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Essay on Endangered Species: Tiger

  • panthera tigris tigris (Mainland Asian tiger) and
  • panthera tigris sondaica (sunda island tiger)
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Essay on Endangered Species: Tiger

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Tiger and cub in long grass

Adorned with a striped, reddish-orange coat and equipped with an acute sense of hearing and night vision, tigers are one of nature’s most revered and feared predators.

About Tigers

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is one of the world’s most recognizable animals, intimately connected with strength and untamed nature. A symbol of nature’s wild places, significant in faiths and folktales of many civilizations, tigers inspire millions of people around the globe, from the monasteries in Bhutan to the catwalks of Milan.

Sadly, tigers are on the brink of extinction. Just over a century ago, 100,000 wild tigers roamed across Asia. Today, approximately 5,600 live in a mere five per cent of their historic range. The largest tiger population can now be found in India, home to half of all remaining wild tigers. Much of this decline has occurred in the past decade.

Tiger Facts

Tiger looking directly at camera

Scientific Name:

Panthera tigris

Endangered A wildlife species facing imminent extirpation or extinction.

Male tigers up to 250 kg, females up to 170 kg

Males up to 3.5 m long, females up to 3 m long


Approximately 5,600

Tropical, subtropical and temperate regions

Asia, including eastern Russia, northeastern China, India and Nepal

Large prey including deer and wild pigs

essay on endangered animals tiger

Did You Know?

A tiger's roar can be heard as far as 3 kilometres.

Why are Tigers important?

These beautiful, powerful cats inhabit diverse landscapes, from rainforests to grasslands, savannahs to mangrove forests and high-elevation habitats, so they play an important role in many ecosystems that supply nature and people with water, clean air, food and space to roam

As top predators in the food chain, tigers help keep their habitats balanced by preying on other animals, mainly herbivores. Too many herbivores would lead to overgrazing and degradation of the ecosystem.

Tigers also drive economies. Where tigers exist, tourists go. And where tourists go, money can be made by communities with few alternatives for income. Tiger conservation projects help provide alternative livelihoods for rural communities.

To safeguard tigers, we need to protect large swaths of forest across Asia where they live. By protecting these biologically diverse places, we can also preserve many other endangered species that live there. And, forests protected for tigers are known to store more carbon than other habitat types, helping to mitigate climate change.

Conserving tiger landscapes, if done with sensitivity to human needs, has enormous potential to ensure the well-being of Indigenous communities, as tigers and their habitats are intricately tied to their way of life.

Tiger lying by the side of a rock, India.


Bengal tiger in Ranthambore, India.

The most immediate threat to wild tigers is poaching. Their body parts are in relentless demand for traditional medicine and are status symbols within some Asian cultures. Resources for guarding protected areas where tigers live are usually limited.

People and tigers increasingly compete for space. Tigers have lost 95 per cent of their historical range due to human activity and development.

As forests shrink and prey becomes scarce, tigers are forced to hunt domestic livestock, which many local communities depend on for their livelihoods. In retaliation, tigers are killed or captured. These “conflict tigers” are often sold on the black market.

What WWF-Canada is doing

  • Reducing human-animal conflict WWF is working to improve tiger habitat, reduce human-tiger conflict and engage local communities around conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Tackling poaching and wildlife crime We are working alongside TRAFFIC (the wildlife trade monitoring network) and range country governments to investigate and crack down on the illegal trade in tiger products – and to reduce demand, so that this trade will no longer pose a significant threat to tigers.
  • Tigers times two Leaders from the tiger range country governments, tiger biologists and non-governmental organizations met in 2010 to discuss the future of tigers at the Global Tiger Summit. During the summit, leaders committed to TX2, an ambitious goal which sought to not only save tigers but double their numbers in the wild to at least 6,000 by the next Chinese Year of the Tiger, in 2022.-WWF-Canada actively participated the Tx2 campaign by channeling much-needed funding assistance to WWF-Nepal to undertake crucial conservation activities, such as, population monitoring, habitat improvement, awareness-raising campaigns and training for local communities as citizen scientists.
  • With a lot of hard work, and through unwavering support over the last 12 years, global wild tiger numbers have increased for the first time in over a century. Nepal has more than doubled the tiger numbers from 121 to 355 individuals. This historic conservation win is proof that when local communities, governments and international partners come together, even a daring goal like Tx2 can be achieved.
  • Our tiger conservation efforts have been working, but we can’t stop now as tigers are still one of the most threatened species of the world.
  • As we begin the next 12 years of tiger conservation work to the 2034 Year of the Tiger, WWF will work in partnership with the communities living in tiger landscapes, build political will and landscape connectivity, restore ecosystems, and change tiger consumer behaviour to reduce poaching and trafficking.

Tiger (Panthera tigris) lying down, India.

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Essay on Tiger

Surendra Kumar

Introduction to Tiger

Tigers, majestic and powerful creatures, are among the world’s most iconic and endangered species. These large carnivorous mammals are known for their distinctive orange coat adorned with black stripes, making them instantly recognizable. With various subspecies, such as the Bengal, Siberian, and Sumatran tiger, they once roamed a vast range across Asia but have faced severe threats due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflicts. Tigers are solitary and territorial animals, relying on their stealth and strength to hunt large mammals in habitats ranging from dense forests to grasslands. Their cultural significance is profound in many Asian cultures, symbolizing strength and power. Today, conservation efforts are critical to their survival, encompassing anti-poaching measures, protected areas, and awareness campaigns to safeguard these spectacular creatures and their ecosystems.

Essay on Tigers

The Majestic Tiger Species

Tigers, scientifically known as Panthera tigris , belong to the Felidae family and are among the largest felids in the world. Physical prowess, behavioral complexity, and cultural symbolism characterize their majestic presence. Understanding tigers’ taxonomy, physical characteristics, and behavioral traits offers profound insights into their captivating nature.

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1. Taxonomy and Classification

  • Subspecies Diversity: Tigers encompass several subspecies, each adapted to specific Asian habitats.
  • Evolutionary History: Tracing the evolutionary lineage of tigers reveals their adaptation and diversification over millennia.

2. Physical Characteristics

  • Size and Morphology: Tigers exhibit remarkable size variations among subspecies, with the Siberian tiger being the largest.
  • Coat Patterns and Coloration: Distinctive striped patterns and coat colors aid in camouflage and species identification.
  • Adaptations for Hunting: Powerful jaws, retractable claws, and muscular bodies equip tigers for efficient predation.

3. Behavioral Traits

  • Solitary Nature: Tigers are primarily solitary animals, except during mating and cub-rearing periods.
  • Territorial Behavior: Establishing and defending territories is crucial for securing resources and breeding opportunities.
  • Hunting Strategies: Tigers employ stealth, patience, and ambush techniques during hunts, often targeting large ungulates.

Tigers Are the National Animal in some countries

India – The Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris):

  • Symbolic Significance: The tiger is particular in Indian culture and mythology, symbolizing power, strength, and resilience. It is associated with the goddess Durga and often features in various religious and cultural contexts.
  • Conservation Focus: India has a significant tiger population, and adopting the tiger as the national animal reflects the country’s commitment to wildlife conservation. The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) oversees efforts to protect and preserve tiger habitats in various national parks and reserves.

Bangladesh – The Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris):

  • Cultural Reverence: Like India, Bangladesh considers the Bengal Tiger a symbol of national pride. The tiger’s presence is woven into the country’s cultural identity fabric, appearing in folklore, art, and literature.
  • Conservation Efforts: Bangladesh recognizes the importance of preserving its Bengal Tiger population. Conservation initiatives aim to protect the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world and home to the Bengal Tiger.

South Korea – The Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica):

  • Cultural Significance: The Siberian Tiger holds cultural importance in South Korea, symbolizing courage, protection, and national identity. It has historical connections to Korean folklore and traditions.
  • Conservation Initiatives: South Korea has implemented measures to protect the Siberian Tiger, including captive breeding programs and habitat conservation efforts.

North Korea – The Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica):

  • Symbol of Strength: The Siberian Tiger symbolizes strength and power in North Korea, reflecting the nation’s aspirations and resilience.
  • Conservation Challenges: North Korea faces challenges in conserving its Siberian Tiger population due to habitat loss and poaching.

Malaysia – The Malayan Tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni):

  • Biodiversity Representation: The Malayan Tiger serves as a symbol of Malaysia’s rich biodiversity and natural heritage. It reflects the country’s commitment to preserving its unique ecosystems.
  • Conservation Actions: Malaysia has undertaken efforts to conserve the Malayan Tiger, focusing on habitat protection, anti-poaching measures, and public awareness campaigns.

Vietnam – The Indochinese Tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti):

  • Cultural Connection: While not officially designated as the national animal, the tiger has cultural significance in Vietnam, representing strength and bravery.
  • Conservation Challenges: Vietnam faces conservation challenges for the Indochinese Tiger, including habitat loss, illegal wildlife trade, and human-tiger conflicts.

Ecological Role of Tigers

Tigers play an essential part in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitats. Their presence influences various aspects of ecosystems, contributing to biodiversity and overall ecosystem health.

  • Apex Predator Dynamics: As apex predators, tigers regulate prey populations, preventing overgrazing and maintaining the balance between herbivores and vegetation.
  • Population Control: By preying on weaker or diseased individuals, tigers help maintain the genetic health of prey species, enhancing their overall fitness.
  • Habitat Modification: Tigers’ hunting behavior can indirectly shape vegetation structure and distribution by influencing the movement and behavior of prey species.
  • Top-down Trophic Regulation: The presence of tigers affects the behavior and allocation of lower trophic levels, impacting the entire food web structure within their ecosystems.
  • Seed Dispersal: Tigers inadvertently aid in seed dispersal by consuming fruits and excreting seeds in different locations, contributing to plant regeneration and dispersal.
  • Carrion Consumption: Tigers consume carrion, effectively recycling nutrients into the ecosystem and supporting scavenger populations.
  • Territorial Stability: Through territorial marking and defense, tigers contribute to the stability and integrity of ecosystems by regulating the movements of other species within their territories.
  • Indirect Effects on Vegetation: The fear of predation by tigers can alter the behavior of herbivores, leading to changes in grazing patterns that affect vegetation composition and structure.
  • Influence on Water Bodies: Tigers’ presence can indirectly impact water bodies by regulating prey species that may graze near water sources, thereby influencing nutrient cycling and water quality.
  • Indicator of Ecosystem Health: The presence or absence of tigers can indicate ecosystem health, as their decline often signifies underlying ecological imbalances and threats to biodiversity.

Human-Tiger Relations

The relationship between humans and tigers has been a complex interplay of admiration, conflict, and conservation efforts. Examining this intricate relationship provides insights into the historical, cultural, and conservation dimensions surrounding the coexistence of these two species.

1. Historical Context

  • Cultural Symbolism: Tigers have held symbolic significance in many cultures, representing power, strength, and beauty.
  • Historical Depictions: Tigers have prominently featured in everything from ancient mythology to modern literature, shaping cultural perceptions.

2. Conservation Efforts

  • Early Conservation Initiatives: Recognizing the declining tiger populations led to the establishment of conservation programs in the mid-20th century.
  • International Collaboration: Global efforts, such as the Global Tiger Forum and the St. Petersburg Declaration, aim to coordinate conservation strategies on an international scale.

3. Human-Tiger Conflict Resolution

  • Habitat Encroachment: As human populations expand, conflicts arise due to habitat encroachment, increasing human-tiger encounters.
  • Livestock Predation: Tigers may prey on domestic livestock, triggering retaliatory killings by affected communities.
  • Conflict Mitigation Strategies: Implementing secure livestock housing, community education, and habitat corridors helps mitigate conflicts and promote coexistence.

4. Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade

  • Threat to Tiger Survival: Poaching for body parts, fueled by demand in traditional medicine and luxury markets, severely threatens tiger populations.
  • Enforcement and Anti-Poaching Efforts: Strengthening law enforcement, international cooperation, and anti-poaching measures are crucial for curbing illegal activities.

5. Conservation Challenges

  • Habitat Fragmentation: Rapid development leads to habitat loss and fragmentation, isolating tiger populations and reducing genetic diversity.
  • Climate Change Impact: Climate-induced changes affect tiger habitats, influencing prey distribution and habitat suitability.

6. Human Perception and Awareness

  • Cultural Shifts: Shifting human attitudes towards coexistence and appreciation for tigers are essential for successful conservation.
  • Community Involvement: Engaging residents in preservation initiatives fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.

7. Tourism and Conservation

  • Economic Incentives: Responsible wildlife tourism can provide financial incentives for local communities, contributing to conservation efforts.
  • Balancing Conservation and Tourism: Striking a balance between tourism and minimizing disturbances to tiger habitats is critical.

8. Technological Interventions

  • Monitoring and Tracking: Utilizing technology such as camera traps and GPS tracking helps researchers monitor tiger populations and understand their behavior.
  • Early Warning Systems: Implementing technology-based early warning systems can reduce human-tiger conflicts and enhance coexistence.

Threats to Tiger Survival

1. Habitat Loss and Fragmentation

  • Deforestation: Rapid deforestation, primarily for agricultural expansion and infrastructure development, leads to the loss of tiger habitats.
  • Fragmentation: Habitat fragmentation isolates tiger populations, reducing genetic diversity and hindering their ability to thrive.

2. Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade

  • Demand for Tiger Parts: The illegal wildlife trade and the need for skin, bones, and other body parts in traditional medicine drive tiger poaching.
  • Trade Networks: Sophisticated international networks facilitate the illegal trafficking of tiger parts, posing a significant threat to tiger populations worldwide.

3. Human-Tiger Conflict

  • Livestock Predation: Tigers preying on domestic livestock often result in retaliatory killings by affected communities, exacerbating human-tiger conflicts.
  • Habitat Encroachment: Human encroachment into tiger habitats increases the likelihood of encounters, leading to conflicts and negative perceptions of tigers.

4. Climate Change Impacts

  • Habitat Alteration: Climate-induced changes, such as shifts in precipitation patterns and temperature, alter tiger habitats, affecting prey distribution and habitat suitability.
  • Increased Vulnerability: Tigers are vulnerable to extreme weather events, habitat loss, and changes in prey abundance caused by climate change.

5. Loss of Prey Base

  • Overhunting: Overhunting of prey species, driven by illegal hunting and habitat degradation, reduces the availability of natural prey for tigers.
  • Decline in Prey Populations: Diminished prey populations force tigers to seek alternative food sources, increasing human-tiger conflicts.

6. Infrastructure Development

  • Roads and Urbanization: Infrastructure development, including road construction and urban expansion, fragments tiger habitats and increases human-tiger interactions.
  • Hydroelectric Projects: Large-scale infrastructure projects such as dams and hydroelectric projects further fragment tiger habitats and disrupt ecological connectivity.

7. Lack of Effective Law Enforcement

  • Weak Legal Frameworks: Inadequate laws and enforcement mechanisms fail to deter poaching, illegal wildlife trade, and habitat destruction.
  • Corruption: Corruption within law enforcement agencies undermines conservation efforts by facilitating illegal activities and wildlife trafficking.

8. Human Induced Disruptions

  • Pollution: Pollution from agricultural runoff, industrial activities, and mining contaminates tiger habitats, affecting water quality and ecosystem health.
  • Tourism Pressures: Unregulated tourism activities in tiger habitats disturb natural ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation and disturbance to tiger populations.

Conservation Initiatives

1. Protected Areas and Reserves

  • National Parks and Sanctuaries: creating reserves for the express purpose of conserving tigers, such as Russia’s Sikhote-Alin Biosphere Reserve and India’s Ranthambore National Park.
  • Tiger Reserves: Dedicated tiger reserves, such as the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve in Bangladesh and India, provide critical habitats for tiger populations and prioritize their conservation needs.

2. International Collaboration and Policies

  • Global Tiger Initiative (GTI): The GTI, launched in 2008, aims to double the wild tiger population by 2022 through collaborative efforts among tiger range countries and international organizations.
  • CITES Protection: The Convention on International Commerce in Endangered Species (CITES) forbids international commerce in tigers, and their products, and the tiger’s figure is in Appendix I.

3. Community Involvement and Awareness

  • Community-Based Conservation: Engaging local communities in tiger conservation efforts through education, awareness programs, and livelihood incentives to reduce human-tiger conflicts and promote coexistence.
  • Tiger Ambassadors: Empower local communities to become “Tiger Ambassadors” who actively participate in monitoring and protecting tiger habitats.

4. Anti-Poaching Measures

  • Increased Patrols: To discourage poachers and sabotage networks active in the illegal wildlife trade, anti-poaching patrols and enforcement actions in tiger habitats should be strengthened.
  • Use of Technology: Using camera traps, drones, and GPS tracking to monitor tiger populations and detect poaching activities.

5. Habitat Restoration and Connectivity

  • Corridor Conservation: Establishing habitat corridors to connect fragmented tiger habitats and promote genetic exchange among isolated populations.
  • Reforestation: Reforestation and restoration operations are being started in degraded tiger habitats to enhance habitat quality and boost prey availability.

6. Research and Monitoring

  • Population Surveys: Conducting regular population surveys and monitoring programs to assess tiger population trends, habitat status, and threats.
  • Scientific Studies: encouraging scientific studies on the ecology, behavior, genetics, and habitat needs of tigers to provide information for management choices and conservation tactics.

7. Public-Private Partnerships

  • Corporate Engagement: Partnering with corporations and businesses to support tiger conservation initiatives through corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs and funding.
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): Join forces with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and tiger-protecting conservation organizations such as Panthera and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

8. Rehabilitation and Rescue

  • Rescue Centers: Establishing rescue and rehabilitation centers for orphaned or injured tigers to provide veterinary care, rehabilitation, and eventual release into suitable habitats.
  • Translocation Programs: putting translocation plans into action to move tigers from high-conflict areas to safer environments with enough prey and ideal circumstances.

Future Outlook

1. Challenges Ahead

  • Continued Habitat Loss: Ongoing urbanization, agricultural expansion, and infrastructure development threaten tiger habitats, necessitating robust conservation measures.
  • Intensifying Human-Wildlife Conflicts: As human populations grow, the frequency of conflicts between tigers and communities will likely increase, demanding innovative solutions to mitigate such conflicts.
  • Poaching Pressures: The illegal wildlife trade remains a formidable challenge, requiring international collaboration, strengthened law enforcement, and stringent penalties to curb poaching.

2. Potential Solutions and Innovations

  • Smart Conservation Technologies: Advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence , satellite monitoring, and sensor networks, can enhance conservation efforts by providing real-time data on tiger populations and their habitats.
  • Community-Centric Approaches: Emphasizing the inclusion of local communities in conservation decision-making processes and ensuring they benefit economically from tiger conservation initiatives.
  • Sustainable Development Practices: Promote sustainable development practices that balance the needs of human communities with those of tigers and their ecosystems.
  • Climate-Resilient Conservation: Incorporating climate-resilient strategies into tiger conservation schemes to manage the impacts of climate change on habitats and prey availability.
  • Genetic Management: Implementing genetic management programs to enhance the genetic diversity of tiger populations, preventing inbreeding and ensuring the species’ long-term health.

3. Importance of Continued Efforts

  • Global Collaboration: Tiger-range countries, conservation groups, and the global community collaborate actively to strengthen international partnerships, addressing transboundary conservation concerns effectively.
  • Policy Advocacy: Advocating for and implementing policies prioritizing tiger conservation, habitat protection, and stricter penalties for wildlife crimes.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Continued efforts to raise public awareness about the importance of tigers in ecosystems, the threats they face, and the role individuals can play in their conservation.
  • Adaptive Management: Implementing adaptive management strategies allows conservationists to adjust approaches based on evolving threats, new research findings, and changing ecological conditions.

4. Hope for the Future of Tigers

  • Conservation Success Stories: Celebrate and learn from successful conservation initiatives, replicating effective strategies elsewhere, including population recoveries in specific reserves.
  • Increased Funding: Mobilizing raised financial resources for tiger conservation from governments and private entities to support comprehensive and sustained efforts.
  • Policy Commitments: Encouraging nations to commit to and actively participate in international agreements and initiatives aimed at tiger conservation, ensuring a unified and coordinated approach.

The essay highlights the significance of tigers as charismatic apex predators and symbols of our planet’s rich biodiversity. Their striking appearance and solitary nature have captured the imagination of people worldwide. However, the future of tigers remains precarious due to the various challenges they face, including habitat loss and illegal trade in tiger parts. Conservation efforts are essential to secure their future, not only for the sake of these magnificent animals but also for the health and balance of the ecosystems they inhabit. As we work to protect and preserve these iconic creatures, we also contribute to the broader goal of preserving our natural world and ensuring a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.


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Save Tiger Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save tiger.

Tigers have become a very important topic of interest and issue all over the world presently. India is the home of major wild tigers about 2/3 of the world population . Their reducing number has triggered the government authorities to awaken and take observe. While the government is already taking projects to preserve the tiger, there is something that we as the typical public to have to do. Apart from India tigers are found in other countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Russia-Vietnam, Bhutan, etc. Below are some tips that might help us make a little to make a way to save tigers.

Save Tiger Essay

How Can We Save Tiger?

The first thing what we can do is create awareness among people. And, this program is even more essential when the focus is to preserve the tigers. We can increase the attention to “Save Tigers” by creating leaflets, ads, advertising the cause on internet websites and the like.  The more you propagate the idea about saving tigers, the more persons you will adhere to the cause. Developing attention is incredibly important for all public causes.

Secondly, to preserve the tigers we must stop the poaching. Even when the government has banned the selling of tiger’s skin and bodies, poaching, however, is still prevalent. It’s very important to stop this unlawful act. While you quit poaching, make sure that you do not motivate poachers by purchasing competition skinned baggage, footwear and like products.

Read 500 Words Essay on Cruelty To Animals

Thirdly, It’s been found that our jungles are getting destroyed and that could be a significant cause why creatures like tigers are disappearing. Today, tigers don’t have a proper ecosystem to develop and generate. So, protecting jungles is the next important phase. It is not possible to plant a forest but yes you can plant many trees.

Fourthly, a recent WWF study tells that without mitigation efforts, projected sea-level will rise about a foot by 2070 which can destroy nearly the entire Sundarbans tiger habitat. Sundarbans is a large mangrove forest area and is also the only coastal mangrove tiger habitat in the world. Concerned rising sea levels due to climate change threaten to wipe out these forests and the last remaining habitat of this tiger population.

Lastly, Eco journey is another phase towards your effort to preserve tigers. By traveling on one such journey, you will be able to inform people about the particular situation of tigers and jungles. This will make them feel near to the cause and a positive change could cause them to take effective actions.

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Statistics and project

A recent study shows that the tiger population has gone down by 97 percent. In 1900, more than 100,000 tigers were estimated to roam the planet, but that fell to a record low of 3,200 globally in 2010. Project save tiger was an effort to restore the safe environments of tigers which are numbered at around 3000 currently.

The Jim Corbett National park where this project was introduced is the most significant tiger reserve in India focused on preserving the tiger. The objective of that project was to increase the number of tigers that presently exist. Due to this project, the numbers have increased from 2226 in 2014 to 2967 by 2019.

Saving  Tiger is not only our duty but also our responsibility. We have to support the government in its projects for the protection of the tigers so that a healthy population of the tigers exists. We should know that when we ask something from nature, we must be ready to give something back. If nature is responsible for our existence, we must take responsibility for its existence.

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Essay on Save Tigers | Save Tigers Essay for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Save Tigers: Essay on save tigers is an important topic for students to learn about. Tigers are one of the most iconic and easily recognizable animals in the world. Its dark vertical stripes on orange-brown fur have inspired many iconographies – from paintings to clothing. For thousands of years, tigers have flourished in their natural environment, from the frigid forests of Siberia to the lush green forests of Sumatra.

However, ever since humans started encroaching forests, the territory of tigers has dwindled significantly. Most countries also consider tigers as animals with significant symbolic value and widespread popular appeal. Many countries such as India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and South Korea have tigers as their official national animal. Ironically, tigers are endangered due to this very reason. Moreover, the tiger’s teeth, claws, and fur are of significant value in black market commerce. Today, tigers are considered as an endangered species, mainly due to the activities of humans. Read on to explore why we need to save tigers.

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Essay on Save Tigers 500+ Words

Introduction on Essay on Save Tigers

The tiger is an animal that needs no introduction. Its majestic black stripes on brown fur and the white underside are iconic, just like its apex predatory status. Hence, India officially designated the Royal Bengal tiger as the national animal. However, many other countries have also designated various species of tigers as their national animal. For instance, Malaysia designated the Malayan tiger as its national animal. Siberian tiger is the national animal of South Korea and Bangladesh designated the Bengal Tiger as its national animal.

Conservation Status on Save Tigers

Tigers require an extremely large habitat to hunt prey and raise their young. Moreover, tigers are solitary animals, which means they generally live alone. Tiger cubs usually stay with their mother for about two years before venturing out to establish territories of their own. Tigers used to be more widespread before man started to encroach its habitat. In fact, the current habitat of tigers is severely dwindled, with an estimated 93% lost in the last few decades. Consequently, the tiger is now listed as an endangered species by the IUCN Red List. For perspective, at the start of the 20th century, an estimated 100,000 individuals had existed in the wild. Today, that number is less than 4,000. If humans continue with their destructive actions, tigers may become extinct.

Reasons for the Decline of Tiger Population

One of the biggest reasons for the decline in their population is the destruction of their habitat. Humans cut down forests and convert them into agricultural farmlands or other towns. This means that the tigers are forced to wander into human territories, looking for food. Most interactions between humans and tigers almost always end in fatal consequences. Another major reason why the tiger population is dwindling is because of poaching.

From the black market perspective, tiger skin is extremely valuable and is typically gifted as non-financial bribes. It is also turned into rugs or used as luxury home decors. Tiger claws and teeth are used as jewellery and talismans. Tiger bones are ground to a powder, to be used as a medicine or tonic. The bones are also used in the preparation of wine that supposedly provides unproven health benefits.

Tiger meat is sometimes considered as luxury meat. One of the biggest markets for these tiger products is in China. The aforementioned tiger bone finds many applications in China from cures to diseases to health supplements Though the Chinese government has banned the trade of tiger parts, the strong cultural beliefs have a significant influence on demand – which is now catered by the black market.

How To Protect Tigers?

With the population of tigers dwindling at an alarming rate, many countries across the world have launched campaigns that are designed to help increase the tiger population. One of the most important campaigns launched by India is the Project Tiger, which was launched by the first woman prime minister of India – Indira Gandhi. The project was very successful in its endeavor, tripping the number of Bengal tigers from 1,200 (1973)  to 3,500 (1990). However, the numbers have significantly reduced again due to poaching.

Conclusion on Essay on Save Tigers

The tiger is an iconic animal known around the world. However, the animal is also endangered and may go extinct within the next few decades if proper measures are not taken in time. It is important to save tigers and ensure that they are able to safely breed and continue their population because if it becomes extinct, the animal is gone for good.

FAQ’s on Essay on Save Tigers

Question 1. Why should we save tigers?

Answer: The tigers are the apex predators on the food chain. When the tigers go extinct, the entire food chain becomes unbalanced. This can have drastic repercussions on the ecosystem.

Question 2. How can we save tigers?

Answer: We can save tigers by not encroaching its habitat. We must also build natural conversation areas for tigers if feasible. We can also make a difference by making sure poachers do not hunt tigers by implementing stringent policies and watchlists.

Question 3. What is the Save Tiger Project?

Answer: Save Tiger Project, or Project Tiger was launched by Indira Gandhi in 1973 to stabilize the population of tigers. The project was essentially a breeding program that aimed to increase the number of tigers in India.

Question 4. Why is the Tiger going extinct?

Answer: Tigers are going extinct for two primary reasons:

  • Loss of habitat – when humans encroach habitats of tigers, the animal cannot hunt for food and consequently enters human territories. This can lead to conflict, which is almost always fatal for the tiger as well as humans
  • Poaching – poachers kill tigers as their body parts and fur are extremely valuable.

Question 5. Why are tigers poached?

Answer: Tigers are poached because their body parts fetch an extraordinary sum in the black market.  Tigerskin is extremely valuable and is turned into rugs or carpets. Tiger claws and teeth are used as talismans and jewellery. Tiger bones are ground to a powder, to be used as a medicine for various illnesses.

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  • Tiger Essay for Students in English


Essay on the Tiger

There are plenty of wild animals in this world, and one of them is the Tiger. In Hindi, it is called Baagh. The tiger is a wild animal. Its scientific name is Panthera tigris. It belongs to the family “Felidae” and is the largest living species of cats. Its appearance is distinct with its outer body covered with orange-brown fur with black stripes running vertically on it. It is a carnivore and feeds on the flesh of animals it hunts. It is mostly found in the Indian subcontinent. In this essay on tiger, its behaviour, diet, hunting practices and other characteristics shall be discussed. Today it is an endangered animal, and that’s why students must learn about its habitat and other characteristics.

Learn about the wildest creature on the Vedantu to become familiar with its life and the nature around it.

Habitat and Physical Features

Tigers are mostly found in dense forests of Sunderbans in West Bengal, regions of Tripura and Assam as well as in certain places in central India. A tiger essay in English must contain some details about the majestic appearance of a tiger. A tiger has a large and strong body with brown fur and black vertical stripes. It has four legs, a large head, a long striped tail and a pair of glowing, ferocious eyes. Its feet are padded and it has sharp claws. It hunts and chews on its prey with its four sharp teeth.

The National Animal

Tiger is the national animal of India. Therefore, tigers are considered very sacred in India. Several folkloric tales contain stories about tigers. In Hindu mythology, tigers often act as vahana or mount for some Indian goddesses like Durga. Tigers are full of glorious might and unmatchable bravery. However, tigers are quite recluse creatures in their habitat, unlike lions. Although full of courage and power, tigers prefer to stay within their territories. The home of the tiger is called a “lair”.  Therefore, most tigers live inside their lair and territory. However, any national animal tiger essay will remain incomplete without discussing the family of tigers. 


The female tiger is called a “tigress” and the offspring is called a “cub”. Unlike lions, male tigers do not stay in their lairs to protect them from attack. Both tigers and tigresses practice hunting during the day and sleep at night. A tiger’s roar is extremely loud and powerful. It communicates with the other tigers through its roars. Tigers are very clever animals. Their hunting tactics include hiding behind thick bushes and suddenly attacking their prey. Tigers generally eat small animals like deer, bullocks, antelope, etc. Tigers are often called man-eaters, however, they only prey on humans when they’re harmed by humans or cannot find any other animal to prey on.

Although this tiger essay states details about the power of a tiger, this tiger information in an English essay would be invalid without mentioning the kindness and generosity tigers display. Tigers are considered very kind creatures. They tend to share their prey with tigers outside their territories. Oftentimes, a male tiger raises cubs on his own without the tigress’s help. Tigers raise orphaned cubs belonging to other tigers as well.

Tiger Hunting and the Need for Conservation

Therefore, tigers tend to be extremely kind towards other, unrelated tigers. However, humans have not been so kind to tigers. This tiger essay writing would be incomplete without stating how humans treat tigers for their valuable skin, nails and bones. Tigers are one of the most endangered animals in the world. They are hunted by humans for their valuable skin, nails and bones. Humans also capture tigers in zoos, away from wildlife, which makes the animal unhappy.

They must be allowed to live and mate in their natural habitat, which again should be conserved. Like lions, tigers are tertiary or third-level consumers in a forest ecosystem. They feed on primary (herbivores) and secondary consumers and help in energy transmission in the food chain. Therefore, from an ecological point of view, tigers must be conserved to maintain balance in the ecosystem. 

And with that, the tiger essay in English comes to its conclusion. In this essay, the behaviour of tigers, their diet and their hunting practices have been discussed. From this tiger essay, it can be concluded that tigers are very important creatures of wildlife. 

My Favourite Animal Tiger- Essay in English

Tiger is the national animal of India. It is a wild animal found in places of West Bengal, Assam, central India, etc. In my favourite animal tiger essay, some characteristics of the tiger are discussed.

A short paragraph on tiger: The tiger is considered a sacred animal in India. It is present in numerous Indian folklores and is associated with Indian goddesses such as the goddess Durga. The tiger is a symbol of power, bravery and might. 

The tiger is a carnivore and it preys on animals such as deer, bullocks, antelopes, etc. the female tiger is called the “tigress” and the offspring is the “cub”. Tigers live in “lairs”. They communicate with each other through roars and are recluse animals. Tigers are very kind to one another. However, humans kill tigers for their skin and nails and capture them in zoos away from the wildlife which makes them unhappy.

Therefore, from this short essay on tigers, it can be concluded that tigers are very important in maintaining the balance of the environment. They are a symbol of power and rage. However, they are endangered and should be protected from human cruelties.

Content included in Tiger Essay by Vedantu

Vedantu has included all the necessary information about the tiger. Students will learn about the habitat of the tiger-like most of the tiger population found in the Sunderbans of West Bengal and the jungle of Assam. Also, students learn about the differences between tigers and lions. An essay talks about the intellectual tactics of the tiger during hunting and its kindness of sharing prey with other tigres. Vedantu experts have added numerous interesting facts about it in the essay. 

They have even explained why tigers are the sacred animal in India, their territory, i.e. lair, and so many other different things.

Vedantu provides you with correct and intellectual information that helps you understand the core knowledge. Students can find the desired answers at the Vedantu from our different subject matter experts. 

Students find it a little hard to write an essay, or else what happens sometimes they are not aware of the content or can not recall the points on unexpected topics. Vedantu has uploaded essays on the most famous and searched topics to make essay writing easy for the students. For example, an essay on the tiger has appeared across different platforms and in the exams.


FAQs on Tiger Essay for Students in English

1. What are the five types of tigers?

Tigers are the largest animals of the cat family, Felidae is the term we use for the cat family. Some of the subspecies of the tiger have become extinct due to the uncultured hobby of hunting. Today there are five subtypes of tiger species.

Amur tiger or Siberian tiger

Amur tigers are the largest among the five subspecies. You can find them in the Russian far east region or on the Russia China border. 

Indo-Chinese tiger

Also known as the Corbett tiger. You can find them in the mountainous terrain of India, in the jungle of Thailand and Cambodia. The IUCN Red List has included these subspecies as endangered ones.

Sumatran tiger

Found in the only Sumatran island of Indonesia, it is listed as a critically endangered species.

The Royal Bengal tiger

Found in the jungle of Sunderbans of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura.

South China tiger

Found in the central and eastern part of China. Only eighteen or nearly twenty south china tigers are living today.

2. Why should I choose Vedantu for an English essay on tigers?

Vedantu provides you with essays on different topics that you can find in the examination. These essays cover authentic information about the tigers and give a clear idea of their life and habitat. Also, you come to know various unpopular facts about the species, like their intelligence of hunting and sharing the killed animal with other tigers. Vedantu does give you the correct information but helps you understand it with the rhetoric explanation.

3. What is the meaning of the endangered tiger?

Today the population of tigers is decreasing swiftly, and to take it as a concern, the International Union Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared tigers an endangered species. It means this species is at the risk of becoming extinct in the future. The IUCN Red List is the most trusted source or guide to the conservation status of the species globally. All this information is available on Vedantu to give students updated knowledge about the tigers.

4. Which subspecies of tiger is the national animal of India?

The Royal Bengal tiger (Panthera Tiger) has become the national animal of India after the project tiger in 1973. It has a yellow coat of fur and black stripes on the body. The grace and the enormous power of the tiger have earned this pride. You can learn more about the tiger and its qualities in the essay provided by the Vedantu faculty. These essays are free for the students; you can read them on the website or install the Vedantu learning app on your device.

5. What type of food do tigers consume?

Tigers prey on other animals ranging from termites to elephant calves. Tigers mostly rely on their sights and intellectual hunting techniques to find prey in the jungle. Most of the time tigers only stay in their lair unless they are hungry. They stalk their prey hiding in the bushes and attempt to get as close to them as possible. Today, due to the continuous deforestation tigers are losing their habitat, and eventually, they come to the mainland where they prey on humans to satisfy their famish. Read more about the tigers in the essay provided by the Vedantu.

6. How long do Tigers live?

Adult tigers live for ten to fifteen years.

7. How many hours does a tiger sleep?

Tigers sleep for sixteen hours a day on average.

Tiger Essay

Tiger is a largest animal of cat species having unique pattern of dark vertical stripes on its reddish-orange fur. We have provided below various essay on tiger in order to help students. Now-a-days, essays and paragraphs writing competitions are common strategy followed by the teachers in the schools and colleges in order to enhance the skill and knowledge of students about any topic. All the tiger essay given below are written using very simple words under various words limit according to the need and requirement of students.

Long and Short Essay on Tiger in English

We have provided below short and long essay on Tiger in English language.

The essays have been written in simple language to easily provide you complete details of physical and behavioral characteristics of tigers.

After reading these Tiger Essay you will know what does a tiger looks like, how does it hunts and feeds on its prey, its social behaviour etc.

You can use these essays during your school and college competition on essay writing, debate or talk shows.

Tiger Essay 1 (100 words)

The zoological name of tiger (national animal) is Panthera tigris. It is a carnivorous animal which comes under the category of mammal as it gives birth to a child. It belongs to the cat family as a largest living member. It is found all around Asia especially in the countries like Bhutan, China, India, and Siberia. Bengal tigers are generally found in Sundarbans (watery jungle) located in Bangladesh and West Bengal including other south-east Asian countries. They are found in various colors especially white, blue and orange with black stripes. Black stripes on their upper body help them to hide away while hunting. Each and every tiger has different pattern of stripes on their body.


Tiger Essay 2 (150 words)

Tiger is a National animal of India. It has been declared as the national animal of country because of its royal look. It is very famous and strong animal known for its grace, power and agility. It is an Asiatic carnivorous animal zoologically named as Panthera tigris. There are various species and subspecies of the tigers are found all over the world. Tiger is an endangered species of the animal however few are left (according to the world tiger census) all over the world which we have to conserve in any way in order to save their life on the earth.

Government of India has run a program named “Project Tiger” in April 1973 in order to maintain the position of continuously decreasing tiger population in India. It is the matter of happiness that because of the Project Tiger campaign, the population of tigers in India is in a comfortable position.

Tiger Essay 3 (200 words)

Tiger is a national animal which belongs to the cat family. Scientific name of tiger is Panthera tigris. It is known as the largest animal in the cat family. It is found in various colors such as orange, white and blue having black stripes. Each and every tiger has different black stripes on their body. They may be different outside however their underside of abdomen becomes white. Bengal Tigers were originated in Siberia however they migrated to south because of the colder climate. Now, the natural heritage of the Royal Bengal Tiger is India. Bengal Tigers can be 7 to 10 feet long and 350 to 550 lbs weight.

They vary in size and weight depending on the subspecies and places they found. Siberian tigers are considered as the largest tigers. Females are considered to be little smaller than the males. Few decades ago, tigers were endangering continuously however because of an Indian campaign “Project Tiger”, the condition of tigers in India is in control. Earlier they were hunted very heavily by the man for the purposes like sports, traditional medical products, etc. ‘Project Tiger’ was initiated by the government of India in April 1973 in order to get control over their number. The main threats to the tiger’s life are deforestation means habitat loss and population fragmentation.

Tiger Essay 4 (250 words)

Tiger is a wild animal which has been declared as the national animal of India by the Indian government. It is considered as the cruelest wild animal to which everyone has fear of. It is a very strong animal which can jump to the long distance. It looks very calm however very clever and can suddenly grab its prey from the long distance. It becomes very fond of blood and flesh of other wild animals such cow, deer, goat, dog, rabbit, (sometimes human beings according to the chance), etc.

Tigers are called as lord of Jungle as they symbolize the wildlife wealth of the country. This is an animal having the combination of strength, grace, enormous power and agility which is the big reasons of its respect and high esteem. It is estimated that almost half of the total population of tigers are living in India. However, in the last few decades, the population of tiger in India was decreasing to a extent. The Project Tiger was launched by the government of India in 1973 in order to protect the existence of this royal animal in the country.

There are almost eight races of the tiger and the Indian race named as Royal Bengal Tiger is found in almost all over the country (except north-western region). Few years after the launch of Project Tiger, it was seen a marked increase in the tiger population in India. According to the census of 1993, the total number of tiger in the country was almost 3,750. Around 23 tiger reserves (covering an area of 33,406 sq. km) have been made under the campaign of Project Tiger throughout the country.

Tiger Essay 5 (300 words)

Tiger is a wild animal and popularly known as the national animal of India. It is almost similar to the cat as it belongs to the cat family. It is known as the largest species of the cat family. It has big teeth and a long tail. It can be of various colors (such as white, blue and orange) however everyone has black stripes on their body. It can run to a long distance with huge jumps within few minutes because it has a God gifted padded feet with sharp claws. Its four teeth (two in upper and two in lower jaw) are very sharp and strong in order to grab a huge prey to fulfill its heavy food need. The length and height of a tiger can be about 8 to 10 feet and 3 to 4 feet respectively.

It is a carnivorous animal and become very fond of blood and flesh. Sometimes, it comes to the villages from the dense forests in the search of food and eat any animal even people. It makes a solid grip on its preys (such as deer, zebra and other animals) very suddenly through its strong jaws and sharp claws. Generally, it sleeps during day time and hunts during night time because of easiness in grabbing preys. Killing wild animals without the need of food is its nature and hobby which shows its strongness and being powerful in the forest in front of other animals. That’s why, it is known as very cruel and violent wild animal.

In India, tigers are commonly found in Sundarbans (Assam, West Bengal, Tripura, Central India, etc). More big sized tigers are found in the African jungles however Royal Bengal Tigers look most beautiful of all. Tiger killing has been prohibited all through the country from the time when the number of tigers was decreasing very fast. There are six living subspecies of tigers found (such as Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, Sumatran tiger, Malayan tiger, Indo-Chinese tiger, and South-Chinese tiger) and three have been recently extinct (such as Javan tiger, Caspian tiger, and Bali tiger).

Tiger Essay 6 (400 words)

Tiger is a very violent wild animal. It has been declared by the Indian government as the national animal of India. It is considered as the strongest, powerful and most beautiful animal on this planet. It lives in a dense forest however sometimes comes to the villages and other residential places in the search of food or deforestation. Siberian Tigers are generally used to live in cold places however Royal Bengal Tigers in the forest near river that’s why they know well to swim.

Few decades ago, tigers were hunted by the people to a great extent for fulfilling various purposes including illegal business of its body parts like skin, bones, teeth, nail, etc. It resulted in the massive decrease in the population of tigers all over India. Tigers are also found in other countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Russia, Vietnam, Bhutan, etc.

Tiger is a carnivorous animal which hunts in the night however sleeps for day. Tiger has a strong and powerful body using which it can jump up to the high length (almost 7 ft) and run up for long distance (almost 85 km/h). Black stripes on their blue, white or orange body make them really attractive and beautiful. It has naturally strong jaws, teeth and sharp claws in order to grasp its prey from long distance. It is considered as its long tail helps to maintain balance while hunting the prey. A tiger can be around 13 feet in length and 150 kg in weight. Tigers can be recognized by their unique pattern of stripes on the upper body.

Tiger as a National Animal

Tiger was selected as the National animal of India by the government because of its power, strength, and agility. It was selected as so also because of its nice names such as king of Jungle and Royal Bengal Tiger.

What is Project Tiger

Project Tiger is a campaign run by the government of India in order to maintain the population of tiger in country. It was established in 1973 in order to save tigers from the extreme threat of extinction. This project was made to focus on the preservation of remaining tigers all over the country as well as increase their number through the breeding of species. Around 23 tiger reserves have been made throughout the country for providing the safety and natural environment to them. It was seen a marked improvement in the tiger population by 1993 in the country. However despite the increase in population, the population of tigers in the country is still not satisfactory compared to the effort and money put in the project.

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Essay on Endangered Animals – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Endangered Animals

Essay on Endangered Animals: Endangered animals are a critical issue facing our planet today. From majestic tigers to adorable sea turtles, these creatures are at risk of disappearing forever due to factors such as habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change. In this essay, we will explore the importance of protecting endangered animals, the reasons behind their decline, and what can be done to save them from extinction. Join us as we delve into the world of these vulnerable species and learn how we can make a difference in their survival.

Table of Contents

Endangered Animals Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by choosing a specific endangered animal to focus on. Research the animal’s habitat, population status, threats, and conservation efforts.

2. Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that provides background information on the animal and why it is endangered. This will help to capture the reader’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the essay.

3. Use statistics and facts to support your arguments about the importance of protecting endangered animals. This can help to make your essay more persuasive and informative.

4. Discuss the main threats facing the animal, such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and pollution. Explain how these factors are contributing to the decline in the animal’s population.

5. Highlight the importance of biodiversity and the role that endangered animals play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Explain how the loss of a single species can have far-reaching consequences for other plants and animals.

6. Describe the conservation efforts that are currently in place to protect the endangered animal. This can include government regulations, habitat restoration projects, captive breeding programs, and public awareness campaigns.

7. Offer suggestions for how individuals can help to protect endangered animals, such as supporting conservation organizations, reducing their carbon footprint, and spreading awareness about the issue.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points you have made and emphasizing the importance of taking action to protect endangered animals. Encourage readers to get involved in conservation efforts and make a difference in the fight to save these species.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure that it is well-organized, coherent, and free of errors. Consider asking a friend or teacher to review your work and provide feedback before submitting it.

10. Remember to cite your sources properly if you have used any external information in your essay. This will help to give credibility to your arguments and avoid plagiarism.

Essay on Endangered Animals in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Endangered animals are species that are at risk of becoming extinct due to various factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. 2. The decline in population of endangered animals can have a negative impact on the ecosystem as they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature. 3. Some well-known endangered animals include the giant panda, black rhinoceros, and Sumatran tiger. 4. Conservation efforts are being made to protect these animals and their habitats, such as establishing protected areas and breeding programs. 5. Illegal wildlife trade is a major threat to many endangered animals, as they are often hunted for their fur, horns, or other body parts. 6. Climate change is also a significant factor contributing to the decline of endangered animals, as it alters their natural habitats and food sources. 7. Education and awareness campaigns are important in raising public support for the conservation of endangered animals. 8. Endangered animals are often listed on the IUCN Red List, which assesses the conservation status of species worldwide. 9. It is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals to work together to protect endangered animals and prevent their extinction. 10. By taking action to conserve endangered animals, we can help ensure the survival of these species for future generations to enjoy.

Sample Essay on Endangered Animals in 100-180 Words

Endangered animals are species that are at risk of becoming extinct due to various factors such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and pollution. These animals play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and their extinction could have detrimental effects on the environment.

One example of an endangered animal is the giant panda, which is native to China. Due to deforestation and poaching, the giant panda population has drastically declined over the years. Conservation efforts such as establishing protected areas and breeding programs have been implemented to help save this iconic species from extinction.

It is important for us to take action to protect endangered animals and their habitats to ensure their survival for future generations. By raising awareness, supporting conservation efforts, and advocating for stronger environmental policies, we can help prevent the loss of these precious species.

Short Essay on Endangered Animals in 200-500 Words

Endangered animals are species that are at risk of becoming extinct due to various factors such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and pollution. The decline in their population poses a threat to the overall biodiversity of our planet and can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and human societies.

One of the main reasons for the decline in endangered animal populations is habitat loss. As human populations continue to grow, natural habitats are being destroyed to make way for agriculture, urban development, and infrastructure projects. This loss of habitat disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems and can lead to the extinction of species that rely on specific habitats for survival.

Poaching is another significant threat to endangered animals. Many species are targeted by poachers for their fur, horns, tusks, or other body parts that are highly valued in illegal wildlife trade. The demand for these products drives poaching activities, putting already vulnerable species at even greater risk of extinction.

Climate change is also a major factor contributing to the decline of endangered animals. Rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and extreme weather events can disrupt ecosystems and alter the habitats of many species. Some animals may not be able to adapt to these changes quickly enough, leading to a decline in their populations.

Pollution is another threat to endangered animals. Chemical pollutants, plastic waste, and other forms of pollution can contaminate water sources, soil, and air, affecting the health and survival of animals. Pollution can also disrupt food chains and ecosystems, leading to a decline in populations of endangered species.

The loss of endangered animals can have serious consequences for ecosystems and human societies. Many species play important roles in maintaining the balance of ecosystems, such as pollinating plants, controlling pest populations, and recycling nutrients. The loss of these species can disrupt these vital ecosystem services, leading to cascading effects on other species and the environment.

Furthermore, the loss of endangered animals can have economic impacts on human societies. Many communities rely on wildlife for tourism, recreation, and cultural practices. The decline of endangered species can lead to a loss of these economic opportunities, affecting the livelihoods of local communities and economies.

In conclusion, the decline of endangered animals is a pressing issue that requires urgent action. Conservation efforts, habitat protection, anti-poaching measures, and sustainable development practices are essential to protect endangered species and preserve biodiversity. By working together to address the threats facing endangered animals, we can ensure a sustainable future for both wildlife and human societies.

Essay on Endangered Animals in 1000-1500 Words

Endangered Animals: The Urgent Need for Conservation


The Earth is home to a vast array of species, each playing a unique role in the delicate balance of the ecosystem. However, due to human activities such as deforestation, poaching, and climate change, many of these species are facing the threat of extinction. These endangered animals are not just a statistic; they are living beings that deserve our protection and care. In this essay, we will explore the causes of endangerment, the impact of their loss on the environment, and the urgent need for conservation efforts to save these precious creatures.

Causes of Endangerment

There are several factors that contribute to the endangerment of species, with human activities being the primary cause. One of the main reasons for the decline in animal populations is habitat destruction. Deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture have led to the loss of natural habitats for many species, forcing them to compete for resources or adapt to new environments that may not be suitable for their survival.

Poaching is another significant threat to endangered animals. The illegal trade in wildlife products, such as ivory, rhino horns, and exotic pets, has decimated populations of many species, pushing them closer to extinction. Despite international efforts to combat poaching, the demand for these products continues to drive the illegal trade, putting even more pressure on already vulnerable populations.

Climate change is also a major factor contributing to the endangerment of species. Rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and sea level rise are altering habitats and disrupting ecosystems, making it difficult for many species to survive. Polar bears, for example, are losing their sea ice habitat due to melting ice caps, while coral reefs are bleaching and dying due to ocean acidification.

The Impact of Endangered Animals on the Environment

The loss of endangered animals has far-reaching consequences for the environment. Each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem, and their disappearance can disrupt the delicate balance of nature. For example, predators help control the population of prey species, preventing overgrazing and habitat destruction. Pollinators such as bees and butterflies are essential for the reproduction of plants, including many crops that humans rely on for food.

Furthermore, many endangered animals are keystone species, meaning that they have a disproportionately large impact on their environment relative to their abundance. For example, elephants are known as ecosystem engineers because they shape their habitats by knocking down trees, creating open spaces for other species to thrive. If elephants were to go extinct, the entire ecosystem would be affected, leading to a cascade of negative consequences for other species.

Conservation Efforts to Save Endangered Animals

Despite the challenges facing endangered animals, there is hope for their survival through conservation efforts. Governments, non-profit organizations, and individuals are working together to protect and restore habitats, combat poaching, and raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation. One of the most effective ways to save endangered animals is through the establishment of protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, where species can thrive without the threat of human interference.

Another key conservation strategy is captive breeding and reintroduction programs, where endangered animals are bred in captivity and then released into the wild to boost wild populations. This has been successful for species such as the California condor and the black-footed ferret, which were on the brink of extinction but have since made a remarkable recovery thanks to these efforts.

Education and outreach are also crucial for raising awareness about the plight of endangered animals and inspiring people to take action. By teaching the public about the importance of biodiversity and the role that each species plays in the ecosystem, we can foster a culture of conservation and encourage sustainable practices that benefit both wildlife and humans.

In conclusion, the endangerment of species is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention and action. The loss of endangered animals not only threatens the biodiversity of our planet but also has far-reaching consequences for the environment and human society. By addressing the root causes of endangerment, implementing conservation measures, and raising awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife, we can ensure a future where endangered animals can thrive and coexist with humans in harmony. It is our responsibility to act now before it is too late and ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty and diversity of our natural world.

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Wild Explained

Animal encyclopedia

The majestic bengal tiger: an endangered species.

Updated on: September 14, 2023

A majestic bengal tiger in its natural habitat

John Brooks

September 14, 2023 / Reading time: 4 minutes

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Sophie Hodgson

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Table of Contents

The Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) is one of the most breathtaking creatures on Earth, known for its awe-inspiring beauty and regal presence. However, behind its majestic appearance lies a grim reality – the Bengal tiger is currently an endangered species. Understanding the Bengal tiger and the threats it faces is crucial for the preservation of this magnificent creature and the delicate ecosystems it inhabits.

Understanding the Bengal Tiger

The Bengal tiger is the most numerous tiger subspecies, native to the Indian subcontinent. It is distinguished by its bold orange coat with black stripes, which are unique to each individual tiger, much like a human fingerprint. These powerful predators can reach a length of up to 10 feet and weigh as much as 550 pounds.

Their muscular build and sharp senses make them highly efficient hunters, capable of taking down large prey such as deer and buffalo. They are excellent swimmers and are known to be territorial animals, marking their territory using scent marks and vocalizations.

Physical Characteristics of the Bengal Tiger

The Bengal tiger possesses several physical adaptations that allow it to thrive in its environment. Their amber-colored eyes provide exceptional night vision, allowing them to hunt successfully during the darker hours. Their retractable claws and strong forelimbs aid in capturing and immobilizing prey. While their size and strength are formidable, it is their distinctive coat pattern that captures the imagination of many.

The Bengal Tiger’s Habitat

The Bengal tiger predominantly inhabits a variety of habitats such as dense forests, grasslands, and mangrove swamps. Their presence is often associated with areas that have a constant source of water, as tigers are dependent on it for their survival.

In India, the Sunderbans, a vast mangrove forest, provides a unique habitat for the Bengal tiger. Existing at the interface of land and sea, the Sunderbans offer a rich ecosystem with a diverse range of flora and fauna, making it a vital part of the tiger’s natural range.

Behavioral Traits and Hunting Techniques

The Bengal tiger is a solitary and predominantly nocturnal creature. It has a keen sense of hearing and smell, enabling it to detect prey from a significant distance. Tigers have an exceptional ability to stalk and ambush their victims, often launching themselves onto unsuspecting prey with incredible agility and strength.

Despite their fierce reputation, Bengal tigers are generally non-aggressive towards humans. However, instances of human-tiger conflict have increased due to habitat encroachment and shrinking prey populations.

The Threats to the Bengal Tiger

Despite its powerful presence, the Bengal tiger faces numerous threats that endanger its very existence. These threats are primarily caused by human activities and require urgent attention and conservation efforts.

Poaching and Illegal Trade

Poaching poses a severe threat to the Bengal tiger population. Demand for tiger parts, particularly their bones, skins, and other body parts, fuels a lucrative illegal trade, driven by the misguided belief in their medicinal properties and ornamental value.

To combat poaching, governments, and conservation organizations are intensifying anti-poaching activities, strengthening law enforcement, and implementing stricter penalties for those involved in the illegal trade.

Habitat Loss and Fragmentation

As human populations expand, the habitat of the Bengal tiger is increasingly encroached upon for agriculture, infrastructure development, and industrial activities. The loss of forests and fragmentation of tiger habitats disrupts their natural movements and breeding patterns, leading to isolation and a decline in genetic diversity among tiger populations.

Efforts are being made to address habitat loss by establishing protected areas and corridors that allow tigers to migrate between fragmented habitats, promoting gene flow and maintaining population viability.

Human-Tiger Conflict

With dwindling prey populations and shrinking habitats, tigers often venture into human-dominated landscapes in search of food, leading to instances of conflict. Attacks on humans and livestock can result in retaliatory killings, exacerbating the threat to tiger populations.

Conservation initiatives aim to mitigate human-tiger conflict through methods such as promoting sustainable livelihoods for local communities, implementing early warning systems, and raising awareness about the importance of coexistence.

Conservation Efforts for the Bengal Tiger

Recognizing the critical need to protect the Bengal tiger, a range of conservation efforts has been initiated both at local and global levels. These efforts focus on legal protection, habitat restoration, and community engagement.

Legal Protection and Anti-Poaching Measures

International and national laws have been enacted to prevent the illegal trade of tiger parts and punish poachers. Additionally, specialized anti-poaching units, equipped with advanced technology and trained personnel, are deployed to protect tigers and their habitats.

Habitat Restoration and Corridors

Efforts are underway to restore and enhance degraded tiger habitats through reforestation and conservation initiatives. Creating ecological corridors and buffer zones between protected areas helps maintain connectivity and facilitates the movement of tigers across fragmented landscapes.

Community Engagement and Education

Engaging local communities living near tiger habitats in conservation efforts is crucial for the long-term survival of the Bengal tiger. Programs promoting sustainable livelihoods, education, and awareness about the value of tigers and their habitats foster a sense of ownership and encourage communities to become active partners in conservation.

The Role of the Bengal Tiger in the Ecosystem

The Bengal tiger plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance by regulating prey populations and preventing unchecked herbivore growth. As an apex predator, tigers help control the populations of deer, boar, and other herbivores, thereby preventing overgrazing and maintaining the health of forests and grasslands.

Apex Predator and Ecosystem Balance

Removing tigers from the ecosystem can have far-reaching consequences, disrupting the delicate balance and leading to cascading effects on other species within the food chain. Protecting tigers means safeguarding the ecological integrity of their habitats.

The Bengal Tiger and Biodiversity

Healthy tiger populations are indicative of a diverse and thriving ecosystem. By conserving the Bengal tiger, we are preserving the biodiversity of their habitats, ensuring the survival of countless other species that depend on these ecosystems for their existence.

Cultural and Economic Importance of the Bengal Tiger

The Bengal tiger holds significant cultural and economic value, being deeply ingrained in the folklore, traditions, and history of many communities across its range. Tiger reserves and protected areas also attract tourists, contributing to local economies and providing livelihood opportunities for communities.

In conclusion, the majestic Bengal tiger’s conservation is a responsibility that falls upon all of us. Through concerted efforts in protecting its habitats, curbing illegal trade, and engaging communities, we can ensure the survival and thriving presence of this extraordinary creature for generations to come.

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Essay on Tiger in 500 Words

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  • Feb 3, 2024

Essay On Tiger

Essay on Tiger: The tiger is our national animal, locally known as ‘Baagh’ and its scientific name is ‘Panthera Tigris’ . This predator is listed among the most amazing creatures on the planet and is the largest member of the cat family. Tigers are strong, powerful, and beautiful creatures only found in specific locations. Unfortunately, tigers are on the brink of extinction because of things like illegal hunting poaching, and habitat loss. According to the 2022 census, there are 3167 tigers in India , which is a significant improvement in their population. The government has taken various measures to save this beautiful animal from extinction. 

Also Read: International Tiger’s Day

Why Should We Save Tigers?

In India, there are a total of 54 Tiger Reserves. Tigers are one of the few animals that play a crucial role in maintaining the balance in our biodiversity . Tigers are known as the largest member of the Cat Family, where a Male Tiger weighs about 100 – 260 kg and a Female Tiger weighs about 75 – 177 kg. 

To learn more about ¨Why Should We Save Tigers¨ in short and simple words, consider the following points:

  • Tigers play a vital role in our ecosystem because their landscape provides multiple services to humans and animals. Tiger reserve areas work as life-saving habitats as they reduce the risk of disasters like floods, landslides, tidal surges, etc.
  • Saving tigers means saving the entire biodiversity of a particular region. Tigers co-exist with endangered and vulnerable animals like one-horner rhinos, elephants, etc. 
  • In India, the Tiger has cultural importance, as there are regional communities who worship the tiger as their protector. Some of the communities are the Garo tribe of Meghalaya, the Gond tribe of MP and Tulunadus of Karnataka.

The Government of India passed the 1972 Wildlife Protection Act to protect and preserve various animal and plant species. In 1973, the government launched Project Tiger to increase the tiger population in India.

Take a look at the table below, which highlights the names of tiger reserves in India, and the tiger population in those reserves:

Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (Rajasthan)88
Bandhavgarh National Park (Madhya Pradesh)220
Sundarban Tiger Reserve (West Bengal)88 to 100
Rajaji Tiger Reserve (Uttarakhand)37
Panna National Park (Madhya Pradesh)60

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International Tiger’s Day

Every year, the 29th of July is celebrated as International Tiger Day or Global Tiger Day. This day is observed to raise awareness for tiger conservation and how important this big cat is to our environment. Tigers are mostly found in Africa and Asia. The Royal Bengal Tiger is one of the most popular breeds, founded in the Sundarbans, near the India-Bangladesh border.

Tigers are on the verge of extinction because of illegal hunting and poaching. India has taken strong measures to preserve tigers with its 1973 Project Tiger, which led to the establishment of around 50 Tiger reserves in India. Apart from raising awareness for tiger conservation, International Tiger’s Day also highlights their economic, environmental and cultural significance.

Facts About Tigers

Let us learn some interesting facts about Tigers:

  • There are a total of 6 Tiger breeds: Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Siberian (Amur), South China, and Sumatran tigers.
  • Tigers are the largest members of the cat family (Felidae).
  • Tigers are known for their striking coat patterns of dark vertical stripes on an orange background.
  • Like human fingerprints, the stripe pattern on each tiger is unique.
  • Tigers can swim long distances and have been known to cross rivers and lakes in search of prey or to establish territories.
  • Tigers are powerful and agile hunters. They have a stealthy approach, relying on their keen senses of sight and hearing, and can leap up to 10 feet in a single bound.
  • Tigers are known for their variety of vocalizations, including roars, growls, hisses, and chuffing sounds.

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Ans: Tigers are fearless predators and are the largest in the cat family, Their scientific name is Panthera Tigris and in India, they are locally known as Baagh. Tigers are an endangered animal as only a number of these animals exist today. In 1972, the Government of India passed the Wildlife Preservation Act to preserve and protect the rich flora and fauna of India. The next year, the 1973 Project Tiger was launched to raise awareness about tiger conservation. There are a total of 6 Tiger breeds: Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Siberian (Amur), South China, and Sumatran tigers. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family (Felidae). Tigers are known for their striking coat patterns of dark vertical stripes on an orange background.

Ans: The International or Global Tiger Day is observed on 29th July every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation and their environmental, cultural, and economic importance.

Ans: According to the 2022 census, the tiger population in India stands at 3176.

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Essay on My Favourite Animal Tiger

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Animal Tiger in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Tiger


The tiger, a majestic and powerful creature, is my favourite animal. It is renowned for its strength, courage, and beauty.

Tigers have a distinct coat of reddish-orange with dark stripes, and their eyes are captivating. They are the largest species in the cat family.

Tigers are solitary animals, known for their stealth and skill in hunting. They are also good swimmers, often found near water bodies.


Sadly, tigers are an endangered species. It’s our responsibility to protect them and their habitats for future generations.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Tiger

Symbol of strength and power.

The tiger is a symbol of strength, power, and fearlessness. In various cultures, it signifies courage, willpower, and personal strength. This aspect resonates with me as it inspires to embody these characteristics in my life. The tiger’s fearlessness in the face of adversity is a lesson in resilience and determination.

Physical Attributes

The tiger’s physical attributes are equally captivating. With its vibrant orange coat adorned with black stripes, the tiger’s appearance is nothing short of stunning. Its muscular body, powerful jaws and sharp claws are testaments to its prowess as a top predator. These physical traits symbolize strength and power, making the tiger an embodiment of natural beauty and raw power.

Behavioural Traits

Tigers are solitary animals, preferring to live and hunt alone. This behaviour symbolizes independence and self-reliance, traits that I admire and strive to incorporate in my life. Their hunting strategy, which involves strategic planning and patience, reflects intelligence and strategic thinking.

Conservation Importance

Tigers are also crucial for ecosystem balance, and their dwindling numbers due to poaching and habitat loss is a pressing concern. This highlights the importance of conservation, adding another layer to my admiration for these creatures.

In conclusion, the tiger’s symbolism, physical attributes, behavioural traits, and conservation importance make it my favourite animal. Its majesty and strength serve as a constant reminder of the wonders of the natural world and our duty to protect it.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Tiger

Physical characteristics.

The tiger’s physical characteristics are a testament to the wonders of nature. An adult tiger can weigh up to 660 pounds and measure up to 10 feet in length. Their coat, a striking palette of orange, black, and white, serves as both a warning and a camouflage in the wild. The tiger’s muscular build and powerful jaws are designed for hunting, while its sharp retractable claws and padded feet are perfect for silent stalking. Their eyes, burning with intensity, are one of the most distinguishing features, reflecting the animal’s fierce spirit.

Behaviour and Habitat

Tigers are solitary animals, each individual commanding a territory that it fiercely defends. They are primarily nocturnal hunters, using their keen senses of sight and hearing to track their prey. Tigers inhabit a variety of ecosystems, including the snowy landscapes of Siberia, the swamps of the Sundarbans, and the dense jungles of Southeast Asia. This adaptability is a testament to their resilience and versatility.

Symbolic Significance

Conservation status.

Despite their awe-inspiring presence, tigers are an endangered species. Human activities such as habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change have decimated tiger populations. There are now more tigers in captivity than in the wild, a sobering reminder of the impact of human interference on wildlife.

Tigers and the Ecosystem

Tigers play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. As apex predators, they help control the population of other animals, preventing overgrazing and promoting biodiversity. The presence of tigers in an ecosystem is often an indicator of its health and vitality.

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National Animal Tiger Essay


The national animal tiger essay is a writing competition in all schools. It bridges the gap between writing and reading comprehension. Essay on our national animal tiger is an article that gives information on tigers and their importance in maintaining the Earth’s ecosystems. The essay has many informative sections, such as tiger conservation and some interesting facts.

A tiger is quite territorial and will often cause issues if introduced into a new environment. They may also attack humans significantly if they are raised in captivity. The national animal tiger is also known by other names, such as the Bengal tiger and the Royal Bengal tiger.

Tigers are part of the Indian pride and are a national symbol. The tiger was chosen to be the national animal because it had been recorded that these animals were known to carry very high status. This has continued throughout history, and the tiger was exported to many other countries around the world during the British rule in India.

Tigers are the largest of all cats and are elusive creatures. It is known for its ability to leap, swim, and spring. It also has many other features like a long tail with black stripes and an orange coat. Tigers are also found in Nepal, where they have been considered sacred animals.

Tigers live in tropical forests and grasslands. They also live in some mountains and swamplands. Tigers are threatened by habitat loss, poaching and conflict with humans. Tigers live in different parts of Asia, primarily in India. Besides India, tigers are also seen in China, Thailand, Sumatra islands in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Russia.

About 3,900 tigers are living in the wild today. When tigers are young, they live with their mothers in a cave or another secluded area. Once they grow up, they spend most of their time hunting for food.

Importance of Tigers

Tigers are regarded as apex predators, and for a good reason, tiger hunting is at the top of the food chain. Not only do they have a strong sense of self-preservation and a potent physical presence, but they also take care of their young ones until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Tigers are an essential part of the world’s ecosystems. If they disappear, it could destabilise the ecosystem, and the lives on the planet would not be able to sustain.

They are the most accurate commentators on nature, and they have an unparalleled understanding of it. Tigers live in an ecosystem where there is always some sort of competition.

Tigers are unique, giant cats; they are called ‘king of the jungle’ due to their size, predatory skills and power. Tigers are predators because they hunt and kill other animals for food. Deer, which live in herds, are common prey for tigers.

The Lifespan of a Tiger

Tigers are a part of nature and have a vital role in the ecosystem. They live for 8-10 years and are very adaptable, expressing themselves through more than 20 body patterns. Every habitat has its tiger population, which is vital because the tigers help to ensure that their species thrive.

Need for Conservation of Tiger

The need for the conservation of tigers is important since they play a major role in the ecosystems and help regulate their environment. Tigers are also important for tourism because they are one of the main attractions that draw people to regions that don’t have other attractions.

The population of the tiger has been declining due to poaching, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict. Despite conservation laws and programmes, the number of tigers continues to decline. Conservation efforts can help by reintroducing tigers into areas that have been previously fenced off or otherwise restricted for their protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we conserve the national animal tiger.

Tigers are elusive animals, and by spreading awareness of what is happening to the environment, we can save them to keep them around. Tigers are an endangered species, and they need our help in conserving them. If we don’t conserve them soon, they will be extinct.

Why should a Class 3 child be given BYJU’S national animal tiger essay?

A Class 3 child must be provided with BYJU’S national animal tiger essay because it bridges the gap between writing and reading comprehension. Moreover, kids understand that the tiger is the national animal of India, and it is an integral part of Indian cultural heritage. It is also the largest cat in the world. However, there have been significant threats to its existence, including poaching and loss of habitat due to deforestation.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Human Impact — Endangered Species

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Essays on Endangered Species

Endangered species essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: vanishing wonders: the plight of endangered species and conservation efforts.

Thesis Statement: This essay explores the critical issue of endangered species, delving into the causes of endangerment, the ecological significance of these species, and the conservation strategies aimed at preserving them for future generations.

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Endangered Species: Definitions and Criteria
  • Causes of Endangerment: Habitat Loss, Climate Change, Poaching, and Pollution
  • Ecological Significance: The Role of Endangered Species in Ecosystems
  • Conservation Strategies: Protected Areas, Breeding Programs, and Legal Protections
  • Success Stories: Examples of Species Recovery and Reintroduction
  • Ongoing Challenges: Balancing Conservation with Human Needs
  • Conclusion: The Urgent Need for Global Action in Protecting Endangered Species

Essay Title 2: Beyond the Numbers: The Ethical and Moral Imperatives of Endangered Species Preservation

Thesis Statement: This essay examines the ethical dimensions of endangered species preservation, addressing questions of human responsibility, intrinsic value, and the moral imperative to protect and restore these species.

  • The Ethical Dilemma: Balancing Human Needs and Species Preservation
  • Intrinsic Value: Recognizing the Inherent Worth of All Species
  • Interconnectedness: Understanding the Ripple Effects of Species Loss
  • Human Responsibility: The Moral Imperative to Protect Endangered Species
  • Conservation Ethics: Ethical Frameworks and Philosophical Perspectives
  • Legislation and International Agreements: Legal Approaches to Ethical Conservation
  • Conclusion: Embracing Our Role as Stewards of Biodiversity

Essay Title 3: The Economic Value of Biodiversity: Endangered Species and Sustainable Development

Thesis Statement: This essay explores the economic aspects of endangered species conservation, highlighting the potential economic benefits of preserving biodiversity, sustainable ecotourism, and the long-term economic consequences of species loss.

  • Economic Importance of Biodiversity: Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being
  • Sustainable Ecotourism: How Endangered Species Can Drive Local Economies
  • Case Studies: Success Stories of Economic Benefits from Species Conservation
  • The Costs of Inaction: Economic Consequences of Species Extinction
  • Corporate Responsibility: Businesses and Conservation Partnerships
  • Balancing Economic Growth with Conservation: The Path to Sustainable Development
  • Conclusion: The Interplay Between Biodiversity, Economics, and a Sustainable Future

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De-extinction Can Help to Protect Endangered Species

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Endangered species are living organisms that face a high risk of extinction in the near future. They are characterized by dwindling population numbers and a significant decline in their natural habitats. These species are vulnerable to various factors, including habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, overexploitation, and invasive species, which disrupt their ecological balance and threaten their survival.

The early stages of human civilization witnessed a relatively harmonious coexistence with the natural world. Indigenous cultures across the globe held deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all living beings, fostering a sense of stewardship and respect for the environment. Nevertheless, with the rise of industrialization and modernization, the exploitation of natural resources escalated at an unprecedented pace. The late 19th and early 20th centuries marked a turning point, as rapid urbanization, deforestation, pollution, and overhunting posed significant threats to numerous species. The dawn of globalization further accelerated these challenges, as international trade in exotic species intensified and habitats faced relentless encroachment. In response to this growing concern, conservation movements emerged worldwide. Influential figures such as John Muir, Rachel Carson, and Aldo Leopold championed the cause of environmental preservation, raising awareness about the fragility of ecosystems and the need for proactive measures. International conventions and treaties, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), were established to regulate and monitor the trade of endangered species across borders. As our understanding of ecological dynamics deepened, scientific advancements and conservation efforts gained momentum. Endangered species recovery programs, habitat restoration initiatives, and the establishment of protected areas have all played a vital role in safeguarding vulnerable populations. However, the struggle to protect endangered species continues in the face of ongoing challenges. Climate change, habitat destruction, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade persist as formidable threats. Efforts to conserve endangered species require a multi-faceted approach, encompassing scientific research, policy development, sustainable practices, and international collaboration.

Leonardo DiCaprio: An acclaimed actor and environmental activist, DiCaprio has been an outspoken advocate for wildlife conservation. Through the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, he has supported various initiatives aimed at protecting endangered species and their habitats. Sigourney Weaver: Besides her notable acting career, Sigourney Weaver has been a passionate environmental activist. She has advocated for the protection of endangered species, particularly in her role as an honorary co-chair of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. Prince William: The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, has shown a deep commitment to wildlife conservation. He has actively supported initiatives such as United for Wildlife, which aims to combat the illegal wildlife trade and protect endangered species. Edward Norton: Actor and environmental activist Edward Norton has been actively involved in various conservation efforts. He co-founded the Conservation International's Marine Program and has been vocal about the need to protect endangered species and their habitats.

Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) Yangtze River Dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer) Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)

1. Habitat Loss and Fragmentation 2. Climate Change 3. Pollution 4. Overexploitation and Illegal Wildlife Trade 5. Invasive Species 6. Disease and Pathogens 7. Lack of Conservation Efforts and Awareness 8. Genetic Issues 9. Natural Factors

The majority of the public recognizes the significance of conserving endangered species. Many people believe that it is our moral obligation to protect and preserve the Earth's diverse wildlife. They understand that losing species not only disrupts ecosystems but also deprives future generations of the natural beauty and ecological services they provide. Some individuals view endangered species conservation through an economic lens. They understand that wildlife and ecosystems contribute to tourism, provide ecosystem services like clean water and air, and support local economies. These economic arguments often align with conservation efforts, highlighting the potential benefits of protecting endangered species. Additionally, public opinion on endangered species is often shaped by awareness campaigns, education initiatives, and media coverage. Increased access to information about the threats faced by endangered species and the consequences of their decline has resulted in a greater understanding and concern among the public. Many people support the implementation and enforcement of laws and regulations aimed at protecting endangered species. They believe that legal frameworks are essential for ensuring the survival of vulnerable species and holding individuals and industries accountable for actions that harm wildlife. Moreover, individuals increasingly feel a sense of personal responsibility in addressing the issue of endangered species. This includes making conscious choices about consumption, supporting sustainable practices, and engaging in activities that contribute to conservation efforts, such as volunteering or donating to wildlife organizations. Public opinion can vary when it comes to instances where the protection of endangered species conflicts with human interests, such as land use, agriculture, or development projects. These situations can lead to debates and differing perspectives on how to balance conservation needs with other societal needs.

"Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson: Published in 1962, this influential book is credited with launching the modern environmental movement. Carson's seminal work highlighted the devastating impacts of pesticides, including their effects on wildlife and the environment. It drew attention to the need for conservation and sparked widespread concern for endangered species. "Gorillas in the Mist" by Dian Fossey: Fossey's book, published in 1983, chronicled her experiences studying and protecting mountain gorillas in Rwanda. It shed light on the challenges faced by these endangered primates and brought their conservation needs to the forefront of public consciousness. "March of the Penguins" (2005): This acclaimed documentary film depicted the annual journey of emperor penguins in Antarctica. By showcasing the hardships and perils these penguins face, the film garnered widespread attention and empathy for these remarkable creatures, raising awareness about their vulnerability and the impacts of climate change. "The Cove" (2009): This documentary exposed the brutal practice of dolphin hunting in Taiji, Japan. It not only brought attention to the mistreatment of dolphins but also highlighted the interconnectedness of species and the urgent need for their protection. "Racing Extinction" (2015): This documentary film by the Oceanic Preservation Society addressed the issue of mass species extinction and the human-driven factors contributing to it. It aimed to inspire viewers to take action and make positive changes to protect endangered species and their habitats.

1. It is estimated that around 26,000 species are currently threatened with extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 2. The illegal wildlife trade is the fourth largest illegal trade globally, following drugs, counterfeiting, and human trafficking. It is a significant contributor to species endangerment. 3. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reports that since 1970, global wildlife populations have declined by an average of 68%. 4. Habitat loss is the primary cause of species endangerment, with deforestation alone accounting for the loss of around 18.7 million acres of forest annually. 5. The poaching crisis has pushed some iconic species to the brink of extinction. For example, it is estimated that only about 3,900 tigers remain in the wild. 6. The Hawaiian Islands are considered the endangered species capital of the world, with more than 500 endangered or threatened species due to habitat loss and invasive species. 7. Coral reefs, one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, are under significant threat. It is estimated that 75% of the world's coral reefs are currently threatened, primarily due to climate change, pollution, and overfishing. 8. The illegal pet trade is a significant threat to many species. It is estimated that for every live animal captured for the pet trade, several die during capture or transport. 9. The IUCN Red List, a comprehensive inventory of the conservation status of species, currently includes more than 38,000 species, with approximately 28% of them classified as threatened with extinction.

The topic of endangered species holds immense importance for writing an essay due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, endangered species represent a vital component of the Earth's biodiversity, playing crucial roles in maintaining ecosystem balance and functioning. Exploring this topic allows us to understand the interconnectedness of species and their habitats, emphasizing the intricate web of life on our planet. Secondly, the issue of endangered species is a direct reflection of human impacts on the environment. It brings attention to the consequences of habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and unsustainable practices. By studying this topic, we can delve into the root causes of species endangerment and contemplate the ethical and moral dimensions of our responsibility towards other living beings. Moreover, the plight of endangered species evokes strong emotional responses, prompting discussions on the intrinsic value of nature and our duty to conserve it for future generations. Writing about endangered species enables us to raise awareness, foster empathy, and advocate for sustainable practices and conservation initiatives.

1. Dudley, N., & Stolton, S. (Eds.). (2010). Arguments for protected areas: Multiple benefits for conservation and use. Earthscan. 2. Fearn, E., & Butler, C. D. (Eds.). (2019). Routledge handbook of eco-anxiety. Routledge. 3. Groombridge, B., & Jenkins, M. D. (2002). World atlas of biodiversity: Earth's living resources in the 21st century. University of California Press. 4. Hoekstra, J. M., Boucher, T. M., Ricketts, T. H., & Roberts, C. (2005). Confronting a biome crisis: Global disparities of habitat loss and protection. Ecology Letters, 8(1), 23-29. 5. Kiesecker, J. M., & Copeland, H. E. (Eds.). (2018). The biogeography of endangered species: Patterns and applications. Island Press. 6. Laurance, W. F., Sayer, J., & Cassman, K. G. (2014). Agricultural expansion and its impacts on tropical nature. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29(2), 107-116. 7. Meffe, G. K., & Carroll, C. R. (Eds.). (1997). Principles of conservation biology. Sinauer Associates. 8. Primack, R. B. (2014). Essentials of conservation biology. Sinauer Associates. 9. Soulé, M. E., & Terborgh, J. (Eds.). (1999). Continental conservation: Scientific foundations of regional reserve networks. Island Press. 10. Wilson, E. O. (2016). Half-earth: Our planet's fight for life. Liveright Publishing.

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September 8, 2024

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To save its tigers, India has relocated thousands of people—it could enlist their help instead

by Dhanapal Govindarajulu, Divya Gupta and Ghazala Shahabuddin, The Conversation

To save its tigers, India has relocated thousands of people – it could enlist their help instead

British colonialism turned India's tigers into trophies. Between 1860 and 1950, more than 65,000 were shot for their skins . The fortunes of the Bengal tiger, one of Earth's biggest species of big cat, did not markedly improve post-independence. The hunting of tigers—and the animals they eat, like deer and wild pigs—continued, while large tracts of their forest habitat became farmland.

India established Project Tiger in 1972 when there were fewer than 2,000 tigers remaining; it is now one of the world's longest-running conservation programs. The project aimed to protect and increase tiger numbers by creating reserves from existing protected areas like national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Part of that process has involved forcing people to relocate.

In protected areas globally, nature conservationists can find themselves at odds with the needs of local communities . Some scientists have argued that, in order for them to thrive, tigers need forests that are completely free of people who might otherwise graze livestock or collect firewood. In a few documented cases, the tiger population has indeed recovered once people were removed from tiger reserves .

But in pitting people against wildlife, relocations foster bigger problems that do not serve the long-term interests of conservation.

India's relocation policy

Under Project Tiger, 27 tiger reserves were established by 2005, each spanning somewhere between 500 and 2,500 square kilometers. Tiger reserves have a core in which people are prevented from grazing livestock, hunting wildlife and collecting wood, leaves and flowers. A buffer zone encircles this. Here, such activities are allowed, but regulated.

About 3,000 families were relocated from these core zones in the first three decades of the project, and from 2005 until 2023, about 22,000 families were moved. Most relocations were involuntary and some plunged those ousted into deeper poverty.

In Sariska tiger reserve in Rajasthan, northwestern India, the first relocation was made during 1976-77. Some of the families returned to the reserve after being given land unsuitable for farming as compensation. This was a poor advertisement for relocation which few other communities opted for voluntarily .

After they were moved from Rajaji tiger reserve in 2012, Gujjar pastoralists who make their living grazing buffalo were prompted to take up farming on new land. With little experience in agriculture, and having been denied their traditional source of income, many struggled to adjust.

The Gujjar did at least gain access to water pumps and electricity . In one case, in the Bhadra tiger reserve in Karnataka, southwestern India, relocation was less painful as people were offered quality agricultural land who already had prior farming experience .

To save its tigers, India has relocated thousands of people – it could enlist their help instead

Most people who lost their right to graze livestock or collect forest produce in newly established tiger reserves went on to labor in tea and coffee plantations or factories.

Despite widespread relocations, the tiger population in India continued to plummet, reaching an all-time low of fewer than 1,500 in 2006. Tigers became extinct in Sariska and Panna tiger reserves in 2004 and 2007 respectively.

Local extinction in Sariska prompted the government to enlist the help of tiger biologists and social scientists in 2005. This task force found that illegal hunting of tigers was still happening, their claws, teeth, bones and skin harvested for use in Chinese medicine . Mining and grazing had also continued within many reserves.

Corridors of power

The tiger task force acknowledged that having the local community onside helped prevent illegal hunting and forest fires. The Soliga tribes of Biligiri Rangananthaswamy temple tiger reserve in Karnataka decided not to relocate when offered compensation, but instead took up work rooting out invasive plants like lantana and curbing illegal hunting and timber felling . The Soliga are among the very few communities who have been rewarded with rights in tiger reserves.

Similarly, in Parambikulam tiger reserve in Kerala, a state on India's tropical Malabar coast, communities that were not relocated found work as tour guides and forest guards. People here have supplemented their income by collecting and selling honey, wild gooseberry and medicinal spices, under the joint supervision of the community and forest department officials. Many families have been able to give up cattle rearing as a result, reducing grazing pressure on the forest.

Despite these successes, the government's policy of relocation remains.

Tiger numbers have recovered to more than 3,000 as of 2022, but Project Tiger shows that relocation alone cannot conserve tigers indefinitely.

A great opportunity awaits. Over 38 million hectares of forest , suitable tiger habitat , lies outside tiger reserves. Declaring these forests "corridors" that allow tigers to move between reserves could reduce the risk of inbreeding and local extinction and reinforce the recovery of India's tigers.

Studies in certain tiger reserves show that large numbers of villagers would support further relocations if it meant gaining access to drinking water, schools, health care and jobs in resettlement sites. A portion of the US$30 million (£22.7 million) spent annually by Project Tiger should be used to make relocations fair. Or better yet, promote the kind of community-based conservation nurtured in the Biligiri Ranganathaswamy temple and Parambikulam tiger reserves .

Provided by The Conversation

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Sumatran Tiger Cub Born at San Diego Zoo Safari Park Helps Revive Endangered Species

Debbie Sklar

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Sumatran cub

 A Sumatran tiger cub born at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park last month is in its mother’s care and may make a public appearance in several months.

The cub, born Aug. 23 to first-time mother Jillian, is an important step for the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance as it seeks to conserve the critically endangered species. An estimated 400 to 600 Sumatran tigers remain in the wild.

“We are thrilled at the birth of this very special tiger cub at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park,” said Lisa Peterson, senior vice president and executive director of the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. “This birth adds Jillian’s incredibly important genes into the pool of the population, furthering the genetic diversity and health of the Sumatran tiger species.”

According to wildlife care specialists at the Safari Park, Jillian is showing “expected and correct maternal behaviors” and the cub is attached to its mother, while being vocal and active.

“Jillian’s care team has done an exceptional job monitoring her and her cub throughout this process, and it has been a joy for them to watch her enjoy motherhood,” Peterson said. “We hope this cub will allow our guests to gain a greater understanding of this incredibly special species and the importance of conserving their natural habitats.”

The tigers will remain in the den for several weeks to bond. According to the SDZWA, Jillian will bring her cub outside into a special maternity habitat when she is ready — likely around 10 to 12 weeks after the cub was born.

The Sumatran tiger breeding program at the Safari Park is part of the AZA Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Plan, overseen by conservationists around the country. The species faces loss of habitat, human-wildlife coexistence and poaching.

— City News Service

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