarity with the medical research landscape.

Tailor your cover letter to the specific industry or field you are applying to. Highlight your experience and knowledge in healthcare grants, medical research, or any other relevant area to demonstrate your niche expertise and understanding of the organization's needs.

Example 6: Research Grant Manager Cover Letter

Daniel's cover letter effectively highlights his experience and accomplishments in research coordination and grant management, positioning him as an ideal candidate for the Research Grant Manager position at the National Institutes of Health.

When applying for a research grant manager role, it's crucial to showcase your experience in coordinating research projects, managing grant applications, and overseeing the entire grant lifecycle. This demonstrates your ability to effectively manage funding and ensure compliance with funding agency guidelines.

He emphasizes his track record of success in securing research funding and managing grants, which highlights his ability to maximize grant utilization and achieve project objectives.

Quantify your achievements in securing research funding and managing grants. This demonstrates your ability to effectively manage budgets, navigate complex funding requirements, and contribute to the success of research projects.

Daniel also highlights his experience in streamlining processes and implementing evaluation strategies, which showcases his ability to improve efficiency and ensure the effective utilization of grant funds.

Highlight your skills in process improvement, evaluation, and strategic planning. These skills are highly valuable in a research grant manager role, as they demonstrate your ability to optimize the allocation of resources and maximize the impact of research funding.

Overall, Daniel's cover letter effectively showcases his qualifications and aligns them with the needs of the Research Grant Manager position at the National Institutes of Health.

Example 7: Environmental Grant Manager Cover Letter

Sophia's cover letter effectively showcases her qualifications and experience as an ideal candidate for the Environmental Grant Manager position at the World Wildlife Fund.

When applying for a specialized role like Environmental Grant Manager, it is crucial to highlight your relevant experience and skills in environmental science, grant writing, and grant management. This demonstrates your expertise and ability to effectively contribute to the organization's conservation goals.

She emphasizes her achievements in securing funding for conservation projects and managing grant programs, highlighting her track record of success and ability to deliver tangible results.

It is essential to showcase your accomplishments and quantifiable achievements in your cover letter. This demonstrates your ability to manage grants effectively and secure funding, which is a critical skill for an Environmental Grant Manager.

Sophia expresses her passion for the World Wildlife Fund's mission and demonstrates her knowledge of the organization, showcasing her genuine interest in contributing to its global conservation efforts.

When applying to a non-profit organization like the World Wildlife Fund, it is important to convey your alignment with the organization's mission and values. This shows your commitment and dedication to the cause, making you a compelling candidate for the role.

Skills To Highlight

As a grant manager, your cover letter should highlight the unique skills that make you a strong candidate for the role. These key skills include:

Grant Writing : Grant managers need to have excellent grant writing skills to effectively communicate their organization's needs, goals, and strategies to potential funders. Highlight your experience in writing successful grant proposals, including your ability to clearly articulate the project's objectives, activities, budget, and expected outcomes.

Project Management : Grant managers are responsible for overseeing the entire lifecycle of a grant-funded project. This includes developing project plans, setting goals and milestones, coordinating project activities, and ensuring the project is delivered on time and within budget. Emphasize your project management skills, such as your ability to plan and organize resources, monitor progress, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Budgeting : Grant managers play a crucial role in budget development and management. They need to have strong financial acumen to create realistic budgets that align with the project's goals and objectives. Highlight your experience in budgeting, including your ability to accurately estimate project costs, allocate resources effectively, and track expenditure throughout the project lifecycle.

Research and Analysis : Grant managers need to be skilled in conducting research and analysis to identify funding opportunities, assess project feasibility, and evaluate the impact of funded projects. Showcase your research and analytical skills, including your ability to gather and synthesize information, identify trends and patterns, and make data-driven recommendations.

Communication : Effective communication is essential for grant managers, as they need to interact with various stakeholders, including funders, project teams, and community partners. Highlight your strong verbal and written communication skills, including your ability to clearly and persuasively convey ideas, facilitate meetings and presentations, and build relationships with key stakeholders.

Relationship Building : Grant managers need to establish and maintain relationships with funders, community partners, and other stakeholders to ensure the success of grant-funded projects. Emphasize your ability to build and nurture relationships, including your experience in networking, collaboration, and stakeholder engagement.

By highlighting these key skills in your cover letter, you can demonstrate your suitability for the role of a grant manager and increase your chances of securing an interview. Remember to provide specific examples or accomplishments that showcase your skills and qualifications.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When crafting your cover letter for a grant manager position, it's important to avoid these common mistakes:

Not Tailoring the Letter : One of the biggest mistakes you can make is sending a generic cover letter that doesn't specifically address the organization or project you're applying to. Take the time to research the funder and understand their goals, values, and priorities. Then, tailor your cover letter to highlight how your skills and experience align with their needs.

Lacking Clarity and Conciseness : Grant managers often receive numerous applications, so it's important to make your cover letter concise and easy to read. Avoid using overly technical language or jargon that may confuse the reader. Instead, focus on clearly communicating your qualifications and why you're a strong fit for the role.

Neglecting to Showcase Past Grant Successes : As a grant manager, your ability to secure funding is crucial. Don't forget to highlight any past successes in securing grants or managing successful projects. Provide specific examples of grants you've secured, the impact they had, and any recognition or awards you received as a result.

Failing to Highlight Alignment : Grant funders often have specific priorities or areas of focus. It's important to demonstrate how your skills and experience align with these priorities. Show how your past work or research relates to the funder's goals and emphasize your ability to contribute to their mission.

Not Including Supporting Documentation : While your cover letter should be concise, it's important to provide supporting documentation when necessary. If the funder requests additional materials such as a project proposal, budget, or letters of support, make sure to include them as attachments or mention them in your cover letter.

Ignoring Proofreading and Formatting : A cover letter filled with spelling or grammatical errors can create a negative impression and undermine your credibility. Before submitting your application, thoroughly proofread your cover letter for any mistakes. Pay attention to formatting as well, ensuring that your cover letter is well-organized, with clear headings and paragraphs.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase the effectiveness of your cover letter and improve your chances of securing a grant manager position.

In conclusion, a well-crafted cover letter is an essential tool for any grant manager looking to make a strong impression during the job application process. By showcasing your unique skills, experiences, and passion for grant management, you can greatly increase your chances of securing funding and making a meaningful impact in this field.

Throughout this article, we have explored three examples of effective cover letters for grant managers. Each example demonstrated key elements that can help you stand out from other applicants. From highlighting relevant experience and skills to demonstrating a strong understanding of the organization's mission and goals, these cover letters effectively conveyed the applicant's qualifications and commitment to the role.

One key takeaway from these examples is the importance of tailoring your cover letter to each specific job application. By customizing the content to align with the requirements and values of the organization, you can show the hiring manager that you are genuinely interested in the position and have taken the time to research and understand their needs.

Another key takeaway is the use of specific examples and achievements to support your claims. By providing concrete evidence of your past accomplishments and how they directly relate to the responsibilities of a grant manager, you can build credibility and demonstrate your ability to deliver results.

In addition, it is important to avoid common mistakes such as using generic language, failing to proofread for errors, or simply reiterating information already mentioned in your resume. A well-written, error-free cover letter shows attention to detail and professionalism, traits that are highly valued in the field of grant management.

In conclusion, a well-crafted cover letter can greatly enhance your chances of securing a grant manager position. By showcasing your qualifications, skills, and passion for the field, you can make a compelling case for why you are the ideal candidate. Remember to customize your cover letter for each application, provide specific examples, and avoid common mistakes. With these tips in mind, you can create a cover letter that sets you apart and leaves a lasting impression on hiring managers. Good luck with your job search!

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How to Write a Grant Application Cover Letter

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Thanks to the prevalence of the electronic grant submission process, nowadays most people use cover letters only for foundation and corporate funders who require one. (Government funders rarely, if ever, ask for a cover letter anymore.)

If you have to supply a cover letter, make sure it’s brief and to the point. When a funder opens your request for assistance, the cover letter should provide the first inkling of how well you understand the person you addressed the letter to — the funder. Also, avoid merely regurgitating the information in your grant request.

Write the cover letter last, after you’ve completed the entire funding request and are in a reflective mood. As you consider your great achievement (the finished funding request), let the creative, right side of your brain kick in and connect your feelings of accomplishment to the person who will help make your plans come true.

Follow these handy tips when you write your own cover letters:

Use the same date that you’ll send the complete grant application to the funding source. You want to create documents that are consistent, so the dates on cover letters and accompanying cover forms should be the same.

Open with the contact person’s name and title, followed by the funding source name, address, city, state, and zip code. Remember to double-check the contact information with a telephone call or e-mail to the funder. You can also search via the Internet for the correct information.

Greet the contact person with “Dear” plus the personal title (as in Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Messrs.), followed by the last name. This greeting is your first point of introduction to a potential funder, so you need to use a personal title. Call to make sure the personal title you’re using is correct.

Keep the first paragraph short and focused. Start by introducing your organization (legal name). Introduce yourself and give your job title. Finally, get to the point. Tell the funder how much you’re requesting and why your organization needs it. Write a couple of sentences about what your organization does. Validate your existence by adding at least one sentence that includes research-based evidence that there’s a need for your organization.

Write a second paragraph that’s brief and to the point. Include no more than three sentences stating your organization’s corporate structure status and the date it was founded. Then tell the funder your organization’s purpose and how it aligns with the funder’s mission or funding priority.

Wrap up your cover letter with a summarizing paragraph. Share a closing thought or reflection about what this funding partnership can mean for the future of your project’s target audience.

Use a creative closing, such as “Awaiting your response,” “With great hope,” or something else that fits your project’s theme/topic area. Sounding both thankful and optimistic as you close your request for funds is important .

Sign your first name only; doing so invites an informal, long-term relationship. Below your signature, type your first name, middle initial, last name, and job title.

At the bottom of the letter, include the note “ATTACHMENTS.” This note indicates that a grant proposal is included in the same packet. The capital letters signal that the grant proposal is important.


Illustration by Ryan Sneed

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Grants Officer Cover Letter Example

The Grants Officer is responsible for playing a pivotal role in securing funding for the organization by researching, preparing, and managing grant proposals. To work in this capacity, the Grants Officer will need to be detail-oriented, possess excellent research skills, writing abilities, and strong communication skills to communicate the organization’s mission and objectives to potential funding sources.

Enclosing an intriguing and compelling cover letter with your resume can enhance the prospects of landing your dream job. A cover letter displays your dedication and commitment to the work and how you responsibly share the accountabilities. However, writing a detailed and persuasive cover letter is cardinal to turn the potential hiring officer’s attention toward your cover letter from the vast pile.  You can create a credible Cover Letter through our Grants Officer Cover Letter Sample below.

Grants Officer Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters

The Grants Officer collaborates with various departments to identify funding opportunities and ensures compliance with grant requirements. The professional will be responsible for researching and identifying potential grant opportunities, preparing compelling grant proposals, and managing the grant application process. The job role will work in collaboration with proposals with organizational goals and priorities. The professionals play a crucial part in securing funding to support the organization’s initiatives and projects.

What to Include in a Grants Officer Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Identifying and researching potential grant opportunities from government agencies, foundations, and other funding sources.
  • Preparing and submitting well-written, persuasive grant proposals, ensuring alignment with organizational goals, and addressing the requirements of each funding opportunity.
  • Working with program managers, finance teams, and other relevant staff to gather information and ensure that grant proposals accurately reflect project goals and budgetary needs.
  • Monitoring and managing grant timelines , requirements, and reporting deadlines, and ensuring compliance with grant terms and conditions.
  • Cultivating and maintaining relationships with funding agencies, and other potential donors.
  • Collaborating with finance teams to develop accurate and realistic budgets for grant proposals, and ensuring alignment with grant guidelines.
  • Preparing and submitting regular reports to funding agencies, and ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.

Education & Skills

Grants officer skills:.

  • Exceptional writing and editing skills.
  • The ability to create compelling and persuasive grant proposals.
  • Strong research skills to identify potential funding sources.
  • Staying updated on grant opportunities.
  • The ability to analyze and interpret data, budgets, and program information to create comprehensive grant proposals.
  • Excellent organizational and project management skills to handle multiple grants simultaneously.
  • High attention to detail, ensuring accuracy and completeness in all grant-related documents.

Grants Officer Education Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as Non-profit Management, Business Administration, or Communication.
  • Advanced degrees or Certifications related to grant writing.
  • Experience in grant writing and management, preferably in the non-profit sector.

Grants Officer Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr. / Ms.,

I’m writing to express my interest in the Grants Officer position at [Organization Name], as advertised. Having experience in grants writing, fundraising, and nonprofit management, with an even greater passion for involving in community development, I am delighted and ready to contribute my knowledge and expertise in securing grant proposals and managing them for your organization.

In the past, as I skillfully worked on grants with different objectives, the funding came from various agencies like government, foundations, and corporate donors to support multiple campaigns. I am skilled in researching funding options, writing attractive grant submissions, and cultivating connections with donors and funding agencies to achieve organizational goals and impact.

I am particularly interested in the chance at [Organization Name] because of its commitment to social justice, emphasis on environmental sustainability, and attempts to meet community needs. I am thrilled to be able to make use of my capabilities, experiences, and penchant for grant writing within your team to give wings to your organization’s programs and services. It will be my contribution to your victories.

My major accomplishments-

  • Proven track record of obtaining grant money by creating high-quality grant ideas, grant applications, and supporting documentation, resulting in successful grant wins and program financing.
  • Achieved security for start-up grant funds to implement new programs and initiatives that meet emerging community needs, widen the scope, and improve service provision and community impact.
  • Assure compliance with grant criteria and reporting timelines by successfully managing grant plans, tracking expenditures, and creating accurate and timely grant reports for funders.
  • Led reviews of program efficacy and impact, collecting and evaluating grant-related data and metrics to measure outcomes, assess program performance, and drive decision-making and continuous improvement activities.

I am confident that my talents, expertise, and devotion qualify me for the Grants Officer position at [Organization Name]. I am devoted to maintaining the highest levels of professionalism, ethics, and donor stewardship, and I am thrilled at the prospect of contributing to the success of your organization’s fundraising and grant-making initiatives.

Thank you for reviewing my application. I look forward to examining how my experience, talents, and excitement connect with the goals of your business.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

When writing your Grants Officer cover letter, it is important to remember that this is a source of first contact with a potential employer. You want your letter to be as polished as possible to make a good first impression.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Start your cover letter by introducing yourself and detailing why you are writing. Be sure to mention the specific position you are applying for and how you became aware of the opening.
  • In the body of your letter, highlight your relevant qualifications and accomplishments. Use specific examples to illustrate your customer service skills and abilities.
  • Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for their time and consideration and expressing your interest in meeting for an interview.

Refer to our Grants Officer Resume Samples for more tips on how to write your resume and accompany it with a strong cover letter.


Customize Grants Officer Cover Letter

Get hired faster with our free cover letter template designed to land you the perfect position.

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