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Assignment of Benefits: What You Need to Know

  • August 17, 2022
  • Steven Schwartzapfel

Insurance can be useful, but dealing with the back-and-forth between insurance companies and contractors, medical specialists, and others can be a time-consuming and ultimately unpleasant experience. You want your medical bills to be paid without having to act as a middleman between your healthcare provider and your insurer.

However, there’s a way you can streamline this process. With an assignment of benefits, you can designate your healthcare provider or any other insurance payout recipient as the go-to party for insurance claims. While this can be convenient, there are certain risks to keep in mind as well.

Below, we’ll explore what an assignment of insurance benefits is (as well as other forms of remediation), how it works, and when you should employ it. For more information, or to learn whether you may have a claim against an insurer, contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers now at 1-516-342-2200 .

What Is an Assignment of Benefits?

An assignment of benefits (AOB) is a legal process through which an insured individual or party signs paperwork that designates another party like a contractor, company, or healthcare provider as their insurance claimant .

Suppose you’re injured in a car accident and need to file a claim with your health insurance company for medical bills and related costs. However, you also need plenty of time to recover. The thought of constantly negotiating between your insurance company, your healthcare provider, and anyone else seems draining and unwelcome.

With an assignment of benefits, you can designate your healthcare provider as your insurance claimant. Then, your healthcare provider can request insurance payouts from your healthcare insurance provider directly.

Through this system, the health insurance provider directly pays your physician or hospital rather than paying you. This means you don’t have to pay your healthcare provider. It’s a streamlined, straightforward way to make sure insurance money gets where it needs to go. It also saves you time and prevents you from having to think about insurance payments unless absolutely necessary.

What Does an Assignment of Benefits Mean?

An AOB means that you designate another party as your insurance claimant. In the above example, that’s your healthcare provider, which could be a physician, hospital, or other organization.

With the assignment of insurance coverage, that healthcare provider can then make a claim for insurance payments directly to your insurance company. The insurance company then pays your healthcare provider directly, and you’re removed as the middleman.

As a bonus, this system sometimes cuts down on your overall costs by eliminating certain service fees. Since there’s only one transaction — the transaction between your healthcare provider and your health insurer — there’s only one set of service fees to contend with. You don’t have to deal with two sets of service fees from first receiving money from your insurance provider, then sending that money to your healthcare provider.

Ultimately, the point of an assignment of benefits is to make things easier for you, your insurer, and anyone else involved in the process.

What Types of Insurance Qualify for an Assignment of Benefits?

Most types of commonly held insurance can work with an assignment of benefits. These insurance types include car insurance, healthcare insurance, homeowners insurance, property insurance, and more.

Note that not all insurance companies allow you to use an assignment of benefits. For an assignment of benefits to work, the potential insurance claimant and the insurance company in question must each sign the paperwork and agree to the arrangement. This prevents fraud (to some extent) and ensures that every party goes into the arrangement with clear expectations.

If your insurance company does not accept assignments of benefits, you’ll have to take care of insurance payments the traditional way. There are many reasons why an insurance company may not accept an assignment of benefits.

To speak with a Schwartzapfel Lawyers expert about this directly, call 1-516-342-2200 for a free consultation today. It will be our privilege to assist you with all your legal questions, needs, and recovery efforts.

Who Uses Assignments of Benefits?

Many providers, services, and contractors use assignments of benefits. It’s often in their interests to accept an assignment of benefits since they can get paid for their work more quickly and make critical decisions without having to consult the insurance policyholder first.

Imagine a circumstance in which a homeowner wants a contractor to add a new room to their property. The contractor knows that the scale of the project could increase or shrink depending on the specifics of the job, the weather, and other factors.

If the homeowner uses an assignment of benefits to give the contractor rights to make insurance claims for the project, that contractor can then:

  • Bill the insurer directly for their work. This is beneficial since it ensures that the contractor’s employees get paid promptly and they can purchase the supplies they need.
  • Make important decisions to ensure that the project completes on time. For example, a contract can authorize another insurance claim for extra supplies without consulting with the homeowner beforehand, saving time and potentially money in the process.

Practically any company or organization that receives payments from insurance companies may choose to take advantage of an assignment of benefits with you. Example companies and providers include:

  • Ambulance services
  • Drug and biological companies
  • Lab diagnostic services
  • Hospitals and medical centers like clinics
  • Certified medical professionals such as nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, clinical psychologists, and others
  • Ambulatory surgical center services
  • Permanent repair and improvement contractors like carpenters, plumbers, roofers, restoration companies, and others
  • Auto repair shops and mechanic organizations

Advantages of Using an Assignment of Benefits

An assignment of benefits can be an advantageous contract to employ, especially if you believe that you’ll need to pay a contractor, healthcare provider, and/or other organization via insurance payouts regularly for the near future.

These benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Save time for yourself. Again, imagine a circumstance in which you are hospitalized and have to pay your healthcare provider through your health insurance payouts. If you use an assignment of benefits, you don’t have to make the payments personally or oversee the insurance payouts. Instead, you can focus on resting and recovering.
  • Possibly save yourself money in the long run. As noted above, an assignment of benefits can help you circumvent some service fees by limiting the number of transactions or money transfers required to ensure everyone is paid on time.
  • Increased peace of mind. Many people don’t like having to constantly think about insurance payouts, contacting their insurance company, or negotiating between insurers and contractors/providers. With an assignment of benefits, you can let your insurance company and a contractor or provider work things out between them, though this can lead to applications later down the road.

Because of these benefits, many recovering individuals, car accident victims, homeowners, and others utilize AOB agreements from time to time.

Risks of Using an Assignment of Benefits

Worth mentioning, too, is that an assignment of benefits does carry certain risks you should be aware of before presenting this contract to your insurance company or a contractor or provider. Remember, an assignment of benefits is a legally binding contract unless it is otherwise dissolved (which is technically possible).

The risks of using an assignment of benefits include:

  • You give billing control to your healthcare provider, contractor, or another party. This allows them to bill your insurance company for charges that you might not find necessary. For example, a home improvement contractor might bill a homeowner’s insurance company for an unnecessary material or improvement. The homeowner only finds out after the fact and after all the money has been paid, resulting in a higher premium for their insurance policy or more fees than they expected.
  • You allow a contractor or service provider to sue your insurance company if the insurer does not want to pay for a certain service or bill. This can happen if the insurance company and contractor or service provider disagree on one or another billable item. Then, you may be dragged into litigation or arbitration you did not agree to in the first place.
  • You may lose track of what your insurance company pays for various services . As such, you could be surprised if your health insurance or other insurance premiums and deductibles increase suddenly.

Given these disadvantages, it’s still wise to keep track of insurance payments even if you choose to use an assignment of benefits. For example, you might request that your insurance company keep you up to date on all billable items a contractor or service provider charges for the duration of your treatment or project.

For more on this and related topic, call Schwartzapfel Lawyers now at 1-516-342-2200 .

How To Make Sure an Assignment of Benefits Is Safe

Even though AOBs do carry potential disadvantages, there are ways to make sure that your chosen contract is safe and legally airtight. First, it’s generally a wise idea to contact knowledgeable legal representatives so they can look over your paperwork and ensure that any given assignment of benefits doesn’t contain any loopholes that could be exploited by a service provider or contractor.

The right lawyer can also make sure that an assignment of benefits is legally binding for your insurance provider. To make sure an assignment of benefits is safe, you should perform the following steps:

  • Always check for reviews and references before hiring a contractor or service provider, especially if you plan to use an AOB ahead of time. For example, you should stay away if a contractor has a reputation for abusing insurance claims.
  • Always get several estimates for work, repairs, or bills. Then, you can compare the estimated bills and see whether one contractor or service provider is likely to be honest about their charges.
  • Get all estimates, payment schedules, and project schedules in writing so you can refer back to them later on.
  • Don’t let a service provider or contractor pressure you into hiring them for any reason . If they seem overly excited about getting started, they could be trying to rush things along or get you to sign an AOB so that they can start issuing charges to your insurance company.
  • Read your assignment of benefits contract fully. Make sure that there aren’t any legal loopholes that a contractor or service provider can take advantage of. An experienced lawyer can help you draft and sign a beneficial AOB contract.

Can You Sue a Party for Abusing an Assignment of Benefits?

Sometimes. If you believe your assignment of benefits is being abused by a contractor or service provider, you may be able to sue them for breaching your contract or even AOB fraud. However, successfully suing for insurance fraud of any kind is often difficult.

Also, you should remember that a contractor or service provider can sue your insurance company if the insurance carrier decides not to pay them. For example, if your insurer decides that a service provider is engaging in billing scams and no longer wishes to make payouts, this could put you in legal hot water.

If you’re not sure whether you have grounds for a lawsuit, contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers today at 1-516-342-2200 . At no charge, we’ll examine the details of your case and provide you with a consultation. Don’t wait. Call now!

Assignment of Benefits FAQs

Which states allow assignments of benefits.

Every state allows you to offer an assignment of benefits to a contractor and/or insurance company. That means, whether you live in New York, Florida, Arizona, California, or some other state, you can rest assured that AOBs are viable tools to streamline the insurance payout process.

Can You Revoke an Assignment of Benefits?

Yes. There may come a time when you need to revoke an assignment of benefits. This may be because you no longer want the provider or contractor to have control over your insurance claims, or because you want to switch providers/contractors.

To revoke an assignment of benefits agreement, you must notify the assignee (i.e., the new insurance claimant). A legally solid assignment of benefits contract should also include terms and rules for this decision. Once more, it’s usually a wise idea to have an experienced lawyer look over an assignment of benefits contract to make sure you don’t miss these by accident.

Contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers Today

An assignment of benefits is an invaluable tool when you need to streamline the insurance claims process. For example, you can designate your healthcare provider as your primary claimant with an assignment of benefits, allowing them to charge your insurance company directly for healthcare costs.

However, there are also risks associated with an assignment of benefits. If you believe a contractor or healthcare provider is charging your insurance company unfairly, you may need legal representatives. Schwartzapfel Lawyers can help.

As knowledgeable New York attorneys who are well-versed in New York insurance law, we’re ready to assist with any and all litigation needs. For a free case evaluation and consultation, contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers today at 1-516-342-2200 !

Schwartzapfel Lawyers, P.C. | Fighting For You™™

What Is an Insurance Claim? | Experian

What is assignment of benefits, and how does it impact insurers? | Insurance Business Mag

Florida Insurance Ruling Sets Precedent for Assignment of Benefits | Law.com

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Assignment of benefits

Assignment of benefits is a legal agreement where a patient authorizes their healthcare provider to receive direct payment from the insurance company for services rendered.

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What is Assignment of Benefits?

Assignment of benefits (AOB) is a crucial concept in the healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM) process. It refers to the legal transfer of the patient's rights to receive insurance benefits directly to the healthcare provider. In simpler terms, it allows healthcare providers to receive payment directly from the insurance company, rather than the patient being responsible for paying the provider and then seeking reimbursement from their insurance company.

Understanding Assignment of Benefits

When a patient seeks medical services, they typically have health insurance coverage that helps them pay for the cost of their healthcare. In most cases, the patient is responsible for paying a portion of the bill, known as the copayment or deductible, while the insurance company covers the remaining amount. However, in situations where the patient has assigned their benefits to the healthcare provider, the provider can directly bill the insurance company for the services rendered.

The assignment of benefits is a legal agreement between the patient and the healthcare provider. By signing this agreement, the patient authorizes the healthcare provider to receive payment directly from the insurance company on their behalf. This ensures that the provider receives timely payment for the services provided, reducing the financial burden on the patient.

Difference between Assignment of Benefits and Power of Attorney

While the assignment of benefits may seem similar to a power of attorney (POA) in some respects, they are distinct legal concepts. A power of attorney grants someone the authority to make decisions and act on behalf of another person, including financial matters. On the other hand, an assignment of benefits only transfers the right to receive insurance benefits directly to the healthcare provider.

In healthcare, a power of attorney is typically used in situations where a patient is unable to make decisions about their medical care. It allows a designated individual, known as the healthcare proxy, to make decisions on behalf of the patient. In contrast, an assignment of benefits is used to streamline the payment process between the healthcare provider and the insurance company.

Examples of Assignment of Benefits

To better understand how assignment of benefits works, let's consider a few examples:

Sarah visits her primary care physician for a routine check-up. She has health insurance coverage through her employer. Before the appointment, Sarah signs an assignment of benefits form, authorizing her physician to receive payment directly from her insurance company. After the visit, the physician submits the claim to the insurance company, and they reimburse the physician directly for the covered services.

John undergoes a surgical procedure at a hospital. He has health insurance coverage through a private insurer. Prior to the surgery, John signs an assignment of benefits form, allowing the hospital to receive payment directly from his insurance company. The hospital submits the claim to the insurance company, and they reimburse the hospital for the covered services. John is responsible for paying any copayments or deductibles directly to the hospital.

Mary visits a specialist for a specific medical condition. She has health insurance coverage through a government program. Mary signs an assignment of benefits form, granting the specialist the right to receive payment directly from the government program. The specialist submits the claim to the program, and they reimburse the specialist for the covered services. Mary is responsible for any applicable copayments or deductibles.

In each of these examples, the assignment of benefits allows the healthcare provider to receive payment directly from the insurance company, simplifying the billing and reimbursement process for both the provider and the patient.

Assignment of benefits is a fundamental concept in healthcare revenue cycle management. It enables healthcare providers to receive payment directly from the insurance company, reducing the financial burden on patients and streamlining the billing process. By understanding the assignment of benefits, patients can make informed decisions about their healthcare and ensure that their providers receive timely payment for the services rendered.

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Related terms, total performance score (tps).

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What is an assignment of benefits?

Jim Probasco

Jim Probasco is an expert in the areas of personal income, saving and investing, banking, home buying, insurance, and more. A Dayton, Ohio-based writer, Jim has written for radio and television, and authored books for parents in arts education opportunities for their children.

Ehab Zahriyeh

The last time you sought medical care, you likely made an appointment with your provider, got the treatment you needed, paid your copay or deductible, and that was it. No paperwork, no waiting to be reimbursed; your doctor received payment from your insurance company and you both went on with your lives.

This is how most people receive health care in the U.S. This system, known as assignment of benefits or AOB, is now being used with other types of insurance, including auto and homeowners coverage . 

What is an assignment of benefits?  

An AOB is a legal agreement that allows your insurance company to directly pay a third party for services performed on your behalf. In the case of health care, it could be your doctor or another medical professional providing care. With a homeowners, renters, or auto insurance claim, the third party could be a contractor, auto repair shop, or other facility.

Assignment of benefits is legal, thanks to a concept known as freedom of contract, which says two parties may make a private agreement, including the forfeiture of certain rights, and the government may not interfere. There are exceptions, making freedom of contract something less than an absolute right. For example, the contract may not violate the law or contain unfair terms.

Not all doctors or contractors utilize AOBs. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make sure the doctor or service provider and you are on the same page when it comes to AOBs before treatment or work begins.

How an AOB works

The function of an AOB agreement varies depending on the type of insurance policy involved, the healthcare provider, contractor, or service provider, and increasingly, state law. Although an AOB is normal in health insurance, other applications of assignment of benefits have now included the auto and homeowners insurance industry.

Because AOBs are common in health care, you probably don’t think twice about signing a piece of paper that says “assignment of benefits” across the top. But once you sign it, you’re likely turning over your right to deal with your insurance company regarding service from that provider. Why would you do this? 

According to Dr. David Berg of Redirect Health , the reason is simple: “Without an AOB in place, the patient themselves would be responsible for paying the cost of their service and would then file a claim with their insurance company for reimbursement.”

With homeowners or auto insurance, the same rules apply. Once you sign the AOB, you are effectively out of the picture. The contractor who reroofs your house or the mechanic who rebuilds your engine works with your insurance company by filing a claim on your behalf and receiving their money without your help or involvement.

“Each state has its own rules, regulations, and permissions regarding AOBs,” says Gregg Barrett, founder and CEO of WaterStreet , a cloud-based P&C insurance administration platform. “Some states require a strict written breakdown of work to be done, while others allow assignment of only parts of claims.” 

Within the guidelines of the specific insurance rules for AOBs in your state, the general steps include:

  • You and your contractor draw up an AOB clause as part of the contract.
  • The contract stipulates the exact work that will be completed and all necessary details.
  • The contractor sends the completed AOB to the insurance company where an adjuster reviews, asks questions, and resolves any discrepancies.
  • The contractor’s name (or that of an agreed-upon party) is listed to go on the settlement check.

After work is complete and signed off, the insurer will issue the check and the claim will be considered settled.

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Example of an assignment of benefits  

If you’re dealing with insurance, how would an AOB factor in? Let’s take an example. “Say you have a water leak in the house,” says Angel Conlin, chief insurance officer at Kin Insurance . “You call a home restoration company to stop the water flow, clean up the mess, and restore your home to its former glory. The restoration company may ask for an assignment of benefits so it can deal directly with the insurance company without your input.”

In this case, by eliminating the homeowner, whose interests are already represented by an experienced insurance adjustor, the AOB reduces redundancy, saves time and money, and allows the restoration process to proceed with much greater efficiency.

When would you need to use an assignment of benefits?  

An AOB can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and allow you to turn these transactions over to trusted experts, thereby avoiding time-consuming negotiations. 

An AOB also frees you from paying the entire bill upfront and seeking reimbursement from your insurance company after work has been completed or services rendered. Since you are not required to sign an assignment of benefits, failure to sign will result in you paying the entire medical bill and filing for reimbursement. The three most common uses of AOBs are with health insurance, car insurance, and homeowners insurance.

Assignment of benefits for health insurance

As discussed, AOBs in health insurance are commonplace. If you have health insurance, you’ve probably signed AOBs for years. Each provider (doctor) or practice requires a separate AOB. From your point of view, the big advantages of an AOB are that you receive medical care, your doctor and insurance company work out the details and, in the event of a disagreement, those two entities deal with each other. 

Assignment of benefits for car owners

If your car is damaged in an accident and needs extensive repair, the benefits of an AOB can quickly add up. Not only will you have your automobile repaired with minimal upfront costs to you, inconvenience will be almost nonexistent. You drop your car off (or have it towed), wait to be called, told the repair is finished, and pick it up. Similar to a health care AOB, disagreements are worked out between the provider and insurer. You are usually not involved.

Assignment of benefits for homeowners  

When your home or belongings are damaged or destroyed, your primary concern is to “return to normal.” You want to do this with the least amount of hassle. An AOB allows you to transfer your rights to a third party, usually a contractor, freeing you to deal with the crisis at hand.

When you sign an AOB, your contractor can begin immediately working on damage repair, shoring up against additional deterioration, and coordinating with various subcontractors without waiting for clearance or communication with you.

The fraud factor

No legal agreement, including an AOB, is free from the possibility of abuse or fraud. Built-in safeguards are essential to ensure the benefits you assign to a third party are as protected as possible.

In terms of what can and does go wrong, the answer is: plenty. According to the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMICs), examples of AOB fraud include inflated invoices or charges for work that hasn’t been done. Another common tactic is to sue the insurance company, without the policyholder’s knowledge or consent, something that can ultimately result in the policyholder being stuck with the bill and higher insurance premiums due to losses experienced by the insurer.

State legislatures have tried to protect consumers from AOB fraud and some progress has been made. Florida, for example, passed legislation in 2019 that gives consumers the right to rescind a fraudulent contract and requires that AOB contracts include an itemized description of the work to be done. Other states, including North Dakota, Kansas, and Iowa have all signed NAMIC-backed legislation into law to protect consumers from AOB fraud.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), offers advice for consumers to help avoid AOB fraud and abuse:

  • File a claim with your insurer before you hire a contractor. This ensures you know what repairs need to be made.
  • Don’t pay in full upfront. Legitimate contractors do not require it.
  • Get three estimates before selecting a contractor.
  • Get a full written contract and read it carefully before signing.
  • Don’t be pressured into signing an AOB. You are not required to sign an AOB.

Pros and cons of an assignment of benefits  

The advantages and disadvantages of an AOB agreement depend largely on the amount and type of protection your state’s insurance laws provide.  

  • An AOB frees you from paying for services and waiting for reimbursement from your insurer
  • Some people appreciate not needing to negotiate with their insurer
  • You are not required to sign an AOB.
  • Signing an AOB could make you the victim of a scam without knowing it until your insurer refuses to pay
  • An AOB doesn’t free you from the ultimate responsibility to pay for services rendered, which could drag you into expensive litigation if things go south
  • Any AOB you do sign is legally binding

The takeaway  

An AOB, as the health insurance example shows, can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and help consumers avoid time-consuming negotiations. And it can save upfront costs while letting experts work out the details.

It can also introduce a nightmare scenario laced with fraud requiring years of costly litigation. Universal state-level legislation with safeguards is required to avoid the latter. Until that is in place, your best bet is to work closely with your insurer when signing an AOB. Look for suspicious or inflated charges when negotiating with contractors, providers, and other servicers.

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assignment of hospital benefits

What Is Assignment Of Benefits In Medical Billing – AOB Complete Guide

The healthcare industry operates with a diverse network of payers and various reimbursement means. From government to private insurance companies, a healthcare practice is simultaneously engaged with multiple payer parties, each linked to a different patient with unique regulations and requirements. This reimbursement workflow and many other factors alone make this already hectic environment business a bit more chaotic if not dealt with properly. With the development and execution of several policies, every healthcare service strives to bring more efficiency and seamlessness to its operations, and the reimbursement system is not an exception in this regard. This is where the assignment of benefits in medical billing comes into play. 

What is Assignment of Benefits in Medical Billing?

An assignment of benefits in medical billing is a type of agreement between the healthcare provider, insurance company, and the patient through which a patient authorizes the medical service to collect healthcare policy coverage benefits on their behalf from their insurer for the service they have received from the facility. Once the patient signs this agreement, a direct payment link is made between the facility and the insurance company without communicating every time with the patient, which brings seamlessness and efficiency to the reimbursement process. 

Read More: Medical Billing vs Revenue Cycle Management – Key Differences Explained

Medical Services That Use the Assignment of Benefits

Various healthcare providers across different specialties and settings may use Assignment of Benefits (AOB) as part of their billing practices. Some examples of healthcare providers that commonly use AOB include:

  • Physicians and Medical Practices
  • Hospitals and Medical Centers
  • Dentists and Dental Clinics
  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Centers
  • Ambulatory Surgery Centers
  • Imaging Centers

So how does this assignment of benefits in medical billing work? Let’s explore:

What is the Procedure for the Assignment of Benefits in Medical Billing ? – the Methodology

Patient visit.

In the first step, the patient receives medical service from a healthcare facility like a hospital, clinic, etc.

AOB Agreement 

Once the services are rendered, the healthcare facility presents an AOB agreement to the patient to transfer their healthcare insurance coverage benefits to the facility directly. The patient is advised to thoroughly review the form before signing for consent as they are establishing a direct form of communication and payment action by authorizing the medical service to collect monetary benefits on their behalf.

Claim Submission

In this stage, the healthcare service document and code all the service encounters with the patient into medical bills and claim, comprising all the details and treatment procedures that are associated with curing the patient. These claims are then sent to the insurance company. 

Claim Reviewing

After claim submission, the insurance company meticulously evaluates it on the criteria of its unique requirements, standard policies, and regulations. They also analyze the accuracy of the claim and assess the coverage limit against the payment listed in the claim. If the claim is found to be inaccurate or ineligible for coverage by the insurance company, it reverts back to the facility for denial management. 

In the case the claim is approved, the insurance company makes payment directly to the medical service given the AOB policy. This reimbursed amount may cover the full or half of the patient’s medical bills, based on the coverage plan.

Patient Responsibility

Once the insurer pays the billed amount to the medical service, any remaining payment responsibilities come on the shoulder of the patient, like deductibles, co-pays, or services not covered by insurance. The patient may receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) from the insurance company, outlining the details of the claim and any patient responsibility.

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What are the Complications in the Assignment of Benefits in Medical Billing? – the Hindrances

Assignment of benefits does not work well necessarily for all patient encounters. There are some instances where it fails to be applicable or may get denied. So what are those cases? Let’s explore:

Out-of-Network Providers

An insurance policy can deny the assignment of benefits claim if the service acquired by the patient is out of its network of carriers. In this case, the healthcare facility can’t establish any type of reimbursement connection with the insurance policy and must obtain the payments directly from the patient. The patient can then cover their expenditure from their insurance policy. 

Non-Covered Services

It is not necessary that a health insurance policy cover all types of patient medical encounters. Every policy has its own limitations and offers reimbursements for medical services according to its regulations. So if a patient seeks a medical facility that is not covered by their healthcare policy, no AOB agreement will be applicable here. In this scenario, a patient is required to pay all the charges from their own pocket. 

Preauthorization Requirements

Insurance policies require preauthorization for certain medical treatments, procedures, or medications, and if a patient fails to obtain this preauthorization, the insurance company rejects the assignment of benefits claim, leaving the patient to pay the bills out of their pocket.

Claims Rejection

Even with an AOB in place, insurance companies may reject or deny claims for various reasons, such as incomplete documentation, coding errors, or policy exclusions. In such cases, the provider and the patient may need to work together to resolve the issue and resubmit the claim.

If an AOB gets accepted, it will only cover the services eligible for insurance coverage. Patients are still responsible for any deductibles, co-pays, or non-covered services as per their insurance policy. If the patient fails to pay their portion, it can lead to complications in the billing process.

Billing Disputes

Moreover, billing disputes between healthcare providers and insurance companies are another reason for AOB complications. Occasionally, disputes may arise between the healthcare provider and the insurance company regarding reimbursement rates or claim processing. These disputes can delay or hinder the AOB process, requiring additional efforts to resolve the billing issues. Read More: What Is Down Coding In Medical Billing? – The Complete Guide

Assignment of benefits is an excellent way to increase the efficiency of the reimbursement process in the medical industry. However, for a patient, it is important to thoroughly and meticulously review all the terms and complications associated with the agreement of AOB as it transfers their monetary rights directly to the healthcare service. 

Concerning healthcare services, they must ensure a well-communicated, clear, and detailed preparation of this agreement to help patients better understand all the things related to their financial obligations and insurance benefits transfer. Further, the medical facilities should also bring more accuracy and compliance with standards to their billing and overall financial landscape to make the whole process conducive to the acceptance of AOB, effectively navigating the complex web of reimbursements.

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What is an Assignment of Benefits?

  • Small and Medium Business Solutions

The last time you sought medical care, you likely made an appointment with your provider, got the treatment you needed, paid your copay or deductible, and that was it. No paperwork, no waiting to be reimbursed; your doctor received payment from your insurance company and you both went on with your lives.

This is how most people receive health care in the U.S. This system, known as assignment of benefits or AOB, is now being used with other types of insurance, including auto and  homeowners coverage .

What is an assignment of benefits? 

An AOB is a legal agreement that allows your insurance company to directly pay a third party for services performed on your behalf. In the case of health care, it could be your doctor or another medical professional providing care. With a homeowners, renters, or auto insurance claim, the third party could be a contractor, auto repair shop, or other facility.

Assignment of benefits is legal, thanks to a concept known as freedom of contract, which says two parties may make a private agreement, including the forfeiture of certain rights, and the government may not interfere. There are exceptions, making freedom of contract something less than an absolute right. For example, the contract may not violate the law or contain unfair terms.

Not all doctors or contractors utilize AOBs. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make sure the doctor or service provider and you are on the same page when it comes to AOBs before treatment or work begins.

How an AOB works

The function of an AOB agreement varies depending on the type of insurance policy involved, the healthcare provider, contractor, or service provider, and increasingly, state law. Although an AOB is normal in health insurance, other applications of assignment of benefits have now included the auto and homeowners insurance industry.

Because AOBs are common in health care, you probably don’t think twice about signing a piece of paper that says “assignment of benefits” across the top. But once you sign it, you’re likely turning over your right to deal with your insurance company regarding service from that provider. Why would you do this?

According to Dr. David Berg of Redirect Health, the reason is simple: “Without an AOB in place, the patient themselves would be responsible for paying the cost of their service and would then file a claim with their insurance company for reimbursement.”

With homeowners or auto insurance, the same rules apply. Once you sign the AOB, you are effectively out of the picture. The contractor who reroofs your house or the mechanic who rebuilds your engine works with your insurance company by filing a claim on your behalf and receiving their money without your help or involvement.

“Each state has its own rules, regulations, and permissions regarding AOBs,” says Gregg Barrett, founder and CEO of  WaterStreet , a cloud-based P&C insurance administration platform. “Some states require a strict written breakdown of work to be done, while others allow assignment of only parts of claims.”

Within the guidelines of the specific insurance rules for AOBs in your state, the general steps include:

  • You and your contractor draw up an AOB clause as part of the contract.
  • The contract stipulates the exact work that will be completed and all necessary details.
  • The contractor sends the completed AOB to the insurance company where an adjuster reviews, asks questions, and resolves any discrepancies.
  • The contractor’s name (or that of an agreed-upon party) is listed to go on the settlement check.

After work is complete and signed off, the insurer will issue the check and the claim will be considered settled.

Example of an assignment of benefits 

If you’re dealing with insurance, how would an AOB factor in? Let’s take an example. “Say you have a water leak in the house,” says Angel Conlin, chief insurance officer at  Kin Insurance . “You call a home restoration company to stop the water flow, clean up the mess, and restore your home to its former glory. The restoration company may ask for an assignment of benefits so it can deal directly with the insurance company without your input.”

In this case, by eliminating the homeowner, whose interests are already represented by an experienced insurance adjustor, the AOB reduces redundancy, saves time and money, and allows the restoration process to proceed with much greater efficiency.

When would you need to use an assignment of benefits? 

An AOB can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and allow you to turn these transactions over to trusted experts, thereby avoiding time-consuming negotiations.

An AOB also frees you from paying the entire bill upfront and seeking reimbursement from your insurance company after work has been completed or services rendered. Since you are not required to sign an assignment of benefits, failure to sign will result in you paying the entire medical bill and filing for reimbursement. The three most common uses of AOBs are with health insurance, car insurance, and homeowners insurance.

Assignment of benefits for health insurance

As discussed, AOBs in health insurance are commonplace. If you have health insurance, you’ve probably signed AOBs for years. Each provider (doctor) or practice requires a separate AOB. From your point of view, the big advantages of an AOB are that you receive medical care, your doctor and insurance company work out the details and, in the event of a disagreement, those two entities deal with each other.

Assignment of benefits for car owners

If your car is damaged in an accident and needs extensive repair, the benefits of an AOB can quickly add up. Not only will you have your automobile repaired with minimal upfront costs to you, inconvenience will be almost nonexistent. You drop your car off (or have it towed), wait to be called, told the repair is finished, and pick it up. Similar to a health care AOB, disagreements are worked out between the provider and insurer. You are usually not involved.

Assignment of benefits for homeowners 

When your home or belongings are damaged or destroyed, your primary concern is to “return to normal.” You want to do this with the least amount of hassle. An AOB allows you to transfer your rights to a third party, usually a contractor, freeing you to deal with the crisis at hand.

When you sign an AOB, your contractor can begin immediately working on damage repair, shoring up against additional deterioration, and coordinating with various subcontractors without waiting for clearance or communication with you.

The fraud factor

No legal agreement, including an AOB, is free from the possibility of abuse or fraud. Built-in safeguards are essential to ensure the benefits you assign to a third party are as protected as possible.

In terms of what can and does go wrong, the answer is: plenty. According to the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMICs), examples of AOB fraud include inflated invoices or charges for work that hasn’t been done. Another common tactic is to sue the insurance company, without the policyholder’s knowledge or consent, something that can ultimately result in the policyholder being stuck with the bill and higher insurance premiums due to losses experienced by the insurer.

State legislatures have tried to protect consumers from AOB fraud and some progress has been made. Florida, for example, passed legislation in 2019 that gives consumers the right to rescind a fraudulent contract and requires that AOB contracts include an itemized description of the work to be done. Other states, including North Dakota, Kansas, and Iowa have all signed NAMIC-backed legislation into law to protect consumers from AOB fraud.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), offers advice for consumers to help avoid AOB fraud and abuse:

  • File a claim with your insurer before you hire a contractor. This ensures you know what repairs need to be made.
  • Don’t pay in full upfront. Legitimate contractors do not require it.
  • Get three estimates before selecting a contractor.
  • Get a full written contract and read it carefully before signing.
  • Don’t be pressured into signing an AOB. You are not required to sign an AOB.

Pros and cons of an assignment of benefits 

The advantages and disadvantages of an AOB agreement depend largely on the amount and type of protection your state’s insurance laws provide.

Pros of assignment of benefits

With proper safeguards in place to reduce opportunities for fraud, AOBs have the ability to streamline and simplify the insurance claims process.

  • An AOB frees you from paying for services and waiting for reimbursement from your insurer.
  • Some people appreciate not needing to negotiate with their insurer.
  • You are not required to sign an AOB.

Cons of assignment of benefits

As with most contracts, AOBs are a double-edged sword. Be aware of potential traps and ask questions if you are unsure.

  • Signing an AOB could make you the victim of a scam without knowing it until your insurer refuses to pay.
  • An AOB doesn’t free you from the ultimate responsibility to pay for services rendered, which could drag you into expensive litigation if things go south.
  • Any AOB you do sign is legally binding.

The takeaway 

An AOB, as the health insurance example shows, can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and help consumers avoid time-consuming negotiations. And it can save upfront costs while letting experts work out the details.

It can also introduce a nightmare scenario laced with fraud requiring years of costly litigation. Universal state-level legislation with safeguards is required to avoid the latter. Until that is in place, your best bet is to work closely with your insurer when signing an AOB. Look for suspicious or inflated charges when negotiating with contractors, providers, and other servicers.

By: Jim Probasco

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What is an assignment of benefits.

The last time you sought medical care, you likely made an appointment with your provider, got the treatment you needed, paid your copay or deductible, and that was it. No paperwork, no waiting to be reimbursed; your doctor received payment from your insurance company and you both went on with your lives.

This is how most people receive health care in the U.S. This system, known as assignment of benefits or AOB, is now being used with other types of insurance, including auto and homeowners coverage .

An AOB is a legal agreement that allows your insurance company to directly pay a third party for services performed on your behalf. In the case of health care, it could be your doctor or another medical professional providing care. With a homeowners, renters, or auto insurance claim, the third party could be a contractor, auto repair shop, or other facility.

Assignment of benefits is legal, thanks to a concept known as freedom of contract, which says two parties may make a private agreement, including the forfeiture of certain rights, and the government may not interfere. There are exceptions, making freedom of contract something less than an absolute right. For example, the contract may not violate the law or contain unfair terms.

Not all doctors or contractors utilize AOBs. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make sure the doctor or service provider and you are on the same page when it comes to AOBs before treatment or work begins.

How an AOB works

The function of an AOB agreement varies depending on the type of insurance policy involved, the healthcare provider, contractor, or service provider, and increasingly, state law. Although an AOB is normal in health insurance, other applications of assignment of benefits have now included the auto and homeowners insurance industry.

Because AOBs are common in health care, you probably don’t think twice about signing a piece of paper that says "assignment of benefits" across the top. But once you sign it, you’re likely turning over your right to deal with your insurance company regarding service from that provider. Why would you do this?

According to Dr. David Berg of Redirect Health, the reason is simple: “Without an AOB in place, the patient themselves would be responsible for paying the cost of their service and would then file a claim with their insurance company for reimbursement.”

With homeowners or auto insurance, the same rules apply. Once you sign the AOB, you are effectively out of the picture. The contractor who reroofs your house or the mechanic who rebuilds your engine works with your insurance company by filing a claim on your behalf and receiving their money without your help or involvement.

“Each state has its own rules, regulations, and permissions regarding AOBs,” says Gregg Barrett, founder and CEO of WaterStreet , a cloud-based P&C insurance administration platform. “Some states require a strict written breakdown of work to be done, while others allow assignment of only parts of claims.”

Within the guidelines of the specific insurance rules for AOBs in your state, the general steps include:

You and your contractor draw up an AOB clause as part of the contract.

The contract stipulates the exact work that will be completed and all necessary details.

The contractor sends the completed AOB to the insurance company where an adjuster reviews, asks questions, and resolves any discrepancies.

The contractor’s name (or that of an agreed-upon party) is listed to go on the settlement check.

After work is complete and signed off, the insurer will issue the check and the claim will be considered settled.

Example of an assignment of benefits

If you’re dealing with insurance, how would an AOB factor in? Let’s take an example. “Say you have a water leak in the house,” says Angel Conlin, chief insurance officer at Kin Insurance . “You call a home restoration company to stop the water flow, clean up the mess, and restore your home to its former glory. The restoration company may ask for an assignment of benefits so it can deal directly with the insurance company without your input.”

In this case, by eliminating the homeowner, whose interests are already represented by an experienced insurance adjustor, the AOB reduces redundancy, saves time and money, and allows the restoration process to proceed with much greater efficiency.

When would you need to use an assignment of benefits?

An AOB can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and allow you to turn these transactions over to trusted experts, thereby avoiding time-consuming negotiations.

An AOB also frees you from paying the entire bill upfront and seeking reimbursement from your insurance company after work has been completed or services rendered. Since you are not required to sign an assignment of benefits, failure to sign will result in you paying the entire medical bill and filing for reimbursement. The three most common uses of AOBs are with health insurance, car insurance, and homeowners insurance.

Assignment of benefits for health insurance

As discussed, AOBs in health insurance are commonplace. If you have health insurance, you’ve probably signed AOBs for years. Each provider (doctor) or practice requires a separate AOB. From your point of view, the big advantages of an AOB are that you receive medical care, your doctor and insurance company work out the details and, in the event of a disagreement, those two entities deal with each other.

Assignment of benefits for car owners

If your car is damaged in an accident and needs extensive repair, the benefits of an AOB can quickly add up. Not only will you have your automobile repaired with minimal upfront costs to you, inconvenience will be almost nonexistent. You drop your car off (or have it towed), wait to be called, told the repair is finished, and pick it up. Similar to a health care AOB, disagreements are worked out between the provider and insurer. You are usually not involved.

Assignment of benefits for homeowners

When your home or belongings are damaged or destroyed, your primary concern is to “return to normal.” You want to do this with the least amount of hassle. An AOB allows you to transfer your rights to a third party, usually a contractor, freeing you to deal with the crisis at hand.

When you sign an AOB, your contractor can begin immediately working on damage repair, shoring up against additional deterioration, and coordinating with various subcontractors without waiting for clearance or communication with you.

The fraud factor

No legal agreement, including an AOB, is free from the possibility of abuse or fraud. Built-in safeguards are essential to ensure the benefits you assign to a third party are as protected as possible.

In terms of what can and does go wrong, the answer is: plenty. According to the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMICs), examples of AOB fraud include inflated invoices or charges for work that hasn’t been done. Another common tactic is to sue the insurance company, without the policyholder’s knowledge or consent, something that can ultimately result in the policyholder being stuck with the bill and higher insurance premiums due to losses experienced by the insurer.

State legislatures have tried to protect consumers from AOB fraud and some progress has been made. Florida, for example, passed legislation in 2019 that gives consumers the right to rescind a fraudulent contract and requires that AOB contracts include an itemized description of the work to be done. Other states, including North Dakota, Kansas, and Iowa have all signed NAMIC-backed legislation into law to protect consumers from AOB fraud.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), offers advice for consumers to help avoid AOB fraud and abuse:

File a claim with your insurer before you hire a contractor. This ensures you know what repairs need to be made.

Don’t pay in full upfront. Legitimate contractors do not require it.

Get three estimates before selecting a contractor.

Get a full written contract and read it carefully before signing.

Don’t be pressured into signing an AOB. You are not required to sign an AOB.

Pros and cons of an assignment of benefits

The advantages and disadvantages of an AOB agreement depend largely on the amount and type of protection your state’s insurance laws provide.

Pros of assignment of benefits

With proper safeguards in place to reduce opportunities for fraud, AOBs have the ability to streamline and simplify the insurance claims process.

An AOB frees you from paying for services and waiting for reimbursement from your insurer.

Some people appreciate not needing to negotiate with their insurer.

You are not required to sign an AOB.

Cons of assignment of benefits

As with most contracts, AOBs are a double-edged sword. Be aware of potential traps and ask questions if you are unsure.

Signing an AOB could make you the victim of a scam without knowing it until your insurer refuses to pay.

An AOB doesn’t free you from the ultimate responsibility to pay for services rendered, which could drag you into expensive litigation if things go south.

Any AOB you do sign is legally binding.

The takeaway

An AOB, as the health insurance example shows, can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and help consumers avoid time-consuming negotiations. And it can save upfront costs while letting experts work out the details.

It can also introduce a nightmare scenario laced with fraud requiring years of costly litigation. Universal state-level legislation with safeguards is required to avoid the latter. Until that is in place, your best bet is to work closely with your insurer when signing an AOB. Look for suspicious or inflated charges when negotiating with contractors, providers, and other servicers.

This story was originally featured on Fortune.com

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This term refers to insurance payments made directly to a healthcare provider for medical services received by the patient. Assignment of benefits occurs after a claim has been successfully processed with an insurance company.

As Assignment of Benefits (often abbreviated to AOB) simply means that the patient is asking for their payment of their health benefits to be transferred to the doctor to used as payment.

In some medical offices, there is a form known as an ‘Assignment of Benefits’ that allows the patient to transfer these benefits automatically. This reduces the need to bill a fee for service on each transaction, which can be appealing to some patients.

Typically, providers or types of services listed below must accept assignment of benefits:

  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory services;
  • Physician services to individuals dually entitled to Medicare and Medicaid;
  • Services of physician assistants, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical psychologists, and clinical social workers;
  • Ambulatory surgical center services for covered ASC procedures;
  • Home dialysis supplies and equipment paid under Method II;
  • Ambulance services;
  • Drugs and biologicals; and
  • Simplified Billing Roster for influenza virus vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine.  

It is important to note that not every patient has the contracted right to do so. Even if the patient signs as AOB form, the insurance company may not have to honor it if the patient cannot contractually assign their rights to anyone.

As a medical office it is important to understand most of the core insurance plans your office works with and how the patients benefits are typically paid.

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assignment of hospital benefits

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Insurance claims, why do nj medical providers need the patient to sign an assignment of benefits, callagy law: medical provider attorneys.

Our firm represents medical providers in a variety of contexts – Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury Protection (PIP), and Commercial Insurance (Major Medical) – and obtaining an Assignment of Benefits is crucial in litigating these matters. An Assignment of Benefits is essential for a medical provider – whether the physician, facility, or ancillary service provider – to have a right to payment from the Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator (TPA).

A medical provider or the administrative staff for the medical provider may feel overwhelmed by the number of forms that patients have to fill out prior to treatment. For instance, there are HIPPA release forms, as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which authorizes the use or disclosure of protected health information, and intake forms requesting medical history, insurance coverage information, and general patient information. Requiring more paperwork from the patients may be viewed as an additional burden placed on the administrative staff, as well as a burden on the patient receiving the treatment. However, these documents, in addition to obtaining a signed Assignment of Benefits, are a vital in protecting the interests of the treating medical provider and the patient.

How Does An Assignment of Benefits Affect a Medical Provider ?

By signing an Assignment of Benefits (AOB), a patient is authorizing the Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator to make health insurance payments directly to the treating medical provider. Essentially, the patient is “assigning” his or her right to receive the payment for the medical benefits. While medical providers benefit tremendously from having payments made directly to them, instead of the patient, from the Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator, a signed Assignment of Benefits will also medical providers appeal denials and underpayments from the Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator.

For example, a patient may seek treatment from a medical provider who is not in network with their health insurance plan. These medical providers may also be referred to as a non-participating provider, a non-network provider, or an out of network provider. Essentially, this designation means that there is no contract in place between the medical provider and the Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator for agreed upon, negotiated rates for services rendered. Therefore, the out of network medical provider has an expectation that payments for the treatment rendered will be made at their actual, billed charges. By having a signed Assignment of Benefits form, a medical provider may submit the Assignment of Benefits with the claim and request that payment be made directly to the medical provider, instead of having checks go to the patient. This provides a convenience for both the medical provider and the patient.

Additionally, if the out of network medical provider is paid less than the actual, billed charges, the medical provider will likely want to challenge the payment directly with the Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator. By having an Assignment of Benefits signed by the Patient, the out of network medical provider may rely on the Assignment of Benefits to appeal the denial or underpayment. While having a signed Assignment of Benefits does not guarantee an out of network medical provider will have standing to file a litigation matter to recover the underpaid reimbursement from the Insurance Carrier, the Assignment of Benefits could be sufficient under the terms of certain health plans. An attorney who is experienced in healthcare law and medical revenue recovery can review the terms of the health insurance plan and provide guidance to the medical provider as to what, if any, additional documentation may be required to pursue recovery in a litigation matter.

Because the use of an Assignment of Benefits, containing the most effective language, is such an important element to a medical provider’s financial interest in collecting payment from an Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator and, possibly, challenging improper payments, a medical provider may want to have an attorney experienced with medical revenue recovery review the Assignment of Benefits. For more information or to consult with an attorney, contact Callagy Law today .

In your service,

Tamara Kotsev, Esq.

Attorney, Medical Revenue Recovery

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assignment of hospital benefits

Sept. 13, 2023

Assignment of Benefits: Consumer Beware

You've just survived a severe storm, or a tornado and you've experienced some extensive damage to your home that requires repairs, including the roof. Your contractor is now asking for your permission to speak with your insurance company using an Assignment of Benefits. Before you sign, read the fine print. Otherwise, you may inadvertently sign over your benefits and any extra money you’re owed as part of your claim settlement.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) offers information to help you better understand insurance, your risk and what to do in the event you need repairs after significant storm damage.

Be cautious about signing an Assignment of Benefits. An Assignment of Benefits, or an AOB, is an agreement signed by a policyholder that allows a third party—such as a water extraction company, a roofer or a plumber—to act on behalf of the insured and seek direct payment from the insurance company.  An AOB can be a useful tool for getting repairs done, as it allows the repair company to deal directly with your insurance company when negotiating repairs and issuing payment directly to the repair company. However, an AOB is a legal contract, so you need to understand what rights you are signing away and you need to be sure the repair company is trustworthy.

  • With an Assignment of Benefits, the third party, like a roofing company or plumber, files your claim, makes the repair decision and collects insurance payments without your involvement.
  • Once you have signed an AOB, the insurer only communicates with the third party and the other party can sue your insurer and you can lose your right to mediation.
  • It's possible the third party may demand a higher claim payment than the insurer offers and then sue the insurer when it denies your claim.
  • You are not required to sign an AOB to have repairs completed. You can file a claim directly with your insurance company, which allows you to maintain control of the rights and benefits provided by your policy in resolving the claim.

Be on alert for fraud. Home repair fraud is common after a natural disaster. Contractors often come into disaster-struck regions looking to make quick money by taking advantage of victims.

  • It is a good idea to do business with local or trusted companies. Ask friends and family for references.
  •  Your insurer may also have recommendations or a list of preferred contractors.
  • Always get more than one bid on work projects. Your adjuster may want to review estimates before you make repairs.

Immediately after the disaster, have an accurate account of the damage for your insurance company when you file a claim.

  • Before removing any debris or belongings, document all losses.
  • Take photos or video and make a list of the damages and lost items.
  • Save damaged items if possible so your insurer can inspect them, some insurance companies may have this as a requirement in their policy.

Most insurance companies have a time requirement for reporting a claim, so contact your agent or company as soon as possible. Your  state insurance department  can help you find contact information for your insurance company, if you cannot find it.

  • Insurance company officials can help you determine what damages are covered, start your claim and even issue a check to start the recovery process.
  • When reporting losses, you will need insurance information, current contact information and a  home inventory or list of damaged and lost property . If you do not have a list, the adjuster will give you some time to make one. Ask the adjuster how much time you have to submit this inventory list. The NAIC Post Disaster Claims Guide has details on what you can do if you do not have a home inventory list.

After you report damage to your insurance company, they will send a claims adjuster to assess the damage at no cost to you . An adjuster from your insurance company will walk through and around your home to inspect damaged items and temporary repairs you may have made.

  • A public adjuster is different from an adjuster from your insurance company and has no ties to the insurance company.
  • They estimate the damage to your home and property, review your insurance coverage, and negotiate a settlement of the insurance claim for you.
  • Many states require public adjusters to be licensed. Some states prohibit public adjusters from negotiating insurance claims for you. In those states, only a licensed attorney can represent you.
  • You have to pay a public adjuster.
  • The NAIC Post Disaster Claims Guide has information on the different types of adjusters.

Once the adjuster has completed an assessment, they will provide documentation of the loss to your insurer to determine your claims settlement. When it comes to getting paid, you may receive more than one check. If the damage is severe or you are displaced from your home, the first check may be an emergency advance. Other payments may be for the contents of your home, other personal property, and structural damages. Please note that if there is a mortgage on your home, the payment for structural damage may be payable to you and your mortgage lender. Lenders may put that money into an escrow account and pay for repairs as the work is completed.

More information. States have rules governing how insurance companies handle claims. If you think that your insurer is not responding in a timely manner or completing a reasonable investigation of your claim, contact your  state insurance department .

About the National Association of Insurance Commissioners

As part of our state-based system of insurance regulation in the United States, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) provides expertise, data, and analysis for insurance commissioners to effectively regulate the industry and protect consumers. The U.S. standard-setting organization is governed by the chief insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories. Through the NAIC, state insurance regulators establish standards and best practices, conduct peer reviews, and coordinate regulatory oversight. NAIC staff supports these efforts and represents the collective views of state regulators domestically and internationally.

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How to understand emergency room intake forms and know what to sign

By Ken Gibson on August 18, 2020

assignment of hospital benefits

We all know that a hospital visit requires a ton of paperwork, and this can be annoying if you were just in an auto accident. You may feel frustrated and confused as you try to fill out all the forms correctly, especially because you just want proper treatment. But improperly filling out forms or not knowing what you are signing can negatively affect your wallet later. That’s why it’s important to know what these forms are before you have to visit the emergency room (ER) and which one to avoid signing.

What are standard intake forms for car crash victims?

When you’re admitted to an ER, the hospital will likely require you to fill out several forms if you are able and your injuries are not life-threatening. Some of these forms are standard and completely necessary to receiving proper treatment. But some come down to which insurance policy will cover the cost of your treatment, and this can come into play later if you file a claim.

Patient history

This is a standard form that patients are required to fill out or update at any check-up, whether it’s your annual physical or an ER visit. While it’s common, you still want to be as thorough as possible when you visit an ER. Clearly explain any symptoms you have, how you are feeling, where you are feeling pain, and any immediate injuries you need treated. You also want to include any behavioral changes or psychological conditions brought on by the accident, such as short-term memory loss, difficulty keeping focus, or mood changes, which are all common in traumatic brain injuries .

In addition to your medical information, you want to include whether or not you have any metal pins, artificial joints, a pacemaker, or if you are pregnant, because these conditions can affect which tests the doctors will run to diagnose your injuries.

Consent to treatment

Consent to treatment forms essentially mean that you are legally allowing a hospital to treat you for your injuries and that you understand that risks are involved in treatment. Hospitals are required to share all the risks associated with a treatment plan and to ensure that you are aware of all your options before moving forward with treatment. If you are unconscious and need immediate treatment, this consent is waived so that the hospital can prevent your death.

Inpatient admission

Inpatient admission is also very common in ERs. It means you are officially being admitted to the hospital as an “inpatient,” meaning you are specifically there for treatment. In contrast, outpatient treatment is for pre-approved appointments with specialists or to get specific tests, but you are not specifically admitted to the hospital for care.

Assignment of benefits: should you sign it?

One of the most important forms to understand after a car crash is the assignment of benefits form. Unlike the other forms, which are primarily for your treatment, this form is 100% optional in the Commonwealth of Virginia. You do not have to sign it.

But, you may be wondering, why would the ER include it in the stack of forms to sign?

Because the assignment of benefits form will determine who will be billed for your care. After a collision, most victims have two forms of insurance that can come into play: Medpay , which is provided through your auto insurance policy, and your health insurance policy. Hospitals prefer to bill your auto insurance policy because it means they can receive more money in the long-run, especially if you receive a sizable settlement in a claim. Signing this form essentially means you consent to the hospital billing your auto insurance for your care.

However, this is not usually to your benefit. Health insurance policies often have more discounts than auto insurance policies and can cover the brunt of your bill if you suffer a serious injury. When it comes time to pay your hospital bills, you can then use your Medpay policy to cover whatever your health insurance did not cover. In addition, any further expenses from your treatment can also be accounted for in your car accident claim. That’s why we advise clients to assign all costs after a traffic collision to their health insurance policy before bringing their auto insurance coverage into the mix.

Paying for your recovery

No one wants to hassle with insurance policies and medical bills after a catastrophic injury, but it is important to understand how even a single signature at the ER can impact your long-term road to recovery. Brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and even soft tissue injuries can take you out of work for months, meaning it could become difficult to cover your medical bills while getting treatment. That’s why we suggest taking advantage of all forms of compensation after an accident.

If your injuries were caused by a negligent driver, you may also be able to recover compensation in an auto accident claim against the driver’s liability policy. Depending on the policy, you may be able to recover the complete costs of your treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering, but only if you have the right attorney. Auto insurance companies are not known for their charity, meaning they will fight to pay you as little as possible. That’s why you should not hesitate to get in contact with a Virginia auto accident attorney who is just as committed to getting you the compensation you need to recover comfortably.

How we can help you

At GibsonSingleton Virginia Injury Attorneys, my partner John Singleton and I have personally been through car accidents, so we know the claims process inside and out, from a personal and professional perspective. We are massive advocates for injured parties, and we will not rest until we have gotten you the compensation you deserve. We also operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning we do not get paid unless we win your case. There is no cost to contacting us to discuss your case, so feel free to reach out to us at (804) 413-6777 to schedule a free consultation. Find out your best options so that you can make the best decisions for your future.

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Home » Coverage Exclusions » Assignment of Benefits

Assignment of Benefits for Homeowners

  • How It Works
  • Using Your AOB
  • Pros & Cons
  • Safe & Secure
  • Watch Out for Abuse
  • Frequently Asked Questions

An assignment of benefits (AOB) is a contractual agreement that enables a third party to access insurance benefits on behalf of the policyholder.[1] When the policyholder signs an AOB agreement, it grants the third party the authority to initiate an insurance claim and receive reimbursement directly from the insurance company. 

Assignment of benefits for homeowners means that any  contractors , plumbers, or other professionals who perform work to repair your home or property after a claim can work with your insurance provider directly to get compensated. You step aside as the middleman, and they work together.  

While AOB can work with most types of insurance, not every insurance company will allow it. The party performing the work (the insurance claimant) and your insurance company must both agree to the process.

  • As the policyholder, you must willingly sign an AOB agreement, giving explicit consent for a third party to access their insurance benefits.
  • AOBs may make things easier for both you as the policyholder and for the service provider.
  • The service provider takes care of filing the claim, helps the homeowner decide on repairs, and gets paid by the insurance company, relieving you (the policyholder) of having to manage these details.

How Do Assignment of Benefits Work?

AOB is a straightforward process that simplifies insurance billing for both service providers and policyholders. Here is how an AOB works.

Coverage Verified

Before hiring a service provider, the policyholder must make sure that the service is covered by their policy by checking in with the insurance provider. Homeowners insurance pays for the cost of damages or loss due to a covered event, as outlined in the policy. 

Mutual Agreement

The policyholder and the service provider agree to utilize an AOB form.[2] This agreement authorizes the service provider to handle direct billing to the insurance company for the services provided.

Billing Submission

With the AOB form in place, the service provider submits all relevant documentation, including invoices and service records, to the insurance company for payment. In many cases, this includes the initial claim with documentation of the damage and an explanation/proof of how it happened.

Claim Evaluation

The insurance company thoroughly reviews the submitted documents to verify that the damage itself and the provided services are indeed covered under the policy terms and that the contractor provided those same services.

Direct Payment

If the services are eligible and covered by the insurance policy, the insurance company promptly issues payment directly to the service provider. This payment aligns with the agreed-upon costs as outlined in the insurance policy.

Policyholder’s Responsibility

Generally, the policyholder is only responsible for any deductibles, copays, or out-of-pocket expenses specified in their insurance policy.[3] They are relieved of the responsibility of managing the billing process or handling reimbursement paperwork.

Service Rendered

The policyholder receives necessary services covered by their insurance policy, such as medical treatment or repairs.

Example of an Assignment of Benefits

A hurricane hit Rachel’s town, severely damaging the shed where she keeps her tools and lawn equipment. The shed is covered under her home insurance policy, and she files a claim with the insurance provider quickly with photographs and documents that show the damage and provide proof of the value and potential cost to rebuild. The insurance provider approves the replacement of the shed.

To streamline the process of paying the contractor, Rachel signs an AOB allowing the contractor to bill the insurance provider rather than billing her. This means that if there are any disputes about the costs of materials, timeliness of payment, or any other issues, those will happen between the insurance company and the contractor, and Rachel will not be required to step in. 

Additionally, rather than having to pay the contractor out of pocket and wait for a reimbursement check from the provider, the contractor will be paid directly by the insurance company, so Rachel doesn’t have to pay the cost of the shed replacement.

When Would You Use Your Assignment of Benefits?

AOBs can be useful in various situations:

  • Assign benefits to contractors for property damage repairs, simplifying the insurance claim process. It can often expedite the process and help claimants to get paid faster.
  • AOBs can help in emergencies, ensuring timely payment without paperwork hassles. This can be particularly helpful during already high-stress times. 
  • Consider AOBs for complex claims with multiple providers or extensive paperwork. You’ll have less to manage if the parties work together directly.
  • You can use an AOB for a range of professionals relating to a homeowners insurance claim, such as plumbers, roofers, window repair specialists, landscapers, carpenters, and restoration specialists.

Pros & Cons of Using Assignment of Benefits

It simplifies the claims process, reducing paperwork for policyholders.Policyholders may have limited control over claims and disputes.
Service providers can bill insurance companies directly, ensuring timely payment.With AOBs, the insurance company may not agree to cover the full cost, and the contractor may sue the insurance company. You may be dragged into litigation later. The company may also deny the claim altogether.
It allows policyholders to access needed services, even when funds are limited.Your lack of visibility into final bills may mean you’re surprised when your insurance premiums are raised.
There is a possibility that the assignee can pocket any additional funds you may be due as part of the settlement.

Making Sure Your AOB Is Safe & Secure

To ensure the safety of an AOB:

  • Check the reputation of the service provider and seek multiple quotes for services.[4]
  • Carefully examine the AOB terms, ensuring clarity and alignment with your insurance policy.
  • Beware of high-pressure tactics and take your time to decide.
  • Confirm the provider’s licensing and insurance.
  • Get multiple estimates in writing for the needed work.
  • Consult an attorney or insurance advisor if you have concerns.
  • Keep records of communication and contracts.
  • Inform your insurer about the AOB and their requirements.
  • After services, check the results against AOB terms and your satisfaction.
  • Make sure the AOB has appropriate cancellation provisions in place so that you can rescind the agreement in writing in certain circumstances.

Assignment of Benefits Being Abused: What Are My Options?

While an AOB can offer convenience, the process may be susceptible to misuse by those who would take advantage of the insurance company and overcharge for services or claim to have provided services that they did not actually perform. Lisa Koosis, a former claims specialist, warns, “Be watchful for AOB scams, particularly after natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes. Red flags include contractors who offer something for nothing, make exaggerated claims of damage or present broadly worded contracts.”

If you suspect AOB abuse or fraud, consider these options.

Contact Your Insurer 

If you suspect AOB abuse, promptly reach out to your insurance company. Express your concerns and provide any evidence you have to support them. Insurers have units dedicated to investigating potential fraud or AOB misuse.

Report Fraud

If you suspect fraudulent activities, report the issue to your state’s insurance fraud bureau or department, which investigates such cases and takes legal action when appropriate. However, fraud is generally difficult to prove. 

Seek Legal Counsel

Get advice from an  attorney who is experienced in insurance claims to navigate your specific situation. Be aware that pursuing legal action can be costly and lengthy, so it generally won’t be your first course of action. But if the process gets complicated, it’s helpful to have a legal professional on your side. Lisa Koosis, a former claims specialist, says, “If you need legal assistance but can’t afford it, try calling your local law school. Many of them offer free clinics where you can get a consultation and, sometimes, pro bono representation.”

Know About Potential Litigation

If the contractor or service provider isn’t paid by your insurance company, they might pursue legal action against your provider, leading to a dispute that may require your action or response.

Frequently Asked Questions About Assignment of Benefits (AOB) for Homeowners

We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about AOBs and how to use them most effectively, so you can make the most informed decisions about your situation.

An assignment of benefits, also referred to as an AOB, in homeowners insurance is when you allow a contractor or service provider to take over your insurance claim process. They deal directly with the insurance company for tasks like repairs or damage assessments and get paid directly. This can simplify and expedite the process because the service provider is dealing directly with your insurance company without you serving as the intermediary. 

All parties must agree to the process. As the policyholder, you’ll sign off on the process, and both the services provider and your insurance company must also agree to the process. 

Using an AOB can be beneficial if it is used wisely and for the purposes of working with reputable service providers. It streamlines claims, but it also comes with potential risks like fraud. Proceed with caution and agree to an AOB only if you feel confident that you are working with trusted parties. Also, be aware that not all insurance companies allow AOBs. Some states prohibit AOBs for certain types of work. Consult your insurance provider to ensure they do before proceeding. 

In recent years, AOBs have been the target of fraud. Some service providers have inflated their invoices, billing for work that wasn’t performed. In some cases, claimants sue the insurance company, resulting in higher premiums for the policyholder down the road.

An AOB simplifies the insurance claims process for policyholders, letting service providers handle the work of getting paid for their services. This reduces responsibility and stress for policyholders and can often serve the best interests of all parties.

An AOB on a claim form is a line item where you authorize a service provider to receive insurance benefits for a specific claim. It lets that provider directly bill and get paid by the insurance company, simplifying the process for you. Make sure to understand the terms before signing it.[2] In some cases, it could mean you are responsible for any fees billed by your service provider if your insurance company doesn’t pay the full amount.

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Post Disaster Claims Guide . National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Assignment of Benefits . Department of Health and Human Services – North Dakota.

Understanding Dental Assignment of Benefits . West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner.

Assignment of Benefits: Consumer Beware . (April 2020). National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

assignment of hospital benefits

INSIGHT: An Ounce of Prevention—The Importance of Early Review of Assignment of Benefits and Powers of Attorney

By Anthony P. La Rocco, George P. Barbatsuly, Stacey A. Hyman, and Alyssa F. Conn

Anthony P.  La Rocco


One of the most frequently litigated issues in reimbursement cases brought by in- and out-of-network healthcare providers against insurers is provider standing, or a provider’s right to file a lawsuit to recover for services it provided to its patients. This is because the health insurance industry bases the rights and responsibilities that one party owes to another on contract law. While network contracts often dictate that insurers pay in-network providers directly for services, providers who do not participate in the networks have no independent legal right to payment from the insurer as such providers do not share a contractual relationship with the plan.

Accordingly, these providers must ensure that patients assign their rights to benefits under the health insurance plan to the non-participating provider via an assignment of benefits (“AOB”). Under a valid AOB, the provider “steps into the shoes” of the patient with respect to the contract between the patient and the insurer and may pursue the same benefits that the patient would have been able to pursue him or herself. Without a valid AOB, courts have been clear that the provider has no legal standing to sue the health insurer for payment.

Additionally, participating providers should also obtain and maintain irrevocable AOBs from their patients, despite network contractual language directing payment. Possessing a valid AOB is often a legal prerequisite to submitting a claim, even under the participation agreement, and participation status may change. Moreover, providers may not be participating with all insurers and assignments provide an alternative basis for recovery.

However, the road to recovery on claims is not as simple as merely executing an AOB: insurers frequently challenge the scope of AOBs, requiring courts to analyze them and determine whether the language sufficiently confers standing on the provider to assert a claim. The case law on assignments is, therefore, constantly evolving. The following article explores some of the common issues surrounding crafting and obtaining valid AOBs from patients as well as alternative avenues to survive a standing challenge where plans contain anti-assignment clauses.

What Kind of Language Should the Assignment of Benefits Contain?

An AOB should be “broadly specific”: It should be broad enough to cover all conceivable rights and claims the provider could bring under the plan, but specific enough in that it enumerates the rights in order to survive challenges of overbreadth. These enumerated rights should include, but are not limited to: the right to appeal, the right to request plan documents, the right to pursue claims for benefits, and the right to pursue claims for equitable relief/breaches of fiduciary duties.

The below examples provide AOB language ranked in order from least likely to confer standing to most likely.

  • Least Likely to Confer Standing : “I authorize insurance payments to be made to [PROVIDER] for services provided at [PROVIDER’S FACILITY].”

This AOB simply authorizes payments to be made, but does not give the provider any right to pursue payment or other remedies. Therefore, this language would likely be insufficient to confer legal standing.

  • Improved language : “I authorize [PROVIDER] to appeal to my insurance company on my behalf . . . . I hereby assign to [PROVIDER] all payments for medical services rendered to myself or my dependents.”

This language would, at least, give the provider the right to sue for payment under ERISA Section 502(a). However, the language is still lacking as it does not give the provider the right to pursue claims for equitable relief or for breaches of fiduciary duties.

  • An example of even better, (albeit not perfect) language : “I voluntarily consent to the collection and testing of my specimen, and all future testing, performed by [the Laboratories] or [their] affiliated laboratories unless I give written notice that I have revoked my consent. I authorize my insurance company to pay and mail directly to [the Laboratories] or [their] affiliated laboratories all medical benefits for payment of services rendered. I also authorize [the Laboratories] or [their] affiliated laboratories to endorse any checks received on my behalf for payment of services provided. I hereby irrevocably assign to [the Laboratories] or [their] affiliated laboratories all benefits under any policy of insurance, indemnity agreement, or any collateral source as defined by statute for services provided. This assignment includes all rights to collect benefits directly from my insurance company and all rights to proceed against my insurance company in any action, including legal suit, if for any reason my insurance company fails to make payment of benefits due. This assignment also includes all rights to recover attorney’s fees and costs for such action brought by the provider as my assignee.

The language here is “broadly specific” in that it enumerates with specificity a myriad of rights the provider seeks to have the patient assign. One federal appeals court found that similar assignment language clearly applied to claims against fully-insured health insurance plans, and at least arguably applied to self-funded plans. The court sent the case back to the trial court for further discovery on whether this language applied to self-funded plans. Health care providers can remove this uncertainty up front by having their assignment of benefit forms specifically refer to self-funded plans.

When Should the Provider Require the Assignment to Be Executed?

The best time to have a patient execute an assignment of benefits is at or before the time that services are provided. This is because it is often difficult to track down patients later when a provider must submit a large volume of claims that have gone unpaid. Ideally, these forms are executed together with other intake forms, such as consent for treatment and privacy policies/releases.

If the AOB is not obtained prior to the services, courts will still generally permit assignments that are executed after treatment, at least absent a showing of prejudice to the insurer. Furthermore, although logistical challenges may sometimes ensue where a patient is incapacitated or deceased, courts have upheld the validity of AOBs executed by spouses of such patients.

Navigating Anti-Assignment Provisions in Plans

Some patient plans contain anti-assignment language that prohibits the patient from assigning his or her benefits. This language is a challenge to a provider’s ability to establish standing. Courts are however, split on the issue. Some courts hold that an unambiguous anti-assignment clause is enforceable and can invalidate a patient’s assignment. In these cases, the courts have focused on the freedom of contracting parties.

Other courts hold that an anti-assignment clause is not, in and of itself, dispositive of whether a provider has standing. Anti-assignment clauses are subject to traditional contract defenses, such as fraud, misrepresentation, and unconscionability. For example, if a clause is buried in illegible “fine print” or if it was plainly neither intended nor likely to be read by the other party, those circumstances might support an inference of fraud. Other considerations include: ambiguity in the clause, the scope of the clause, course of dealing, and waiver or estoppel arguments.

An example of anti-assignment language that is completely prohibitory would be: “The benefits of the Contract or Certificate are personal to the Subscriber and are not assignable by the Subscriber in whole or in part to a Non-Member hospital or provider, or to any other person or entity.”

Another example of language that permits assignment only with consent would be: “You may not assign your Benefits under the Plan to a non-Network provider without our consent.”

Providers may, however, still recover in circumstances where the plans contain valid anti-assignment provisions. Recently, for example, the Third Circuit, in American Orthopedic & Sports Med. v. Indep. Blue Cross Blue Shield , 2018 BL 173478 (3d Cir., No. 17-1663, 5/16/18), recognized an alternative basis under which health care providers may obtain standing to sue in federal court. Where a patient grants a valid power of attorney to a health care provider, the Third Circuit has now recognized that a health care provider may pursue a claim for reimbursement on the patient’s behalf, even if the ERISA plan contains a valid and enforceable anti-assignment clause. The court explained that, whereas a plan can limit a beneficiary’s ability to assign claims as a matter of contract law, an anti-assignment clause does not prevent the beneficiary from assigning the health care provider to act as the beneficiary’s agent, any more than it would strip the beneficiary of his or her own interest in the claim.

In sum, while there is no “one size fits all” approach, a simple direction of payment often does not survive scrutiny and will likely be challenged by insurers. Thus, prudent providers will want to work with experienced healthcare counsel to craft assignment language to encompass all of the patient’s rights under the plan and, if applicable, take advantage of the Third Circuit alternative basis for standing by including language that creates a valid power of attorney.

Anthony P. La Rocco is the Managing Partner of K&L Gates’ Newark office. He leads a national health care team involved in significant reimbursement litigation matters on behalf of health care providers against various insurance companies’ health benefits plans and their third party administrators related to under-payment and non-payment of claims for a variety of covered medical testing procedures conducted across the United States. Tony can be reached at [email protected] .

George P. Barbatsuly is a Partner in K&L Gates’ Newark office. His health care and ERISA disputes experience includes representing health care providers in disputes with payer insurance companies, health benefits plans, and third party administrators. George can be reached at [email protected] .

Stacey A. Hyman is an Associate in K&L Gates’ Newark office. She focuses her practice on commercial disputes and insurance coverage, specifically insurance reimbursement recovery. Stacey can be reached at [email protected] .

Alyssa F. Conn is an Associate in K&L Gates’ Newark office. She focuses her practice on a range of complex commercial litigation and insurance coverage disputes in federal and state courts, including healthcare and ERISA disputes. Alyssa can be reached at [email protected] .

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Tim Walz, Who Spent Decades as an Enlisted Soldier, Brings Years of Work on Vets Issues to Dem Ticket

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz visits Minnesota National Guard

A retired Army National Guard noncommissioned officer who was once the top Democrat on the House Veterans Affairs Committee could become the next vice president.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris announced Tuesday that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will be her running mate. That puts someone with an enlisted background on both presidential tickets after Republican nominee former President Donald Trump chose Marine veteran Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate.

Patrick Murphy, an Army veteran who was Walz' roommate when they were both freshmen in Congress, called Walz a "soldier's soldier."

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"The two largest federal agencies are DoD and the VA, so someone who has intimate knowledge of both is incredibly important," Murphy, who served as Army under secretary during the Obama administration, said in a phone interview with Military.com. "He was a field artilleryman who has tinnitus as diagnosed by the VA, so he understands the plight of our brother and sister veterans."

Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard in Nebraska in 1981 and retired honorably in 2005 as the top enlisted soldier for 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, in the Minnesota National Guard, according to a copy of his records provided by the Minnesota Guard. He reached the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role, but he officially retired as a master sergeant for benefits purposes because he didn't finish a required training course, according to the records and a statement from the Minnesota Guard.

His Guard career included responding to natural disasters in the United States, as well as a deployment to Italy to support U.S. operations in Afghanistan, according to a 2018 article by Minnesota Public Radio . Walz earned several awards, including the Army Commendation Medal and two Army Achievement Medals, according to his military records. Working a civilian job as a high school teacher and football coach, the Nebraska native was also named that state's Citizen Soldier of the Year in 1989, according to official biographies.

During the 2022 Minnesota governor's race, Walz' opponent accused him of leaving the Guard when he did in order to avoid a deployment to Iraq, though Walz maintained he retired in order to focus on running for Congress, according to the Star Tribune newspaper .

Far-right commentators and media resurfaced those allegations and knocked him for never serving in combat -- something he has never claimed to do -- in contrast with Vance's deployment to Iraq as a combat correspondent.

"Looks like it is time to bring back Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Oof. Walz is a really unforced error. He bailed on the military when they decided to send him to Iraq. JD Vance actually served," conservative talk radio host Erick Erickson posted on social media Tuesday.

Walz was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2006, becoming the highest-ranking retired enlisted soldier to serve in Congress.

His tenure in Congress included sitting on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, rising to be its ranking member in 2017.

"Walz' leadership on behalf of his fellow veterans when he was in the U.S. House of Representatives is notable at a time when our all-volunteer force continues to struggle to recruit," Allison Jaslow, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said in a statement praising the choice of a veteran to be vice presidential nominee. "How we care for our veterans is as important to our national security as how we care for our troops, and Walz has a record to prove that he understands that imperative."

As the top Democrat on the committee, Walz was a chief adversary for the Trump administration's Department of Veterans Affairs . He battled with then-acting VA Secretary Peter O'Rourke in 2018 during a standoff over O'Rourke's handling of the inspector general's office, and pushed for an investigation into the influence of a trio of informal VA advisers who were members of Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. An investigation by House Democrats completed after Walz left Congress concluded that the so-called Mar-a-Lago trio "violated the law and sought to exert improper influence over government officials to further their own personal interests."

Walz also opposed the Mission Act, the bill that expanded veterans' access to VA-funded care by non-VA doctors that Trump considers one of his signature achievements. Walz said in statements at the time that, while he agreed the program for veterans to seek outside care needed to be fixed, he believed the Mission Act did not have sustainable funding. VA officials in recent years have said community care costs have ballooned following the Mission Act.

Walz supported another bill that Trump touts as a top achievement, the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, which sought to make it easier for the VA to fire employees accused of misconduct or poor performance. But the implementation of that law was later part of Walz' fight with O'Rourke . The law also faced legal challenges that prompted the Biden administration to stop using the expedited firing authorities granted by the bill.

Walz was also an early proponent of doing more for veterans exposed to toxins during their military service, sponsored a major veterans suicide prevention bill and advocated for the expansion of GI Bill benefits. And he repeatedly pushed the VA to study marijuana usage to treat PTSD and chronic pain, something that could come up in a future administration if the Department of Justice finalizes reclassifying marijuana into a category of drugs considered less dangerous.

Walz' time in Congress also included a stint on the House Armed Services Committee, a perch he used to advocate for benefits for members of the National Guard .

Walz consistently voted in support of the annual defense policy bill, as well as advocated for repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that effectively banned gay and lesbian service members.

"He was my battle buddy in the fight to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' and it wouldn't have happened if we didn't have Command Sgt. Maj. Tim Walz helping lead the fight," Murphy said.

Since becoming governor of Minnesota in 2019, Walz' role as commander in chief of the Minnesota National Guard has come under a spotlight several times. In response to a request from the Minneapolis mayor, he activated the Guard in May 2020 to assist law enforcement when some protests over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd turned destructive. At the time, Minneapolis' mayor accused Walz of being too slow to order the deployment, a charge he denied.

"It is time to rebuild. Rebuild the city, rebuild our justice system, and rebuild the relationship between law enforcement and those they're charged to protect," Walz said in a statement when he announced the activation.

He also activated the Guard to protect the Minnesota state Capitol in January 2021 amid fears that Trump supporters could riot at state houses like they did at the U.S. Capitol that month. And he's used the Guard for missions that are more routine for the service, such as to help after heavy flooding earlier this summer .

As news broke Tuesday of Walz' selection, he quickly won praise from other Democratic veterans.

"Having a person who wore the uniform and who deployed around the world adds to the ticket someone who can connect with veterans and military families in a way that no one but a veteran can," Jon Soltz, chairman of liberal political action committee VoteVets, said in a statement.

-- Steve Beynon contributed to this story.

Related: Here's Kamala Harris' Record on Veterans and Military Issues

Rebecca Kheel

Rebecca Kheel Military.com

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What is turmeric good for? The spice has powerful antioxidants and other benefits

More than just adding flavor, color and aroma to our food, spices tell a story. Take turmeric, for example, which was first used nearly 4,000 years ago in India before spreading through China, East and West Africa and Jamaica. Turmeric also has a long history of religious significance and medicinal use in South Asia.

"Turmeric's main active component, curcumin , makes it a potential treatment for numerous health conditions," says Dr. Denise Millstine, a women's health and integrative medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

Still, experts contend turmeric needs to be researched further to confirm the impact of these health benefits. 

What is turmeric?

A member of the ginger family, turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa, is a flowering plant whose rhizomes (roots) appear similar to the rhizomes of ginger − but with a yellowish-orange color instead of brown. Grated, sliced and  peeled  in its raw form or dried and ground into a powder, turmeric is used extensively in Indian cuisine especially, giving foods both flavor and color. The spice is commonly added to soups, tandoori chicken,  rice  and curry, and has become a popular enhancement in roasted vegetables and  egg scrambles .

Turmeric has also been used as a traditional Indian medicine for centuries and is widely available today as a supplement in the form of both powder and capsules. 

What is turmeric good for?

Though the  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health  notes the health effects of turmeric supplementation on certain medical conditions "remain uncertain," turmeric does have properties known to be beneficial. For instance, as with other colorful plant-based foods, turmeric is rich in phytonutrients ( powerful antioxidants ), known to protect the body from  free radicals  like sunlight or air pollution and shield cells from damage.

"Turmeric  may also aid digestion , improve brain function, and support healthy skin," explains Lisa Young, PhD, an adjunct professor of nutrition at New York University and the author of "Finally Full, Finally Slim."

The active component, curcumin, is also known to "decrease and relieve some symptoms of mild arthritis , such as joint pain and joint inflammation," says Jessica Sepel, BHlth, a clinical nutritionist and founder of  JSHealth . Turmeric may also improve heart health by reducing bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol , Young says.

Curcumin may also have cancer-fighting properties, though such research is ongoing.

"Some studies suggest that curcumin may have anticancer properties by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and preventing the formation of new blood vessels in tumors," says Jen Messer, a nutrition consultant and registered dietitian at  Jen Messer Nutrition .

How much turmeric to take daily?

Turmeric does have some known negative side effects. 

"While turmeric is safe to consume, too much of it can cause diarrhea, nausea and headache," Young says. Eating turmeric may also slow down blood clotting due to its anticoagulant properties, "which can be beneficial for some but dangerous to others," Young adds. 

Millstine notes that though she agrees that "turmeric is generally safe," there are other potential side effects to be mindful of. "The biggest risk I encounter with turmeric in my practice is interactions with other medications," she explains. Some forms of the plant may also cause heartburn .

While there is no standard established dose of turmeric to take daily, "The World Health Organization has determined an acceptable daily intake of turmeric powder as 1.4 milligrams per pound of body weight when turmeric powder is used as a spice in cooking," explains Messer. She adds that most research indicates turmeric's supplement form should be kept between 500 and 2,000 milligrams daily, "but an effective dose may vary on the condition being treated." 

"As with all herbal dietary supplements, there can be risks associated with consumption," Sepel says. "Therefore, I always recommend checking in with your health professional to ensure that it suits your individual needs." 

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Just Curious for more? We've got you covered.

USA TODAY is exploring the questions you and others ask every day. From "Is chai good for you?" to "What is the healthiest grain?" to "How to clean your air fryer" – we're striving to find answers to the most common questions you ask every day. Head to our Just Curious section to see what else we can answer for you. 

Contributing: Clare Mulroy

Social Security

  • Apply Online for Disability Benefits

Social Security offers an online disability application you can complete at your convenience. Apply from the comfort of your home or any location at a time most convenient for you. You do not need to drive to your local Social Security office or wait for an appointment with a Social Security representative.

You can use the online application to apply for disability benefits if you:

  • Are age 18 or older;
  • Are not currently receiving benefits on your own Social Security record;
  • Are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death: and
  • Have not been denied disability benefits in the last 60 days. If your application was recently denied for medical reasons, the Internet Appeal is a starting point to request a review of the medical determination we made.

Here is what you need to do to apply for benefits online:

It will help you gather the information you need to complete the application.

  • Complete the Disability Benefit Application .
  • Complete the Medical Release Form

We suggest that you have the following information at hand. It will make completing the application much easier.

Information About You

  • Your date and place of birth and Social Security number
  • The name, Social Security number and date of birth or age of your current spouse and any former spouse. You should also know the dates and places of marriage and dates of divorce or death (if appropriate)
  • Names and dates of birth of your minor children
  • Your bank or other financial institution's Routing Transit Number [ more info ] and the account number, if you want the benefits electronically deposited

Information About Your Medical Condition

  • Name, address and phone number of someone we can contact who knows about your medical conditions and can help with your application
  • Detailed information about your medical illnesses, injuries or conditions:
  • Names, addresses, phone numbers, patient ID numbers and dates of treatment for all doctors, hospitals and clinics;
  • Names of medicines you are taking and who prescribed them; and
  • Names and dates of medical tests you have had and who sent you for them.

Information About Your Work

  • The amount of money earned last year and this year
  • The name and address of your employer(s) for this year and last year
  • A copy of your Social Security Statement
  • The beginning and ending dates of any active U.S. military service you had before 1968
  • A list of the jobs (up to 5) that you had in the 15 years before you became unable to work and the dates you worked at those jobs
  • Information about any workers' compensation, black lung, and/or similar benefits you filed, or intend to file for. These benefits can:
  • Be temporary or permanent in nature;
  • Include annuities and lump sum payments that you received in the past;
  • Be paid by your employer or your employer's insurance carrier, private agencies, or Federal, State or other government or public agencies; and
  • Be referred to as:
  • Workers' Compensation;
  • Black Lung Benefits;
  • Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation;
  • Civil Service (Disability) Retirement;
  • Federal Employees' Retirement;
  • Federal Employees' Compensation;
  • State or local government disability insurance benefits; or
  • Disability benefits from the military (This includes military retirement pensions based on disability but not Veterans' Administration (VA) benefits.)

We may ask you to provide documents to show that you are eligible, such as:

  • Birth certificate or other proof of birth;
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status if you were not born in the United States [ more Info ];
  • U.S. military discharge paper(s) if you had military service before 1968;
  • W-2 forms(s) and/or self-employment tax returns for last year;
  • Medical evidence already in your possession [ more info ]. This includes medical records, doctors' reports, and recent test results; and
  • Award letters, pay stubs, settlement agreements or other proof of any temporary or permanent workers' compensation-type benefits you received [ more info ].

We accept photocopies of W-2 forms, self-employment tax returns or medical documents, but we must see the original of most other documents, such as your birth certificate. (We will return them to you.)

Do not delay applying for benefits because you do not have all the documents. We will help you get them.

Mailing Your Documents

If you mail any documents to us, you must include the Social Security number so that we can match them with the correct application. Do not write anything on the original documents. Please write the Social Security number on a separate sheet of paper and include it in the mailing envelope along with the documents.

If you do not want to mail these documents, you may bring them to a Social Security office. Do not mail foreign birth records or any documents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), formerly the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), especially those you are required to keep with you at all times. These documents are extremely difficult, time-consuming and expensive to replace if lost. Some cannot be replaced. Instead, bring them to a Social Security office where we will examine them and return them to you.

Our online disability application process offers several advantages. You can:

  • Start your disability claim immediately. There is no need to wait for an appointment.
  • Apply from the convenience of your own home or on any computer.
  • Stop and return to your saved application before submission.
  • Avoid trips to a Social Security office.
  • Complete the process online even if you live outside the United States.

After we receive your online application, we will:

  • Provide confirmation of your application- either electronically or by mail.
  • Review the application.
  • Contact you if we need more information or documentation.
  • Inform you if other family members may be able to receive benefits on your record, or if you may be able to receive benefits on another person’s record, such as your spouse or your parent.
  • Process your application.
  • Mail our decision to you.

You can also apply:

  • By phone - Call us at 1-800-772-1213 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can call us at TTY 1-800-325-0778 .
  • In person - Visit your local Social Security office . (Call first to make an appointment.)

If you do not live in the U.S. or one of its territories, you can also contact your nearest Federal Benefits Unit that provides service to your country of residence.

Select “Return to a Saved Application” if before January 25, 2014, you started but did not finish:

  • An Application for Disability Benefits and have an “Application Number;” or
  • An “Adult Disability Report” and have a “Reentry Number.”

Once you enter your “Application Number” or “Reentry Number” and your Social Security Number, you will return to your saved information.

Apply for Disability Return to a Saved Application Check Application Status


  • Disability Benefits
  • Fact Sheet – Exclusion of Certain Medical Sources’ Evidence

Related Information

  • Disability Planner
  • Information for Representatives
  • What You Need to Know About The Online Disability Application
  • Helping Someone Apply Online
  • Information on Excluding Certain Medical Sources' Evidence

What about SSI?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) pays benefits to disabled adults and children with limited income and resources.

Learn More...

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  1. Printable Medical Form Assignment Of Benefits

    assignment of hospital benefits

  2. Printable Medical Form Assignment Of Benefits

    assignment of hospital benefits

  3. Hospital Benefits

    assignment of hospital benefits

  4. Hospital Benefits

    assignment of hospital benefits

  5. Assignment Of Benefits Form

    assignment of hospital benefits

  6. Top 7 Medicare Assignment Of Benefits Form Templates free to download

    assignment of hospital benefits


  1. What Should An Assignment of Benefits Form Include?

    An assignment of benefits form (AOB) is a crucial document in the healthcare world. It is an agreement by which a patient transfers the rights or benefits under their insurance policy to a third-party - in this case, the medical professional who provides services. This way, the medical provider can file a claim and collect insurance payments.

  2. Assignment of Benefits: What You Need to Know

    With an assignment of benefits, you can designate your healthcare provider as your insurance claimant. Then, your healthcare provider can request insurance payouts from your healthcare insurance provider directly. Through this system, the health insurance provider directly pays your physician or hospital rather than paying you.

  3. Assignment of benefits

    He has health insurance coverage through a private insurer. Prior to the surgery, John signs an assignment of benefits form, allowing the hospital to receive payment directly from his insurance company. The hospital submits the claim to the insurance company, and they reimburse the hospital for the covered services.

  4. All You Need to Know About Assignment of Benefits

    When you visit an in-network doctor in a contract with your insurance company, the assignment of benefits (AOB) happens automatically. That hospital receives payment right from the insurance company, and the provider handles everything related to billing. But if your doctor is out-of-network, you might have to sign an AOB agreement that's ...

  5. What is an assignment of benefits (AOB)?

    The three most common uses of AOBs are with health insurance, car insurance, and homeowners insurance. Assignment of benefits for health insurance. As discussed, AOBs in health insurance are ...

  6. Assignment and Non-assignment of Benefits

    Non-assignment of Benefits. Non-assigned is the method of reimbursement a physician/supplier has when choosing to not accept assignment of benefits. Under this method, a non-participating provider is the only provider that can file a claim as non-assigned. When the provider does not accept assignment, the Medicare payment will be made directly ...

  7. What is Assignment of Benefits in Medical Billing

    An assignment of benefits in medical billing is a type of agreement between the healthcare provider, insurance company, and the patient through which a patient authorizes the medical service to collect healthcare policy coverage benefits on their behalf from their insurer for the service they have received from the facility.


    Deductible: The amount you pay for your healthcare services (excluding monthly premiums) before your health insurance begins to pay. For example, if your plan has a $2,000 annual deductible, you will be expected to pay the first $2,000 toward your health care services. After you reach $2,000, your health insurance will cover the rest of the cost.

  9. Assignment of Benefits

    Assignment of benefits is not authorization to submit claims. It is important to note that the beneficiary signature requirements for submission of claims are separate and distinct from assignment of benefits requirements except where the beneficiary died before signing the request for payment for a service furnished by a supplier and the supplier accepts assignment for that service.

  10. What is an Assignment of Benefits?

    With a homeowners, renters, or auto insurance claim, the third party could be a contractor, auto repair shop, or other facility. Assignment of benefits is legal, thanks to a concept known as freedom of contract, which says two parties may make a private agreement, including the forfeiture of certain rights, and the government may not interfere.

  11. What is an assignment of benefits?

    An assignment of benefits (AOB) is a legal agreement you sign that lets a third party negotiate, bill, and receive payment from your insurance provider. ... Assignment of benefits for health ...

  12. What is an Assignment of Benefits (AOB) in Medical Billing?

    Assignment of benefits occurs after a claim has been successfully processed with an insurance company. As Assignment of Benefits (often abbreviated to AOB) simply means that the patient is asking for their payment of their health benefits to be transferred to the doctor to used as payment. In some medical offices, there is a form known as an ...

  13. The Importance of the Assignment of Benefits

    An Assignment of Benefits is essential for a medical provider - whether the physician, facility, or ancillary service provider - to have a right to payment from the Insurance Carrier or Third-Party Administrator (TPA). A medical provider or the administrative staff for the medical provider may feel overwhelmed by the number of forms that ...

  14. PDF Authorization of Treatment / Assignment of Benefits Form GENERAL

    Medical Staff of Lehigh Valley Hospital & Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg on or after 04/14/03. INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT: I request that payment of authorized medical benefits is made on my behalf directly to the LVPG provider of service(s) furnished to me. I authorize LVPG to release any medical information to my health insurance

  15. Medicare Assignment

    Yes, MD Anderson consists of hospitals that accept Medicare assignment, meaning you can use your benefits at its 13 hospital systems throughout 11 states. What you need to realize is that while benefits for Original Medicare and Medigap are accepted, MD Anderson's Medicare Advantage options are quite limited.

  16. PDF Assignment of benefits form

    e this insurance payment. have been given the opportunity to pay my estimated deductible and coin insur. nce at the time of service. I have chosen to assign the benefits, knowing that the claim must be paid within all state or federa. prompt payment guidelines. I will provide all relevant and accurate information to facilitate the prompt ...

  17. Assignment of Benefits: Consumer Beware

    An Assignment of Benefits, or an AOB, is an agreement signed by a policyholder that allows a third party—such as a water extraction company, a roofer or a plumber—to act on behalf of the insured and seek direct payment from the insurance company. An AOB can be a useful tool for getting repairs done, as it allows the repair company to deal ...

  18. Should you sign an assignment of benefits form after a crash

    One of the most important forms to understand after a car crash is the assignment of benefits form. Unlike the other forms, which are primarily for your treatment, this form is 100% optional in the Commonwealth of Virginia. You do not have to sign it. But, you may be wondering, why would the ER include it in the stack of forms to sign?

  19. Assignment of benefits

    Assignment of benefits. When a covered person authorizes his or her health benefits plan to directly pay a healthcare provider for covered services. Traditional health insurance pays benefits directly to the covered person. When a covered person authorizes his or her health benefits plan to directly pay a healthcare provider for covered services.

  20. PDF Assignment of Benefits Form

    SSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS FORM:hereby authorize my insurance company(s) to pay directly to Alarus Healthcare, LLC, any and all benefits due to me for claims submitted for myself or any member of my famil. for any services rendered.also authorize Alarus Healthcare, LLC to release such information as may be necessary during or after the course of ...

  21. Assignment of Benefits (AOB)

    An assignment of benefits (AOB) is a contractual agreement that enables a third party to access insurance benefits on behalf of the policyholder. [1] When the policyholder signs an AOB agreement, it grants the third party the authority to initiate an insurance claim and receive reimbursement directly from the insurance company.

  22. INSIGHT: An Ounce of Prevention—The Importance of Early Review of

    Out-of network health-care providers continue to face challenges in attempting to bring claims to recover from health insurers on behalf of their patients. While anti-assignment provisions my pose a recovery hurdle, awareness of legal constraints on how these provisions operate, and knowing that other mechanisms for seeking recovery exist, is critical, K&L Gates LLP attorneys write.

  23. Tim Walz, Who Spent Decades as an Enlisted Soldier, Brings Years of

    Tim Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard in Nebraska in 1981 and retired honorably in 2005 as the top enlisted soldier for 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, in the Minnesota ...

  24. Veterans Affairs Servicing Purchase (VASP) Program FAQs

    Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you've earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more. ... Please switch auto forms mode to off. 2. Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). 3. To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. ...

  25. In two years of the PACT Act, VA has delivered benefits and health care

    VA releases new PACT Act dashboard highlighting the impact of the historic law for delivering benefits and health care to millions of Veterans and their survivors exposed to toxins.

  26. Texas Cares Rx

    Texas Cares Rx will partner with community groups across the state to connect people to Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs) where they can apply to receive low-cost or no-cost prescription medications. PAPs are run by pharmaceutical companies and nonprofit organizations to help people who cannot ...

  27. Belmar Resident Captures the 2024 Olympic Games Through Her Lens

    PARIS, FRANCE- Belmar resident Sharon Fowler has taken on a special assignment as a photojournalist for TAPinto Belmar/Lake Como, capturing the excitement of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris,...

  28. What is turmeric good for? How much to take per day for benefits

    The spice has many purported health benefits for digestion, skin and the joints. Turmeric is a member of the ginger family with a yellow-orange hue. The spice has many purported health benefits ...

  29. Apply Online for Disability Benefits

    You can use the online application to apply for disability benefits if you: Are age 18 or older; Are not currently receiving benefits on your own Social Security record; Are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death: and; Have not been denied disability benefits in the last 60 days.

  30. 2022 NC Medicaid Annual Health Equity Report Published

    The report looks at 50 quality measures and identifies health disparities across eight demographic stratifications (e.g., ethnicity, gender, and disability status). The results are organized into six domains: member experience, child and adolescent health, women's health, mental health, substance use, and; health care utilization.