[Solved] TypeError: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment

TypeError:'str' Object Does Not Support Item Assignment

In this article, we will be discussing the TypeError:’str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment exception . We will also be going through solutions to this problem with example programs.

Why is This Error Raised?

When you attempt to change a character within a string using the assignment operator, you will receive the Python error TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment.

As we know, strings are immutable. If you attempt to change the content of a string, you will receive the error TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment .

There are four other similar variations based on immutable data types :

  • TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
  • TypeError: 'int' object does not support item assignment
  • TypeError: 'float' object does not support item assignment
  • TypeError: 'bool' object does not support item assignment

Replacing String Characters using Assignment Operators

Replicate these errors yourself online to get a better idea here .

In this code, we will attempt to replace characters in a string.

str object does not support item assignment

Strings are an immutable data type. However, we can change the memory to a different set of characters like so:

TypeError: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment in JSON

Let’s review the following code, which retrieves data from a JSON file.

In line 5, we are assigning data['sample'] to a string instead of an actual dictionary. This causes the interpreter to believe we are reassigning the value for an immutable string type.

TypeError: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment in PySpark

The following program reads files from a folder in a loop and creates data frames.

This occurs when a PySpark function is overwritten with a string. You can try directly importing the functions like so:

TypeError: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment in PyMongo

The following program writes decoded messages in a MongoDB collection. The decoded message is in a Python Dictionary.

At the 10th visible line, the variable x is converted as a string.

It’s better to use:

Please note that msg are a dictionary and NOT an object of context.

TypeError: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment in Random Shuffle

The below implementation takes an input main and the value is shuffled. The shuffled value is placed into Second .

random.shuffle is being called on a string, which is not supported. Convert the string type into a list and back to a string as an output in Second

TypeError: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment in Pandas Data Frame

The following program attempts to add a new column into the data frame

The iteration statement for dataset in df: loops through all the column names of “sample.csv”. To add an extra column, remove the iteration and simply pass dataset['Column'] = 1 .

[Solved] runtimeerror: cuda error: invalid device ordinal

These are the causes for TypeErrors : – Incompatible operations between 2 operands: – Passing a non-callable identifier – Incorrect list index type – Iterating a non-iterable identifier.

The data types that support item assignment are: – Lists – Dictionaries – and Sets These data types are mutable and support item assignment

As we know, TypeErrors occur due to unsupported operations between operands. To avoid facing such errors, we must: – Learn Proper Python syntax for all Data Types. – Establish the mutable and immutable Data Types. – Figure how list indexing works and other data types that support indexing. – Explore how function calls work in Python and various ways to call a function. – Establish the difference between an iterable and non-iterable identifier. – Learn the properties of Python Data Types.

We have looked at various error cases in TypeError:’str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment. Solutions for these cases have been provided. We have also mentioned similar variations of this exception.

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TypeError: NoneType object does not support item assignment


Last updated: Apr 8, 2024 Reading time · 3 min


# TypeError: NoneType object does not support item assignment

The Python "TypeError: NoneType object does not support item assignment" occurs when we try to perform an item assignment on a None value.

To solve the error, figure out where the variable got assigned a None value and correct the assignment.

typeerror nonetype object does not support item assignment

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

We tried to assign a value to a variable that stores None .

# Checking if the variable doesn't store None

Use an if statement if you need to check if a variable doesn't store a None value before the assignment.

check if variable does not store none

The if block is only run if the variable doesn't store a None value, otherwise, the else block runs.

# Setting a fallback value if the variable stores None

Alternatively, you can set a fallback value if the variable stores None .

setting fallback value if the variable stores none

If the variable stores a None value, we set it to an empty dictionary.

# Track down where the variable got assigned a None value

You have to figure out where the variable got assigned a None value in your code and correct the assignment to a list or a dictionary.

The most common sources of None values are:

  • Having a function that doesn't return anything (returns None implicitly).
  • Explicitly setting a variable to None .
  • Assigning a variable to the result of calling a built-in function that doesn't return anything.
  • Having a function that only returns a value if a certain condition is met.

# Functions that don't return a value return None

Functions that don't explicitly return a value return None .

functions that dont return value return none

You can use the return statement to return a value from a function.

use return statement to return value

The function now returns a list, so we can safely change the value of a list element using square brackets.

# Many built-in functions return None

Note that there are many built-in functions (e.g. sort() ) that mutate the original object in place and return None .

The sort() method mutates the list in place and returns None , so we shouldn't store the result of calling it into a variable.

To solve the error, remove the assignment.

# A function that returns a value only if a condition is met

Another common cause of the error is having a function that returns a value only if a condition is met.

The if statement in the get_list function is only run if the passed-in argument has a length greater than 3 .

To solve the error, you either have to check if the function didn't return None or return a default value if the condition is not met.

Now the function is guaranteed to return a value regardless of whether the condition is met.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

  • How to Return a default value if None in Python
  • Why does my function print None in Python [Solved]
  • Check if a Variable is or is not None in Python
  • Convert None to Empty string or an Integer in Python
  • How to Convert JSON NULL values to None using Python
  • Join multiple Strings with possibly None values in Python
  • Why does list.reverse() return None in Python

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Tuple Object Does Not Support Item Assignment. Why?

Have you ever seen the error “tuple object does not support item assignment” when working with tuples in Python? In this article we will learn why this error occurs and how to solve it.

The error “tuple object does not support item assignment” is raised in Python when you try to modify an element of a tuple. This error occurs because tuples are immutable data types. It’s possible to avoid this error by converting tuples to lists or by using the tuple slicing operator.

Let’s go through few examples that will show you in which circumstances this error occurs and what to do about it.

Let’s get started!

Explanation of the Error “Tuple Object Does Not Support Item Assignment”

Define a tuple called cities as shown below:

If you had a list you would be able to update any elements in the list .

But, here is what happens if we try to update one element of a tuple:

Tuples are immutable and that’s why we see this error.

There is a workaround to this, we can:

  • Convert the tuple into a list.
  • Update any elements in the list.
  • Convert the final list back to a tuple.

To convert the tuple into a list we will use the list() function :

Now, let’s update the element at index 1 in the same way we have tried to do before with the tuple:

You can see that the second element of the list has been updated.

Finally, let’s convert the list back to a tuple using the tuple() function :

Makes sense?

Avoid the “Tuple Object Does Not Support Item Assignment” Error with Slicing

The slicing operator also allows to avoid this error.

Let’s see how we can use slicing to create a tuple from our original tuple where only one element is updated.

We will use the following tuple and we will update the value of the element at index 2 to ‘Rome’.

Here is the result we want:

We can use slicing and concatenate the first two elements of the original tuple, the new value and the last two elements of the original tuple.

Here is the generic syntax of the slicing operator (in this case applied to a tuple).

This takes a slice of the tuple including the element at index n and excluding the element at index m .

Firstly, let’s see how to print the first two and last two elements of the tuple using slicing…

First two elements

We can also omit the first zero considering that the slice starts from the beginning of the tuple.

Last two elements

Notice that we have omitted index m considering that the slice includes up to the last element of the tuple.

Now we can create the new tuple starting from the original one using the following code:

(‘Rome’,) is a tuple with one element of type string.

Does “Tuple Object Does Not Support Item Assignment” Apply to a List inside a Tuple?

Let’s see what happens when one of the elements of a tuple is a list.

If we try to update the second element of the tuple we get the expected error:

If we try to assign a new list to the third element…

…once again we get back the error “‘ tuple’ object does not support item assignment “.

But if we append another number to the list inside the tuple, here is what happens:

The Python interpreter doesn’t raise any exceptions because the list is a mutable data type.

This concept is important for you to know when you work with data types in Python:

In Python, lists are mutable and tuples are immutable.

How to Solve This Error with a List of Tuples

Do we see this error also with a list of tuples?

Let’s say we have a list of tuples that is used in a game to store name and score for each user:

The user John has gained additional points and I want to update the points associated to his user:

When I try to update his points we get back the same error we have seen before when updating a tuple.

How can we get around this error?

Tuples are immutable but lists are mutable and we could use this concept to assign the new score to a new tuple in the list, at the same position of the original tuple in the list.

So, instead of updating the tuple at index 0 we will assign a new tuple to it.

Let’s see if it works…

It does work! Once again because a list is mutable .

And here is how we can make this code more generic?

Ok, this is a bit more generic because we didn’t have to provide the name of the user when updating his records.

This is just an example to show you how to address this TypeError , but in reality in this scenario I would prefer to use a dictionary instead.

It would allow us to access the details of each user from the name and to update the score without any issues.

Tuple Object Does Not Support Item Assignment Error With Values Returned by a Function

This error can also occur when a function returns multiple values and you try to directly modify the values returned by the function.

I create a function that returns two values: the number of users registered in our application and the number of users who have accessed our application in the last 30 days.

As you can see the two values are returned by the function as a tuple.

So, let’s assume there is a new registered user and because of that I try to update the value returned by the function directly.

I get the following error…

This can happen especially if I know that two values are returned by the function but I’m not aware that they are returned in a tuple.

Why Using Tuples If We Get This Error?

You might be thinking…

What is the point of using tuples if we get this error every time we try to update them?

Wouldn’t be a lot easier to always use lists instead?

We can see the fact that tuples are immutable as an added value for tuples when we have some data in our application that should never be modified.

Let’s say, for example, that our application integrates with an external system and it needs some configuration properties to connect to that system.

The tuple above contains two values: the API endpoint of the system we connect to and the port for their API.

We want to make sure this configuration is not modified by mistake in our application because it would break the integration with the external system.

So, if our code inadvertently updates one of the values, the following happens:

Remember, it’s not always good to have data structures you can update in your code whenever you want.

In this article we have seen when the error “tuple object does not support item assignment” occurs and how to avoid it.

You have learned how differently the tuple and list data types behave in Python and how you can use that in your programs.

If you have any questions feel free to post them in the comment below 🙂

Claudio Sabato is an IT expert with over 15 years of professional experience in Python programming, Linux Systems Administration, Bash programming, and IT Systems Design. He is a professional certified by the Linux Professional Institute .

With a Master’s degree in Computer Science, he has a strong foundation in Software Engineering and a passion for robotics with Raspberry Pi.

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Solve Python TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

python does not support item assignment

Consider the example below:

Solution #1: Change the tuple to list first

Solution #2: create a new tuple.

This tutorial shows you two easy solutions on how to change the tuple object element(s) and avoid the TypeError.

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python does not support item assignment

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Python ‘str’ object does not support item assignment solution

Strings in Python are immutable. This means that they cannot be changed. If you try to change the contents of an existing string, you’re liable to find an error that says something like “‘str’ object does not support item assignment”.

In this guide, we’re going to talk about this common Python error and how it works. We’ll walk through a code snippet with this error present so we can explore how to fix it.

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The problem: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment.

Let’s start by taking a look at our error: Typeerror: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment.

This error message tells us that a string object (a sequence of characters) cannot be assigned an item. This error is raised when you try to change the value of a string using the assignment operator.

The most common scenario in which this error is raised is when you try to change a string by its index values . The following code yields the item assignment error:

You cannot change the character at the index position 0 because strings are immutable.

You should check to see if there are any string methods that you can use to create a modified copy of a string if applicable. You could also use slicing if you want to create a new string based on parts of an old string.

An Example Scenario

We’re going to write a program that checks whether a number is in a string. If a number is in a string, it should be replaced with an empty string. This will remove the number. Our program is below:

This code accepts a username from the user using the input() method . It then loops through every character in the username using a for loop and checks if that character is a number. If it is, we try to replace that character with an empty string. Let’s run our code and see what happens:

Our code has returned an error.

The cause of this error is that we’re trying to assign a string to an index value in “name”:

The Solution

We can solve this error by adding non-numeric characters to a new string. Let’s see how it works:

This code replaces the character at name[c] with an empty string. 

We have created a separate variable called “final_username”. This variable is initially an empty string. If our for loop finds a character that is not a number, that character is added to the end of the “final_username” string. Otherwise, nothing happens. We check to see if a character is a number using the isnumeric() method.

We add a character to the “final_username” string using the addition assignment operator. This operator adds one value to another value. In this case, the operator adds a character to the end of the “final_username” string.

Let’s run our code:

Our code successfully removed all of the numbers from our string. This code works because we are no longer trying to change an existing string. We instead create a new string called “final_username” to which we add all the letter-based characters from our username string.

In Python, strings cannot be modified. You need to create a new string based on the contents of an old one if you want to change a string.

The “‘str’ object does not support item assignment” error tells you that you are trying to modify the value of an existing string.

Now you’re ready to solve this Python error like an expert.

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How to Solve Python TypeError: ‘int’ object does not support item assignment

by Suf | Programming , Python , Tips

In Python, integers are single values. You cannot access elements in integers like you can with container objects. If you try to change an integer in-place using the indexing operator [], you will raise the TypeError: ‘int’ object does not support item assignment.

This error can occur when assigning an integer to a variable with the same name as a container object like a list or dictionary.

To solve this error, check the type of the object before the item assignment to make sure it is not an integer.

This tutorial will go through how to solve this error and solve it with the help of code examples.

Table of contents

Typeerror: ‘int’ object does not support item assignment.

Let’s break up the error message to understand what the error means. TypeError occurs whenever you attempt to use an illegal operation for a specific data type.

The part 'int' object tells us that the error concerns an illegal operation for integers.

The part does not support item assignment tells us that item assignment is the illegal operation we are attempting.

Integers are single values and do not contain elements. You must use indexable container objects like lists to perform item assignments.

This error is similar to the TypeError: ‘int’ object is not subscriptable .

Let’s look at an example where we define a function that takes a string holding a phrase, splits the string into words and then stores the counts of each word in a dictionary. The code is as follows:

We will then use the input() method to take a string from the user as follows:

Let’s run the code to see what happens:

The error occurs because we set word_dict to an integer in the try code block with word_dict = value + 1 when we encounter the second occurrence of the word really . Then when the for loop moves to the next word fun which does not exist in the dictionary, we execute the except code block. But word_dict[word] = 1 expects a dictionary called word_dict , not an integer. We cannot perform item assignment on an integer.

We need to ensure that the word_dict variable remains a dictionary throughout the program lifecycle to solve this error. We need to increment the value of the dictionary by one if the word already exists in the dictionary. We can access the value of a dictionary using the subscript operator. Let’s look at the revised code:

The code runs successfully and counts the occurrences of all words in the string.

Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial. The TypeError: ‘int’ object does not support item assignment occurs when you try to change the elements of an integer using indexing. Integers are single values and are not indexable.

You may encounter this error when assigning an integer to a variable with the same name as a container object like a list or dictionary.

It is good practice to check the type of objects created when debugging your program.

If you want to perform item assignments, you must use a list or a dictionary.

For further reading on TypeErrors, go to the articles:

  • How to Solve Python TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment
  • How to Solve Python TypeError: ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment

To learn more about Python for data science and machine learning, go to the  online courses page on Python  for the most comprehensive courses available.

Have fun and happy researching!

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How to Fix STR Object Does Not Support Item Assignment Error in Python

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How to Fix STR Object Does Not Support Item Assignment Error in Python

In Python, strings are immutable, so we will get the str object does not support item assignment error when trying to change the string.

You can not make some changes in the current value of the string. You can either rewrite it completely or convert it into a list first.

This whole guide is all about solving this error. Let’s dive in.

Fix str object does not support item assignment Error in Python

As the strings are immutable, we can not assign a new value to one of its indexes. Take a look at the following code.

The above code will give o as output, and later it will give an error once a new value is assigned to its fourth index.

The string works as a single value; although it has indexes, you can not change their value separately. However, if we convert this string into a list first, we can update its value.

The above code will run perfectly.

First, we create a list of string elements. As in the list, all elements are identified by their indexes and are mutable.

We can assign a new value to any of the indexes of the list. Later, we can use the join function to convert the same list into a string and store its value into another string.

Haider Ali avatar

Haider specializes in technical writing. He has a solid background in computer science that allows him to create engaging, original, and compelling technical tutorials. In his free time, he enjoys adding new skills to his repertoire and watching Netflix.

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Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment

If you have encountered the error message “Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment,” then you may have been attempting to modify a string object directly or assigning an item to a string object incorrectly.

This error message indicates that the ‘str’ object type in Python is immutable, meaning that once a string object is created, it cannot be modified.

In this article, we will dive into the details of this error message, explore why it occurs, and provide solutions and best practices to resolve and prevent it.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to work with strings in Python and avoid common mistakes that lead to this error.

Table of Contents

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Understanding the error message

Python String Error: 'str' Object Does Not Support Item Assignment

When encountering the Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment, it’s essential to understand what the error message means.

This error message typically occurs when one attempts to modify a string directly through an item assignment.

Strings in Python are immutable, meaning that their contents cannot be changed once they have been created. Therefore, when trying to assign an item to a string object, the interpreter throws this error message.

For example, consider the following code snippet:

string = “hello” string[0] = “H”

When executing this code, the interpreter will raise the Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment. Since strings are immutable in Python, it’s impossible to change any individual character in the string object through item assignment.

It’s important to note that this error message is solely related to item assignment. Other string manipulations, such as concatenation and slicing, are still possible.

Understanding the ‘str’ object

The ‘str’ object is a built-in data type in Python and stands for string. Strings are a collection of characters enclosed within single or double quotes, and in Python, these strings are immutable.

While it’s impossible to modify an existing string directly, we can always create a new string using string manipulation functions like concatenation, replace, and split, among others.

In fact, these string manipulation functions are specifically designed to work on immutable strings and provide a wide range of flexibility when working with strings.

Common causes of the error

The “Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment” error can occur due to various reasons. Here are some of the common causes:

1. Attempting to modify a string directly

Strings are immutable data types, meaning their values cannot be changed after creation.

Therefore, trying to modify a string directly by assigning a new value to a specific index or item will result in the “Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment” error.

string = "Hello World" string[0] = "h"

This will result in the following error message:

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

2. Misunderstanding the immutability of string objects

As mentioned earlier, string objects are immutable, unlike other data types like lists or dictionaries.

Thus, attempting to change the value of a string object after it is created will result in the “Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment” error.

string = "Hello World" string += "!" string[0] = "h"

3. Using the wrong data type for assignment

If you are trying to assign a value of the wrong data type to a string, such as a list or tuple, you can encounter the “Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment” error.

string = "Hello World" string[0] = ['h']

TypeError: 'list' object does not support item assignment

Ensure that you use the correct data type when assigning values to a string object to avoid this error.

Resolving the error

There are several techniques available to fix the Python string error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment.

Here are some solutions:

Using string manipulation methods

One way to resolve the error is to use string manipulation functions that do not require item assignment.

For example, to replace a character in a string at a specific index, use the replace() method instead of assigning a new value to the index. Similarly, to delete a character at a particular position, use the slice() method instead of an item assignment.

Creating a new string object

If you need to modify a string, you can create a new string object based on the original.

One way to modify text is by combining the portions before and after the edited section. This can be achieved by concatenating substrings.

Alternatively, you can use string formatting techniques to insert new values into the string.

Converting the string to a mutable data type

Strings are immutable, which means that their contents cannot be changed.

Nevertheless, you can convert a string to a mutable data type such as a list, modify the list, and then convert it back to a string. Be aware that this approach can have performance implications, especially for larger strings.

When implementing any of these solutions, it’s essential to keep in mind the context of your code and consider the readability and maintainability of your solution.

Best practices to avoid the error

To avoid encountering the “Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment,” following some best practices when working with string objects is important.

Here are some tips:

1. Understand string immutability

Strings are immutable objects in Python, meaning they cannot be changed once created.

Attempting to modify a string directly will result in an error. Instead, create a new string object or use string manipulation methods.

2. Use appropriate data types

When creating variables, it is important to use the appropriate data type. If you need to modify a string, consider using a mutable data type such as a list or bytearray instead.

3. Utilize string manipulation functions effectively

Python provides many built-in string manipulation functions that can be used to modify strings without encountering this error. Some commonly used functions include:

  • replace() – replaces occurrences of a substring with a new string
  • split() – splits a string into a list of substrings
  • join() – combines a list of strings into a single string
  • format() – formats a string with variables

4. Avoid using index-based assignment

Index-based assignment (e.g. string[0] = ‘a’) is not supported for strings in Python. Instead, you can create a new string with the modified value.

5. Be aware of context

When encountering this error, it is important to consider the context in which it occurred. Sometimes, it may be due to a simple syntax error or a misunderstanding of how strings work.

Taking the time to understand the issue and troubleshoot the code can help prevent encountering the error in the future.

By following these best practices and familiarizing yourself with string manipulation methods and data types, you can avoid encountering the “Python String Error: ‘str’ Object Does Not Support Item Assignment” and efficiently work with string objects in Python.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Here are some commonly asked questions regarding the ‘str’ object item assignment error:

Q: Why am I getting a string error while trying to modify a string?

A: Python string objects are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once created. Therefore, you cannot modify a string object directly. Instead, you must create a new string object with the desired modifications.

Q: What is an example of an item assignment with a string object?

A: An example of an item assignment with a string object is attempting to change a character in a string by using an index. For instance, if you try to modify the second character in the string ‘hello’ to ‘i’, as in ‘hillo’, you will get the ‘str’ object item assignment error.

Q: How can I modify a string object?

A: There are a few ways to modify a string object, such as using string manipulation functions like replace() or split(), creating a new string with the desired modifications, or converting the string object to a mutable data type like a list and then modifying it.

Q: Can I prevent encountering this error in the future?

A: Yes, here are some best practices to avoid encountering this error: use appropriate data types for the task at hand, understand string immutability, and use string manipulation functions effectively.

Diving deeper into Python data structures and understanding their differences, advantages, and limitations is also helpful.

Q: Why do I need to know about this error?

A: Understanding the ‘str’ object item assignment error is essential for correctly handling and modifying strings in Python.

This error is a common source of confusion and frustration among Python beginners, and resolving it requires a solid understanding of string immutability, data types, and string manipulation functions.

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EagerTensor object does not support item assignment

I'm trying to assign a new Value to a TF-Array. Here's my Code:

The error message:

What am I doing wrong?

Q Stollen's user avatar

4 Answers 4

You can't do this in Tensorflow.

For reference see: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/33131

Stephen Rauch's user avatar

In order to change the value of a TF-Array, you need to set it Variable:

It's 2022 and it still isn't supported. A potential workaround is to convert it to numpy:

It is not ideal but there aren't a lot of options

Kurt's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ Tensors are immutable by design. In graph mode, Python code only provides control structure, which is captured into computation graph. This is just how Tensorflow works. Eager mode, when computations are performed, is the default, but eventually you'll use graph. The best is to use NumPy arrays, but this is not what you can compile into efficient computations later. Also, if you take Tensor.numpy() , Variable is entirely unrequired. For traceable efficient mutable arrays use TensorArray but keep in mind the ta = ta.update(...) pattern: each array mutation returns new TensorArray . $\endgroup$ –  kkm mistrusts SE Commented Nov 11, 2023 at 23:58

Actually you can do this with with the use of tf.stack and tf.unstack

Johnny Cheesecutter's user avatar

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python does not support item assignment

Typeerror: int object does not support item assignment

Today, we will explore the “typeerror: int object does not support item assignment” error message in Python.

If this error keeps bothering you, don’t worry! We’ve got your back.

In this article, we will explain in detail what this error is all about and why it occurs in your Python script.

What is “typeerror: ‘int’ object does not support item assignment”?

The “typeerror int object does not support item assignment” is an error message in Python that occurs when you try to assign a value to an integer as if it were a list or dictionary, which is not allowed.

It is mainly because integers are immutable in Python, meaning their value cannot be changed after they are created.

In other words, once an integer is created, its value cannot be changed.

For example:

In this example, the code tries to assign the value 1 to the first element of sample , but sample is an integer, not a list or dictionary, and as a result, it throws an error:

This error message indicates that you need to modify your code to avoid attempting to change an integer’s value using item assignment.

What are the root causes of “typeerror: ‘int’ object does not support item assignment”

Here are the most common root causes of “int object does not support item assignment”, which include the following:

How to fix “typeerror: int object does not support item assignment”

Solution 1: use a list instead of an integer.

Since integers are immutable in Python, we cannot modify them.

Therefore, we can use a mutable data type such as a list instead to modify individual elements within a variable.

Solution 2: Convert the integer to a list first

You have to convert the integer first to a string using the str() function.

Then, convert the string to a list using the list() function.

Finally, we convert the string back to an integer using the int() function.

Solution 3: Use a dictionary instead of an integer

In this example code, we modify the value of the ‘b’ key within the dictionary.

Another example:

Solution 4: Use a different method or function

You can define sample as a list and append items to the list using the append() method .

How to avoid “typeerror: int object does not support item assignment”

Frequently asked question (faqs).

The error occurs when you try to modify an integer object, which is not allowed since integer objects are immutable.

By executing the different solutions that this article has already given, you can definitely resolve the  “typeerror: int object does not support item assignment”  error message in Python.

You could also check out other “ typeerror ” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

Thank you very much for reading to the end of this article.

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Importing variables from another file?

How can I import variables from one file to another?

example: file1 has the variables x1 and x2 how to pass them to file2 ?

How can I import all of the variables from one to another?

martineau's user avatar

  • Why do you want to do that? Depending on the use-case, this is actually not what you really want. –  Mayou36 Commented Sep 1, 2021 at 11:48

9 Answers 9

will import all objects and methods in file1

karthikr's user avatar

  • 90 Do note, however, this is generally something you should not do . –  David Cain Commented Jun 22, 2013 at 22:17
  • 11 As David notes, this pollutes the namespace and can have catastrophic consequences by masking objects and functions from other modules including those in the standard distro –  ennuikiller Commented Jun 22, 2013 at 22:27
  • how to map this to a variable name e.g from file1 import * f1 –  junnyea Commented Feb 7 at 1:57

Import file1 inside file2 :

To import all variables from file1 without flooding file2's namespace, use:

To import all variables from file1 to file2's namespace( not recommended):

From the docs :

While it is valid to use from module import * at module level it is usually a bad idea. For one, this loses an important property Python otherwise has — you can know where each toplevel name is defined by a simple “search” function in your favourite editor. You also open yourself to trouble in the future, if some module grows additional functions or classes.

Ashwini Chaudhary's user avatar

  • 1 and if I have 1000 variables to pass? –  Some kid Commented Jun 22, 2013 at 22:07
  • 1 @Ofek Just use import file1 then. –  Ashwini Chaudhary Commented Jun 22, 2013 at 22:08
  • 2 It doesn't import the variables :\ –  Some kid Commented Jun 22, 2013 at 22:09
  • 18 it does import the variables, though you'll have to prepend file1.varX for each file. –  zmo Commented Jun 22, 2013 at 22:21

Best to import x1 and x2 explicitly:

This allows you to avoid unnecessary namespace conflicts with variables and functions from file1 while working in file2 .

But if you really want, you can import all the variables:

Chris Redford's user avatar

Actually this is not really the same to import a variable with:

Altough at import time x1 and file1.x1 have the same value, they are not the same variables. For instance, call a function in file1 that modifies x1 and then try to print the variable from the main file: you will not see the modified value.

Marc Rechté's user avatar

  • This is a major surprise to me! Thank you for this answer - and now I have to find out how to do this properly . –  davidbak Commented Feb 22 at 11:53

The result will be 5.

陳仲肯's user avatar

script2.py is where we using script1 variable

Ravi's user avatar

Marc response is correct. Actually, you can print the memory address for the variables print(hex(id(libvar)) and you can see the addresses are different.

VictorGalisson's user avatar

If you need to import of a variable from a dir on the same level or below you can use import_module coming from you cwd of the project:

Ynjxsjmh's user avatar

I found that executing a file that declares the variables you want to use loads them in the memory. But one problem about is that it would execute all the commands in the file, so if you wanted just the variables you would need that the file only declare variables. Here's one example:

Im new in python so idk if doing this has any other problem, but i thought it was something interesting to share.

TheOneWithin's user avatar

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python does not support item assignment


  1. python

    Strings in Python are immutable (you cannot change them inplace). What you are trying to do can be done in many ways: Copy the string: foo = 'Hello'. bar = foo. Create a new string by joining all characters of the old string: new_string = ''.join(c for c in oldstring) Slice and copy: new_string = oldstring[:]

  2. python

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    The Python "TypeError: NoneType object does not support item assignment" occurs when we try to perform an item assignment on a None value. To solve the error, figure out where the variable got assigned a None value and correct the assignment.

  7. Fix Python TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

    greet[0] = 'J'. TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment. To fix this error, you can create a new string with the desired modifications, instead of trying to modify the original string. This can be done by calling the replace() method from the string. See the example below: old_str = 'Hello, world!'.

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  9. Solve Python TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

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  10. Python typeerror: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment Solution

    typeerror: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment While tuples and lists both store sequences of data, they have a few distinctions. Whereas you can change the values in a list, the values inside a tuple cannot be changed.

  11. How to Solve Python TypeError: 'set' object does not support item

    The TypeError: 'set' object does not support item assignment occurs when you try to change the elements of a set using indexing. The set data type is not indexable. To perform item assignment you should convert the set to a list, perform the item assignment then convert the list back to a set.

  12. Python 'str' object does not support item assignment solution

    This code replaces the character at name[c] with an empty string. We have created a separate variable called "final_username". This variable is initially an empty string.

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    How to Solve Python TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment; How to Solve Python TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment; To learn more about Python for data science and machine learning, go to the online courses page on Python for the most comprehensive courses available. Have fun and happy researching!

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    When executing this code, the interpreter will raise the Python String Error: 'str' Object Does Not Support Item Assignment. Since strings are immutable in Python, it's impossible to change any individual character in the string object through item assignment.

  16. How to make python class support item assignment?

    To avoid inheritance from dict, you can make a class inherit from MutableMapping, and then provide methods for __setitem__ and __getitem__. Additionally, the class will need to support methods for __delitem__, __iter__, __len__, and (optionally) other inherited mixin methods, like pop. The documentation has more info on the details.

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  18. python

    In graph mode, Python code only provides control structure, which is captured into computation graph. This is just how Tensorflow works. Eager mode, when computations are performed, is the default, but eventually you'll use graph. The best is to use NumPy arrays, but this is not what you can compile into efficient computations later.

  19. python

    8. Bytestrings (and strings in general) are immutable objects in Python. Once you create them, you can't change them. Instead, you have to create a new one that happens to have some of the old content. (For instance, with a basic string, newString = oldString[:offset] + newChar + oldString[offset+1:] or the like.)

  20. Typeerror: int object does not support item assignment

    Here are the most common root causes of "int object does not support item assignment", which include the following: Attempting to modify an integer directly. Using an integer where a sequence is expected. Not converting integer objects to mutable data types before modifying them. Using an integer as a dictionary key.

  21. python

    array[0][0] = 0*0 >> TypeError: 'int' object does not support item assignment Since array[0] is an integer, you can't use the second [0]. There is nothing there to get. So, like Ashalynd said, the array = x*y seems to be the problem. Depending on what you really want to do, there could be many solutions.

  22. Python import of local program

    To reduce the size of a program, I am importing a module with common code to several programs. That imported module has some assignments. But those assignments don't seem to be imported into the program as I get undefines for those assignment names.