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MCO-01: Organization Theory and Behaviour

Ignou solved assignment solution for 2022-23, if you are looking for mco-01 ignou solved assignment solution for the subject organization theory and behaviour, you have come to the right place. mco-01 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in mcom, mcomft, mcombpcg, mcommafs courses of ignou., looking to download all solved assignment pdfs for your course together, mco-01 solved assignment solution by gyaniversity.

Assignment Code: MCO-01 /ASST/TMA/2022-23

Course Code: MCO-01

Assignment Name: Organisation Theory and Behaviour

Year: 2022-2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

Q. 1 What do you mean by bureaucracy? Discuss its characteristics. Do you think that bureaucracy enhances efficiency in the organisation. Give your arguments.

Ans ) A social invention called bureaucracy was developed during the industrial revolution to organise and control business operations. It defines a system in which bureaucrats control the government either directly or indirectly. A system of organisation is referred to as bureaucracy when roles, responsibilities, and relationships between individuals and positions are precisely specified, carefully monitored, and controlled in accordance with formal authority, and any deviation from the rules and regulations is taken very seriously. Max Weber systematically created the bureaucratic theory (1864-1920). Weber referred to his organization's ideal type in his formulation.

Every organisation, according to Max Weber, can be described as a framework of actions (means) used to accomplish specific goals (ends). To increase efficiency and production, every organisation creates a system of specialisation (division of duties) and a set of organised norms and practises. Weber emphasised that the bureaucratic form could operate at the highest level of efficiency and is, therefore, formally the most logical method of managing human resources in any organisation. In terms of accuracy, stability, discipline, and dependability, it is superior to every other form.

Weber made an effort to pinpoint the numerous causes and circumstances that the modern bureaucracy's expansion has been influenced by. The growth and extensive spread of bureaucracy in organisations was a direct result of the creation of contemporary organisations and corporations. Despite its inherent flaws, bureaucracy is simply necessary for the smooth operation of complex organisations. Second, the advancement of contemporary technology and the growth of technical expertise have a significant influence in the dominance of bureaucracy.

A significant amount of bureaucratic specialisation is necessary to achieve a high level of organisational efficiency, regardless of the economic system in place. Thirdly, Weber emphasised numerous times how the capitalist system unavoidably contributed significantly to the growth of the contemporary bureaucracy. A stable state and a well-organized government were essential for the efficient operation of a capitalist society. Furthermore, the economic foundation for bureaucratic management itself is thought to be most rational under capitalism.

Characteristics of Bureaucracy

The structural and behavioural traits listed below set the bureaucratic form of organisation apart:

Division of Labour and Specialisation : The foundation of bureaucracy is specialisation based on the division of labour. The job is more affected than the individual by it. Based on the separation of job responsibilities, the tasks of different officials are clearly defined. This results in a clear definition of a person's role within an organisation, which in turn clarifies the goals and objectives of the organisation and aids in the creation of the hierarchical structure of the organisation. It is based on the provision of the incumbent with the necessary authority, the provision of the necessary means of compulsion are clearly defined, and their use is subject to specific conditions. It is based on a specified sphere of competence that involves a sphere of applications to perform functions that have been marked off as part of a systematic division of labour.

Hierarchy : The second essential component of any bureaucratic organisational structure is hierarchy. Each lower officer is under the direction and authority of a higher one, hence there is a distinct line between superior and subordinate officers. The amount of compensation is determined by the type of work and level of responsibility. Seniority and merit are considered while making promotions and career moves.

Rules : The abstract principles that govern bureaucracy are a constant set of guidelines. Weber has emphasised the importance of regulations in order to prevent personal favouritism, arbitrary behaviour, or nepotism from impeding an organization's ability to function. Every discretionary decision made by an authority must be supported by objective goals.

Rationality : Weber's ideal typical model of bureaucracy is strongly tied to his theories on efficiency and logic. He noted that the most logical method now known for obtaining absolute control over people is bureaucracy. Being able to choose means that are rationally and unbiasedly oriented toward the desired purposes allows it to reach a high level of efficiency. Efficiency is also enhanced by the fact that in such a system, personal whims of the leaders and conventional pressures are no longer effective because it is governed by laws and there is a clearer separation between official and private matters. The organization's significantly simpler methods for calculating results also reflect rationality.

Impersonality : All authorities must adhere to it when making decisions and conducting business as usual. Personal whims, fancy, or irrational sentiments have no place in a formal document. A high degree of operational impersonality and business like behaviour characterise official activities. Rule Orientation: The creation of rules and procedures that clearly define the official areas of authority and conduct is the primary means by which rationalism and impersonality are attained. When performing their duties, employees are expected to adhere to the rules.

Neutrality : The cornerstones of a bureaucratic manner of working are impartiality in decision-making and its execution. The definition of bureaucracy calls for it to have a political neutrality. It is only dedicated to the tasks that it is designed to carry out.

Thus, the most basic elements of pure bureaucratic organization are its emphasis on procedural regularity, a hierarchical system of accountability and responsibility, specialization of function, continuity, a legal-rational basis, and fundamental conservatism. The emergence of capitalism and the emphasis on standard currency transactions over and above barter systems created the need for bureaucratic forms of organization in both the private and public sectors. However, the critical elements of the bureaucratic form of organization also can conflict with one another and are often at the base of criticisms that regard bureaucracies as dysfunctional. In sum, what makes bureaucracy work also may work against it.

Q. 2 (a) Explain process of perception. What are the factors those influence perception? (10)

Ans ) The four steps of the perceptual process are described by the model. A strategy that considers input-throughput-output can help you understand the model.

Stage 1: It speaks of sensory inputs. All of the stimuli that are present in our environment—information, things, events, people, etc.—are considered perceptual inputs. These inputs are given to the perceiver.

Stage 2: It describes the throughputs or perceptual mechanisms. This is how perceptual inputs are converted into outputs. It entails the three processes of choosing, organising, and interpreting the environmental stimuli. Despite the fact that each person goes through the same three steps, which change perception,

Stage 3: Processing perceptual throughputs results in the creation of perceptual outputs. These consist of one's behaviours, values, attitudes, and emotions. The outputs may suffer from perceptual mistakes. Managers should therefore develop their perceptive abilities.

Stage 4: A contributing element is behaviour. A new set of inputs are created as a result of the perceiver's behaviour, which also causes responses.

Factors Influencing Perception

There are primarily three sets of elements that affect perception: Among the perceiver's factors are the following: 

The perceiver's idea of themselves.

The perceiver's perspectives.

Reasons for perception.

The perceiver's own interests.

Encounters with perception.

A perceiver's expectations.

The following issues are among the factors in the target:

Physical attributes.

Speaking and non-speaking communication.


Personal qualities.

The target's novelty.

Target movement.

The target's sounds

Dimensions of the objective.

Closeness to the objective.

Following are some relevant circumstances:

Social setting.

Organisational function.

Setting at work.

The site of the event.

These three sets of variables work together to shape how we view other people.

(b)Discuss individual management strategies of stress. Do you think that they can reduce stress in the organisation? Discuss. (10)

Ans ) People automatically take on responsibilities and seek for strategies for coping with stress. More people are thinking about their health. In recent years, an increase in health clinics and health awareness has been seen. The following are some methods people can use to lower their stress levels:

Time Management : Stress management and time management go hand in hand. Greater levels of stress are primarily caused by improper and inadequate time management. Time is used improperly and insufficiently, which causes anxiety. The time management guidelines listed below can aid in reducing stress.

Listing daily tasks in a logical order and identifying them.

Arranging the day's tasks according to significance and urgency.

Creating a plan of activities that makes sense.

Examining and comprehending the daily routine and requirements of the position.

Judiciously allocating time to various tasks according to their demands.

Giving little duties to subordinates so that you can use your time more efficiently.

Preventing unauthorised guests.

Prioritizing undone business for tomorrow.

Physical Management : Understanding one's own biological and physical state is important for managing stress. Understanding one's physiological state involves looking at inherited traits, lifestyle choices, such as smoking and drinking, and physical ailments. By controlling physiological relaxation, stress can be overcome. Exercise is a very effective way to reduce tension and stress. When the body is physically fit, oxygen is properly inhaled, and blood circulation rises. This encourages healthy glandular secretions, and the blood supply to every region of the body keeps every organ functioning. As a result, stress resistance becomes stronger. Exercises might be either proactive or reactive.

Psychological Management : Psychological tensions are the main cause of most stresses. As a result, it is argued that controlling psychological processes results in efficient stress management. Some of the psychological management strategies include the ones listed below.

Relaxation : Mental stresses can be efficiently reduced through relaxation techniques including biofeedback, hypnosis, and meditation.

Behavioural Self-control : Behaviour issues can also cause stress. Stress levels can be reduced by using adequate self-control when interacting with others. Self-examination increases a person's awareness of themselves..

Cognitive Therapy : It is a clinical psychology technique. In order to relieve stress and anxiety, cognitive therapy entails understanding one's own feelings. In this method, the process of self-observation is used to help people identify the factors contributing to their stress.

Yogic Management : Yoga has recently become a popular method for reducing stress. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, and Kriya are all a part of yoga practise..

Social Management : Creating effective social networks requires assembling groups of people who can generate confidence and are good listeners. This strengthens people's social support. Developing unrestricted interchange of ideas, opinions, and unpleasant experiences, fostering confidence in social support, and encouraging informal groupings to communicate information without restraints all reduce tensions and stress.

Self-awareness Management : Similar to a self-audit or personal audit is self-awareness. Managers must have a fair and open understanding of who they are. They ought to promote open communication and be ready to listen to others, especially when they have flaws. Being conscious of oneself is challenging because people struggle to accept their flaws.

Inter Personal Management: Interpersonal communication is one of the most effective stress management strategies. Interpersonal knowledge, interpersonal attraction, and interpersonal communication all help us better comprehend how others behave. The majority of organisational stressors are brought on by miscommunication, workplace politics, isolating oneself from others, and tolerating unreliable opinions.

Q. 3 Comment briefly on the following statements: (20)

a) Persuasion is a fact of modern life

Ans ) We are exposed to various persuasion tactics every day. The goal of persuasion is to influence people's opinions through various forms of communication, such as speeches or advertisements. We'll look at topics like the variables that affect how successful persuasion efforts are as well as how effective they actually are. There are two methods for analysing how persuasion affects attitudes: the traditional method and the cognitive method.

The Traditional Approach : This strategy proposes three components of persuasion.: 

The sender or communicator is the source.

The communication's message.

Recipient is the intended audience.

The traditional approach focussed on a basic question: “Who speaks to whom and how does it affect them? The most noteworthy outcomes of this strategy are:

Experts have greater persuasive power than novices.

Messages that do not seem to be intended to affect our opinions have a greater impact than those that do.

More effective in influencing views than unpopular or unattractive communicators are those who are popular and attractive.

People who have lower self-esteem than those who have higher self-esteem are more susceptible to persuasion, especially from influential or alluring sources.

A two-sided strategy is more effective than a one-sided strategy.

Messages that elicit strong emotions in the audience can improve persuasion.

The Cognitive Approach : The cognitive method makes an effort to understand what people's thoughts are when they are subjected to compelling arguments. There are a number of theoretical models that have been developed to explain this phenomenon, but the Elaboration Likelihood Model is the most well-known of them (ELM).

Depending on how significant or pertinent the topics are to the people who are the focus of persuasions, ELM states that there are two distinct paths to persuasion.

The Heuristic Paradigm of Persuasion is another model that explains the cognitive approach to persuasion.

The cognitive approach offers guidance for selecting the message in adverts for various product kinds.

The cognitive approach to persuasion explains why it is simpler to persuade those who are feeling happy.

The relationship between individual differences and their impact on persuasion is also explained by the cognitive approach to persuasion.

b) Stress is moderated by anxiety and burnout.

Ans ) Fred Luthans described stress as an adaptive reaction to an outside circumstance that causes physical, psychological, and/or behavioural aberrations in organisational members. According to Ivancevich and Matteson, stress is the result of a person's interactions with their surroundings. It is an adaptive reaction, mediated by personal traits and/or psychological processes, in response to any action, circumstance, or incident outside the person's control that poses unique physical and/or psychological demands on them. According to Schuler, stress is a dynamic circumstance in which a person is presented with a chance, restriction, or demand that is related to what they want and for which the outcome is seen as being both unclear and crucial.

When a person has needs, desires, wishes, and expectations, and certain forces make it impossible for them to fulfil those needs, desires, wishes, and expectations, stress is the result. Anxiety and stress are not the same things. The emotions brought on by the interactions of environmental cues lead to anxiety. It is limited to the psychological discomfort as a result. On the other hand, stress results from psychological tensions and gradually deteriorates the body or biological system. While anxiety often goes hand in hand with stress, this is not always the case.

In a similar vein, stress and burnout are two distinct ideas. Long-term stress causes burnout. It is a mental state. It happens as a result of ongoing emotional stress. Physical, mental, and emotional tiredness are all experienced by the person. Emotional weariness, depersonalization, and decreased sense of personal accomplishment are characteristics of job burnout. The so-called helping professions like nursing, education, and social work are also strongly linked to burnout.

c) Job design is a continuous process.

Ans ) The goal of job design is to improve the balance between human effort and job. The process of job design is influenced by a number of variables. The influence of these factors is explained using a variety of models. Let's become familiar with certain key models.

Task Characteristics Theory: The Turner and Lawrence research produced the Task Characteristics theory.

Job Characteristics Model: Hackman and Oldham proposed the job characteristics model, which was based on the ground-breaking work of Turner and Lawrence.

Motivating Potential Score Model: Using the job characteristics model as a foundation, the Motivating Potential Score Model was created. According to the model, the three potential scores on the three main job characteristics dimensions have an additive effect.

Social Information Processing Model: People are a component of society. They naturally want to connect with and be a part of groups.

Socio Technical Model: Employee importance in organisations was emphasised by the socio-technical model. They should be provided with a high-quality work environment.

Contingency Model: To describe how job design affects performance and satisfaction, a contingency model of job design was created.

Employee Development Model: Organizational development is seen to be achievable with personnel development in modern organisations. Employees were viewed as valuable human resources.

Integrative Job Design Model: Integrative models of work design took into account that it is dynamic. The goal of job design is to make work exciting and enjoyable for employees.

d) Culture is the social glue that helps hold the organisation together.

Ans ) Organizational culture serves the following three fundamental purposes

It gives members a sense of identity.

This strengthens adherence to the organization's mission.

It makes behaviour rules clearer and reinforces them.

Child has clarified that one of an organization's strategic control tools is culture. He claims that cultural control benefits four areas:

Strengthening of identification with management objectives.

Creation of semi-autonomous working environments with few formal controls.

Placing a high priority on employee selection, training, and development

Having a climate that prioritises rewards for job security and professional advancement

There is, however, another side to the storey. Even though organisational culture can be a strength, it can also occasionally become a weakness. Strong cultural ties might have negative consequences on an organization's ability to function. The following are some of the obstacles a strong organisational culture, in particular, might create:

Barrier to Change : When dealing with a stable environment, an organisation benefits from consistency of behaviour. However, it could weigh down the organisation and make it challenging to react to environmental changes.

Barrier to Diversity : People from varied cultural backgrounds can bring a variety of strengths to the workplace, especially in multicultural organisations. However, in strong organisational cultures where there is a significant drive for conformity, these different skills and behaviours are likely to decline. Once more, organisational culture can be a liability if it fosters institutional bias or maintains an indifferent attitude toward those with diverse cultural backgrounds.

Barrier to Acquisition and Merger : There is a significant degree of cultural fusion during acquisition and merger. When two or more businesses with different organisational cultures join, everyone involved must develop a distinctive culture for the newly formed company. However, if one or more partners have a very strong culture, it could have a detrimental impact on the entire acquisition and merger experience.

Q. 4 Difference between the following: (20)

a) Classical and neo-classical theory of management

Ans ) Following are the major points of distinction between Classical Theory and Neo-classical Theory:

In Classical Theory, it is the difference in the technology that determines the position of trade. It is the technological difference between two trading countries as reflected in their respective labour productivity ratio, which form the basis of trade. Classical theory does not consider how much labour (a factor) each country has. In contrast to Classical Theory, Neoclassical Theory, it is the difference in the factor endowments that determine the pattern of trade. It is the difference in relative factor endowment between two trading countries which form the basis of trade.

The Classical Theory has an assumption that production in all the countries is subject to constant returns to scale. But Neoclassical Theory has released the assumption of constant returns to scale in order to allow for decreasing return to scale.

The Classical Theory believes that two countries differ in technology to produce the goods. Neoclassical Theory believes that two countries have the same technologies to produce goods.

The Classical Theory believes that labour is the only source of value of goods produced in the economy in contrast to Classical Theory. The Neo-classical Theory assumes that there are at least two factors of production labour and capital which are used in the production of goods. Two countries differ only in respect of relative factor endowments: one country being relatively labour-abundant and the other relatively capital-abundant. A country exports those goods that use intensively, its relatively abundant factor of production.

b) Classical conditioning and operant conditioning

Ans ) Difference between Classical conditioning and operant conditioning is as follows:

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d) Evolutionary and Revolutionary strategies of change

Ans ) Difference between Evolutionary and Revolutionary strategies of change is as follows:

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Q. 5 Write short notes on the following: (20)

a) Resistance to Change

Ans ) An attitude or behaviour that demonstrates opposition to a particular change is known as resistance to change. For change to be successful, it must be overcome. Resistance to change can occasionally act as a signal to revaluate the change that is being proposed. Thus, resistance to change can also work in the organization's favour.

The key to overcoming resistance constructively is to take into account the issues brought up, make the necessary adjustments, and inform the staff of the suggested change. The types of resistance include overt, tacit, instantaneous, and varied. When it is overt and urgent, management can deal with such opposition right away by taking corrective action. Implicit resistance can lead to diminished commitment, diminished drive, more errors, more absences, etc. Over time, opposition that is equally varied poses challenges for management, especially when significant resources have already been used on implementing the change. Change resistance can come from the organisation, the individual, or both.

b) Work Related Attitudes

Ans ) Numerous attitudes are covered in the field of psychology. Concerned with attitudes and behaviours relating to the workplace is organisational behaviour. Three work-related attitudes, in particular, have a big impact on the organisation.

Job Satisfaction : Job satisfaction refers to the many viewpoints people have about their work. It consists of people's cognitive, emotive, and evaluative responses to their work.

Job Involvement: It reveals how much people identify with their jobs and whether the results of their labour are linked to their sense of worth.

Organisational Commitment : It illustrates how people feel about the organisations they work for. It is a mindset that expresses how much people connect with, are involved in, and are unwilling to quit their organisations.

Organizations should make an effort to regularly assess employee attitudes at work so that proactive remedial action can be made to ensure desired behaviour there.

c) Group Cohesiveness

Ans ) Many people wonder what the team cohesion means. Group cohesiveness/Team Cohesiveness also known as Social cohesion is a degree of unity of any group. Team cohesiveness is a degree to which group members are attracted or motivated by each other. Basically, group cohesiveness is the closeness amongst the group members. It is seen that members of a highly cohesive group develop some common characteristics:

Everyone respects each other

They are fully committed to the decision made by the group.

There is good accountability amongst members.

These are some of the positive impacts of team cohesiveness that increases the overall performance of any group. Organizations consider employees as an asset because the organization is dependent on the people working there. As more and more people are involved in the complex functioning of the company, an organization faces the problem of group cohesiveness and its impact on the overall productivity of the organization as well as the in-office harmony.

If the company wants to achieve the organizational goals it is important that managers encourage all the employees to bond with their team members so that the complete team can work together towards achieving the goal. It is very important that there is a healthy conversation and relation between the team members to work efficiently. Instead of focusing on the competition, it is important that people focus on achieving the goals so that there is no unnecessary tension between the groups.

d) Barriers to Communication

Ans ) Communication Barriers are follows:

Psychological Barriers

The psychological condition of the receiver will power how the message is received. Stress management is a significant personal skill that affects our interpersonal relationships. For example, Anger is a psychological barrier to communication. When we are angry, it is simple to say things that we may afterwards regret and also to misunderstand what others are saying. Also, people with low self-esteem may be less self-assured and therefore may not feel comfortable communicating.

Physical Communication Barriers

Communication is usually easier over shorter distances as more communication channels are obtainable, and less technology is obligatory. Although modern technology often serves to decrease the crash of physical barriers, the advantages and disadvantages of each communication channel should be unspoken so that a suitable channel can be used to overcome the physical barriers.

Physiological Barriers

Physiological barriers may affect the receiver’s physical condition. For example, a receiver with condensed hearing may not grab the sum of a spoken conversation, especially if there is significant surroundings noise.

Language Barriers

Language and linguistic aptitude may act as a barrier to communication. However, even when communicating in a similar language, the terms used in a message may act as a barrier if it is not easy to understand by the receiver.

Attitudinal Barriers

Attitudinal barriers are perceptions that stop people from communicating well. Attitudinal barriers to communication may affect from poor management, personality conflicts, and battle to change, or a lack of motivation. Active receivers of messages should challenge to overcome their attitudinal barriers to assist effective communication.

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We also provide additional services such as online tut oring , online study material and online quizz es . Our services are available 24 x 7 and we make sure that your assignments are completed as per your specific requirements .

How to make IGNOU Assignment?

Some IGNOU Assignments/Study Materials/Sapers Reference Materials are Free of Cost So Hurry Up!!! 2022-23

Our AssignmentGURU TEAM Panel of Experts has done the crucial step for you. They have made IGNOU Solved Assignments Reference Materials, Everything You Need for Your Solved Assignments Go to http://shop.ignouassignmentguru.com/

The following steps can be followed to make an IGNOU Solved Assignment:

1. Purchase the IGNOU Solved Assignment:  You can purchase the IGNOU Solved Assignment from  shop.ignouassignmentguru.com

2. Download the Assignment:  After purchasing the Solved Assignment, you will need to download it from the website.

3. Read the Assignment:  After downloading the assignment, you should read it thoroughly and understand the concepts and topics covered in the assignment.

4. Research the Topics:  After understanding the concepts and topics, you should research the topics and gather relevant information from reliable sources.

5. Write the Assignment:  Now you can start writing the assignment. Make sure that you format the assignment according to the guidelines provided by IGNOU.

6. Proofread the Assignment:  After writing the assignment, it is important to proofread it for any errors or mistakes.

7. Submit the Assignment:  Finally, you can submit the assignment to the university.

Read more: https://www.ignouassignmentguru.com/how-to-make-ignou-solved-assignment/

How to get good marks in ignou assignment.

  • Read the instructions carefully : Before you start writing your Ign ou assignment , read the instructions and the marking scheme carefully . This will give you an idea of what you need to include in your assignment and how you can score marks .
  • Research thoroughly : Ign ou assignments require extensive research . Make sure you read a lot of material and collect enough information to write an effective assignment .
  • Use simple language : Avoid complex language and stick to simple words . This will make your assignment easier to understand and your points will be better articulated .
  • Structure your assignment : Structure your assignment properly by dividing it into sections and subsections . This will help you present your ideas in a better manner .
  • Check for errors : After writing your assignment , read it carefully and check for any spelling or gram matical errors . This will help you score more marks .
  • Follow the guidelines : Make sure that you follow the guidelines provided by Ign ou , such as the word limit and the format . This will ensure that you do not lose any marks .


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  • IGNOU MCom F&T Solved assignment 2022-23

IGNOU MCom F&T Solved Assignment 2022-23 Are you a student of IGNOU MCom F&T Course Looking to complete your IGNOU MCom F&T   Solved assignment 2022-23 PDF? Look no further This is The Right Place to Get IGNOU Master of Commerce in Finance & Taxation Solved assigment.Get better grades with our assignments! ensuring that our MCom F&T solved assignments 2022-23 meet the highest standards of quality and accuracy.We will help all candidates to prepare the correct assignments which they need to submit at IGNOU Study center

Download Link of Solved PDF  MCom BP & CG , M.Com ( MA & FS), Mcom F&T:


International Business Environment


International Marketing Management


 International Business Finance


 Organisation Theory and Behaviour


 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis


 Business Environment


Accounting for Managerial Decisions


 Marketing Management


Are you worried about completing your IGNOU MCom F&T   Solved Assignment 2022-23 academic year? Does the thought of researching and writing high-quality, insightful responses feel overwhelming? Well, we have a solution for you!Our team of academic experts has worked diligently to provide comprehensive solutions for IGNOU MCom F&T  assignment across all subjects. We’re offering you the opportunity to purchase these ready-made, solved assignments that will not only save you time but also ensure that you achieve the best possible grades!

Why choose our IGNOU Mcom F&T solved assignment 2022-23?

✅ Expertly Crafted: Our solved assignments are prepared by a team of experienced professionals who understand IGNOU’s curriculum and grading criteria.

✅ High-Quality Content: We ensure that our assignments offer insightful, well-researched, and high-quality content that adheres to IGNOU’s standards.

✅ Custom Solutions: We understand that each course has unique requirements. Our assignments cater to these specifics to ensure you get a tailor-made solution.

✅ Saves Time: Our solved assignments save you the effort of having to research and compile answers on your own, giving you more time to focus on studying for your exams.

✅ Value for Money: We offer these comprehensive solved assignments at affordable prices, providing value for your investment.

Don’t let assignment stress keep you from achieving your academic goals! Purchase our IGNOU MCom F&T Assignment now and stride towards a successful academic year with confidence.

IGNOU MCom F&T Solved Assignment Writing Guidelines

  • Question Presentation : Begin by writing down the question, followed by the answer.
  • Color Coordination : Use black ink for the question and blue ink for the answer. Alternatively, this order can be reversed.
  • Each answer should span between 2 to 5 pages.
  • Ensure a 4cm margin on the left side of every page.
  • Avoid essay-style answers. Instead, structure your answers in a manner that facilitates easy comprehension for the evaluator.
  • Construct answers with clear logical progression.
  • Maintain clarity and continuity between sentences and paragraphs.
  • Ensure correctness in your writing.
  • Pay attention to your expression, style, and overall presentation.
  • Word Limit : Do not exceed the word limit specified in the question.
  • Base your answers on the provided study materials.
  • Avoid copying directly from the textbooks. Read, comprehend, and then present the content in your own words.

Following these guidelines will ensure that your assignments are well-prepared and meet the expectations of the IGNOU evaluators.

HOW TO MAKE IGNOU Assignment Front Page

 IGNOU Assignment Front Page:- Here you can download the assignment front page format in word & PDF download. You can easily download the assignment design file and edit it as per your need. You can also find these files in your Microsoft Office. Instructions to design your IGNOU Assignment Cover page The first page of the assignment is very important. It must be  attractive and at the same time, it must follow the format prescribed by the University. Here are some guidelines that will help you to make your first page of the assignment flawless exactly like the format issued by the University on its official website.  The first page must include the following information.

  • Roll number
  • Assignment number
  • Name of the course
  • Study Centre
  • Date of submission
  • Phone Number
  • Your Signature

The assignment must be presented on an  A4 size sheet . And it must be handwritten by the students in any course. The answers can be written on both sides of the paper. While writing the answers the students can only write the question number rather than writing the whole question. But it is best to write the whole question so that the understanding is better.

Note :-  You can not submit Printed or Typed assignments. IGNOU only accepts Handwritten assignments.

IGNOU Assignment Cover Page LInk

Click them to view :

Also, Check for-IGNOU Solved Assignment Free in PDf

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Also, Check for for – IGNOU Help books | Guide Books

Also, Check for for-IGNOU Hard Copy Assignment

Take charge of your academic journey and embrace success with our Solved IGNOU Assignments.  today and make the most of this invaluable resource. For any queries or further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us through the contact information provided on our website.

FAQs Related to IGNOU Assignment Front Page Format

Q1. is it necessary to use a printed ignou assignment front page .

Ans:- No, You can use handwritten IGNOU Assignment front page format. But, You need to make the Assignment front page in the prescribed format by IGNOU and it should contain all the information.

Q2. Can I use the Handwritten IGNOU Assignment front page format?

Ans:- Yes, But you need to make it neat and clean. also, Assignment Cover page should be in the prescribed format by IGNOU and should contain all the information

Q3. What are the required details to fill in IGNOU Assignment FrontPage?

Ans:- These details should be present on your assignment front page

Q4. Which Paper should be used for IGNOU Assignments?

Ans:- You should use A4 Sheets for your assignments

Q5. Can I submit typed and printed assignments?

Ans:- No, only Handwritten assignments are accepted by IGNOU. Visit ignouassignments.in for the Assignment, Previous year’s question papers, Exam details, Notifications, and many more. If you need more question papers or assignments comment down.

Ignou Synopsis Logo


As the academic year for IGNOU MCOM solved assignment 2022 23 is running, students are getting ready to take on the challenges of the program. With the curriculum being comprehensive and challenging, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the concepts taught in each subject. One way to ensure this is by doing assignments that test your knowledge and understanding of the subject.

MCOM Solved Assignment Help Services of 2022 23 For January Session

IGNOU MCOM assignments provide an excellent opportunity for students to gain insights into key concepts, theories, and practical applications. However, these assignments can be time-consuming and challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with the format.

A number of the students often look for proper service to buy IGNOU MCOM Solved Assignment 2022 23 online in India. However, they might are not able to find out a trusted service from where they are able to avail such help. To get assignment help service, you should be alert to certain things.

There might be many fake assignments writing help providers who are able to insist you for purchasing assignment help service. But, you need to be wise enough before you select such a service.

Why Choose us For Solved Assignment for MCOM

Ignou synopsis is regarded as such assignment help providers that have gained a name on the market. Students from different cities along with countries often are interested to buy IGNOU MCOM solved Assignment from us. Most of them have recommended us with other help seekers in order to buy assignment help service from here. You are able to find out more to understand why it really is safe and smart to choose Ignou synopsis help for purchasing assignments.

Ignou synopsis has lots of unique features which is why they may be thought to be the best to get assignment help service. You should know the characteristics of Ignou synopsis just before choose them to purchase assignment help service.

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The Affordable Price for MCOM Solved Assignment 2022 23

whenever you attempt to you will need to buy assignment help service from anywhere, the very first thing which comes in your head is how reasonable it really is. Once the affordability factor does not match to you, you may need to drop the program for hiring such service. But, whenever you choose us for the mcom assignment help service, there is no need to consider the cost and you will buy affordable assignment help service online.

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If you wish to buy 2022 23 mcom solved assignment help service from Ignou synopsis, you never need to think about the deadline. The writers here work with almost all the time to satisfy your deadline. They understand how important it really is to supply the job in the deadline. Otherwise, it may have negative impact on your grades.

Accessible for 24 hours

From that you may wish to buy assignment help service, it must continually be easily accessible them, right? Therefore, Ignou synopsis has an availability of twenty four hours. You can easily reach us via call, email and online chat service when you need us.

No plagiarism

Our writers will give you 100% original Assignment. If you want to purchase an assignment, you must take care of the fact it’s not copied from anywhere. Whenever you choose Ignou synopsis for the work, you don’t have to think about the plagiarism thing. Each and every sentence is original which is also cross checked from various plagiarism checking tools.

MCOM First Year Solved Assignment For January Session

IBO-001International Business Environment 
IBO-002International Marketing Management 
IBO-003India’s Foreign Trade 
IBO-004Export-Import Procedures & Documentation 
IBO-005International Marketing Logistics 
IBO-006International Business Finance 

MCOM Second Year Solved Assignment For January Session

MCO-001Organization Theory and Behaviour 
MCO-003Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis 
MCO-004Business Environment 
MCO-005 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 
MCO-006International Business Finance
MCO-007Financial Managements 

How To Get IGNOU MCOM Solved Assignment of 2022 23

We don’t believe in online service where student has to put their debit or credit card information and that is the reason we provide IGNOU MCOM solved assignment 2022–23 offline. Any student can contact as at below number or email to get the solved assignment. We prefer sending the soft copy of the solved assignments at student’s given email address.

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If you are seeking out Ignou MCOM F-T solved assignment 2022-23 free of cost download pdf? So this platform is the high-quality platform for Ignou MCOM F-T assignment 2022-23 free of cost Download (PDF). Here we are capable of providing you with the whole statistics about Ignou MCOM F-T solved assignment 2022-23 free of cost Download (PDF).

Program Code: Master of Commerce (Finance & Taxation) [M.Com (F &T)]

Session: July 2022 and January 2023


We Provide a Hard Copy & soft copy (pdf) of the Solved assignment

How To Download IGNOU Solved Assignment?

  • Select your subject code and then click on Download Now.
  • Add your product to the cart and for more assignments repeat the process.
  • After adding your product to the cart, click on View Cart.
  • Review your order and then Update your cart.
  • Click Proceed to checkout.
  • Then fill up your details, click on the checkbox and proceed to pay.
  • Now your Pdf file is ready to download.
  • Download your assignment successfully.

Last Date of Submission

July 2022, it is valid upto June 2023.

January 2023, it is valid upto December 2023.

How might we check our assignment status?

To check the status of the assignment, visit this link to the official website of IGNOU.


Assignment/Project/Practical Submission Status/Checking:

  •  Enter Enrollment No. (9 Digit)*.
  • Enter the Programme Code.
  • By clicking on the submit button, you will get the result on the screen.

How can we get good marks in IGNOU assignments?

To get good marks in IGNOU assignments we should follow the followings methods:

  • The matter (answers) should be ours.
  • Our every answer should be  Unique and not copied from anywhere.
  • We have written all answers in easy and understandable language in assignments.
  • We put all our efforts into writing to make it best, we will check all the assignments after completion.
  • We will follow all rules of  Ignou during the presentation of assignments.
  • All pages of the assignment should be properly arranged and attached to a file.
  • All answers should be written in good handwriting.
  • Proper indentation must be used.
  • Each and every answer should be properly numbered.
  • Only white A4 sheets should be used for preparing assignments.
  • A copy of printed assignments should be attached at the starting of the file along with the assignment code for further reference.

Where to Submit the Ignou Solved Assignment?

Dear All Ignou Students,  According to IGNOU University, you will have to submit these projects at IGNOU Center.  When you will submit your assignment then don’t forget to collect the submission slip, Keep it in mind.

Click on the link for more information.

Visit my website :, kunjpublication.com, ignousolvedassignment.org, any query plz call and whatsapp: 8006184581, note:  handwritten assignment also available.

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ignou mcom solved assignment 2022-23

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  • Post published: August 10, 2024
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we would like to thanks to IGNOU  that  IGNOU  has uploaded the latest assignment question of new session . If you need the latest IGNOU  assignment then  Here we provided…

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