Exam Invigilator Cover Letter Example

Exam Invigilators monitor test-takers, and search for suspicious activities apart from calming highly anxious students, and providing logistical assistance. To ensure success in this line, the applicant should review the available facts before making decisions, and be sensitive to and accommodating to test-related anxiety.

The first and foremost step to getting into an Exam Invigilator job role is to write an effective resume along with an effective cover letter. The following Exam Invigilator Cover Letter Sample will help you in obtaining your dream job.

Exam Invigilator Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters

Exam Invigilators are hired to render support for the administration and running of invigilated in-person examinations, which can be computer-based or paper-based. The main duties related to this job role include – supporting the head invigilator and examinations office with day-to-day operations of examination venues, checking exam papers and ensuring all required papers are present, and assisting with setting up exam venues by laying out equipment, stationery, and examination papers.

What to Include in a Exam Invigilator Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Ensure the examination environment is secure and free from disruption.
  • Supervise the students during the exam period.
  • Ensure students adhere to the exam regulations.
  • Monitor the students’ behavior during the exam.
  • Collect and check exam materials before the start of the exam.
  • Ensure the students are seated in the correct positions.
  • Assist students if required.
  • Confirm the identity of each student.
  • Supervise the distribution of exam materials.
  • Monitor the exam duration.
  • Ensure the students do not bring in any unauthorized items.
  • Collect and check the completed exam papers.
  • Report any irregularities or cheating incidents to the appropriate authorities.

Education & Skills

Exam invigilator skills:.

  • Knowledge of sound test and invigilation procedures.
  • The ability to remain discreet while maintaining a presence.
  • Outstanding fact-checking and improvisational skills.
  • Willing to invigilate evening tests.
  • Sensitive to test-related anxiety.
  • Strong monitoring, investigating, and communication abilities.

Exam Invigilator Education Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED.
  • Post-Secondary education in a relevant field may be an asset.

Exam Invigilator Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.

I am writing to apply for the open Exam Invigilator position that is available with ***University, as advertised on your website. Owing to my pragmatic experience working as an Exam Invigilator with the ***, coupled with my keen and professional way of supervising examinations, I believe that I will be an immediate contribution to your invigilation team. Moreover, my profound transparency and fairness in conducting an examination enable me to be a part of ****.

As can be seen in my enclosed resume, I am well-versed in delivering invigilation services – both online and offline mode and have a demonstrable ability to pick up the test materials well ahead of the examination writing time. I can quickly hand over the materials to students, provide appropriate oral instructions, and organize the exam so that it is conducted at the scheduled time. Here is a quick sneak peek into my core accomplishments as an Exam Invigilator –

  • Assisting in setting up the examination hall, ensuring the question and answer scripts are intact, and ensuring all stationary and other items are present.
  • Providing instruction to students, and reminding the students about the balance examination time periodically.
  • Collecting answering scripts from students at the end of the exam’s time.
  • Participating in administrative duties, in the absence of test management including reception and exam bookings.
  • Checking attendance and supervising students, and assisting with the preparation of scripts marking envelopes.

I have attached my resume with this letter, and hope to be considered for this role. I look forward to meeting with you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

After checking out the cover letter sample, also check out the Exam Invigilator Resume Sample here which highlights the updated procedures and techniques that are to be understood while you are applying for this job role. A person must thoroughly and clearly understand the job duties that are essentially required before applying for this post.


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Get hired faster with our free cover letter template designed to land you the perfect position.

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Exam Invigilator Cover Letter Sample

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StandOut CV

Exam Invigilator CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Invigilators support students in some of the most crucial parts of their education, ensuring everything goes smoothly during important exams.

But if you want to secure an interview, you first need a CV that will pass the test.

For tips and advice on creating an application that will get you noticed, check out our comprehensive guide and exam invigilator CV example below.

CV templates 

Exam Invigilator CV example

Exam Invigilator CV 1

This is a good example of a Exam Invigilator CV which contains all of the information that a hiring manager will need to know, and presents it in a well- structured, easy-to-read manner.

Take some time to study and understand this CV, and refer to it throughout the writing of your own CV for best results.

CV builder

Exam Invigilator CV layout and format

Recruiters and employers are busy, and if they can’t find the information they’re looking for in a few seconds, it could be game over for your application.

You need to format and structure your CV in a way which allows the reader to pick out your key information with ease, even if they’re strapped for time.

It should be clear, easily legible, well-organised and scannable – check out some simple tips and tricks below:

How to write a CV

CV formatting tips

  • Length: Two sides of A4 makes for the perfect CV length , though one page is okay for less experienced applicants. This forces you to make sure that every single sentence adds value to your CV and ensures you avoid waffle.
  • Readability : Help out time-strapped recruiters by formatting your CV for easy reading. Using lots of bullet points and lists will help them to skim through your info, while clearly formatted headings will allow them to navigate towards the content which is most useful to them.
  • Design: It’s generally best to stick to a simple CV design, as funky or elaborate designs rarely add any value to your application. A clear, modern font and a subtle colour scheme work perfectly and allow your skills, experience and achievements to speak for themselves.
  • Avoid photos: Don’t add photos, images or profile photos to your CV. Not only do they take up much-needed CV space, but they’re actually completely unnecessary and won’t boost your CV at all.

Quick tip: Formatting your CV to look professional can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. If you want to create an attractive CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

When writing your own CV , break up your CV content into the following key sections:

  • Name and contact details – Place them at the top of your CV, so that employers can easily get in touch.
  • CV profile – A punchy sales pitch of your key experience, skills and achievements to reel readers in.
  • Core skills section – A bullet-pointed snapshot of your abilities.
  • Work experience – A well-structured list of your relevant work experience.
  • Education – An overview of any relevant qualifications or professional training you have.
  • Hobbies and interests – A short description of any relevant hobbies or interests (optional).

Now I’ll tell you exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Make it easy for recruiters to get in touch, by heading your CV with your contact details.

There’s no need for excessive details – just list the basics:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – Use a professional address with no nicknames.
  • Location – Just write your general location, such as ‘London’ or ‘Cardiff’ – there’s no need to put your full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL

Exam Invigilator CV Profile

Your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level applicant) provides a brief overview of your skills, abilities and suitability for a position.

It’s ideal for busy recruiters and hiring managers, who don’t want to waste time reading unsuitable applications.

Think of it as your personal sales pitch. You’ve got just a few lines to sell yourself and prove you’re a great match for the job – make it count!

CV profile

Tips for creating an strong CV profile:

  • Keep it concise: When it comes to CV profile length, less is more, as recruiters are often time-strapped. Aim for around of 3-5 persuasive lines.
  • Tailor it: The biggest CV mistake? A generic, mass-produced document which is sent out to tens of employers. If you want to land an interview, you need to tailor your CV profile (and your application as a whole) to the specific roles you’re applying for. So, before you start writing, remember to read over those job descriptions and make a list of the skills, knowledge and experience the employers are looking for.
  • Don’t add an objective: Avoid discussing your career goals in your CV profile – if you think they’re necessary, briefly mention them in your cover letter instead.
  • Avoid cliches: Clichés like “ blue-sky thinker with a go-getter attitude” might sound impressive to you, but they don’t actually tell the recruiter much about you. Concentrate on highlighting hard facts and skills, as recruiters are more likely to take these on board.

Example CV profile for Exam Invigilator

What to include in your exam invigilator cv profile.

  • Summary of experience: Recruiters will want to know what type of companies you’ve worked for, industries you have knowledge of, and the type of work you’ve carried out in the past, so give them a summary of this in your profile.
  • Relevant skills: Make your most relevant Exam Invigilator key skills clear in your profile. These should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for – so make sure to check the job description first, and aim to match their requirements as closely as you can.
  • Essential qualifications: Be sure to outline your relevant Exam Invigilator qualifications, so that anyone reading the CV can instantly see you are qualified for the jobs you are applying to.

Quick tip: Struggling to write a powerful profile? Choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, write a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

Core skills section CV

Top skills for your Exam Invigilator CV

Examination operations – ensuring exams are executed as per agreed procedures and in line with examination guidelines.

Candidate observation – observing candidates to prevent malpractice such as chatting, passing notes etc.

Examination preparation – ensuring all candidates have everything required for their exam.

Attendance reporting – keeping an accurate log of all candidates in attendance.

Examination collation – collecting examination scripts and ensuring they are passed on to the examination board in sealed envelopes with no opportunity for tampering.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder contains thousands of in-demand skills for every profession that can be added to your CV in seconds – saving you time and greatly improving your chances of landing job interviews.

Work experience/Career history

Next up is your work experience section, which is normally the longest part of your CV.

Start with your current (or most recent) job and work your way backwards through your experience.

Can’t fit all your roles? Allow more space for your recent career history and shorten down descriptions for your older roles.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

The structure of your work experience section can seriously affect its impact.

This is generally the biggest section of a CV, and with no thought to structure, it can look bulky and important information can get lost.

Use my 3-step structure below to allow for easy navigation, so employers can find what they are looking for:

Role descriptions

Start with a solid introduction to your role as a whole, in order to build some context.

Explain the nature of the organisation you worked for, the size of the team you were part of, who you reported to and what the overarching purpose of your job was.

Key responsibilities

Use bullet points to detail the key responsibilities of your role, highlighting hard skills, software and knowledge wherever you can.

Keep them short and sharp to make them easily digestible by readers.

Key achievements

Round up each role by listing 1-3 key achievements , accomplishments or results.

Wherever possible, quantify them using hard facts and figures, as this really helps to prove your value.

Example job for Exam Invigilator CV

Responsible for the oversight of several student examinations including GCSE and A-levels; supporting in the setting up of examination venues and script envelopes, stationary and necessary equipment, and ensuring all papers are presented aligned with agreed procedures.

Key Responsibilities

  • Communicate with candidates prior to the start of examinations, checking attendance from approved registers and ensuring all candidates are aware of protocols
  • Assist candidates with finding their seat and advising them of permitted permissions
  • Support students throughout the examination, providing additional worksheets, stationary and ad hoc required items
  • Prevent candidate malpractice through regular walkarounds and observation practices

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Exam Invigilator qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Interests and hobbies

The hobbies and interests CV section isn’t mandatory, so don’t worry if you’re out of room by this point.

However, if you have an interesting hobby , or an interest that could make you seem more suitable for the role, then certainly think about adding.

Be careful what you include though… Only consider hobbies that exhibit skills that are required for roles as a Exam Invigilator, or transferable workplace skills.

There is never any need to tell employers that you like to watch TV and eat out.

Writing your Exam Invigilator CV

An interview-winning CV for a Exam Invigilator role, needs to be both visually pleasing and packed with targeted content.

Whilst it needs to detail your experience, accomplishments and relevant skills, it also needs to be as clear and easy to read as possible.

Remember to research the role and review the job ad before applying, so you’re able to match yourself up to the requirements.

If you follow these guidelines and keep motivated in your job search, you should land an interview in no time.

Best of luck with your next application!

cover letter for resume invigilator

The Essential Guide to Crafting an Impressive Exam Invigilator CV (With Example)

cover letter for resume invigilator

Table of Contents

Have you ever wondered how you could turn your keen eye for detail and superb organisational skills into a career? Imagine a role where you use these skills and contribute to the crucial world of education. Welcome to the life of an Exam Invigilator.

In this guide, we'll dissect what makes an impressive Exam Invigilator CV and set you on the path to securing that role. From understanding the nuances of the job to crafting each section of your CV meticulously, we've got you covered. So, let's dive in and start shaping your future in educational administration.

Understanding the Role of an Exam Invigilator

An Exam Invigilator plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the examination process. Their key responsibilities include setting up the exam venue, ensuring that students follow exam procedures, and monitoring the examination room to prevent cheating. By understanding the breadth and importance of this role, you'll be better equipped to highlight relevant skills and experiences on your CV.

For a more comprehensive understanding, read our article on becoming an exam invigilator .

How to Write Each Section of Your CV

When constructing your CV for an Exam Invigilator position, the devil is truly in the details. It's not merely a rundown of your professional journey; it's your marketing brochure. Here's how to articulate each section to resonate with hiring managers:

Contact Information

  • Full Name : Place it in a larger font at the top to make it instantly noticeable.
  • Phone Number : Use a reliable number where you can be reached promptly.
  • Email Address : Stick to an email that's straightforward and professional. No funky nicknames.

Personal Statement

Compose a concise yet compelling personal statement. In 2-3 sentences, encapsulate your most significant qualifications, skills, and what makes you an ideal candidate for the role.

Work Experience

  • Current & Past Roles : Always begin with your most recent employment and chronologically list prior roles.
  • Responsibilities : Use precise language and action verbs like 'managed,' 'coordinated,' or 'executed' to describe your tasks.
  • Achievements : Illuminate your impact through key performance indicators or specific milestones. Did you improve a process? Say so, and use numbers if possible.
  • Discuss your educational background—whether it's A-levels, GCSEs, or specific vocational qualifications—only if they're directly relevant to being an Exam Invigilator.
  • Attention to Detail : This is non-negotiable in a role that demands absolute accuracy.
  • Communication Skills : Mention your ability to effectively interact with diverse groups, including students and educational staff.
  • Organisational Skills : Discuss your capability to manage logistical tasks, like arranging exam spaces.


  • If you've undergone additional training, certifications, or even a DBS check, this is the section to mention it.
  • While it's common to state "References available upon request," having one or two professional endorsements ready could give you an edge.

By meticulously curating your CV to include only the most pertinent information and presenting it coherently and organised, you're well on your way to impressing potential employers in the Exam Invigilator field.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an Exam Invigilator CV

Crafting a CV can be a delicate task, and minor errors can cost you the job. Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of when writing your Exam Invigilator CV:

  • Lack of Specificity : Being vague about your skills and experiences won't help your case. Use numbers and specific examples to demonstrate your achievements and capabilities.
  • Ignoring Keywords : Many institutions use software to scan CVs for keywords related to the job description. Make sure you incorporate relevant terms to pass through these automated screenings.
  • One-Size-Fits-All Approach : Tailor your CV for each job application. A generic CV is easy to spot and less likely to pass an initial screening.
  • Spelling and Grammar Errors : These are an instant red flag for employers and suggest a lack of attention to detail. Always proofread multiple times and consider using a grammar-checking tool.
  • Overcomplicating Things : While it's essential to be thorough, avoid jargon or complex language. Your CV should be easy to read and straightforward.
  • Lack of Structure : A disorganised CV can be difficult to follow, affecting your chances of landing an interview. Make sure to use clear headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting.
  • Ignoring the Importance of the Cover Letter : A cover letter complements your CV and can provide context for any gaps or unique circumstances. Make sure to write a compelling one.
  • Failing to Showcase Soft Skills : Technical skills are essential, but soft skills like communication and teamwork are also crucial in an Exam Invigilator role. Include them where appropriate.
  • Not Keeping it Updated : An outdated CV can miss out on showcasing your most recent experiences and skills. Make it a habit to update your CV periodically.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can create a CV that stands out for all the right reasons, increasing your chances of landing that Exam Invigilator position.

Example of an Exam Invigilator CV

Here's a sample CV for an Exam Invigilator position to give you a concrete idea of how your CV should look and what it should contain. Note that this is a fictional example but follows best practices:

[Your Full Name] CV

📍 [Your Address] 📞 [Phone Number] ✉️ [Professional Email Address] 💼 [LinkedIn Profile]

Dedicated and detail-oriented professional with over five years of experience in educational administration, compliance, and exam coordination. Aiming to apply my expertise and strong communication skills in an Exam Invigilator role to ensure smooth test administration and uphold academic integrity.

  • Organisational Expertise : Exceptional ability to manage time, multitask and prioritise work.
  • Attention to Detail : Zero instances of compliance violations in my career.
  • Communication Skills : Fluent in English; Proficient in written and verbal communication, with experience in conflict resolution.
  • Regulatory Compliance : In-depth knowledge of educational standards and exam protocols.
  • Technical Proficiency : Advanced skills in MS Office Suite, Zoom, and other examination software.
  • Crisis Management : Proven track record in calmly handling examination irregularities.

Senior Exam Invigilator, XYZ University, London January 2020 - Present

  • Spearheaded the team responsible for all aspects of exam administration for over 500 students each term.
  • Conducted training sessions for new invigilators, improving team efficiency by 25%.
  • Collaborated closely with academic staff to ensure complete compliance with university policies.
  • Pioneered the use of new exam software, reducing administrative workload by 30%.

Administrative Assistant, ABC College, London August 2015 - December 2019

  • Organised over 50 educational seminars, coordinating between speakers, faculty, and students.
  • Managed a team of 3 junior administrative staff, delegating tasks effectively.
  • Created and maintained a digital student database, achieving a 100% accuracy rate.
  • Implemented a new scheduling system that reduced staff time spent on administrative tasks by 20%.

Diploma in Educational Management, DEF Training Institute, London September 2014 - July 2015

  • Completed with a distinction in Regulatory Compliance

A-Levels, GHI High School, London Maths, English, Psychology September 2011 - June 2013

  • First Aid Certification , Red Cross, 2021
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Certification , DEF Training Institute, 2020

Professional Affiliations

  • Member, UK Association of Educational Administrators

Available upon request.

Additional Resources

To further assist you in your journey to become an Exam Invigilator, we have curated a list of valuable resources:

  • Becoming an Exam Invigilator : This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the details on the role and responsibilities of an Exam Invigilator.
  • Exam Invigilator Interview Questions and Answers : Prepare for your job interview with this collection of commonly asked questions and ideal responses.
  • How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in Further Education : Make a strong impression with a well-crafted cover letter designed to complement your CV.
  • Exam Invigilator Job Openings : Ready to take the leap? Browse through current job opportunities in the field.

In summary, crafting an impressive CV is a crucial step towards becoming a successful Exam Invigilator. We've covered the essential elements that your CV should have, from understanding the role's responsibilities to the skills and qualifications that will make you stand out. Remember, common mistakes can easily be avoided with careful planning and proofreading. Don't hesitate to use the example CV as a template for crafting your own.

If you haven't yet, now is the perfect time to start refining or creating your Exam Invigilator CV. With the additional resources provided, you're well-equipped to navigate the application and interview processes.

cover letter for resume invigilator

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Invigilator Cover Letter Samples

Invigilators monitor test-takers, search for suspicious activity, calm highly anxious students, and provide logistical assistance during tests/exams.

Are you looking to make a strong impression with your Invigilator cover letter? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with a unique and creative Invigilator cover letter sample that will help you stand out from the competition.

Whether you are an entry-level candidate or an experienced professional, our cover letter samples will inspire you to craft a compelling introduction that highlights your skills and passion for invigilation.

Writing a good Invigilator cover letter can make the difference between being invited for a job interview and having your application ignored by a recruiter.

The following Invigilator cover letter samples will help you write a compelling cover letter that best highlights your experience, skills and qualifications. The cover letter samples can be edited to suit any Invigilator with or without experience.

Invigilator Cover Letter Example (No experience)

This Invigilator cover letter sample is well-suited for applicants seeking entry-level positions with little or no job experience.

[Your Name],

[Your Address],

[Your City, Your State].

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email]

[Current Date]

[Recipient's Name],

[Recipient's Job Title],

[Company Name],

[Company Address].

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the entry-level Invigilator position at your esteemed institution. As a recent graduate with a degree in Education, I am eager to contribute my strong organizational skills and attention to detail to ensure a fair and secure examination environment.

During my academic journey, I have developed a deep understanding of the importance of maintaining integrity and confidentiality in examination settings. I am confident in my ability to enforce rules and regulations while creating a comfortable atmosphere for students to perform at their best.

My experience as a volunteer tutor has equipped me with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, allowing me to effectively interact with students, faculty, and staff. I am highly adaptable and thrive in fast-paced environments, making me well-suited for the dynamic nature of invigilation.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your institution's commitment to academic excellence and integrity. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and passion for invigilation align with your organization's goals.

Yours sincerely,

[ Your Signature ]

[Your Name]

Cover Letter tip

Always endeavour to find out the hiring manager's full name. Look them up on LinkedIn, consult the company website or give the company a call to find out. If you're unable to figure out their name, you can omit it from the recipient's section, while using preferred alternatives like: "Dear Hiring Manager:", "Dear Director of Human Resources:" or less frequently: "Dear Sir/Madam:" in the Salutation.

Learn more about how to write a cover letter in a more detailed guide.

Invigilator Cover Letter Example (With experience)

This Invigilator cover letter sample is highly suitable for applicants with job experience, as it allows them to effectively showcase their skills and accomplishments in a professional manner.

I am thrilled to apply for the experienced Invigilator position at your prestigious institution. With over five years of invigilation experience in various educational settings, I am confident in my ability to maintain a secure and fair examination environment.

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated exceptional attention to detail and a strong commitment to upholding academic integrity. I am well-versed in implementing and enforcing examination policies and procedures, ensuring a level playing field for all students.

My excellent problem-solving skills and ability to remain calm under pressure have allowed me to handle challenging situations with ease. I am adept at managing large groups of students, maintaining order, and addressing any issues that may arise during examinations.

Furthermore, my strong communication and interpersonal skills have enabled me to effectively collaborate with faculty, staff, and students, fostering a positive and supportive examination environment.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to your institution's commitment to excellence. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experience align with your organization's invigilation needs.

There's no one-size-fits-all cover letter. Every cover letter should be tailored to the requirements of a particular job. Therefore, resist the temptation of using these samples word-for-word in your job applications. They're only intended to serve as a guide for writing compelling cover letters.

Since each job comes with its unique responsibilities and requirements, it's important to customize your cover letter to align with the specific skills and expertise demanded by the position you are applying for, highlighting why you are a strong match for the job requirements.

View all Cover letter Samples

Invigilator CV

Invigilator Interview questions

Invigilator Salary in Nigeria

Invigilator Job description

CV Plaza

  • CV Examples
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cover letter for resume invigilator

Exam Invigilator CV Example [2024 Guide + Tips]


Are you looking to write your perfect Exam Invigilator CV?

The role of an exam invigilator, also known as an examinations officer, is to ensure the fair and smooth conduct of examinations by maintaining a secure and organised environment while actively monitoring and assisting candidates.

To secure this job, crafting a compelling CV is crucial in showcasing your qualifications, experience and achievements.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating an impressive CV for this role. Let’s get started!

  • Exam Invigilator CV example
  • Download CV template (Word format)

How to format your CV

  • How to write a perfect CV (a step-by-step guide)
  • Personal profile statement example
  • Duties to add to your CV
  • Useful skills to add to your CV
  • Tips on making your CV more effective

56 Earls Avenue Whitehouse PA29 6LP Mob: 073 3242 2314       Email: [email protected]

I am a very enthusiastic, conscientious and self-motivated Examinations Officer with over two years of experience in organising and supporting examination processes. I can adapt to any working environment, and I thrive working under tight deadlines. Currently, I seek a position where I can utilise and further develop my skills and abilities.


Relevant Modules:

  • Introduction to Business and Management
  • Comparative Public Administration
  • Project Management Principles
  • Supervising Admin Staff


Main duties performed:

  • Liaising with the academic staff to organise examinations
  • Primarily responsible for the smooth running of exams
  • Ensuring all rules and regulations are adhered to in the JCQ guidelines
  • Making announcements to the students at the start and end of the examination
  • Meeting all examination deadlines (e.g. booking rooms on time, organising external examination visits, ensuring all materials are in place, etc.)
  • Ensuring students are always supervised and escorted when leaving the classroom (e.g. to use the bathroom) during the examination process
  • Producing a timetable for internal and external exams to include dates, times, locations, the number of students and examiners.
  • Keeping track of time
  • Arranging appointments with external examiners on examination days
  • Responsible for the storage, collection and dispatching of examination papers in a timely manner
  • Handing out and collecting test papers and answer books
  • Answering candidates’ queries under strict exam conditions
  • To organise and set up the exam room (e.g. laying out tables, etc.)
  • Making sure the classroom is tidy for exams and cleaning up afterwards
  • Catering for the needs and requirements of special needs students and those students with learning difficulties or special circumstances
  • Ensuring the student registration data is accurate and up-to-date
  • Ensuring the relevant staff have up-to-date invigilation training
  • Ensuring that all exam materials delivered to BC College are stored in a safe and secure location in line with the JCQ requirements
  • Assisting the Exam Invigilator with examination-related tasks and duties as and when appropriate
  • General admin duties such as dealing with the post, emailing and clerical work
  • Handing out exam papers, workbooks and calculators to students
  • Booking rooms
  • Watching over young learners undertaking their examinations
  • To cover reception duties as required


  • BTEC Apprenticeships: Learner Administration for Centre Coordinators
  • Level 2 ECDL (Computing)
  • First Aid at Work
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Outstanding organisation and time management skills
  • The ability to eloquently and professionally speak to a large group of people
  • IT Skills (Microsoft Office and Typing Speed 65wpm)
  • Full Clean UK Driving License

My greatest hobby in life is to be able to spend quality time with my family and friends. I also enjoy reading non-fiction books, cycling down the canals and going on road trips.

Exam officer/invigilator CV

What makes this CV good and effective?

  • The personal details: Clearly presented and up-to-date, providing essential contact information without unnecessary details.
  • Structure and format: Well-organised with distinct sections for personal details, personal profile, qualifications, experience and achievements, making it easy to navigate.
  • Content: Focuses on key qualifications and relevant experience, emphasising the ability to create a calm testing atmosphere and manage exam procedures effectively.
  • Layout: Clean and professional, using a consistent font and formatting throughout for a polished appearance.
  • Experience: Clearly outlines relevant experience as an exam invigilator, detailing responsibilities and showcasing the candidate’s understanding of the importance of maintaining exam integrity. They have listed three previous jobs, all relevant and related to the job they are applying for.
  • Professional qualifications: The candidate has listed a number of professional qualifications, such as first aid and computing courses, that will be beneficial in their new role.
  • Tailoring to the job: Tailored to the specific requirements of the exam invigilator role, showcasing an understanding of the responsibilities and emphasising skills and experiences relevant to the position.
  • Length: Concise and focused, providing enough information to showcase qualifications and experience without unnecessary details, keeping the CV to an appropriate length of 2 pages.

Download CV template

CV template

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  • Guaranteed correct CV structure
  • Word document (.docx) format
  • Fully customisable

How to save your CV as a PDF document:

  • Click on File > Save As > Select “PDF” from the drop-down menu.
  • Use a clean design: Choose a simple and professional design that complements your content, avoiding excessive graphics or distracting elements.
  • Tailor your CV to the role: Customise your CV for the specific requirements of the invigilator position, aligning your skills and experiences with the job description.
  • Consider a clean and modern font: Opt for clean and modern fonts like Calibri, Garamond or Cambria for a professional and contemporary look.
  • Choose a readable font size: Set a font size that is easy to read, with the main body text typically ranging from 10 to 12 points. Headings can be slightly larger for emphasis.
  • Use bold and italics sparingly: Employ bold and italics strategically to highlight key information such as job titles or relevant achievements, avoiding excessive use for readability.
  • Proofread formatting elements: Carefully proofread your CV to ensure that formatting elements like line spacing, indentations and alignment are consistent and error-free.

How to Write an Invigilator CV

Personal information.

The personal information section of your CV, typically placed at the top, contains essential details about you, including your full name and contact information.

It should not contain sensitive information such as your date of birth, marital status, or national insurance number, as well as any unrelated personal details that do not directly contribute to your professional profile.

Related: How to write a heading for a CV (2024 guide) .

  • Leo Thompson
  • 789 Park Lane, Newcastle, NE2 5EF
  • Mob: 03456 789 012       Email: [email protected]

Profile statement

The personal profile statement section of your CV is a brief but crucial introduction to who you are professionally. It’s the first thing employers read, so it’s your chance to make a strong first impression.

In this section, you should concisely highlight your key skills, experiences and career goals, providing a snapshot of what makes you a valuable candidate for the job.


  • Keep your personal profile brief, using impactful language to highlight key skills.
  • Make a strong impression by presenting your strengths in a clear and focused manner.
  • Tailor your profile to match the specific requirements of the role you’re applying for.
  • Emphasise how your skills and experiences directly contribute to the employer’s needs.
  • Include a sentence about your career aspirations to showcase motivation and alignment.
  • Ensure your profile sets a positive and forward-looking tone for the rest of your CV.

Invigilator personal profile example:

Experienced exam invigilator with a proven track record of maintaining a secure and controlled testing environment. Skilfully facilitated numerous exams, ensuring adherence to established protocols and consistently upholding the integrity of the examination process. Adept at swiftly addressing challenges and implementing effective solutions, fostering a calm atmosphere conducive to optimal test-taking conditions.

Accomplishments and awards

The accomplishments and awards section of your CV is where you get to shine a spotlight on your key achievements and recognitions. It’s your chance to highlight specific successes that set you apart from others.

This section can include a range of accomplishments such as awards received, promotions earned, academic achievements like outstanding grades and any other notable successes that demonstrate your skills and dedication in your professional or academic journey.

  • Demonstrated exceptional attention to detail, resulting in a promotion to Senior Exam Invigilator within a year of joining.
  • Achieved a 98% satisfaction rate from exam candidates through effective communication and support during testing periods.
  • Organised and hosted a charity quiz night, raising £1,500 for a local educational initiative.
  • Assisted in the implementation of a digital exam management system, showcasing adaptability to technological advancements.

Employment and work experience

The employment section of your CV is a detailed overview of your work history and professional experience. Here, you’ll showcase your journey, responsibilities and accomplishments in previous roles.

There are many different types of jobs you can include here, such as full-time or part-time positions, internships, freelance or consulting roles and temporary assignments.

To write it effectively, focus on highlighting your key achievements, using action verbs to describe your responsibilities and quantifying your impact where possible.

Main duties and responsibilities performed:

  • Supervise and monitor candidates during various examinations, ensuring a secure and controlled testing environment.
  • Distribute exam papers, answer queries and address issues promptly to maintain a smooth exam process.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to set up exam venues, following strict procedures and guidelines.
  • Assist in the implementation of digital exam management systems, contributing to increased efficiency.
  • Received recognition for consistently upholding exam integrity, leading to a promotion to Senior Exam Invigilator.

Exam invigilator duties to add to your CV

  • Supervising candidates: Monitor and supervise candidates during examinations to ensure a secure and controlled testing environment.
  • Distribution of exam materials: Distribute exam papers and materials accurately and efficiently, adhering to established procedures.
  • Addressing candidate queries: Respond promptly and professionally to candidate queries or concerns during examinations.
  • Exam venue setup: Collaborate with colleagues to set up exam venues, following strict guidelines and protocols.
  • Implementing security measures: Implement and enforce enhanced security measures to safeguard the integrity of the examination process.
  • Digital exam management: Contribute to the implementation and management of digital exam systems, ensuring efficient and streamlined processes.
  • Problem resolution: Effectively handle and resolve challenges or disruptions during exams while maintaining fairness and impartiality.
  • Ensuring punctuality: Maintain a record of punctuality, ensuring exams start and conclude on time.
  • Collaboration with colleagues: Collaborate with fellow invigilators and academic staff to ensure a cohesive and well-coordinated exam process.
  • Continuous improvement: Actively participate in initiatives aimed at improving exam processes and maintaining the highest standards of invigilation.

Write your education section in reverse chronological order, meaning you start with your most recent qualification and work backwards.

List your qualifications, including degrees, A-Levels, GCSEs, diplomas or any other relevant certifications you have earned.

Include the name of the university or educational institution, the qualification achieved and the dates of study.


Subjects Studied:

  • Business Principles
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Financial Management
9 GCSEs, including A* in Mathematics, A in English Literature and B in Sciences..

Professional qualifications

The professional qualifications section of your CV contains details of certifications, licenses, or specific professional training you have undertaken, providing evidence of your specialised skills and expertise in your field.

For an invigilator role, this section might encompass qualifications such as advanced communication skills, technology proficiency, security and vigilance training and time management certification.

  • Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Invigilation Techniques – City & Guilds
  • First Aid at Work Certificate – St John Ambulance
  • Safeguarding Training – National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
  • Certificate in Data Protection – Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
  • Health and Safety in the Workplace – Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
  • Enhanced DBS Certificate – Disclosure and Barring Service
  • Fire Safety Awareness Training – Fire Safety Training Ltd
  • Equality and Diversity in the Workplace – British Council for Equality and Diversity

Skills and competencies

In the skills and competencies section of your CV, you should highlight the specific abilities and qualities that make you well-suited for the role.

Focus on both technical skills, such as proficiency in invigilation procedures and familiarity with examination regulations, as well as interpersonal skills, including effective communication and the ability to maintain a calm and secure exam environment.

  • Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication skills demonstrated through clear instructions provided to candidates and effective collaboration with fellow invigilators. Received positive feedback from exam coordinators for clear communication during high-stakes exams.
  • Attention to detail: Meticulous attention to detail in monitoring candidates, accurately recording data and identifying and resolving discrepancies promptly. Recognised for meticulous record-keeping during audits of examination sessions.
  • Invigilation procedures: Proficient in implementing and adhering to exam protocols, ensuring a fair and secure testing environment. For instance, successfully managed the administration of multiple examinations, following strict guidelines and maintaining confidentiality.

10 useful invigilator skills to add to your CV

  • Attention to Detail: Demonstrates meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a thorough monitoring of exam environments.
  • Time Management: Efficiently manages exam schedules, ensuring exams start and finish on time.
  • Communication Skills: Clearly conveys instructions to candidates and collaborates effectively with fellow invigilators and exam administrators.
  • Crisis Management: Possesses the ability to handle unexpected situations calmly and effectively.
  • Observation Skills: Keenly observes candidates to detect any irregularities or cheating during exams.
  • Confidentiality: Maintains strict confidentiality regarding exam materials and candidate information.
  • Adaptability: Adapts to various exam formats and environments, ensuring a smooth process.
  • Professionalism: Upholds a professional demeanour, fostering a positive and respectful exam atmosphere.
  • Conflict Resolution: Skillfully resolves conflicts or disputes among candidates while maintaining exam integrity.
  • Patience: Exhibits patience and composure during lengthy exam sessions.

Hobbies and interests (optional)

In this section, including hobbies relevant to the role can demonstrate skills such as attention to detail, organisational abilities, and teamwork.

For example, mentioning interests like photography, chess, or volunteering in community events can showcase your attention to detail, strategic thinking, and collaborative nature—traits valuable in the role of an Exam Invigilator.

Remember, keep it concise and tailored to reflect qualities that align with the responsibilities of the position.

Read more: Best hobbies and interests to add to your CV .

The references section of your CV is where you provide details of individuals who can vouch for your professional abilities and character. These referees, ideally former employers or colleagues, should have a good understanding of your work.

Including a references section on your CV is not mandatory, and it’s a matter of personal preference.

If you choose not to include referees on your CV, you can simply state “References available upon request” in the references section. This indicates to potential employers that you are willing to provide references but prefer to share them at a later stage of the hiring process.

Tips to make your CV more effective

  • Quantify your impact: Where possible, quantify your contributions. For instance, mention the number of exams invigilated successfully, or describe how your vigilant monitoring led to a significant reduction in irregularities during your tenure.
  • Highlight time management skills: Showcase your ability to manage time efficiently, ensuring exams run smoothly. Describe instances where you effectively adhered to time constraints, helping to create a stress-free testing environment for candidates.
  • Illustrate punctuality: Emphasise your punctuality, an essential trait for ensuring exams start and finish on time.
  • Showcase attention to detail: Utilise your CV to highlight instances where your meticulous attention to detail played a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of exams. For example, mention how you carefully monitored students during test sessions to prevent any irregularities.
  • Craft a persuasive cover letter: Adopt a persuasive tone in your cover letter to complement your CV. Clearly express your enthusiasm for the exam invigilator role and relate your experiences to the specific needs of the institution

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Exam invigilator cv tips, want to enrol on a course.

We all know first impressions are important, and your CV is more often than not going to be the first thing potential employers will see, so it’s essential that they’re done right. To make the best impression you can, you’ll need to convey the right information and present it well. Given how important your CV is, we’ve created this guide to help give you the best chance of landing an interview and starting your career as an exam invigilator!

Top exam invigilator CV writing tips

When you’re looking at a position as an exam invigilator, it’s crucial that your CV is high quality and reflects your passion for the role. An effective CV is well presented, displays relevant skills and experience, and gives your potential employers an insight into who you are. 

It’s important that you use grammar correctly, that your writing is concise but informative, and any non-relevant information is left out. Not following these rules could mean your application is rejected, since employers could see it as too unprofessional. Our exam invigilator CV writing tips are here to help you to land that position you’ve been waiting for!

1. Grab their attention with a personal profile

Your personal profile is the first section of your CV that employers will read to find out more about you. This is your chance to introduce yourself, sell your skills and outline your characteristics. Personal profiles are a perfect way to persuade recruiters, as it tells them straight off why they should hire you. 

This section can include relevant experience and achievements, but it’s important to tailor this to the job description and what’s prioritised there to show your enthusiasm for the role and that you’re a serious candidate for the position who has what they’re looking for. 

There are no set rules on the length of this section but you should aim for a few short sentences and no longer than 100 words. This way you can keep it concise and effectively highlight who you are to employers without giving them too much information, increasing the chances of them reading through the rest of your CV and considering you for the job. Make sure you’re putting your best foot forward and presenting the things that you think make yourself stand out.

Talk about yourself (when it's relevant)

Though your CV should be more focused on your skills and work experience rather than your personality, it can be good to include some relevant personal information such as your hobbies in your CV. What counts as relevant will vary from job to job. 

2. Sell your skills

There should be a section in your CV that outlines your relevant skills. This makes it easy for the employer to read and more easily determine if you meet the requirements of the role. You should format this section using bullet points so that it’s simple and easy for employers to read. Make sure to include relevant skills that you think make you a good candidate for the position. Such as:

  • Having good attention to detail is important as you’ll need to keep an eye on learners to watch out for even the slightest irregularity
  • Being enthusiastic and willing to learn is important if you are new to the role
  • Being a good communicator is vital in any job that involves working with others or communicating ideas to others

If you’re struggling to think of skills that are relevant to the job then it’s a good idea to check vacancy advertisements for some ideas. Start off by rereading the job you’re applying for and what might be useful to mention, but if you’re still stuck then take a look at other similar job postings. You should also think about which of your skills have been helpful in any of your past work or study. 

It’s important when talking about your skills to try and include both hard and soft skills, so that you can show some variety. Hard skills are the skills you gain through experience, knowledge, or learning such as through a qualification or after undertaking training. Soft skills refer to your personal traits and habits that determine how you work, like being an effective communicator, able to work in a team, or organisational skills.

3. Outline your experience

You should outline any past experiences in either work or volunteer positions that are relevant to becoming an exam invigilator and can best show your potential employer the value that you’d be bringing to the position. 

The most valuable experience you can have as an exam invigilator is working in that position before and, if you have it, is something you should present front and centre. Give details of where you worked, including the dates you started and finished your employment (these don’t have to be specific, usually the month and year are fine), alongside your key responsibilities within the role. If you have a lot of relevant experience then list it from most to least recent. Employers will want to know more of what you’ve been doing recently, rather than years ago, as it’s more relevant to the jobs you’ll be applying for now.

If you have no relevant experience then you should include any previous employment you’ve been in and the transferable skills you gained that will be useful in the role. Try and think about any similarities between your previous positions and the one you’re applying for. Is there anything listed on the job advertisement that sounds familiar?

4. List your education and qualifications

Making sure you mention your education clearly on your CV is very important, as it will show that you have the knowledge and qualifications needed for the job. When listing your qualifications you should prioritise two things: the level of the qualification (is it a degree or a GCSE?) and when you received it. Much like your experience, it’s best to list your qualifications from your most to least recent.

When you’re listing your qualifications make sure you include the name of the institution, the dates you attended them from, the subject(s) you studied or name of the qualification, as well as the final grade you received. If there’s a particular aspect of your study that is very relevant to the position you’re applying to then it would be a good idea to briefly mention it at some point.

Include your certificates and other qualifications

Don’t think you just need to include your experiences from school or university, things like standalone courses that award you with a certificate or diploma are more than relevant, especially if they cover a subject that’s relevant to your work. Add your certificates in the same way you’d add your other qualifications, providing any additional information as needed.

5. Remember to include your contact details

It might seem obvious, but having your contact details clearly signposted on your CV is extremely important, without them potential employers may have no way to contact you. You should include your up-to-date email, phone number, and address somewhere near the top of your CV so that they don’t get lost amongst the rest of your information.

Example exam invigilator CV

Exam Invigilator CV Template

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Struggling to put your CV together? Download our free CV template and get a head start on making a fantastic CV. Make sure to follow the rest of our tips and learn how to land that job you’ve always wanted!

Now you’re done with your CV, why not go back to our exam invigilator career advice, or find out how to revamp your exam invigilator cover letter . Have you redone your CV and it’s looking a little sparse? If so, check out our courses page and take a look at some of our valuable qualifications.

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  • Cover Letter

Investigator   Cover Letter

Investigator cover letter (with examples).

From tax fraud to unsolved murder, investigators are the backbone of any major criminal investigation. These experts work with police , lawyers, witnesses, forensic specialists, and others to get to the bottom of a case, and as such, the position requires strong communication and organization, as well as adept knowledge of laws and the criminal justice system.

Fortunately, if you’re looking to become an investigator , or are simply hoping to land a new Investigative position, there are ways you can improve your chances of being hired.

Typically, one of the most effective ways to land an interview is to include a professional cover letter that highlights your relevant skills and qualifications. As a prospective investigator, your cover letter can give you a prime opportunity to outline your most impressive achievements and demonstrate why you’re qualified to handle the many moving parts of an important case.

In this article, we’ll discuss what makes an investigator’s cover letter successful, as well as provide professional tips and examples .

Looking for a job? These position are hiring now near you:

  • Investigator
  • Senior Investigator
  • Chief Investigator
  • Case Investigator
  • Detective Investigator

Parts of an Investigator Cover Letter

As a prospective investigator, you’ll want to convey your understanding of the criminal justice system, your experience working on complex cases, and your puzzle-solving skills. While prior experience in the field is preferred, a relevant college degree can land you an entry-level position .

Degree-wise, most employers will be on the lookout for a degree in criminal justice, forensic science, or a law degree.

Luckily, a well-written cover letter allows you to outline your qualifications by briefly explaining why you’re the right person for the position .

Remember, you should do your best to include as many relevant details as possible, while also keeping your letter fairly brief. To keep everything focused and highlight your most important qualifications, here are some traits to keep in mind:

Organization. Investigators can handle complex cases that come with dozens of important files, contacts, and other information. With that in mind, a skilled investigator needs to know how to effectively organize their workspace.

For instance, instead of throwing case files around their desk, an experienced investigator might organize the files into particular categories, or choose a filing location that’s easy to access.

Problem-solving. To be an investigator is to solve the mystery of an unsolved case. Therefore, it’s vital that they can tackle complex problems, and lend critical thinking to any investigation. After all, no employer wants an investigator who can’t solve cases.

Communication. Typically, investigators need to gather information by communicating with police, lawyers, witnesses, forensic specialists, and others who may be involved with a case. This level and frequency of communication require someone who’s an effective and confident communicator .

Caution. While many people can have moral reasons for becoming an investigator, it’s important to know the limits of the law, as well as your own personal limits . Employers will want someone who plays by the rules and doesn’t come across as reckless. No employer wants a vigilante or someone who might make a mistake and throw a case.

Dedication. When embroiled in a case, investigators often have to work long hours and in a high-pressure environment . Therefore, it’s important that they’re hard-working and dedicated to solving the case.

Structurally speaking, your letter also requires a few vital components. After all, wowing a potential employer isn’t very useful if they don’t know how to contact you. In general, your letter should include:

Your contact information

The company’s contact information

An introduction , body paragraph, and conclusion (typically 3 small paragraphs)

Letter formatting (e.g. Beginning with “Dear [Hiring Manger’s Name],” and concluded with “Sincerely, [Your Name]”).

Investigator Cover Letter Opening

First and foremost, any professional cover letter should include your contact information at the top of the page , and properly address the potential employer. Not only is this formatting standard for any type of cover letter, but more importantly, also ensures that your employer will have your information. Here is an example of how to properly address your letter:

Thomas Jinton 95 Jefferson Rd. Swamptown, FL, 12345 April 6th, 2021 Alexandria Newberry Human Resources Director Swamptown Police Department 843 Pollen St. Swamptown, FL, 12345 Dear Ms. Newberry,

Now that you know how to address your cover letter, keep in mind that it’s also important to open strong with an eye-catching introduction. Typically, the average employer spends less than 10 seconds reading your application, so leaving a positive and lasting first impression can be a vital part of moving forward in the hiring process.

In the case of an investigator application, showcasing your most valuable experience working on relevant cases, making breakthroughs, and communicating with others in your department can be a worthwhile way to start your cover letter.

For instance, if you can think of a particularly impressive project you worked on, or a time that you made a worthwhile discovery that progressed a stagnant case, you could kick off your letter with one of those examples.

Here’s an example of an eye-catching introduction:

As the investigator responsible for solving over a dozen cold cases within the past 4 years, I find the prospect of working for Swamptown Police Department an exciting and fitting opportunity. After all, I’m a highly motivated and dedicated person, who has extensive knowledge of Florida law, as well as experience filing reports, processing crime scenes, interviewing witnesses, and examining evidence.

Stating a meaningful accomplishment in your opening paragraph shows the employer that you have the hard skills to succeed in your field. However, remember that even if you’re applying at entry-level and lack experience, you should still try to start with a noteworthy accomplishment related to your college degree or any other relevant skills you have.

Search For Investigator Jobs

Investigator cover letter body.

Now that you’ve outlined one of your most impressive accomplishments, your body paragraph will serve to maintain and pique the potential employer’s interest. As an investigator, employers will want to see that you have relevant education, knowledge of protocols, and success in cases.

After all, your job will be an integral part of the local or federal criminal justice system. With this in mind, it can be especially useful to do some research on the department you’ll be applying to, so you can use the information you find to further express your interest in the position.

However, keep in mind that though you’ll want to be thorough, it’s also important to ensure that your letter is brief enough to maintain the hiring manager ’s attention. For example, to make your accomplishments, skills, and qualifications easier to digest, you might want to list them as bullet notes.

Here is an example of an effective body paragraph:

Within the past 6 months alone, I located the pair of shoes that directly correlated with a shoe track cast taken from the crime scene of an armed robbery case that had gone cold for over a year. After reopening the case, I had the shoes DNA tested, ultimately leading to the arrest of the man who’d been robbing houses all over local towns for two years. With that in mind, I believe my specialization in solving cold cases and giving valuable insight into new cases will make me a sound addition to your department’s already impressive team. Overall, here are a few examples of my accomplishments: Solved over a dozen reopened cases in only 4 years Graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Criminal Justice Worked at the Stamford Police Department as an investigator for 7 years

Investigator Cover Letter Closing Lines

You’re on the right track, and now you just have to finish strong. To do so, use your words to mobilize the employer, as you’ll be encouraging them to contact you.

Here’s a good example of how to end your cover letter :

If you’re looking for a highly experienced, skilled, and dedicated investigator, my accomplishments clearly outline my capabilities. Therefore, I hope you will consider my application , and I look forward to hearing back from you. You can reach me at (777) 777-777, or [email protected]. Best Regards, Thomas Jinton

Example of an Investigator Cover Letter

When you put everything together, it looks a little like this:

Thomas Jinton 95 Jefferson Rd. Swamptown, FL, 12345 April 6th, 2021 Alexandria Newberry Human Resources Director Swamptown Police Department 843 Pollen St. Swamptown, FL, 12345 Dear Ms. Newberry, As the investigator responsible for solving over a dozen cold cases within the past 4 years, I find the prospect of working for the Swamptown Police Department an exciting and fitting opportunity. After all, I’m a highly motivated and dedicated person, who has extensive knowledge of Florida law, as well as experience filing reports, processing crime scenes, interviewing witnesses, and examining evidence. Within the past 6 months alone, I located the pair of shoes that directly correlated with a shoe track cast taken from the crime scene of an armed robbery case that had gone cold for over a year. After reopening the case, I had the shoes DNA tested, ultimately leading to the arrest of the man who’d been robbing houses all over local towns for two years. With that in mind, I believe my specialization in solving cold cases and giving valuable insight into new cases will make me a sound addition to your department’s already impressive team. Overall, here are a few examples of my accomplishments: Solved over a dozen reopened cases in only 4 years Graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Criminal Justice Worked at the Stamford Police Department as an investigator for 7 years If you’re looking for a highly experienced, skilled, and dedicated investigator, my accomplishments clearly outline my capabilities. Therefore, I hope you will consider my application, and I look forward to hearing back from you. You can reach me at (777) 777-777, or [email protected]. Best Regards, Thomas Jinton

Additional Tips

Though writing a competitive cover letter can feel overwhelming, here are some additional tips to aid your writing:

Be motivated. Working on a case can require you to work long hours, pick up extra shifts, and be on call for your department. Therefore, in order to ensure that you’ll be up to the task, employers will want to see that you’re highly motivated and dedicated to your work. Try to make your passion for the field clear and concise in your cover letter.

Keep it brief. Though it’s tempting to bombard the employer with every reason why you’d be a great employee, that strategy will likely backfire. Instead, only highlight your most impressive and applicable achievements so you can keep your letter under 250 words. Employers are busy people and don’t have endless time to read your application.

Stand out from the crowd. Investigative and other criminal justice work can be extremely competitive, meaning that you’ll have to be the best of the best if you want to land a job. Use your cover letter as an opportunity to outline what makes you uniquely qualified by highlighting your most impressive accomplishments.

Don’t forget about the less glamorous parts of your job. Catching the bad guys is a whole lot more exciting than filing paperwork, but both are a crucial part of being an investigator. For that reason, your cover letter should mention your organizational skills and experience with aspects of the job that are typically less highlighted.

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How to Write Resume for Invigilator?

A quick guide in 2023.

Writing an invigilator resume can be both daunting and confusing. This blog will help you get to the basics of:

  • How to make a CV or resume for invigilator?
  • How to make your profile stand out through your resume?

Table of Contents

What is an invigilator resume.

resume for invigilator image

Resume for invigilator is the customized resume for invigilator job aspirants. The resume will highlight what qualities, skills and experiences you have in order to apply for the post of invigilator.

How Important is a Resume for Invigilator?

An invigilator resume is quite important for a job applicant with the profile of an invigilator. While other documents like score card or experience certificate provides bits of information about the applicant, a custom-made resume gives a more comprehensive picture.

How to Make a Resume for Invigilator?

how to write resume for invigilator

Whether you are a fresher or experienced, landing a job as an invigilator requires you to present your talents in the most convincing way. You will need an outstanding resume for that. Follow these step-by-step instructions on how to make a cv for invigilator for the same.

  • Select an appropriate format: To begin with, select a resume format that is accepted for the profession of invigilator. There are many formats but you should choose one that suits your profile.
  • Write your personal details: The first thing to write on your resume is your name and contact details – phone number, email address, location and WhatsApp Number.
  • Write a unique headline: Having a unique resume headline will add appeal to your resume. E.g.: Invigilator with six years’ experience from reputed institutions.
  • Write a summary statement: Write a summary statement that justifies your invigilator resume headline. Add your relevant skills, experiences, achievements as a professional etc. in the summary.
  • Add work experience: Next, write all your work experiences in reverse chronological order. The most recent experience appearing at first. Include the name of organization, location, designation and start and end date of your tenure.
  • Highlight relevant skills: Resumes are shortlisted with the help of ATS (application tracking system). Your industry relevant skills act as the keywords. List all those skills in your resume.
  • List academic background: List all your academic background details in reverse chronological order. You can also include your certifications and details of relevant workshops you have attended.
  • Validate the resume: Finally, check if your resume contains any errors. All types of grammatical and spelling mistakes are to be eliminated from the resume.

Do’s and Don’ts in Writing Resume/CV For Exam Invigilator

Writing a good exam invigilator resume entails ensuring a number of things as well as eliminating some significant mistakes. Follow these dos and don’ts of resume writing to write an outstanding resume.

  • Be honest: Resume is not a document to claim skills or experience that you don’t have. Being dishonest in the resume will cause the employer to have wrong expectations about you.
  • Ensure clarity: Whatever you write in your resume, make it clear. For instance, if you are writing about achievements, write how many people you have invigilated.
  • Use active voice: Use only active voice in the resume. Use simple action words to describe your skills and experiences. Remember that your CV will be read by multiple individuals.
  • Customize for the post: Always customize your resume in accordance with the job role you are applying for.
  • Avoid irrelevant personal info: Avoid writing irrelevant personal details like religious preferences, weight, height, marital status or political affiliations in your resume.
  • Don’t include references: Companies may ask you for references once they have decided to hire you. You do not have to write it in the resume before anyone asks you.
  • Don’t make it too lengthy: The very purpose of your resume is to provide recruiters with a quick sneak peek into your profile. A lengthy resume won’t do the purpose.
  • Avoid too many bullet points: Try to limit the number of bullet points under each section to five or six and not more than that. Too many bullets will make reading complicated.

Format of Resume for Invigilator

Knowing the correct format is the first step in how to write a cv or resume. Generally speaking, there are three types of resume formats available out there. You must choose a particular format only after figuring out which one can work best for you.

  • Reverse chronological resume format: If you are an invigilator with several years of experience in the domain, you can go for this type of resume formatting. As per this format, you will list your professional experiences in reverse-chronological order. Your most recent experience will come at the top and the oldest experience at the bottom.
  • Functional resume format: If you are a fresher looking for an opening in your career as an invigilator, you should mold your resume in functional format. Here, your relevant skills and aptitudes are highlighted in order to attract the attention of the recruiter quickly to it.
  • Hybrid resume formatting: This is a combination of both functional and reverse-chronological resume formatting. If the employer is looking for a candidate with both experience and specific skill sets, you can format your resume in this way.

Sample of Resume for Invigilator

Review this sample resume for invigilator before you write resume. The sample will give you a real sense of understanding with regard to resume formatting, structure, and length.

Frequently Asked Question

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Resume summary is the boiled down version of your resume in three to four sentences. It should explain what relevant experiences, skills and qualifications you have to serve as an invigilator in the desired institution. Writing a strong resume summary is important because a recruiter will decide whether to go through the rest of your resume based on your resume summary.

It is good to include both resume and cover letter in your job application. While the resume gives a comprehensive idea about your qualification, experience and skills, a cover letter helps recruiters know what motivates you to apply for the role.

You should list down all your academic qualifications in your resume for invigilator. Listing down all will help the recruiters know that you don’t have any gaps. Also, you should give more emphasize on writing your most relevant qualification depending on the type institute or subject or industry where you are applying for the post of invigilator.

The ideal length of an invigilator resume is two pages.

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Mr. Sugathan

Mr. Sugathan is the founder of Professional Writing Services. He is an Army veteran who served the nation for more than two decades. During his tenure, he was involved in a lot of documentation and secretarial works. He has been drafting letters and documents on a daily basis.

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