13 Engineering Student Resume Examples for 2024

As hiring managers sift through piles of engineering student resumes, they look for clear signs of technical know-how and hands-on experience. This guide offers resume models that work, backed by job-winning tactics. Learn how to highlight your skills and projects in ways that speak to industry needs—a key for emerging engineers aiming for their first big break.

Portrait of Marie-Caroline Pereira

  • 06 Aug 2024 - 1 new resume template (Renewable Energy Engineering Intern) added
  • 21 Jul 2024 - 1 new section (Highlight your leadership roles) added
  • 05 Jul 2024 - 1 new section (Get an unbiased review of your resume) added

  Next update scheduled for 14 Aug 2024

Here's what we see in strong engineering student resumes.

Metrics That Matter : The best resumes show impact with numbers. You might see project completion rates , budget reductions , process optimization percentages , and energy savings . These show your achievements clearly.

: Include skills you have that are also in the job description. Popular ones are CAD software proficiency , circuit design , thermodynamics knowledge , programming languages , and project management tools .

: You should know the tools used in this field. Resumes often include phrases like experienced with MATLAB or familiar with AutoCAD to show practical tool knowledge.

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Engineering Student Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Get an unbiased review of your resume

Want to know how your engineering resume stands out? Our AI-powered tool simulates how hiring managers in the tech industry evaluate resumes. It checks for key criteria that recruiters look for when hiring engineering students and recent graduates.

Upload your resume now to get a free, instant assessment. You'll receive a clear score and specific feedback on how to improve your resume's impact. This unbiased review will help you understand if your resume effectively showcases your skills to potential employers.

Education section position

As you build your resume, place your education section at the beginning if you are still studying or have recently graduated. This shows your most relevant qualifications up front. As an engineering student or recent grad, your academic background in engineering is a key highlight.

If you have engineering projects or coursework related to the job, mention these early in the education section. This can set you apart, showing hands-on experience and knowledge in your field.

Highlight technical skills

In engineering, technical skills are very important. On your resume, make sure to list relevant technical skills such as programming languages or engineering software you have used. These should be easy to find and read as they are often key in the field.

You might also want to include engineering projects in school or outside that show your ability to apply those skills. These details can help employers see your practical experience in engineering.

Junior Engineer Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

Keep your resume to one page. You should focus on presenting your engineering studies and any relevant projects or internships concisely. Since you are an engineering student, it is likely that you do not have extensive work experience; therefore, a single page should suffice to show your skills and potential value to employers.

Highlight the most important experiences that relate to the engineering job you seek. For instance, if you have worked on significant academic projects or participated in engineering competitions, prioritize these details. It’s essential to show practical skills and knowledge that you've gained that are relevant to the job. Avoid including too much personal history or unrelated work experience. Keeping the content focused and relevant will help you maintain a strong, one-page resume.

Mechanical Engineering Student Resume Sample

Showcase problem-solving examples.

Engineering is about solving problems. On your resume, include examples where you used your skills to find solutions. This could be in projects or team competitions. Such examples can show how you work and what you can bring to an engineering role.

Also, write any time you improved a process or designed something new. These achievements can help you stand out as someone who takes action and creates results in their work as an engineer.

Engineering Student with Specialization in Civil Engineering Resume Sample

Understanding resume screeners.

Your resume may first be read by a software program known as an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before it reaches a human hiring manager. To make sure your resume gets noticed, follow these guidelines:

  • Use clear, standard section headings like 'education,' 'projects,' 'skills,' and 'experience.' For engineering students, include relevant coursework and any engineering projects.
  • Include keywords from the job description. For example, if you are an engineering student, use terms like 'circuit design' or 'CAD software' that match the skills sought by employers.

Engineer-in-training Resume Sample

Match your resume to the job.

You should make your resume fit the job you want. Show skills and experience that match what the job needs. This helps managers see that you are a good fit.

  • Include projects that used engineering skills, like CAD design or thermodynamics, as these align with industry needs.
  • Show you worked in teams, as most engineering jobs need good teamwork.
  • If you're coming from a different field, link your past work to engineering tasks. For instance, if you managed budgets, this shows you can handle project finances.

Systems Engineering Intern Resume Sample

Show achievements, not tasks.

As a hiring manager, I look for what you have achieved, not just what your duties were. Your resume should clearly show the impact you made. For engineering students, this is vital. You want to show how you've applied your knowledge, not just what that knowledge is.

Instead of listing responsibilities like 'Conducted weekly lab tests,' an accomplishment might read:

  • Improved accuracy of weekly lab tests by 15% through a refined measurement technique.

Or, instead of 'Participated in a group project,' you could say:

  • Led a team of five peers to design a solar-powered vehicle that won second place in a university competition, showing teamwork and technical know-how.

Remember, it's about the value you've added, not just the tasks you've completed.

Electrical Engineering Student Co-op Resume Sample

Key skills for engineering resumes.

As an engineering student, it's vital to highlight the technical skills you've gained through your education and any hands-on experience. These skills show employers you have the practical know-how to succeed in the field. Here's a list of skills you might include, depending on the engineering role you're aiming for:

  • 3D Modeling
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Project Management
  • Data Analysis

When you're deciding which skills to include on your resume, focus on those that are most relevant to the job you want. For instance, if you're interested in a career in mechanical design, AutoCAD and 3D Modeling should be at the top of your list. On the other hand, if you’re leaning towards software engineering, emphasize your coding abilities in languages such as Python and C++ .

Most employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes, so it’s important to include these skills in a dedicated section and within the context of your educational projects or internships. This ensures your resume passes through the initial electronic screening. Remember, while it's good to know many skills, you don't need to include all of them. Focus on those that align with the job you're targeting to keep your resume sharp and relevant.

Biomedical Engineering Intern Resume Sample

Highlight your leadership roles.

Showing your leadership skills can make your resume stand out. If you've led a project or a team, even in a small way, it's worth mentioning.

  • In your roles in student engineering groups or teams, have you ever taken the lead on a project? Write down the project name and your specific role.
  • Have you received any awards or recognition for your leadership? Include the name of the award and why you received it.

Don't forget to mention if you were promoted. This could be in any group or job you've been part of. For example, if you started as a member and became the group leader or captain, this is a clear sign of trust and responsibility. Here's how you can show it:

  • Member to Captain, Robotics Club
  • Junior Designer to Project Lead, Civil Engineering Summer Internship

Senior Mechanical Design Engineer Resume Sample

Showcase leadership skills.

As an engineering student looking for your next opportunity, it's vital to show any leadership roles or promotions you've held. This displays growth and the ability to take on more responsibility, which is highly valued across all industries.

Think about projects or groups where you've had a leading role. Did you head a team project in your engineering class? Or maybe you were promoted from a member to a leader in a student organization? These are examples of leadership that you can include on your resume.

  • Led a team of 5 in designing a sustainable energy solution for the annual university engineering competition, resulting in a second-place finish.
  • Elected as project manager for the senior design project, coordinating the efforts of 4 other students over a 9-month period.

Even if you're not sure you've held a formal leadership position, think about times when you've taken the lead. Have you ever guided a study group or been responsible for a major part of a project? Those are also valuable experiences to list.

Engineering Analyst Resume Sample

Quantify engineering impact.

When you share your achievements, using numbers can make a big difference. They show the real impact of your work. For engineering students, this means highlighting the technical and project contributions you've made.

  • Think about any projects where you improved efficiency. Did you help save time? If so, by how much? Mention the percentage of time saved. For example, 'optimized an algorithm to run 20% faster.'
  • Have you worked on a team project? You could talk about the size of the team or the budget you managed. An example could be, 'collaborated with a 5-person team to design a $10,000 solar-powered vehicle.'

Remember, any experience where you can show a measure of your success is valuable. If you've helped reduce costs, include the amount of money saved. Or if your project saw increased performance, note the percentage increase . Even class projects can have these metrics. For instance, 'designed a bridge model that held 150% of the anticipated load.'

  • If you've worked with any industry-related software or tools, quantify how many designs you created or simulations you ran. For example, 'developed 30+ circuit simulations using SPICE.'
  • Did your work lead to a reduction in errors? Mention the decrease in defects or failure rate . An example might be, 'implemented a testing protocol that reduced software bugs by 25% .'

Renewable Energy Engineering Intern Resume Sample

Small companies vs big corporates.

When applying to small companies or startups, highlight your ability to wear multiple hats. Mention experiences where you had to be adaptable and take on diverse tasks. For instance, you can write, 'Led a small team to develop and test a prototype for a new product.'

For larger corporates like Siemens or General Electric, focus on your specialized skills and experiences. Show your proficiency in specific tools or processes. You might include, 'Expert in using AutoCAD for designing complex engineering systems.'

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Quick links

Engineering student, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, resume sample #3, junior engineer, resume sample #4, mechanical engineering student, resume sample #5, engineering student with specialization in civil engineering, resume sample #6, engineer-in-training, resume sample #7, systems engineering intern, resume sample #8, electrical engineering student co-op, resume sample #9, biomedical engineering intern, resume sample #10, senior mechanical design engineer, resume sample #11, engineering analyst, resume sample #12, renewable energy engineering intern, resume sample #13, additional resources, questions get in touch.

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Top 17 Sample Objectives for OJT Resume

Sample Objectives for OJT Resume Page Banner

In order to write an objective statement for OJT resume, you can obtain ideas from a variety of OJT resume objective examples available on the internet.

But keep in mind that a general resume objective doesn’t state the candidate’s goals or enthusiasm to make a career change or suitability for the vacancy, for example:

“Seeking a position in the ‘x’ field.”

A modern method of making an OJT resume objective statement is to combine your career goal with a summary of your skills.

See the examples below in order to get a better idea.

OJT Resume Objective Examples

1. Seeking an OJT position in [specific field]. Eager to apply and enhance my theoretical knowledge and gain practical experience in a real-world work environment while contributing to the success of the employer.

2. Dedicated and motivated individual eager to secure an OJT opportunity in [desired industry]. Poised to contribute to the team by using my skills and knowledge gained through education, internship, and real-life experiences.

3. Aiming to obtain an OJT position in [specific department/role] where I can learn hands-on skills, expand my knowledge, and make a positive impact within the organization.

4. Goal-oriented OJT candidate with strong communication and problem-solving skills, seeking a position that will provide opportunities to develop industry-specific expertise and contribute to organizational success.

5. Ambitious and determined individual looking for an OJT opportunity in [desired field] to gain practical experience, learn from experienced professionals, and contribute to the growth of the company.

6. Hardworking individual seeking an OJT position in [desired field]. Enthusiastic to apply my theoretical knowledge, gain practical experience, and contribute to the success of the organization.

7. Eager to secure an OJT opportunity in [specific industry] to develop essential skills, learn from experienced professionals, and make a meaningful impact in a professional setting.

8. A goal-driven individual seeking an OJT position in [desired role]. Excited to use my skills gained through the classroom, expand my industry knowledge, and contribute to the success of the company.

9. A dedicated and motivated candidate aspiring to obtain an OJT position in [specific department]. Energetic to gain hands-on experience, use my problem-solving abilities, and contribute to the overall success of the team.

10. Enthusiastic individual with a strong passion for [desired field] looking for an OJT opportunity to acquire practical skills, deepen my understanding of industry best practices, and make valuable contributions to the organization.

11. A reliable and enthusiastic mathematics graduate seeking on-the-job training at ABC Company. Eager to utilize my brilliant education to contribute significantly while polishing my skills.

12. Driven high school student eager to get on-the-job training from ABC Company. Bringing a passion to outperform in a team-oriented environment.

13. Responsible college student with real affection for animals seeking On Job Training with a veterinary hospital. Poised to utilize the knowledge gained through education and real-life experiences.

14. To obtain an OJT position with a renowned IT Company. Eager to harmonize with a team of experienced professionals for individual as well as corporate development.

15. Strong desire to obtain a position as an OJT at Kohler. Offering deep insight into handling sociology programs to improve personal, group, and organizational effectiveness.

16. To obtain a position as an OJT at Autocam Corporation, utilizing skills in modern software applications.

17. Seeking On-Job Training in the Customer Service arena. Enthusiastic to obtain an understanding of how to offer the best customer service and to get knowledge of the daily operations of the company.

Related: OJT Cover Letter Sample

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Engineering Internship Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Engineering Internship Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Resume Examples
  • Resume Text Examples

How To Write an Engineering Internship Resume

  • Entry-level
  • Senior-level


Engineering Internship Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

Skyler Thompson (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Santa Maria, San Francisco, CA 12345

A recent graduate in software engineering with entry-level experience, specializing in Python, software development, application design, and communication. Adept at collaborating with diverse teams to achieve project objectives.

Academic Experience

Software Engineering Projects, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA September 2020 – May 2022

  • Developed a GUI application in Python to analyze documents for plagiarism, which included using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and Google Search API to retrieve online articles with matching text
  • Built a JavaScript application to quiz software engineering students on data analytics and machine learning concepts
  • Coordinated with a team of software engineering students to design a bug tracking system to diagnose and resolve issues for software applications automatically

Independent Projects

Independent Programming Project January 2021 – May 2022

  • Programmed four Reddit bots to parse information across various subreddits using Python, which included writing scripts and determining functions
  • Designed an application to monitor and track trends in cryptocurrency pricing using RestAPIs and JavaScript

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Software Engineering University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA September 2018 – May 2022

  • Software Engineering
  • Application Development
  • Software Development

Mina Sayed (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Bridge Street, Boston, MA 12345

An Industrial Engineering Professional with entry-level experience, specializing in quality control, Lean manufacturing, process engineering, and CAD. Adept at identifying opportunities to enhance production efficiency by analyzing complex manufacturing data.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Industrial Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA  September 2018 – May 2022

Industrial Engineering Projects, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA September 2020 – May 2022

  • Identified opportunities to improve production efficiency using Lean manufacturing and implemented value stream mapping to track workflows and processes
  • Gathered manufacturing data in real-time and performed analysis to ensure quality control during the manufacturing process
  • Created engineering drawings, 3D printed key materials, and models using CAD

Work Experience

Shipping & Receiving Team Member, Whole Foods Markets, Boston, MA January 2020 – May 2022

  • Provided support for the shipping department, which included receiving UPS and FedEx shipments, unloading trucks, and delivering food, dairy, and cold storage products to corresponding departments
  • Developed an organizational system for grocery bag inventory which consolidated shipments and enabled other departments to store more products
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Quality Control
  • Process Improvement

Amar Singh (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Windermere Rd., Seattle, WA 12345

A recent graduate with a degree in electrical engineering, specializing in MATLAB, AutoCAD,programmable language controller (PCL), and electrical wiring. Adept at driving the development of innovative technology products to solve real-world problems.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Electrical Engineering University of Washington, Seattle, WA September 2018 – May 2022 GPA: 3.85

Electrical Engineering Projects, University of Washington, Seattle, WA September 2020 – May 2022

  • Built a microcontroller and created an Android application to enable remote control of home appliances, which included defining the UI and enabling bluetooth connectivity
  • Developed and built LED sensors and microcontrollers to reduce unnecessary energy usage within the home by switching lights off and on based on motion
  • Executed a project to build a PIC microcontroller to balance and share load consumption by monitoring power usage within the home

Retail Associate, BestBuy, Seattle, WA January 2021 – May 2022

  • Provided quality service to 20-30 customers on a daily basis, fielded questions regarding electronics, and provided product recommendations based on customer needs
  • Coordinated with a team of retail associates to organize inventory, manage product displays, and drive continuous improvement
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Microcontrollers
  • Product Development

The most important aspect to consider when creating your engineering internship resume is whether or not the skill sets you’re featuring match the internship you’re applying for. As an internship, organizations won’t typically expect you to have hands-on experience. However, showcasing the right qualifications from your academic career can give you a powerful advantage during the application process. In this guide, we’ll evaluate how these resumes work within their specific engineering field in the tips below:

1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your engineering internship qualifications

First impressions determine whether your resume grabs the hiring manager’s attention. A compelling professional profile highlighting key aspects of your engineering background will immediately show you have the qualifications to succeed in the position. Without a robust work history, focus on showcasing technical skills and coursework that demonstrate you’re the ideal candidate for the internship.

Professional Profile - Example #1

Professional profile - example #2, 2. add a compelling section featuring your engineering internship experience.

Many job seekers simply list coursework and skill sets on their resumes when applying for an engineering internship. These are important to include. But they won’t provide the hiring manager with any insight into how you’ve used programming languages and technology throughout your academic history.

The example below is effective because the candidate fills out the page with independent projects they’ve worked on outside of academia in addition to relevant coursework. This will send a clear message to the reader that the job seeker is extremely enthusiastic about software engineering, which can make all the difference in securing the internship.

Software Engineering Projects , University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA | September 2020 – May 2022

  • Developed a graphical user interface (GUI) application in Python to analyze documents for plagiarism, which included using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and Google Search application programming interface (API) to retrieve online articles with matching text
  • Coordinated with a team of software engineering students to design a bug-tracking system to diagnose and resolve issues for software applications automatically

Independent Programming Project | January 2021 – May 2022

3. Include engineering internship-related education and certifications

Employers rely heavily on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to identify candidates who match the needs of their organization. When building your resume, carefully analyze the job posting and integrate appropriate keywords and qualifications that match the position you’re applying for. These key terms will vary greatly depending on your engineering background, so we’ve compiled a list of potential keywords you may encounter during your job hunt:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Application development AutoCAD
Chemical engineering Civil engineering
Continuous improvement Electrical engineering
Electrical wiring Engineering
Feature development Industrial engineering
Lean manufacturing Manufacturing
MATLAB Microcontrollers
Process engineering Product development
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Project management
Python Software design
Software engineering  

4. Make a list of your engineering internship-related skills and proficiencies

If you’re applying for an electrical engineering internship, draw attention to academic projects that showcase your ability to solve real-world problems. In the resume below, the job seeker has featured projects highlighting their ability to build innovative solutions to reduce energy consumption. This is likely to catch the eye of a hiring manager of a company within this space. Identifying how your academic background aligns with the internship is essential for generating traction during your job search.

Electrical Engineering Projects , University of Washington, Seattle, WA | September 2020 – May 2022

  • Built a microcontroller and created an Android application to enable remote control of home appliances, which included defining the user interface (UI) and enabling Bluetooth connectivity
  • Developed and built LED sensors and microcontrollers to reduce unnecessary energy usage within the home by switching lights off and on based on movement
  • Executed a project to build a PLC microcontroller to balance and share load consumption by monitoring power usage for at-home generators

How To Pick the Best Engineering Internship Resume Template

When selecting your template, ensure the hiring manager can easily scan your resume for key skills, qualifications, and coursework. Avoid flashy colors, bulky graphics, or overly decorative fonts, as these visual elements can often distract from your content. Select an elegant, single-column template that allows you to control the flow of information and draw attention to your most relevant academic projects and coursework.

Frequently Asked Questions: Engineering Internship Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for engineering internship resumes -.

It’s easy to find yourself running short on action verbs during the resume writing process. Sometimes, developing alternatives to diversify your language and vocabulary can be challenging, especially when crafting a technical resume. To help keep your content fresh throughout your document, we’ve provided a list of action verbs for engineering intern resumes:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Built
Collaborated Coordinated
Created Delivered
Designed Developed
Diagnosed Enhanced
Evaluated Executed
Identified Implemented
Improved Led
Performed Planned
Provided Supported

How do you align your resume with an engineering internship description? -

Tailoring your resume to the internship you’re pursuing will maximize your chances of landing the interview. Prior to creating your document, you may want to research the company’s mission, goals, and culture. This will give you insights into what specific aspects of your engineering background to showcase on your document.

For example, if the internship is for a software engineering role centered around application development, you’d showcase projects detailing various apps you’ve developed and the languages you used to build them. If you’re seeking an intern position at a manufacturing site, highlight your knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD) and Lean manufacturing techniques. By aligning your resume with the organization’s needs, you’ll be sure to generate traction during your job search.

What is the best engineering internship resume format? -

The best way to format your engineering internship resume is to use a combination resume format. You don’t have the work history for a reverse chronological approach, but it’s best to not only list your technical skills. This format lets you feature your academic projects, coursework, and skills above your professional experience. It’s unlikely that your previous jobs will make a lasting impression on the hiring manager. You can also include extracurricular activities and volunteerism to provide more insights into your professional identity.

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Once you’ve completed your resume, a good way to finish it before sending it to your prospective internship is to add a cover letter. This is an excellent opportunity to speak directly to the hiring manager and explain why you’re a good fit for the internship.

Remember, a cover letter should be fairly succinct. Don’t exceed more than 400 words — 250 to 300 is ideal. For more information and ideas, view our engineering cover letter examples .

Frank headshot

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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data analyst

  • • Successfully completed a project on infrastructure design using AWS, Azure, and GCP, resulting in a 15% efficiency increase.
  • • Developed a Python-based automation tool that reduced manual tasks by 20%.
  • • Collaborated with a team of 5 students to design and implement a secure infrastructure model.

5 Engineering Intern Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your engineering intern resume must demonstrate a solid foundation in technical skills. Highlight any relevant coursework or projects that have prepared you for the role. Do not forget to include your proficiency in engineering software or tools. Experience from prior internships or extracurricular activities can also set you apart.

All resume examples in this guide

sample resume for ojt engineering students


sample resume for ojt engineering students

Resume Guide

This engineering intern resume guide will teach you, how to write an impressive engineering intern resume, how to write a winning engineering intern resume header, engineering intern summary resume example: prove you’re right for the job, engineering intern resume experience: how to highlight it, engineering intern resume education section: what to include in it, how to include projects on your engineering intern resume, which skills do employers look for in an engineering intern resume, other sections to include on your resume, best engineering intern resume: takeaways.

Engineering Intern resume example

You dream of becoming an engineer. You’ve been studying hard, acing your exams, preparing for this day to come.

It’s time to land your first engineering internship, and get the real-world experience you need.

But first, you need to write a winning resume that will set you apart from the list of other candidates.

If you want to intern for the best companies, your resume needs to do three things:

  • Prove your passion for the engineering industry
  • Highlight your educational success
  • Present your skills

What’s the best way to prove you have what it takes?

In this guide, we’re going to show you how to do just that. Follow along, step-by-step, creating your own resume using one of our templates.

Let’s get started.

  • 6 engineering intern examples and samples that prove passion for the industry
  • How to show off your educational highlights and qualifications
  • Ways to show your expertise without having direct experience
  • How to include keywords from the Engineering Intern job description

Looking for related resumes?

  • Engineering
  • Entry Level Mechanical Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer

What’s one of the best ways to learn engineering skills quickly and potentially secure a job after graduation?

Nailing an engineering internship with a great company.

Engineering interns get hands-on experience, applying the concepts they learned in university to real-world projects.

But the only way to land a career-building internship is by writing the perfect resume.

The top engineering intern applicants have resumes that combine both their educational highlights and their proven passion for the engineering industry. We cover all of these points in this guide.

Highlight the courses you’re taking, the grades you’re getting, and the projects you’re working on.

Talk about your knowledge of the technical skills required, and you’re openness to learning more.

Since you’re just starting out, recruiters won’t expect that you know the ins and outs of engineering just yet, but they do want to see that you have the soft skills necessary to excel.

Do you work well with people?

Do you have direct experience working in groups to prove this point?

Are you doing anything engineering-related in your personal time that shows your passion for the industry?

For example, if you’re studying to become a software engineer, have you made any apps, games or open-source projects in your spare time?

Most importantly, tailor your Engineering Intern resume to the job’s industry and to the job posting itself.

Are they in the automobile industry?

Or do they need someone with a working knowledge of Python and C++?

Are they only hiring candidates pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering?

Take note of these details and make them the focus of your Engineering Intern resume.

How to choose the right engineering intern resume layout

What format should you use for your engineering intern resume?

Since you don’t have experience to show yet, you want your resume to highlight your education and skills.

The best format to achieve this goal is the functional resume layout. This format places the focus on your skills and abilities, rather than on work experience.

Here's what a recruiter will look for in your engineering intern resume

  • Are you studying a relevant degree?
  • Have you worked on any personal projects, such as open-source software?
  • What soft skills do you have, and how have you practiced these in the past?
  • What are your long-term career aspirations?

The most important sections of an engineering intern resume

  • Resume header that grabs the recruiter’s attention
  • Summary that highlights your knowledge
  • Education section that details your degree and coursework
  • Technical and soft skills - both are required

All of these Engineering Intern resume sections should prove to the recruiter that you have a genuine interest in engineering and the basic skills needed to excel in the role.

For more information on the best resume formats, read our guide: The Best Resume Formats You Need to Consider (5+ Examples Included) .

Let’s start with the top of the resume - the header.

You found the perfect engineering internship that you want to apply for. It’s time to create an impressive resume, starting with the header.

Here’s a basic header that most people start with:

This is fine… but it only includes the bare minimum.

Your header is your opportunity to make a great first impression with the hiring manager.

To stand out against other candidates, you should include links where the hiring manager can learn more about you. For example, you can input your LinkedIn profile. If you’re a software engineer, adding your Github profile where your projects are displayed is another bonus.

Let’s take a look at an example of a more compelling resume header.

Not only does this example include the university name, but it also lists the URLs of the candidate’s LinkedIn and Github profiles.

If you want more ideas for stand-out resume headers, read through our guide Perfecting Your Resume Header so You Get Noticed .

An Engineering Intern resume should prove that you have both the basic technical knowledge to succeed, while also being open to learning more.

Since you’re just starting out with an internship, you won’t be expected to have years of engineering expertise, but you do need to show that you’re studying relevant courses.

Hiring managers also place a huge emphasis on soft skills, such as being open to learning and being able to work in teams, since these are the goals of completing an internship.

Use the keywords in the job description to get an idea of what they expect from the ideal candidate, and mirror that language in your resume summary.

Let’s walk through two resume summary examples. The first one is what most candidates start out with, but it needs some work. Here’s why.

This summary will not land you an interview. Why not?

  • There’s no mention of what kind of engineer you’re training to be.
  • It’s not personalized to the specific internship you’re applying for.
  • It doesn’t say anything about how you are the ideal candidate over other people.

Here’s an example of a summary that will get you noticed:

Now this is a summary done well. It includes all the main points, including:

  • A detailed description of who you are (incl. year of study, degree name and university name)
  • Highlights your background experience working in a team dynamic on engineering projects
  • Personally mentions the internship you’re applying for and lists why you are the perfect candidate for the role

Highlight both your technical engineering skills and your soft skills, such as your eagerness to learn and your ability to work with a team. Hiring managers pick well-rounded candidates for top internship placements.

For more tips on crafting an attention-grabbing resume summary, check out our guide Resume Summary: How-To Guide (30+ Examples You Need To See) .

If you’re looking to craft a compelling resume objective instead, read our writing tips at 10 Resume Objective Examples You Need to Steal (How-to-Guide) .

After you have your summary written, it’s time to move onto improving the experience section of your engineering intern resume.

Emphasize two main points when writing about your engineering experience: your problem-solving skills and your ability to work closely with a team.

Problem-solving is the biggest part of your job as an engineer.

You need to identify opportunities for improvement in current processes, and then work with a team to solve for them.

In an internship, you will be working closely alongside other people.

You’ll be following instructions from directors, working with project managers, and collaborating with your fellow interns.

You must have strong communication skills as an intern, and you must be able to work in a team dynamic.

How do you prove you have what it takes to be a successful intern that the team can count on?

Show off the success of your past projects and highlight any relevant team experience you have.

We’ll compare a few engineering intern resume examples for what works and what falls flat in the experience section.

Here’s a handy checklist to run through when writing the summary for every former project or role you were involved in:

  • What was the goal of the project you completed?
  • What were the quantitative results of your work?
  • How did you collaborate with a team to achieve your results?

Here’s an example of an experience section that doesn’t hit the mark.

  • • Measured materials for compatibility
  • • Completed professional research
  • • Worked with a team to produce findings

This description of the candidate’s research experience covers the basics, but there’s no details about how many people they worked with, the purpose of their research, and the soft skills they practiced.

  • • Collaborated with a team of 5+ students and 2 faculty members
  • • Tested the biocompatibility of 100+ nanomaterials
  • • Complied with professional research practices
  • • Ensured legal, health and safety guidelines were maintained

This example displays real figures to show the magnitude of their research and how many people were on their team.

They also highlight their soft skills and their ability to comply with regulations, which is an essential factor of engineering success.

For more ideas on how to create an actionable resume experience section, check out our guide How to Describe Your Resume Work Experience .

Since you’re currently a student or a recent graduate, the education section of your resume is the most important part to get right.

You don’t have the experience yet to boast about. You don’t yet have a track record of excellent results spanning over years.

Your biggest asset to highlight is your educational background.

Here are the five things you should include in your education section:

  • The name of your university
  • The degree you are currently studying or have gotten
  • The date range of your studying
  • Notable projects or coursework completed

Including the name of your university, the degree you’re studying and the data range covers the essentials. Adding in your GPA will prove your success with your coursework.

Going above and beyond, adding in notable projects or coursework completed will show the recruiter how you can work hands-on with engineering, solving real-life problems and producing great results.

Let’s talk more in-depth about adding your projects to your resume in the next section.

Talk about the projects you completed as part of your coursework to prove to the recruiter that you have the skill-set to work on real engineering problems.

Browse more essential tips on how to feature education on your resume, in our guide Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume .

Passion projects and university projects show the hiring manager that you have the skills, dedication and competence to solve engineering issues.

Whether you’re a software engineer building apps in your free time or a chemical engineer solving complex issues with dangerous chemicals at university, these are all impressive talking points for your resume.

While they can’t replace an engineering university degree, they do make a positive impact on your resume, since they show dedication to your industry.

Always list the certifications mentioned or required in a structural engineer job description first. Then, include other certifications you have.

When listing your projects, include a brief description of what you did and the impact of your results.

Include any relevant links if applicable (such as your Github profile for open-source projects).

The recruiter will appreciate seeing you go the extra mile, boosting your chances of getting selected.

Hiring managers are looking to see that you learned relevant technical concepts in your education.

They also want to see that you have the necessary soft skills to excel in an engineering role, working with a company.

To check both these boxes, you should list a mix of both technical and soft skills in your resume.

Depending on what kind of engineer you aspire to be, you should include technical skills that you have an understanding.

For example, if you’re a structural engineer, you should know how to do structure inspections and site visits .

If you’re a software engineer, your technical skills will be knowing different types of software and programming languages like Python and C++.

Aside from these technical skills, a huge component of being a reliable engineering intern is your ability to learn quickly, work with a team, and communicate your findings.

Since you’ll be working closely with the entire engineering team and the rest of the company staff, practicing your soft skills will go a long way in your career.

Tasks like producing helpful reports, problem-solving, managing budgets, and communicating issues during meetings are extremely important for the job.

Here is a complete list of both technical and soft skills to add to your resume.

We included technical skills from various types of engineering, so pick and choose the ones most relevant to you.

16 technical skills to include on an engineering intern resume

  • AutoDesk Revit
  • CAD drafting
  • Structure inspections
  • Specification writing
  • Site visits
  • Software development
  • Biochemistry
  • Proteotomics
  • Machining and fabrication
  • Geometric, Dimension & Tolerancing
  • Engineering Product Data Management Software

11 soft skills to include on an engineering intern resume

  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Project management
  • Mathematics
  • Communication skills (written & spoken)
  • Analytical skills
  • Working with a team
  • Commercial awareness
  • Client liaison
  • Producing reports

As a software engineering intern, you’ll spend a ton of time learning to write better code and level up your technical skills. However, great coding skills are only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to becoming a great software engineer. Communication skills are equally important. As such, you should spend part of your time thinking about how to become a great communicator in addition to a great coder.

Jonathan Maltz, Software Engineer at Yelp

Are you still not sure what skills will win recruiters over? Check out our guide on How to Create A Resume Skills Section To Impress Recruiters (+10 Examples You Need to See) .

Depending on the company, job seniority level and your location, you may want to include more sections to your Engineering Intern resume:

  • Language skills
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Volunteer work
  • LinkedIn on Resume
  • Certifications
  • Use a functional resume format to highlight your education more than your experience
  • Include descriptions of your passion projects and university projects
  • Prove you have the soft skills necessary to ace the internship
  • Note the keywords used in the job description and use them in your resume text

engineering intern resume example

Looking to build your own Engineering Intern resume?

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sample resume for ojt engineering students

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3 Engineering Student Resume Examples Proven to Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

Engineering Student Resume

Elegant engineering student resume, clean engineering student resume.

  • Engineering Student Resume Writing 101

As an engineering student, you’re well on your way to starting a highly coveted career. You’re an excellent problem-solver and you know how to think outside the box, allowing you to tackle complex engineering projects.

You’re no stranger to AutoCAD and you’ve studied your fair share of blueprints, but your on-the-job experience might still be limited. That’s why writing a great cover letter and an effective resume might seem daunting, but don’t worry—we’re here to help.

Check out our engineering student resume examples and tips. Select one of our professional resume templates and help jumpstart your career!

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Engineering student resume example with 7+ years experience

Related resume examples

  • Engineering manager
  • Civil engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Engineering

What Matters Most: Your Knowledge of Engineering & Personal Projects

Your resume skills and work experience

Even though you’re still in college, you’ve already had the chance to hone your skills and learn the foundations of engineering. From prototyping to structural analysis and material science, you’re prepared to tackle your first engineering projects in a professional setting.

You’re not just well-versed in theory crafting, though. You’ve spent countless hours mastering various engineering software, be it SolidWorks or ANSYS. You may have even dipped your toes in programming, using Python to implement machine learning algorithms.

What do all of those job skills have in common? That’s right—they’re all highly technical, which is what you should focus on in your resume. Talk about the software and platforms you’re familiar with, such as Matlab, but also engineering-specific knowledge like thermodynamics.

9 best engineering student skills

  • Electrical Systems

Sample engineering student work experience bullet points

You’re still a student, so this part of your resume might seem intimidating. Seeing this section, you might be asking yourself, “Work experience? What work experience?”

If that’s you, trust us—you have much more work experience than you might think. Employers don’t expect current students to have a robust background in engineering. Instead, it’s more important that you highlight your projects, internships, and coursework that you’ve participated in during college.

Don’t just mention your projects by name, though. Instead, get specific and add metrics that show the outcomes you were able to achieve. For example, talk about how you developed a Matlab simulation that accurately predicted structural stress with 98% accuracy.

Here are a few ideas for your resume:

  • Designed an energy monitoring interface using Python, allowing real-time tracking of energy consumption, reducing wastage by 27%
  • Utilized AutoCAD to create schematics for sensor placement and optimize the smart home layout, which enhanced energy efficiency by 32%
  • Created 3D models of mechanical parts for a research project, improving design accuracy and efficiency by 30% with SolidWorks
  • Led a team of 5 in designing a solar-powered vehicle using SolidWorks, achieving a top 3 finish in a national competition

Top 5 Tips for Your Engineering Student Resume

  • You may not have much professional experience , but your technical skills are nothing to turn your nose up at. Highlight them to impress recruiters, including platforms like Matlab and GitHub, engineering principles such as electrical grids or robotics, and relevant software like Simulink.
  • Internships and entry-level roles are highly competitive in the engineering field. To stand out, study the job description for each role and adjust your resume to match it as closely as possible.
  • You’re an engineering student, so don’t be afraid to dream big! Employers often appreciate seeing career objectives in entry-level resumes, giving them a glimpse into the career path you’re planning for. And make sure to mention the company you’re applying to by name.
  • You’ve already worked on engineering projects, be it as part of your coursework, extracurriculars, or passion projects. Mention this hands-on experience to elevate your resume, such as discussing a robotics project where you programmed the robot using Python.
  • Engineering requires a lot of study, but if you’ve found the time to learn more outside of college, include this in your resume. Talk about workshops, seminars, and courses, especially those involving emerging technologies like machine learning or IoT.

It’s better to focus on your technical skills , such as LabVIEW or 3D printing, in your engineering student resume. Your soft skills will get their time in the spotlight during the interview.

Adding a personal website or a GitHub repository can give recruiters a better idea of how you’ve put your skills to good use. Include any and all projects you’ve worked on, and mention the specific technologies you leveraged to complete them.

If your resume is looking a little bit bare, it doesn’t hurt to add some hobbies & interests ! Try to make them relevant to the job, though, such as PC building, programming, or robotics.

Create my free resume now

Resume Sample for OJT Students in the Philippines

The good thing about applying for an internship is that you’re not expected to have work experience. Still, your OJT resume should be a cut above the rest, so you’ll be accepted by the company you hope would hire you as an employee in the future.

Here’s one good example of an internship resume of a college student who seeks an OJT as a graphic designer:

resume sample philippines 11

This is an outstanding and very coherent resume from top to bottom. Everything written on it is very much relevant to the competencies and traits required of graphic designers.

The resume header has links to the candidate’s LinkedIn profile and personal website. Potential employers will find them useful in checking her graphic design abilities.

The OJT resume is also sprinkled with important keywords like “detail-oriented” and “completing projects on spec and on deadline.” The education section mentions extra-curricular activities related to the student’s layout and design experience in her school publications.

Even though her work experience has nothing to do with graphic design, the candidate found a way to relate it to the field. She highlights her ability to create “visually stunning” cake designs and provide “cheerful, courteous” customer service—both of which are important skills for graphic designers.

Go back to the main article: How to Write a Resume in the Philippines (with Samples, Formats, and Templates)

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Engineering Internship resume examples for 2024

A strong engineering internship resume should highlight both technical and soft skills. Employers look for fluency in coding languages such as Python and C+ as well as familiarity with software like SolidWorks. Data collection and analysis are also highly valued. According to Ned Nielsen, Professor of Engineering Design at Hope College, "Employers are looking for engineering graduates who have had an internship and who have some type of international experience. Since not many engineering graduates have international experience, those who do are highly sought after." On the soft skills side, excellent communication, public speaking, and presentation skills are key.


Engineering Internship resume example

How to format your engineering internship resume:.

  • Use the same job title on your resume as the engineering internship position you're applying for,
  • Highlight achievements instead of responsibilities in your work experience section,
  • Aim to fit your resume on one page, prioritizing relevant information for engineering internships.

Choose from 10+ customizable engineering internship resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use engineering internship resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your engineering internship resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Engineering Internship Resume

Engineering Internship resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your engineering internship resume.

Engineering Internship Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Dhruv Johnson

[email protected] | 333-111-2222 | www.linkedin.com/in/dhruv-johnson

2. Add relevant education to your engineering internship resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Engineering Internship Education

Engineering Internship Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Some College Courses In Mechanical Engineering 2019 - 2021

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Engineering Internship Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Bachelor's Degree In Electrical Engineering 2015 - 2018

Pennsylvania State University Main, PA

3. Next, create an engineering internship skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an engineering internship resume

Engineering interns are entry-level employees, often students, who assist engineering teams gain practical experience in their profession and perform basic engineering tasks, such as reviewing less complex plans, performing basic engineering calculations, ensuring the safety of the system, assisting with launch operations, completing data analysis, execution of tasks assigned by engineers, writing of permits, the performance of computer modeling and inspection of parts of an engineering project. The responsibilities of an engineering intern are limited and most employers consider gaining experience the most important part of their job.

Python is a widely-known programming language. It is an object-oriented and all-purpose, coding language that can be used for software development as well as web development.

C++ is a general-purpose programming language that is used to create high-performing applications. It was invented as an extension to the C language. C++ lets the programmer have a high level of domination over memory and system resources. C++ is an object-oriented language that helps you implement real-time issues based on different data functions

Java is a widely-known programming language that was invented in 1995 and is owned by Oracle. It is a server-side language that was created to let app developers "write once, run anywhere". It is easy and simple to learn and use and is powerful, fast, and secure. This object-oriented programming language lets the code be reused that automatically lowers the development cost. Java is specially used for android apps, web and application servers, games, database connections, etc. This programming language is closely related to C++ making it easier for the users to switch between the two.

Linux is a Unix-like operating system. Just like Windows, Mac OS, and IOS, Linux is an operating system used by millions across the globe. Android itself is powered by the Linux operating system. Linux manages all the hardware resources that are associated with your computer. The software is famous because of the protection it grants from viruses, malware, and crashes. The Linux operating system is entirely free and is an open-source software meaning it can be altered by those equipped with the knowledge to code.

Data collection means to analyze and collect all the necessary information. It helps in carrying out research and in storing important and necessary information. The most important goal of data collection is to gather the information that is rich and accurate for statistical analysis.

Windows is a chain of operating systems that controls a computer and is developed by Microsoft. Every version of Windows consists of GUI (graphical user interface), with a desktop that allows the user to open their files.

Top Skills for an Engineering Internship

  • Engineering Intern , 14.8%
  • Python , 10.3%
  • Java , 5.3%
  • Other Skills , 63.0%

4. List your engineering internship experience

The most important part of any resume for an engineering internship is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of engineering interns" and "Managed a team of 6 engineering interns over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

What experience really stands out on Engineering Internship resumes?

Ned Nielsen

Professor of Engineering Design , Hope College

5. Highlight engineering internship certifications on your resume

Specific engineering internship certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your engineering internship resume:

  • Engineer In Training Certification (EIT)
  • Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Certified Audio Engineer (CEA)
  • Certified Chemical Engineer (CCE)
  • Petroleum Engineering Certification (PEC)
  • Six Sigma Yellow Belt
  • Engineering Management Certification Fundamentals (EMCF)
  • Certified Agile Developer (CAD)
  • Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
  • Professional Engineering Manager (PEM)

6. Finally, add an engineering internship resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your engineering internship resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common engineering internship resume skills

  • Engineering Intern
  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Data Collection
  • Strong Analytical
  • Engineering Drawings
  • Product Development
  • Test Procedures
  • Process Improvement
  • Test Results
  • Engineering Support
  • Test Equipment
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Cost Estimates
  • Construction Projects
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Aided Design
  • Geotechnical
  • Technical Reports

Engineering Internship Jobs

Links to help optimize your engineering internship resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Engineering Internship resume FAQs

How do i write a cv for an engineering internship, how do engineer students make resumes, what should an engineering internship resume include, search for engineering internship jobs.

Updated June 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Engineering Internship Related Resumes

  • Civil Engineering Internship Resume
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  • Engineering Supervisor Resume
  • Engineering Trainee Resume
  • Environmental Engineering Internship Resume
  • Industrial Engineering Internship Resume
  • Manufacturing Engineering Internship Resume
  • Mechanical Engineering Internship Resume
  • Process Engineer Internship Resume
  • Product Engineering Internship Resume
  • Project Engineer Internship Resume
  • Software Engineering Internship Resume

Engineering Internship Related Careers

  • Civil Engineering Internship
  • Co-Operations Engineer
  • Design Engineer Internship
  • Electrical Engineer Internship
  • Engineering Aide
  • Engineering Associate
  • Engineering Supervisor
  • Engineering Technician
  • Engineering Trainee
  • Environmental Engineering Internship
  • Industrial Engineering Internship
  • Junior Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineering Internship
  • Mechanical Engineering Internship
  • Process Engineer Internship

Engineering Internship Related Jobs

Engineering internship jobs by location.

  • Engineering Internship Brentwood
  • Engineering Internship Burbank
  • Engineering Internship Cincinnati
  • Engineering Internship Corpus Christi
  • Engineering Internship Culver City
  • Engineering Internship Elk River
  • Engineering Internship Fountain Hills
  • Engineering Internship Glendale
  • Engineering Internship Leisure City
  • Engineering Internship Mack
  • Engineering Internship Mesa
  • Engineering Internship Oyster Bay
  • Engineering Internship Prescott
  • Engineering Internship Sacramento
  • Engineering Internship Spring Valley
  • Zippia Careers
  • Architecture and Engineering Industry
  • Engineering Internship
  • Engineering Internship Resume

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Top 20 Engineering Intern Resume Objective Examples You Can Use

Engineering Intern Resume Objective

If you are writing a resume or CV for an engineering internship position, you have to make the objective statement really powerful to get the recruiter’s attention at first glance.

It is important to have the recruiter or employer to be interested in your resume when they begin to read it because without liking the first statement they read, it will be difficult to get them to go into the resume.

You need to get the recruiter to get into your resume to learn about what you have to offer as an engineering intern with the company.

It is when they are able to know the value that you are bringing to their company that they will give you an invitation for an interview, and that makes your chances of being considered for the engineering internship position brighter.

Starting your engineering intern resume with a highly compelling career objective statement can help win the interest of the recruiter very quickly when they start reading the resume.

So, it is important to learn how to create an effective career objective statement for your engineering intern resume and that’s what this post will help you with.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Make a Great Resume Objective for Engineering Intern Position

To write an outstanding resume objective statement for an engineering intern position, it must be centered on the needs of the employer.

It is easy to fall into error thinking that as an intern you have nothing to offer the employer but to strengthen and acquire new skills.

But this is not true. Everyone, including interns has something to offer the employer

So, in crafting your engineering intern resume objective statement, bear in mind that the employer is not interested in what you are looking to gain from the internship but what you will offer the organization for providing a professional environment for you to apply your classroom knowledge.

Therefore, your resume objective statement must capture and reinforce that you have what it takes to provide benefits to the employer working in the position of engineering intern.

What benefits will an employer seek from an engineering intern?

On a general note, the recruiter is interested in an intern who can communicate effectively, work in a team environment, is open to learning, can adapt to various work tasks in the organization, among other things.

To learn what the recruiter specifically desires from the engineering intern they want to hire, you should see the published job description and requirements, which detail the responsibilities, skills, knowledge, experience, etc. for the position.

For your career objective statement to be effective, you should write it in a manner that shows that you can perform the duties and responsibilities of the engineering intern role and meet the requirements for the job, and can offer something of value to the company in the course of the internship program.

Crafting your engineering intern objective following the approach stated above will definitely get the attention and interest of the recruiter and secure you a chance for an interview.

Do you need to see some good examples of engineering intern resume objectives to learn from? If you do, then see below:

Best 20 Engineering Intern Resume Objective Examples You Can Apply

  • Individual with strong multi-tasking and collaborative skills hopeful for an Engineering Intern position at Skymit Inc. to support the engineering team in developing countermeasures for products not meeting design expectation.
  • Individual with the ability to communicate clearly and provide feedback to other engineers, hopeful to apply engineering know-how in conducting confirmation testing on Interior components seeks the role of Engineering Intern at XYZ Tech Inc.
  • Multi-tasking individual with the willingness to learn and skilled in reading basic electrical schematics and circuit diagrams. Seeking to apply honed knowledge in electrical engineering as an Electrical Engineering Intern with ABC Company.
  • Individual with project management skill and solid electrical engineering background. Interested in the position of Electrical Engineering Intern with ABC Company. Coming with the ability to use various test equipment and PC based diagnostic tools.
  • Excellent communicator with collaborative skills seeking a Mechanical Engineering Intern position to apply mechanical engineering know-how in developing parametric analysis of factors affecting restraints system performance.
  • Team player with multi-tasking skills and strong interest in automotive engineering interested in an Engineering Intern position to assist in developing test method to better simulate customer usage of interior components.
  • Self-starter with organizational skills and adaptability looking for an Engineering Internship position to unite engineering knowledge with real world machine performance and product attractiveness at Moontown Engineering.
  • Quick learner with critical thinking abilities and exceptional communication skills; desirous of Engineering Intern position at XYZ Workstation Inc. to work along other engineers in developing structural designs.
  • Tech-savvy individual with clear communication skills and strong interest in automotive electronics and advanced technology interested in the Electrical Engineering Intern position at Nissan Motor Corporation, where proficient knowledge of all Microsoft suite applications will be applied.
  • desirous of an Electrical Engineering Intern position with ABC Company, to apply classroom knowledge of computer engineering to support the development of next generation telemetric module. Bringing expert knowledge of all Microsoft Office applications and ability to use PC-based diagnostic tools.
  • Electrical engineering undergraduate with ability to read basic electrical schematics and circuit diagrams and skilled in driving manual transmission. Hopeful for an Engineering Internship position with ABC Company to work alongside other engineers while honing engineering skills. Coming with clear communication and teamwork abilities.
  • Detail-oriented individual with strong technical writing and communication skills. Interested in the position of Civil Engineering Intern position at XYZ Technologies Inc. to apply civil engineering know-how in support of design projects.
  • Civil engineering undergraduate with exceptional communication skills and leadership experience. Looking for an Engineering Intern position with ABC Company, coming with knowledge of AutoCAD and technical writing abilities to support engineers on projects.
  • Computer engineering undergraduate with the ability to work with open-source technologies and cloud applications. Seeking the position of Data Engineering Intern to help ABC Company build analytical capabilities using modern technologies.
  • Talented engineering student desirous of a Cyber Security Engineer Intern position with ABC Company to assist with cyber security responses and monitoring while building skills in a variety of security operations. coming with strong communication skills and adaptability to support various tasks in the organizations,
  • Exceptional communicator with solid knowledge of several languages and frameworks. Seeking to apply solid computer engineering background as a Software Engineer Intern with ABC Company to support Web and API developments.
  • Creative electrical engineering undergraduate with teamwork abilities. Looking for an Engineering Intern position at Scale Tech Inc. to assist with the testing and development of software/firmware programs and devices using the knowledge gained from classroom and freelance services.
  • Computer engineering undergraduate with exceptional communication, organizational, and time management skills. Desirous of an engineering Intern position with ABC to assist in the designing, debugging, and testing software applications.
  • Seeking to apply classroom theories to the professional work environment as an Engineering Intern with ABC Company. Coming with experience performing discipline specific calculations and coding, and the ability to take initiative.
  • Detail-oriented individual with strong communication and multi-tasking skills, and a strong background in production engineering. Interested in an Engineering Intern position to assist technical service personnel in the proper execution of drawings while developing relevant skills.

The best way to get the recruiter or employer to read your engineering intern resume or CV is to begin it with a compelling career objective statement; the one that provides benefits to the recruiter.

This post provides you the ideas and examples to follow in writing a great engineering intern resume objective, thereby increasing your chances of being selected for the position.

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Cut Your Internship Job Search Short! Write An Effective Resume For OJT

It is no secret that a resume can make or break your application. Think of this document as your golden ticket to a dream job you have been eyeing. But do you know what is better than a resume? An effective one.

Now you may think – what could be an effective resume for OJT? It is more than just the design, of course. It must be substantial yet straightforward, comprehensive and attention-grabbing. Do not let this delicate balance throw you off. Be confident in your achievements and we are here to help you shine in the best way possible.

With these in mind, we share with you the best tips and tricks to get your resume up and running. But before that, we take a look at what employers usually look for in the general spectrum.

What do employers usually look for when hiring OJT applicants?

It may bog you down to think that you do not have enough work experience to impress your potential employers. But keep in mind that your employers are aware of the nature of this category. Companies hire interns or on-the-job trainees (OJT) to gain a sense of the working world. This can greatly help in their future career paths, especially since interns usually go for jobs in the same field they majored in.

If you are less than convinced, we have gathered the most common qualities that they look for in applicants like yourself.

1. It is all in the attitude.

There is an old adage that goes, “You can train a professional for skills, not for attitude.”  This means that whatever you teach a person will not sink in if they themselves are not willing to learn. Employers look for interns who are positive and proactive, because jobseekers like these embrace the work and require minimal to no supervision. In effect, initiative and a positive perspective can secure possible permanent positions in the future.

2. Adaptability and teamwork

Interns who are adaptable can thrive in any type of work setting. Workplaces change depending on the demand of their clients and the fiscal calendar. This means that the pace can be slow on some days and intensely fast, so interns who can adjust are in demand. Adaptability can also carry over to the number of people you can work with. While it is good to be independent, there are times when one needs a team to put a project together. Aside from that, adaptable interns must be able to jibe with any type of personality, whether easy or difficult.

3. Communication

It is one thing to work, but it is another to be able to put things into perspective. While employers do not expect interns to communicate to stakeholders and clients on their first day, this skill displays itself during the interview process. Interns who answer interview questions with candor and confidence will most likely display the same during meetings or presentations.

Technical skills are also a plus, especially if they relate to what you majored in. But more often than not, transferable skills are the ones you should look out for. Why? It is because these types of skills are what can help you grow anywhere, whatever the position or industry you find yourself in.

What should I write in my resume for my internship?

Now that you have a sense of what employers look for in future interns like yourself, we dive deep into the document proper. But it is important to note that internship or OJT resumes are usually just single pagers. Save the two-pager (or more) for when you are a seasoned professional in the field and are looking to grow.

The formula for a resume for OJT is simple: keep the achievements at the top and only put the ones that align with the job you are looking for. (Pro tip: If you wish to ask about tailor making a resume for a company, the answer is yes.)

So what should you place in your resume? Here are the five critical items every resume for OJT should have:

1. Your contact details

Surprisingly, this section can make or break you for several reasons. One is it is a test in paying attention to details. It may seem like a minor thing to have your contact details on file, but lots of interns and even seasoned jobseekers get this part wrong. What happens when your mobile number misses a number or your email address lacks an underscore? Your employer may not be able to contact you, resulting in a missed opportunity.

Luna Kristina Sanchez

ABC Condominium, Jupiter St, Makati

+63 968 563 7382

[email protected]

2. Write your career objective.

Having objectives in a resume for OJT is not really important, but they help you define the career path you want. Employers look for interns who have a sense of what their paths look like, and visionaries like these can take on future leadership positions too. You do not have to write a speech of what you want to achieve. Make it a one-to-two sentence summary of what you want to professionally attain.

An adaptable and creative marketing graduate looking for a marketing coordinator position at KLM Advertising. I wish to learn more about applying the marketing principles I have learned and handle small-time clients with their marketing needs.

3. Put your educational achievements at the forefront

While work experience will eventually define you as a professional, your education is a critical point of contention for now. If you are an honors student, you can place that under the current university you are attending. You can also place scholarships there as well.

2018 - present

HJI University

BS Major in Marketing Management Dean’s Lister (2018-2021)

4. List down your most prominent extracurricular achievements

Just like how professionals highlight their career milestones, your extracurricular achievements are the items employers look for. These are your organizational activities, your run for student office, and your sports highlights. But not all achievements need to be visible. What does this mean?

If you are applying for a marketing job, pool your marketing-related achievements at the very top of the section. Enhance the importance of said achievement by putting 2-3 bullet points of what you did during that time.

On average, employers glance at resumes for a maximum of 5-7 seconds. So make sure that they get to see what they need to see within that time frame.

Career Highlights

2019 - 2020 President of XYZ Marketing Organization

  • Spearheaded the first ever networking event for agencies to scout university talent. Number of hired interns amounted to 50%, higher than the expected goal of 20%
  • Oversaw several programs carried out by constituents, three of which were nominated for Best Program by the Council of Organizations

2018 - 2019 Externals Vice President of XYZ Marketing Organization

  • Secured three major companies to sponsor our Year-End party
  • Headed the yearly XYZ Marketing outreach program with sponsored snacks from ABC Corporation. Pooled donations reached Php 190,000, exceeding goal percentage by 20%

5. List down your skills

There are two types of skills to keep in mind. You have your hard skills, which are the skills that you need in your job to succeed. Soft skills , on the other hand, are what will help you adapt to the working environment you are in. While it is good to have a solid balance of both, having more hard skills gives you an edge.

Hard Skills:

  • Data Analysis
  • Critical Thinking
  • Negotiation
  • Time Management

Soft Skills:

  • Adaptability
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail

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