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Reported speech

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  • Worksheet - reported speech
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  • Reported speech 2  
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  • Reported speech 2
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Reported Speech Exercises (With Printable PDF)

Photo of author

| Candace Osmond

| Grammar , Quizzes

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

In English grammar, reported speech is used to tell someone what another person said. It takes another person’s words (direct speech) to create a report of what they said (indirect speech.) With the following direct and indirect speech exercises, it will be easier to understand how reported speech works.

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Reported Speech Exercise #1

Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

Reported Speech Exercise #2

Fill in the gaps below with the correct pronouns required in reported speech. Ex. Mary said: “I love my new dress!” Sentence: Mary said ____ love ____ new dress. Answer: she, her

Reported Speech Exercise #3

Choose the correct reported speech phrase to fill in the sentences below.

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exercises reported speech questions pdf

Direct and indirect speech exercises PDF

  • English grammar PDF
  • PDF worksheets
  • Mixed PDF tests
  • Present tenses
  • Past tenses
  • Future tenses
  • Present perfect
  • Past perfect
  • Future perfect
  • Irregular verbs
  • Modal verbs
  • If-conditional
  • Passive voice
  • Reported speech
  • Time clauses
  • Relative clauses
  • Indirect questions
  • Question tags
  • Imperative sentence
  • Gerund and infinitive
  • Direct | indirect object

Direct and indirect speech

  • Online exercises
  • Grammar rules PDF

English grammar books PDF

PDF book 1: English grammar exercises PDF

PDF book 2: English grammar rules PDF

Direct and indirect speech exercises

Reported speech exercises PDF

  • Learn how to change tenses, pronouns, expressions of time and place in the reported speech.

Reported questions + commands exercises PDF

  • Practise the difference between the direct and indirect speech in questions, commands and requests.

Online exercises with answers:

Direct - indirect speech exercise 1 Rewrite sentences in the reported speech.

Direct - indirect speech exercise 2 Report a short dialogue in the reported speech.

Direct - indirect speech exercise 3 Find and correct mistakes in the reported speech.

Direct - indirect speech exercise 4 Choose correct answers in a multiple choice test.

Indirect - direct speech exercise 5 Rewrite sentences from the reported speech to direct speech.

Reported questions, commands and requests:

Reported questions exercise 6 Change the reported questions and orders into direct questions and orders.

Reported questions exercise 7 Change direct questions into reported questions.

Reported commands exercise 8 Make reported commands and requests.

Grammar rules PDF:

Reported speech rules PDF Changes of tenses, pronouns, time and place in reported statements, questions and commands.

English grammar PDF All PDF rules with examples on

Direct + indirect speech

See also: Reported questions + commands

The direct and indirect speech are used to say what other people said, thought or felt. "I like it," he said. - He said that he liked it. "Dan will come," she hoped. - She hoped Dan would come.

The reported (indirect) speech is typically introduced by verbs such as say, tell, admit, complain, explain, remind, reply, think, hope, offer, refuse etc. in the past tense. He said (that) he didn't want it. She explained that she had been at the seaside.

If these verbs are in the past tense, we change the following: a) verb tenses and verb forms b) pronouns c) the adverbs of time and place

A) Verb tenses

We change the tenses in the following way:

  • Present - past "I never understand you," she told me. - She told me she never understood me. "We are doing exercises," he explained. - He explained that they were doing exercises.
  • Present perfect - past perfect "I have broken the window," he admitted. - He admitted that he had broken the window. "I have been waiting since the morning," he complained. - He complained that he had been waiting since the morning.
  • Past - past perfect "She went to Rome," I thought. - I thought that she had gone to Rome. "He was thinking of buying a new car," she said. - She said he had been thinking of buying a new car.
  • Will - conditional Will changes into the conditional. I will come on Sunday," he reminded me. - He reminded me that he would come on Sunday.

As you can see, both the past tense and the present perfect change into the past perfect.

Notes 1. I shall, we shall usually become would . "I shall appreciate it," he said. - He said he would appreciate it. 2. I should, we should usually change into would . "We should be really glad," she told us. - She told us they would be really glad. 3. May becomes might . "I may write to him," she promised. - She promised that she might write to him.

The verb forms remain the same in the following cases:

  • If we use the past perfect tense. Eva: "I had never seen him." - Eva claimed that she had never seen him.
  • If the reporting verb is in the present tense. Bill: "I am enjoying my holiday." - Bill says he is enjoying his holiday. Sandy: "I will never go to work." - Sandy says she will never go to work.
  • When we report something that is still true. Dan: "Asia is the largest continent." - Dan said Asia is the largest continent. Emma: "People in Africa are starving." - Emma said people in Africa are starving.
  • When a sentence is made and reported at the same time and the fact is still true. Michael: "I am thirsty." - Michael said he is thirsty.
  • With modal verbs would, might, could, should, ought to, used to. George: "I would try it." - George said he would try it. Mimi: "I might come." - Mimi said she might come. Steve: "I could fail." - Steve said he could fail. Linda: "He should/ought to stay in bed." - Linda said he should/ought to stay in bed. Mel: "I used to have a car." - Mel said he used to have a car.
  • After wish, would rather, had better, it is time. Margo: "I wish they were in Greece." - Margo said she wished they were in Greece. Matt: "I would rather fly." - Matt said he would rather fly. Betty: "They had better go." - Betty said they had better go. Paul: "It is time I got up." - Paul said it was time he got up.
  • In if-clauses. Martha: "If I tidied my room, my dad would be happy." - Martha said that if she tidied her room, her dad would be happy.
  • In time clauses. Joe: "When I was staying in Madrid I met my best friend." - He said that when he was staying in Madrid he met his best friend.
  • We do not change the past tense in spoken English if it is clear from the situation when the action happened. "She did it on Sunday," I said. - I said she did it on Sunday. We must change it, however, in the following sentence, otherwise it will not be clear whether we are talking about the present or past feelings. "I hated her," he said. - He said he had hated her.
  • We do not usually change the modal verbs must and needn't . But must can become had to or would have to and needn't can become didn't have to or wouldn't have to if we want to express an obligation. Would/wouldn't have to are used to talk about future obligations. "I must wash up." - He said he must wash up/he had to wash up. "I needn't be at school today." - He said he needn't be/didn't have to be at school that day. "We must do it in June." - He said they would have to do it in June. If the modal verb must does not express obligation, we do not change it. "We must relax for a while." (suggestion) - He said they must relax for a while. "You must be tired after such a trip." (certainty) - He said we must be tired after such a trip.

B) Pronouns

We have to change the pronouns to keep the same meaning of a sentence. "We are the best students," he said. - He said they were the best students. "They called us," he said. - He said they had called them. "I like your jeans," she said. - She said she liked my jeans. "I can lend you my car," he said. - He said he could lend me his car.

Sometimes we have to use a noun instead of a pronoun, otherwise the new sentence is confusing. "He killed them," Kevin said. - Kevin said that the man had killed them. If we only make mechanical changes (Kevin said he had killed them) , the new sentence can have a different meaning - Kevin himself killed them.

This and these are usually substituted. "They will finish it this year," he said. - He said they would finish it that year. "I brought you this book," she said. - She said she had brought me the book. "We want these flowers," they said. - They said they wanted the flowers.

C) Time and place

Let's suppose that we talked to our friend Mary on Friday. And she said: "Greg came yesterday."  It means that Greg came on Thursday. If we report Mary's sentence on Sunday, we have to do the following: Mary: "Greg came yesterday." - Mary said that Greg had come the day before. If we say: Mary said Greg had come yesterday , it is not correct, because it means that he came on Saturday.

The time expressions change as follows. now - then, today - that day, tomorrow - the next day/the following day, the day after tomorrow - in two days' time, yesterday - the day before, the day before yesterday - two days before, next week/month - the following week/month, last week/month - the previous week/month, a year ago - a year before/the previous year

Bill: "She will leave tomorrow." - Bill said she would leave the next day. Sam: "She arrived last week." - Sam said she had arrived the previous week. Julie: "He moved a year ago." - Julie said he had moved a year before.

Note If something is said and reported at the same time, the time expressions can remain the same. "I will go on holiday tomorrow," he told me today. - He told me today he would go on holiday tomorrow. "We painted the hall last weekend," she told me this week. - She told me this week they had painted the hall last weekend. On the other hand, if something is reported later, the time expressions are different in the indirect speech. Last week Jim said: "I'm playing next week." If we say his sentence a week later, we will say: Jim said he was playing this week.

Here usually becomes there . But sometimes we make different adjustments. At school: "I'll be here at 10 o'clock," he said. - He said he would be there at 10 o'clock. In Baker Street: "We'll meet here." - He said they would meet in Baker Street.

  • All PDF exercises and grammar rules from this website.

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Reported Speech with Examples and Test (PDF)

Reported speech is used when we want to convey what someone else has said to us or to another person. It involves paraphrasing or summarising what has been said , often changing verb tenses , pronouns and other elements to suit the context of the report.

TenseDirect SpeechReported Speech
Present SimpleShe sings in the choir.He said (that) she sings in the choir.
Present ContinuousThey are playing football.She mentioned (that) they were playing football.
Past SimpleI visited Paris last summer.She told me (that) she visited Paris last summer.
Past ContinuousI was cooking dinner.He said (that) he had been cooking dinner.
Present PerfectWe have finished the project.They said (that) they had finished the project.
Past Perfect*I had already eaten when you called.She explained (that) she had already eaten when I called.
WillI will call you later.She promised (that) she would call me later.
Would*I would help if I could.He said (that) he would help if he could.
CanShe can speak French fluently.He mentioned (that) she could speak French fluently.
Could*I could run fast when I was young.She recalled (that) she could run fast when she was young.
ShallShall we meet tomorrow?They asked (whether) we should meet the next day.
Should*You should visit the museum.She suggested (that) I should visit the museum.
Might*It might rain later.He mentioned (that) it might rain later.
MustI must finish my homework.She reminded me (that) I must finish my homework.

*doesn’t change

Formula of Reported Speech

The formula for reported speech involves transforming direct speech into an indirect form while maintaining the meaning of the original statement. In general, the formula includes:

  • Choosing an appropriate reporting verb (e.g., say, tell, mention, explain).
  • Changing pronouns and time expressions if necessary.
  • Shifting the tense of the verb back if the reporting verb is in the past tense.
  • Using reporting clauses like “that” or appropriate conjunctions.
  • Adjusting word order and punctuation to fit the structure of the reported speech.

Here’s a simplified formula:

Reporting Verb + Indirect Object + Conjunction + Reported Clause

For example:

  • She said (reporting verb) to me (indirect object) that (conjunction) she liked ice cream (reported clause).

exercises reported speech questions pdf

Here’s how we use reported speech:

Reporting Verbs: We use verbs like ‘say’ or ‘tell’ to introduce reported speech. If the reporting verb is in the present tense, the tense of the reported speech generally remains the same.

Direct SpeechReported Speech
“I enjoy playing tennis.”She said (that) she enjoys playing tennis.
“We plan to visit Paris.”They told us (that) they plan to visit Paris.
“He loves listening to music.”She said (that) he loves listening to music.
“She bakes delicious cakes.”He told me (that) she bakes delicious cakes.
“They watch movies every weekend.”She said (that) they watch movies every weekend.

If the reporting verb is in the past tense , the tense of the reported speech often shifts back in time.

Direct SpeechReported Speech (Reporting verb in past tense)
“I eat breakfast at 8 AM.”She said (that) she ate breakfast at 8 AM.
“We are going to the beach.”They told me (that) they were going to the beach.
“He speaks Spanish fluently.”She said (that) he spoke Spanish fluently.
“She cooks delicious meals.”He mentioned (that) she cooked delicious meals.
“They play soccer every weekend.”She said (that) they played soccer every weekend.

Tense Changes: Tense changes are common in reported speech. For example, present simple may change to past simple, present continuous to past continuous, etc. However, some verbs like ‘would’, ‘could’, ‘should’, ‘might’, ‘must’, and ‘ought to’ generally don’t change.

Direct SpeechReported Speech
“I like chocolate.”She said (that) she liked chocolate.
“We are watching TV.”They told me (that) they were watching TV.
“He is studying for the exam.”She mentioned (that) he was studying for the exam.
“She has finished her work.”He said (that) she had finished her work.
“They will arrive soon.”She mentioned (that) they would arrive soon.
“You can swim very well.”He said (that) I could swim very well.
“She might be late.”He mentioned (that) she might be late.
“I must finish this by tonight.”She said (that) she must finish that by tonight.
“You should call your parents.”They told me (that) I should call my parents.
“He would help if he could.”She said (that) he would help if he could.

Reported Questions: When reporting questions, we often change them into statements while preserving the meaning. Question words are retained, and the tense of the verbs may change.

Direct QuestionReported Statement (Preserving Meaning)
“Where do you live?”She asked me where I lived.
“What are you doing?”They wanted to know what I was doing.
“Who was that fantastic man?”He asked me who that fantastic man had been.
“Did you turn off the coffee pot?”She asked if I had turned off the coffee pot.
“Is supper ready?”They wanted to know if supper was ready.
“Will you be at the party?”She asked me if I would be at the party.
“Should I tell her the news?”He wondered whether he should tell her the news.
“Where will you stay?”She inquired if I had decided where I would stay.

Reported Requests and Orders: Requests and orders are reported similarly to statements. Reported requests often use ‘asked me to’ + infinitive, while reported orders use ‘told me to’ + infinitive.

Direct Request/OrderReported Speech
“Please help me.”She asked me to help her.
“Please don’t smoke.”He asked me not to smoke.
“Could you bring my book tonight?”She asked me to bring her book that night.
“Could you pass the milk, please?”He asked me to pass the milk.
“Would you mind coming early tomorrow?”She asked me to come early the next day.
“Please don’t be late.”He told me not to be late.
“Go to bed!”She told the child to go to bed.
“Don’t worry!”He told her not to worry.
“Be on time!”He told me to be on time.
“Don’t smoke!”He told us not to smoke.

Time Expressions: Time expressions may need to change depending on when the reported speech occurred in relation to the reporting moment. For instance, ‘today’ may become ‘that day’ or ‘yesterday’, ‘yesterday’ might become ‘the day before’, and so forth.

Direct SpeechReported Speech
“I finished my homework.”She said she had finished her homework.
“We are going shopping.”He told me they were going shopping.
“She will call you later.”They mentioned she would call me later.
“I saw him yesterday.”She said she had seen him the day before.
“The party is tonight.”He mentioned the party would be that night.
“The concert was last week.”She told me the concert had been the previous week.

Reported Speech with Examples PDF

  Reported Speech PDF – download

Reported Speech Test

  Reported Speech A2 – B1 Test – download

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  • Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 with Answers


Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10

Reported speech is an important part of learning English, especially in Class 10. It involves telling someone what another person has said, but without quoting their exact words . For example, instead of saying, "She said, 'I am going to the market,'" the reported speech would be, "She said that she was going to the market."


Practising Reported Speech Exercises For Class 10 helps students understand how to convey information accurately and clearly. In this article, there are different exercises prepared to test and improve your skills in reported speech. Each exercise comes with answers, students can check their work and learn from any mistakes. By working through these exercises, students will improve their ability to use reported speech correctly in different situations.

. It’s integrated into the sentence.

Reported Speech Exercises with Answers for Class 10

Try these Reported Speech exercises with answers for Class 10 to practise changing direct quotes into reported speech. Check your answers to see how well you understand the topic, and watch the Reported speech video for a clear explanation and more examples .

Reported Speech Dialogue Exercises for Class 10 CBSE with Answers

Exercise 1: Transform the following sentences into reported speech.

"I am going to the market," said Rahul.

"Are you coming to the party?" asked Riya.

"I will finish my homework later," said Tina.

"We have never been to Paris," they said.

"Did you see the new movie?" he asked.

"She can speak three languages," said Mr. Sharma.

"Please, close the door," she said.

"Why are you late?" asked the teacher.

"I don’t like spicy food," said Raj.

"You should take your medicine ," the doctor said.

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"I need a new pair of shoes," he said.

"Will you help me with this project?" she asked.

"I can’t find my keys," said John.

"I have completed my assignment," he said.

"Are they coming to the meeting?" she asked.

"We visited the museum yesterday," they said.

"Why didn’t you answer my call?" she asked.

"I am reading an interesting book," he said.

"Let’s go for a walk," she suggested.

"You must finish this work by tomorrow," he said.

"Did you enjoy the concert?" she asked.

"I don’t understand this chapter," said Ravi.

"Where is the nearest bus stop?" he asked.

"She will call you later," said Mr. Gupta.

"Can you lend me a pen?" he asked.

"I am not feeling well," she said.

"When does the train arrive?" he asked.

"Do you know where she went?" they asked.

"We are planning a surprise party," they said.

"I have a meeting at 5 PM," she said.

"Will it rain tomorrow?" he asked.

"I need to talk to you," she said.

"Did you hear the news?" he asked.

"I will be there on time ," she assured.

"Where can I find a taxi?" he asked.

"She is coming to the party," they said.

"Can you help me with this?" he asked.

"I have to leave now," she said.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"I will call you later," he said.

"She told me that she was busy," he said.

"Did you see that movie?" she asked.

"I can’t come to the meeting," he said.

"Where did you put my book?" she asked.

"I am looking for my wallet," he said.

"Can you meet me tomorrow?" she asked.

"They are watching a movie," she said.

"Do you know his address?" he asked.

"I have been waiting for an hour," she said.

Rahul said that he was going to the market.

Riya asked if I was coming to the party.

Tina said that she would finish her homework later.

They said that they had never been to Paris.

He asked if I had seen the new movie.

Mr. Sharma said that she could speak three languages.

She requested to close the door.

The teacher asked why I was late.

Raj said that he didn’t like spicy food.

The doctor advised that I should take my medicine.

She asked where I had been.

He said that he needed a new pair of shoes.

She asked if I would help her with the project.

John said that he couldn’t find his keys.

He said that he had completed his assignment.

She asked if they were coming to the meeting.

They said that they had visited the museum the day before.

She asked why I hadn’t answered her call.

He said that he was reading an interesting book.

She suggested going for a walk.

He said that I had to finish the work by the next day.

She asked if I had enjoyed the concert.

Ravi said that he didn’t understand the chapter.

He asked where the nearest bus stop was.

Mr. Gupta said that she would call me later.

He asked if I could lend him a pen.

She said that she was not feeling well.

He asked when the train arrived.

They asked if I knew where she had gone.

They said that they were planning a surprise party.

She said that she had a meeting at 5 PM.

He asked if it would rain the next day.

She said that she needed to talk to me.

He asked if I had heard the news.

She assured me that she would be there on time.

He asked where he could find a taxi.

They said that she was coming to the party.

He asked if I could help him with that.

She said that she had to leave then.

He asked if I was sure about it.

He said that he would call me later.

He said that she had told him that she was busy.

She asked if I had seen that movie.

He said that he couldn’t come to the meeting.

She asked where I had put her book.

He said that he was looking for his wallet.

She asked if I could meet her the next day.

She said that they were watching a movie.

He asked if I knew his address.

She said that she had been waiting for an hour.

Exercise 2: Convert the following reported speech sentences back into direct speech .

She said that she was going to the store.

He asked if I had finished my homework.

The teacher mentioned that the exam was on Friday.

They said that they would be arriving late.

She warned me that the water was too hot.

He asked if she was coming to the party.

The manager said that the meeting was scheduled for 3 PM.

She told me that she had seen that movie before.

He said that he would help me with the project.

The doctor advised that I should get more rest.

She mentioned that she had lost her keys.

They asked if we could join them for dinner.

He said that he was not feeling well.

The professor explained that the assignment was due next week.

She said that they were planning a surprise party.

He informed me that he would be traveling abroad.

The guide said that the tour would start at noon.

She asked if I wanted to come with her.

He said that he had been working on the report all night.

They complained that the service was too slow.

The student said that he had forgotten his book.

She explained that she had a family emergency.

He mentioned that the flight was delayed.

They said that they had enjoyed the concert.

The chef suggested that we try the special dish.

She told me that she had won a prize.

He asked if I could help him with the assignment.

The coach said that practice would start at 5 PM.

She said that she was excited about the new job.

He stated that he had completed the project.

The police officer asked if I had seen anything suspicious.

She mentioned that she would be moving to a new city.

He informed me that the event was canceled.

The librarian said that the book was overdue.

She told him that she would call him later.

He said that he had missed the bus.

The employee mentioned that the system was down.

She asked if I could pick her up from the airport.

He said that they were going on vacation next month .

They complained that the hotel room was not clean.

The artist said that she had finished her painting.

She told me that they had already eaten dinner.

He asked if I had read the latest book in the series.

The teacher mentioned that the project was due soon.

She said that she would be arriving late.

He informed me that the deadline was extended.

The chef said that the food was almost ready.

She asked if we had seen her sunglasses.

He said that he would call me when he arrived.

The guide mentioned that the museum was closed on Mondays.

She said, "I am going to the store."

He asked, "Have you finished your homework?"

The teacher mentioned, "The exam is on Friday."

They said, "We will be arriving late."

She warned, "The water is too hot."

He asked, "Is she coming to the party?"

The manager said, "The meeting is scheduled for 3 PM."

She told me, "I have seen that movie before."

He said, "I will help you with the project."

The doctor advised, "You should get more rest."

She mentioned, "I have lost my keys."

They asked, "Can we join you for dinner?"

He said, "I am not feeling well."

The professor explained, "The assignment is due next week."

She said, "We are planning a surprise party."

He informed me, "I will be traveling abroad."

The guide said, "The tour will start at noon."

She asked, "Do you want to come with me?"

He said, "I have been working on the report all night."

They complained, "The service is too slow."

The student said, "I have forgotten my book."

She explained, "I have a family emergency."

He mentioned, "The flight is delayed."

They said, "We enjoyed the concert."

The chef suggested, "Try the special dish."

She told me, "I have won a prize."

He asked, "Can you help me with the assignment?"

The coach said, "Practice will start at 5 PM."

She said, "I am excited about the new job."

He stated, "I have completed the project."

The police officer asked, "Have you seen anything suspicious?"

She mentioned, "I will be moving to a new city."

He informed me, "The event is canceled."

The librarian said, "The book is overdue."

She told him, "I will call you later."

He said, "I missed the bus."

The employee mentioned, "The system is down."

She asked, "Can you pick me up from the airport?"

He said, "We are going on vacation next month."

They complained, "The hotel room is not clean."

The artist said, "I have finished my painting."

She told me, "We have already eaten dinner."

He asked, "Have you read the latest book in the series?"

The teacher mentioned, "The project is due soon."

She said, "I will be arriving late."

He informed me, "The deadline has been extended."

The chef said, "The food is almost ready."

She asked, "Have you seen my sunglasses?"

He said, "I will call you when I arrive."

The guide mentioned, "The museum is closed on Mondays."

Exercise 3: Reported Speech dialogue exercises for Class 10 CBSE with Answers

A: "I will meet you at the café at 3 PM," she said.

B: "I’ll be there," he replied.

A: "Please call me when you arrive," he said.

B: "I will definitely call," she promised.

A: "Can you help me with this project?" she asked.

B: "Of course, I’ll help you," he responded.

A: "I am planning to visit my parents next weekend," she said.

B: "That sounds nice," he replied.

A: "We need to finish this report by tomorrow," he said.

B: "I’ll get it done," she promised.

A: "Do you want to join us for lunch?" they asked.

B: "Yes, I’d love to join," she answered.

A: "The weather is going to be great this weekend," he said.

B: "I hope so," she replied.

A: "I have never been to Australia," she said.

B: "Neither have I," he replied.

A: "Please make sure to lock the door," he said.

B: "I will lock it," she assured.

A: "I am excited about the new movie," she said.

B: "Me too," he replied.

A: "We should start the meeting now," he suggested.

B: "I agree, let's begin," she said.

A: "Can you finish this by 5 PM?" he asked.

B: "I will try my best," she replied.

A: "I’m thinking of buying a new car," she said.

B: "That sounds like a good idea," he replied.

A: "Have you finished your assignment?" he asked.

B: "Not yet, but I’m working on it," she replied.

A: "I’ll be attending the conference next month," she said.

B: "I look forward to hearing about it," he replied.

A: "Please be on time for the meeting," he said.

B: "I will be punctual," she promised.

A: "I’m not sure if I can make it to the party," she said.

B: "I hope you can come," he replied.

A: "The train leaves at 8 AM," he said.

B: "I’ll make sure to be there early," she promised.

A: "Did you enjoy the book?" he asked.

B: "Yes, it was fantastic," she replied.

A: "I’ll send you the details later," she said.

B: "Thank you, I’ll wait for them," he replied.

A: "We have to submit the form by Friday," he said.

B: "I’ll get it done by then," she promised.

A: "Can you pass the salt, please?" she asked.

B: "Sure, here you go," he replied.

A: "I’m planning to take a vacation next month," she said.

B: "That sounds wonderful," he replied.

A: "Don’t forget to call me," he said.

B: "I won’t forget," she assured.

A: "I’ve never seen such a beautiful sunset," she said.

A: "Can you help me move this weekend?" he asked.

B: "I’m available to help," she replied.

A: "I have a dentist appointment tomorrow," she said.

B: "I hope it goes well," he replied.

A: "Please submit your reports by Monday," he said.

B: "I will submit them on Monday," she promised.

A: "We’re going to a concert tonight," she said.

B: "That sounds fun," he replied.

A: "I’m not feeling well today," he said.

B: "I hope you get better soon," she replied.

A: "I will finish my work before lunch," she said.

B: "Great, I’ll see you then," he replied.

A: "Can you give me a ride to the airport?" he asked.

B: "Yes, I can," she replied.

A: "I’ve completed the assignment," she said.

B: "That’s good to hear," he replied.

A: "Please let me know if you need any help," he said.

B: "Thank you, I will," she promised.

A: "I’m excited for the holiday season ," she said.

A: "I’ll be back by 10 PM," he said.

B: "Okay, I’ll see you then," she replied.

A: "Don’t forget to turn off the lights," she said.

B: "I’ll make sure to do that," he promised.

A: "The deadline for the project is next week," he said.

B: "I’ll work on it," she assured.

A: "Can you give me some feedback on my presentation?" she asked.

B: "Sure, I’ll review it," he replied.

A: "I’ll call you as soon as I arrive," he said.

B: "I’ll be waiting for your call," she replied.

A: "We need to discuss this further," she said.

B: "Let’s talk about it later," he replied.

A: "I’m planning a surprise party for her," she said.

B: "That’s exciting," he replied.

A: "Have you completed the budget report?" he asked.

B: "Yes, I finished it last night," she replied.

A: "I’ll get the tickets for the concert," he said.

B: "Thank you," she replied.

A: "I’ve booked a table for two," she said.

B: "Perfect, I’ll see you there," he replied.

A: "Can you meet me at the station?" he asked.

B: "I’ll be there on time," she assured.

A: "I’ve lost my wallet," he said.

B: "Let me help you find it," she offered.

A: "Please remember to bring your ID," she said.

B: "I won’t forget," he promised.

A: "I’m excited about the new project," he said.

B: "Me too," she replied.

A: "Can you check my email for me?" she asked.

B: "Sure, I’ll do that now," he replied.

Speaker A: She said that she would meet him at the café at 3 PM.

Speaker B: He replied that he would be there.

Speaker A: He said to call him when she arrived.

Speaker B: She promised that she would definitely call.

Speaker A: She asked if he could help her with the project.

Speaker B: He responded that he would help her.

Speaker A: She said that she was planning to visit her parents the following weekend.

Speaker B: He replied that it sounded nice.

Speaker A: He said that they needed to finish the report by the next day.

Speaker B: She promised that she would get it done.

Speaker A: They asked if she wanted to join them for lunch.

Speaker B: She answered that she would love to join.

Speaker A: He said that the weather was going to be great that weekend.

Speaker B: She replied that she hoped so.

Speaker A: She said that she had never been to Australia.

Speaker B: He replied that he had not been either.

Speaker A: He said to make sure to lock the door.

Speaker B: She assured him that she would lock it.

Speaker A: She said that she was excited about the new movie.

Speaker B: He replied that he was excited too.

Speaker A: He suggested that they should start the meeting then.

Speaker B: She agreed and said they should begin.

Speaker A: He asked if she could finish it by 5 PM.

Speaker B: She replied that she would try her best.

Speaker A: She said that she was thinking of buying a new car.

Speaker B: He replied that it sounded like a good idea.

Speaker A: He asked if she had finished her assignment.

Speaker B: She replied that she had not yet finished but was working on it.

Speaker A: She said that she would be attending the conference the following month.

Speaker B: He replied that he looked forward to hearing about it.

Speaker A: He said to be on time for the meeting.

Speaker B: She promised that she would be punctual.

Speaker A: She said that she was not sure if she could make it to the party.

Speaker B: He replied that he hoped she could come.

Speaker A: He said that the train left at 8 AM.

Speaker B: She promised that she would make sure to be there early.

Speaker A: He asked if she had enjoyed the book.

Speaker B: She replied that it was fantastic.

Speaker A: She said that she would send him the details later.

Speaker B: He replied that he would wait for them.

Speaker A: He said that they had to submit the form by Friday.

Speaker B: She promised that she would get it done by then.

Speaker A: She asked if he could pass the salt.

Speaker B: He replied that he would pass it.

Speaker A: She said that she was planning a vacation the following month.

Speaker B: He replied that it sounded wonderful.

Speaker A: He said not to forget to call him.

Speaker B: She assured him that she would not forget.

Speaker A: She said that she had never seen such a beautiful sunset.

Speaker B: He replied that he had not seen one either.

Speaker A: He asked if she could help him move that weekend.

Speaker B: She replied that she was available to help.

Speaker A: She said that she had a dentist appointment the next day.

Speaker B: He replied that he hoped it went well.

Speaker A: He said to submit the reports by Monday.

Speaker B: She promised that she would submit them on Monday.

Speaker A: She said that they were going to a concert that night.

Speaker B: He replied that it sounded fun.

Speaker A: He said that he was not feeling well that day.

Speaker B: She replied that she hoped he would get better soon.

Speaker A: She said that she would finish her work before lunch.

Speaker B: He replied that he would see her then.

Speaker A: He asked if she could give him a ride to the airport.

Speaker B: She replied that she could.

Speaker A: She said that she had completed the assignment.

Speaker B: He replied that it was good to hear.

Speaker A: He said to let him know if she needed any help.

Speaker B: She promised that she would.

Speaker A: She said that she was excited about the holiday season.

Speaker A: He said that he would be back by 10 PM.

Speaker B: She replied that she would see him then.

Speaker A: She said not to forget to turn off the lights.

Speaker B: He promised that he would make sure to do that.

Speaker A: He said that the deadline for the project was the following week.

Speaker B: She assured him that she would work on it.

Speaker A: She asked if he could give her some feedback on her presentation.

Speaker B: He replied that he would review it.

Speaker A: He said that he would call her as soon as he arrived.

Speaker B: She replied that she would be waiting for his call.

Speaker A: She said that they needed to discuss it further.

Speaker B: He replied that they should talk about it later.

Speaker A: She said that she was planning a surprise party for her.

Speaker B: He replied that it was exciting.

Speaker A: He asked if she had completed the budget report.

Speaker B: She replied that she had finished it the previous night.

Speaker A: He said that he would get the tickets for the concert.

Speaker B: She replied that she was thankful.

Speaker A: She said that she had booked a table for two.

Speaker B: He replied that he would see her there.

Speaker A: He asked if she could meet him at the station.

Speaker B: She assured him that she would be there on time.

Speaker A: He said that he had lost his wallet.

Speaker B: She offered to help him find it.

Speaker A: She said to remember to bring his ID.

Speaker B: He promised that he would not forget.

Speaker A: He said that he was excited about the new project.

Speaker B: She replied that she was excited too.

Speaker A: She asked if he could check her email for her.

Speaker B: He replied that he would do that then.

Still finding it difficult to answer these questions, Watch Common Mistakes in Reported Speech and improve your performance.

Test your Knowledge of Reported Speech

Task 1: Convert Direct Speech to Reported Speech

"I have been working here for five years," he said.

"Are you coming to the picnic tomorrow?" she asked.

"The package will arrive by Friday," the delivery man said.

"I forgot to bring my lunch," he admitted.

"We are moving to a new house next month," they said.

"Please finish your homework before dinner," the mother said.

"You should try the new restaurant," he suggested.

"I will help you with your maths problems," she promised.

"The movie starts at 8 PM," the ticket seller said.

"I have never been to Italy," she said.

Task 2: Convert Reported Speech to Direct Speech

He said that he was going to visit his parents the following week.

She asked if I could lend her my book.

The teacher mentioned that the test was postponed until next Friday.

They said that they had completed the project on time.

He explained that he had been studying for the exam all night.

The guide said that the museum would open at 10 AM.

She said that she had never seen such a beautiful garden.

He asked if we were interested in joining the new club.

The manager told us that the deadline had been extended.

They mentioned that they would be arriving late.

Task 3: Identify the Error

She said that she will meet us at the café.

He asked if I would help him with his project next week.

The teacher mentioned that the assignment was due yesterday.

They told me that they are going to the concert last night.

She said that she would have finished her work by now.

He asked if I have seen his keys.

The chef explained that the dish will be ready soon.

She said that she had forgot her phone at home.

They mentioned that the flight would have landed already.

He informed me that he would be arriving tomorrow.

Task 4: Complete the Reported Speech

"I am visiting my grandmother this weekend," she said. → She said that ______.

"Will you be at the meeting?" he asked. → He asked if ______.

"I have never tried sushi before," he said. → He said that ______.

"I will get the groceries later," she promised. → She promised that ______.

"Do not forget to lock the door," he said. → He said not to ______.

"I have already completed the task," she said. → She said that ______.

"We will go hiking if the weather is good," they said. → They said that ______.

"Please bring your notes to the class," the teacher said. → The teacher asked to ______.

"I cannot attend the event due to a prior commitment," she said. → She said that ______.

"The concert tickets are sold out," he said. → He said that ______.

Task 5: Transform the Dialogue

A: "I will meet you at the restaurant at 7 PM," she said.

B: "I will be there on time," he replied.

Reported Speech:

Speaker A: She said that ______.

Speaker B: He replied that ______.

A: "Please send me the details by email," he said.

B: "I will send them to you this evening," she promised.

Speaker A: He said that ______.

Speaker B: She promised that ______.

A: "We need to finish this project before the deadline," he said.

B: "I agree. Let's work on it together," she replied.

Speaker B: She replied that ______.

A: "Can you help me with this task?" he asked.

B: "Sure, I will assist you," she responded.

Speaker A: He asked if ______.

Speaker B: She responded that ______.

A: "I am excited about the vacation," she said.

B: "So am I," he replied.

Find out if you got them all right from the answers below.

She said that she had been working there for five years.

She asked if I was coming to the picnic the next day.

The delivery man said that the package would arrive by Friday.

He admitted that he had forgotten to bring his lunch.

They said that they were moving to a new house the following month.

The mother said to finish our homework before dinner.

He suggested trying the new restaurant.

She promised that she would help me with my math problems.

The ticket seller said that the movie started at 8 PM.

She said that she had never been to Italy.

He said, "I am going to visit my parents next week."

She asked, "Can you lend me your book?"

The teacher mentioned, "The test is postponed until next Friday."

They said, "We completed the project on time."

He explained, "I was studying for the exam all night."

The guide said, "The museum will open at 10 AM."

She said, "I have never seen such a beautiful garden."

He asked, "Are you interested in joining the new club?"

The manager told us, "The deadline has been extended."

They mentioned, "We will be arriving late."

Corrected: She said that she would meet us at the café.

Corrected: He asked if I would help him with his project the following week.

Corrected: The teacher mentioned that the assignment had been due yesterday.

Corrected: They told me that they were going to the concert the previous night.

Corrected: She said that she would have finished her work by now.

Corrected: He asked if I had seen his keys.

Corrected: The chef explained that the dish would be ready soon.

Corrected: She said that she had forgotten her phone at home.

Corrected: They mentioned that the flight would have already landed.

Corrected: He informed me that he would be arriving the next day.

She said that she was visiting her grandmother that weekend.

He asked if I would be at the meeting.

He said that he had never tried sushi before.

She promised that she would get the groceries later.

He said not to forget to lock the door.

She said that she had already completed the task.

They said that they would go hiking if the weather was good.

The teacher asked to bring our notes to the class.

She said that she could not attend the event due to a prior commitment.

He said that the concert tickets were sold out.

Speaker A: She said that she would meet me at the restaurant at 7 PM.

Speaker B: He replied that he would be there on time.

Speaker A: He said that he wanted the details sent by email.

Speaker B: She promised that she would send them that evening.

Speaker A: He said that they needed to finish the project before the deadline.

Speaker B: She replied that she agreed and suggested working on it together.

Speaker A: He asked if she could help him with the task.

Speaker B: She responded that she would assist him.

Speaker A: She said that she was excited about the vacation.

Takeaways from this Page

Practising reported speech helps you learn how to convey what others have said in a different way. Key points to remember are changing the verb tenses, adjusting pronouns, and keeping the meaning intact. For example, if someone says, "I am going," in reported speech it becomes, "She said she was going." It's also important to use reporting verbs like "said," "asked," and "promised" to show how the information is shared. Getting these elements right makes sure you communicate clearly and accurately, both in writing and speaking.


FAQs on Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 with Answers

1. What is reported speech?

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, is a way of conveying what someone else has said without quoting their exact words. Instead of saying exactly what was spoken, you summarize or paraphrase it. For example, "He said, 'I am tired'" becomes "He said that he was tired."

2. How do you change tenses in reported speech?

In reported speech, the tense usually shifts one step back from the original. For example:

Present simple becomes past simple (e.g., "She says, 'I work hard'" becomes "She said that she worked hard").

Present continuous becomes past continuous (e.g., "They are playing" becomes "They were playing").

3. Do you need to change pronouns in reported speech?

Yes, pronouns should be adjusted to match the perspective of the reporter. For example:

"I" changes to "he" or "she" (e.g., "I will come" becomes "He said that he would come").

4. What happens to the word order in reported speech?

The word order generally changes to fit the structure of the reporting sentence. For instance, "She said, 'I will go to the market'" changes to "She said that she would go to the market."

5. How do you report questions?

To report questions, you use reporting verbs like "asked" or "inquired" and change the question format into a statement. For example:

Direct: "Are you coming?"

Reported: "He asked if I was coming."

6. How can Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 with Answers help improve grammar skills?

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 with Answers help improve grammar by teaching students how to change tenses and pronouns when reporting what someone else said. These exercises show how to use verbs like "said" and "asked" correctly, and help students practice turning direct speech into reported speech. By working through these exercises and checking their answers, students can spot and fix common mistakes, which makes their grammar more accurate. Regular practice helps students become better at using correct grammar in writing and speaking, leading to clearer and more effective communication.

7. Do you need to use 'that' in reported speech?

Using "that" is optional but helps clarify the connection between the reporting verb and the reported speech. For example:

"She said, 'I am leaving'" can be reported as "She said that she was leaving" or simply "She said she was leaving."

8. How do you handle time expressions in reported speech?

Time expressions often need to be adjusted to fit the new context. For example:

"Today" changes to "that day," "tomorrow" becomes "the next day," and "yesterday" changes to "the day before."

9. Can you give an example of reporting a statement with a modal verb?

Yes. For instance, if someone says, "I can swim," it becomes "He said that he could swim" in reported speech.

10. Are there exceptions to changing tenses in reported speech?

Yes, if the reporting verb is in the present, or if the information remains true regardless of time, the tense might not change. For example:

"She says, 'I am tired'" remains, "She says that she is tired" in reported speech because the reporting verb is in the present.

Ukraine war latest: Russia's huge air attacks this week 'cost Putin $1.3bn'

Russia has launched several air attacks on Ukraine this week, costing Moscow a reported $1.3bn. Last night, Kyiv came under drone attack for the third night in four days, with debris injuring people and damaging buildings.

Thursday 29 August 2024 09:10, UK

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  • Monday's attacks on Ukraine cost Russia almost $1.3bn, says UK
  • Kyiv hit by third attack in four days as drone debris injures three
  • Extra security at 'extremely exposed' Russian nuclear plant
  • Moscow takes action against US newspapers
  • Russian missile hits Zelenskyy's home town on day of mourning
  • Watch: Who are Ukraine's secret resistance?
  • Your questions answered: Can Ukraine advance further inside Russia?
  • Reporting by Mark Wyatt

Russia's attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure is taking the country "closer and closer" to a total blackout, says one of its MPs.

The Kyiv School of Economics Institute estimates that since the start of the full-scale invasion, Russia has caused $16bn (£13.46bn) of damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

Speaking on Sky News, Kira Rudik, who lives in Kyiv, says the city's home do not have electricity for the "majority of the day".

"Even right now, I'm speaking to you all being on a diesel generator," she said.

"It's terrifying that still, by this point, we are unable to protect us from those vicious attacks in full. And Russia keeps bringing us closer and closer to that total blackout. 

"How we are going to survive the winter is unclear right now, because the weather outside is still good. But once it gets colder and people start to consume more energy, we will not be able to handle it."

Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in June that Russia had destroyed 80% of Ukraine's thermal energy generation and a third of its hydro generation.

But this week, he declined to elaborate on what further damage Monday's strikes had caused.

"I don’t really like energy PR," he said. "It's not very helpful when the enemy knows what damage they have done. 

"Let the information about the condition of our energy facilities and what we are currently doing there be kept quiet."

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk says Warsaw's allies have recommended it shows restraint over shooting down unidentified targets in its airspace.

Poland said a drone had likely entered its airspace early on Monday morning during a Russian bombardment of Ukraine, with the object said to have flown 15 miles (25km) into Polish territory, after which it disappeared from radar.

Mr Tusk was asked yesterday about the incident but said it was difficult to identify objects in real time.

"The problem with shooting down is often of a different nature," he explained.

"It is often a fraction of a second, which makes it impossible to check whether it is not a civilian object, whether it is not a stray plane."

He added that Poland's allies had recommended some restraint over the matter and said he appreciated his country's military for their "reasonable, balanced position".

"They are not interested in opening fire every time something moves in the sky," he said.

War crimes prosecutors have inspected the sites of yesterday's Russian strikes on the eastern town of Kupyansk.

In his nightly address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said a Russian glide bomb had hit the town and resulted in deaths.

"There was a strike – right in the city centre, people were under the rubble. Unfortunately, there are fatalities."

The regional prosecutor's office said the strike had injured 14 people and damaged the city hall.

A hotel, residential buildings, outbuildings, cars, shops, administrative buildings, and other civilian infrastructure were damaged, it added.

Kupyansk is part of the Kharkiv region of Ukraine and sits 22 miles (35km) from the Russian border.

Ukrainian shelling in Russia's Belgorod region has killed one person and injured others, according to officials.

Posting on his Telegram channel, governor Vyacheslav Gladkov reported the attacks had taken place in the town of Shebekino.

There, he said, one man died and two other people had to be taken to hospital with shrapnel wounds.

He also reported two buildings were damaged and a car caught fire.

For context: The Belgorod region borders Ukraine and the Kursk region of Russia, which Ukraine invaded on 6 August.

There have been Russian reports this week that Ukraine has attempted to break into Belgorod, with Moscow's defence ministry saying the situation "remains difficult but under control".

Russia's huge air attacks across Ukraine this week cost Moscow almost $1.3bn, UK representative to the UN James Kariuki has said.

Moscow launched one of its biggest air attacks of the war so far on Monday, with drones and missiles fired into more than half of Ukrainian regions.

At least seven people were killed and power facilities were damaged, Kyiv has said.

Speaking at the UN Security Council meeting, Mr Kariuki said the attacks represent "continued evidence" that Russia is intentionally targeting civilian energy infrastructure.

He also said the "cowardly" attacks cost the Kremlin almost $1.3bn (£1.14bn). The figures come from a report from Forbes Ukraine and Ekonmichna Pravda.

"The consequence of Putin’s miscalculation for the Russian people is increasingly evident," added Mr Kariuki.

Authorities in Kyiv say debris from intercepted Russian drones injured three people and caused damage to buildings overnight.

It was the third attack on the Ukrainian capital in four days.

Kyiv's air defences downed more than 10 Russian drones, according to the city's military chief, Serhiy Popko.

Kyiv's mayor, Vitali Klitschko, reported that apartments in the Holosiivskyi district were damaged by falling debris.

One person was hurt when a downed drone fell on a road and destroyed a car, he added.

Welcome back to our coverage of the war in Ukraine.

Yesterday, a Russian missile struck Volodymyr Zelenskyy's home town of Kryvyi Rih as Ukraine was observing an official day of mourning for an attack that killed four people the day before.

Meanwhile, authorities in the Kursk region said additional security measures would be introduced at the nuclear plant there.

Earlier, Russian troops had claimed they'd defused an unexploded US-supplied missile that was shot down and found near the Kursk nuclear facility.

Here are the other key lines from the last 24 hours: 

  • Russia banned entry to 92 US citizens, including journalists, lawyers and the heads of what it claims are key military and industrial firms upholding "Washington's Russophobic stance";
  • The deputy director of the CIA, David Cohen, said it would be difficult for Russia to regain the territory it had lost to Ukraine in the Kursk region;
  • Moscow dismissed Volodymyr Zelenskyy's suggestion that Kyiv would submit a plan to Washington on how to end the war;
  • Russia reopened two airports serving the cities of Kazan and Nizhnekamsk after briefly suspending flights for safety reasons.

We'll be back with more updates and analysis tomorrow, but before we go, here's a recap of the key developments that took place today:

  • A Russian missile struck Volodymyr Zelenskyy's home town of Kryvyi Rih;
  • Ukrainian drones set oil tanks on fire at a depot in Russia's Rostov region and a depot in Russia's western region of Kirov, according to reports;
  • Russia said it wanted the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to take a "more objective and clearer" stance on nuclear energy after its chief visited Kursk's nuclear power plant;
  • Russian troops claimed to have defused an unexploded US-supplied missile that they said was shot down and found near the Kursk nuclear facility;
  • Sir Keir Starmer and Olaf Scholz said the UK and Germany's support for Ukraine remained "unyielding";
  • Additional security measures will be introduced at Kursk's nuclear plant from tomorrow, authorities in the region said.

Pavel Durov, the chief executive of Telegram, has been charged with allegedly allowing criminal activity on the messaging app.

French judges have barred Mr Durov from leaving France pending further investigation, but he has avoided being held in custody with a €5m bail.

The billionaire was arrested in France on Saturday after his private jet landed at Le Bourget airport outside Paris.

The Russian-born entrepreneur - who became a French citizen in 2021 - is accused of operating a platform which is being used for child sexual abuse material and by organised crime gangs, for drug trafficking and fraud.

Telegram has insisted it abides by EU laws and its moderation is "within industry standards and constantly improving".

Its statement added: "It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner is responsible for abuse of that platform."

Mr Durov's arrest in France, and four days of questioning, has caused outrage in Russia.

Paper planes - representing Telegram's logo - haver been placed in Moscow in support of the billionaire.

Some government officials claim his detention was politically motivated and proof of the West's double standard on freedom of speech.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call that Russia was ready to provide Durov with all necessary assistance given his Russian citizenship, but that his French citizenship complicated the situation. 

We have been reporting today on Russia's advances in the direction of the key mining city of Pokrovsk, which sits in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region.

Moscow sees taking control of the city as an important stepping stone to annexing the entire Donbas region.

And Volodymyr Zelenskyy has warned the situation near Pokrovsk is "difficult".

Now, security expert Maria Avdeeva has shared footage from inside Pokrovsk and said the city is "tense" and "preparing for the looming Russian offensive".

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  5. reported speech practice: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

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  6. Wh-questions Reported speech general…: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

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  2. REPORTED SPEECH #learnenglish

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  4. Reported speech exercises/ أ. أيمن سعادة

  5. Reported Speech Class 9 One Shot Revision🔫

  6. Reported Speech Questions


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    Reported speech 2. Reported requests and orders. Reported speech exercise. Reported questions - worksheet. Indirect speech - worksheet. Worksheets pdf - print. Grammar worksheets - handouts. Grammar - lessons. Reported speech - grammar notes.

  2. Reported Speech (B1)

    RS008 - Reported Questions. RS007 - Reported Speech. RS006 - Reported Speech. RS005 - Reported Speech. RS004 - Reported Speech. RS003 - Reported Speech. RS002 - Reported Speech - Mixed Exercises. RS001 - Reported Speech - Mixed Exercises. Adjective and Adverbs - Downloadable PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Intermediate Level (B1)

  3. PDF Unit 12A Grammar: Reported Speech(1

    Reported Speech. Greg: "I am cooking dinner Maya.". Maya: "Greg said he was cooking dinner.". So most often, the reported speech is going to be in the past tense, because the original statement, will now be in the past! *We will learn about reporting verbs in part 2 of this lesson, but for now we will just use said/told.

  4. PDF B1 Reported Speech : Questions and Commands RS012

    Change to reported speech. 1. The boy asked the tour guide, "Where is the main tourist office? " The boy asked the tour guide _____ . 2. The police officer said, "Get out of the car ! The police officer ordered the boys _____ . ... Reported Questions and Commands - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 \(Intermediate\)

  5. Reported Speech Exercises

    Perfect English Grammar. Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site: ( Click here to read the explanations about reported speech ) Reported Statements: Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here) Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy)

  6. PDF Reported questions

    Reported questions Exercise 1. Complete the questions in the reported speech. _____ "What do you want for breakfast?" she wondered. She wondered ..... for breakfast. ...


    REPORTED SPEECH RS 3 Change to reported questions! 1. He asked:"Where have you been Tom?" He asked me where I had been. 2. The teacher wanted to know:"Who discovered America?" The teacher wanted to know who had discovered America. 3. The referee asked:"How many players do you want to substitute?"

  8. PDF Reported Speech

    She said, "I can get home on my own". She said that she could get home on her own. They said, "We haven't been to an art gallery for ages". They said that they hadn't been to an art gallery for ages . The police asked me, "When did you leave the house this morning ?"

  9. Reported Speech

    Reported Speech. All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced. RS002 - Reported Speech - Questions Intermediate. RS003 - Reported Speech - Questions Intermediate. RS004 - Reported Speech - Indirect Commands Intermediate.

  10. PDF Grammar videos: Reported speech exercises

    Grammar videos: Reported speech exercisesGramm. r videos: Reported speech - exercises Watch the video on our website and read. he conversation between Sophie and David. Then do these exercises to ch. ck. your understanding of reported. speech.1. Check your grammar: matching Draw a line to match the di. Direct speech.


    REPORTED SPEECH - QUESTIONS 1. Match the sentences in Direct speech with their counterparts in reported speech: 2. Write the sentences in reported speech: 3. Write the sentences in direct speech: Title: reported speech Author: Zdenda Created Date: 11/5/2016 5:42:51 AM ...

  12. Reported Speech Exercises (With Printable PDF)

    In English grammar, reported speech is used to tell someone what another person said. It takes another person's words (direct speech) to create a report of what they said (indirect speech.) With the following direct and indirect speech exercises, it will be easier to understand how reported speech works.


    Reported Speech - English Grammar PDF Exercises Author: Klaus Rosmanitz Subject: Reported Speech and reported questions - An English Grammar PDF worksheet Keywords: reported speech, reported questions Created Date: 5/4/2012 4:21:24 PM

  14. Reported speech exercises PDF

    Direct and indirect speech exercises Multiple choice and gap-filling exercises on reported statements, questions and commands. Grammar rules PDF: Reported speech rules PDF Changes of tenses, pronouns, time and place in reported statements, questions and commands. English grammar PDF All PDF rules with examples on this website to download for ...

  15. PDF Reported Questions Exercise

    Reported Questions Exercise Author: Bob Subject: This is a print-out exercise about reported questions in English Keywords: estilo indirecto, reported speech, printable grammar exercises Created Date: 10/1/2010 4:49:53 PM

  16. Direct and indirect speech exercises PDF

    Reported questions + commands exercises PDF. Practise the difference between the direct and indirect speech in questions, commands and requests. Online exercises with answers: Direct - indirect speech exercise 1 Rewrite sentences in the reported speech. Direct - indirect speech exercise 2 Report a short dialogue in the reported speech.

  17. 394 Reported speech English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    394 Reported speech English ESL worksheets pdf & doc ... Reported Speech. Orders - Statement - 32555 uses. missaldana. Reported Speech. Questions. 30869 uses. Ktam. Reported Speech. Thirty-eight sentenc. 25997 uses. languageleader88. Reported Speech. Worksheet to practis. 16856 uses. Ktam. Reported Speech. The rules and senten. 13423 uses ...

  18. Reported Speech with Examples and Test (PDF)

    Reported Speech (Reporting verb in past tense) "I eat breakfast at 8 AM.". She said (that) she ate breakfast at 8 AM. "We are going to the beach.". They told me (that) they were going to the beach. "He speaks Spanish fluently.". She said (that) he spoke Spanish fluently. "She cooks delicious meals.".

  19. PDF Direct & Reported Speech Grammar Practice Worksheets ESL Library

    A. Direct Speech cont. Position of Quoted Speech. Instructions. Examples. split by the subject and the verb. Begin with the first set of quotation marks. Capitalize the first letter of the sentence. At the end of the first part of the quote, place a comma and quotation marks. Insert the subject and reporting verb, and follow the verb with a comma.

  20. PDF Reported Questions

    %PDF-1.7 %âãÏÓ 2 0 obj /Lang (de-AT) /MarkInfo /Marked true >> /Metadata 4 0 R /Pages 5 0 R /StructTreeRoot 6 0 R /Type /Catalog /ViewerPreferences 7 0 R >> endobj 4 0 obj /Length 3486 /Subtype /XML /Type /Metadata >> stream Microsoft® Word für Microsoft 365 Nikolaus ROSMANITZ Reported Questions - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 - RS008 Reported Questions - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 ...

  21. PDF Perfect English Grammar

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  22. Reported Speech Exercise 2

    English grammar exercise about reported speech - in this case reported questions ... Here's an exercise about reported questions. Review reported questions here; Download this quiz in PDF here; More reported speech exercises here; More reported speech exercises here. Do you want to master English grammar? Click here to read about the membership.

  23. Pdf online exercise: Reported speech

    Country: Croatia. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Grammar (2013241) From worksheet author: Reported statements, questions, commands.

  24. Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 with Answers

    Practising Reported Speech Exercises For Class 10 helps students understand how to convey information accurately and clearly. In this article, there are different exercises prepared to test and improve your skills in reported speech. Each exercise comes with answers, students can check their work and learn from any mistakes. By working through ...

  25. Ukraine war latest: Russia's huge air attacks this week 'cost Putin $1

    Russia has launched several air attacks on Ukraine this week, costing Moscow a reported $1.3bn. Last night, Kyiv came under drone attack for the third night in four days, with debris injuring ...