Make the Perfect SWOT Analysis Presentation (Plus Free Templates)

Carla Albinagorta

SWOT analyses are one of those tools that can be applied to absolutely everything. You can use them for startups or for well-established companies. They are useful for whatever industry your company is in, and for whatever department in any given enterprise. A SWOT analysis can change the mind of a doubting investor. Or it can be an essential part of a semestral meeting of goals and achievements. Here you’ll find how to make the perfect SWOT Analysis Presentation and take your business to the next level. And, as always, you’ll also find some amazing free PowerPoint Templates so you can start working right away!

SWOT analysis presentation

What is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a straightforward, incredibly useful tool. It helps you evaluate your business position in the present. But it also helps you think about the future and plan strategically. SWOT analyses are great to get the ball rolling in the meetings, but also as a base for serious strategic planning.

What a SWOT analysis consists of is relatively easy. It is a way to identify your Strengths and Weaknesses and to consider the Opportunities and Threats that may appear on the horizon. A SWOT analysis is usually represented in 4 quadrants, each with bullet points. This way, anyone who looks at it will be able to see the complete picture. It also allows your audience to see how the 4 categories are interconnected to each other. Your Strengths should create Opportunities, and you need to be aware of your Weaknesses so you can soften the Threats.

Speaking of interconnection, SWOT Analyses are vital for keeping grounded any project or business you’re planning. It’s easy to forget that no enterprise (or at least anyone that implies others) is ever an island. Whether it’s customers, or collaborators, or employees or distributors, your work is usually bigger than yourself. Sometimes we get so excited about an idea that we can forget that even if we think it’s great, maybe the conditions for it aren’t right, or you don’t have enough resources to make it work. Doing a SWOT analysis is important because it helps you have an objective view of where you’re standing, and how your surroundings are.

This is why SWOT analyses are applicable to practically anything. Any project, business or enterprise you have in mind could benefit from being evaluated objectively in their context. You can even apply a SWOT analysis to different levels. A general, company-level SWOT analysis is always useful. But you can also make a SWOT analysis for one specific product or campaign. Companies always grow and evolve, and context is constantly changing, so it is important to make this type of evaluation every once in a while. For example, you can do a company-level SWOT for every semester, or every year, in order to establish with your team the achievements you have made and the goals for the near future.

business plan SWOT analysis

Parts of a SWOT analysis

The best way to do a SWOT analysis is to sit with your team and start working point by point. It is important to keep an open mind and to avoid preconceived notions of the product or the company that might influence the analysis. In short, it should be as objective as possible.

Starting with a brainstorming session is always a good idea, especially when done on a board or something similar. This way, everyone will be able to see the complete picture. Using a board is great because it’ll allow you to add your team’s input immediately and the collaborative process will be more dynamic. After you’ve collected everyone’s ideas, then you can begin to edit and prioritize.

Probably some ideas will we repeated, or some can be grouped together since they’re similar. The editing process is important because it’ll help you tune and polish your SWOT analysis. It’s pretty common to realize that some things that you have added as opportunities are really strengths, or vice-versa. Maybe when you’re reading your weaknesses you’ll realize that there is an extra strength you didn’t realize at first. Or the threats will help you think of other opportunities. In any case, editing is a vital part of doing a SWOT analysis.

Many times SWOT analyses are presented as a double-entry chart. This is because it is easy (and helpful!) to align these 4 categories into 2 axes. First, each of these is either positive or negative for your company. And second, they are either internal or external. Thinking your SWOT analysis in this way can make it clearer when you’re trying to start. For example, Strengths and Threats are both internal characteristics, but one is positive and the other is negative.

SWOT analysis

In this section of your SWOT analysis, you should add the things your business does successfully. These are the things your business stands out in. Strengths can be physical assets, like the equipment, or your location, or a certain characteristic of the materials you use. But they can also be intangible. For example, your network, team assets, or your reputation. Anything that sums something to your company and makes you distinguishable from your competition is a strength.

Keep in consideration that if all (or almost) all of your competition is already doing it, it’s hardly a strength. For example, if all of them offer a low cost product, you also need to offer one too (otherwise it will become a weakness). In this case, the product’s cost is not a strength, it’s a necessity. This is why it’s so important to have a good understanding of your competitors. Strengths are those things that will really tilt the balance towards you.

This section refers to everything where you don’t quite reach your competition’s level. If your company underperforms in some aspect, or your production is lacking something, it is important to know it. It’s easy to ignore weak spots from the inside, so try to put yourself in the shoes of a customer. If you were going to buy your product, what would make you think twice about choosing yours over anyone else’s?

As with the Strengths, these can be tangible or intangible. It can be things like that the production cost is too high. Or it can also aspects that are not physical, like a bad reputation the brand needs to overcome. While it may be tempting to overlook the weaknesses in your product or company, it’s also extremely useful. Even if no one wants to hear they’re failing at something, it’s important to acknowledge it so you can work on it and move forward.


While Strengths are internal, Opportunities are positive, external factors that might influence you and your product. The easiest way to distinguish between these two is to consider if this factor depends on you or if you can change it in any way. Strengths, since they’re internal, depend on you. For example, your reputation, your product’s quality, your customer service. Opportunities, on the other hand, are factors that you can’t directly influence.

Both Opportunities and Threats, as external factors, are realities you just have to work with. There is no changing them or going around them. It’s just the economic and social context your business and your product exist in. It’s up to you to find aspects of your context that can be beneficial for your project. You’ll not be able to change your context, but you can certainly learn to read opportunities from it.

As well as with Opportunities, Threats are not factors that you’ll be able to change. But exactly because these are factors that don’t depend on you, you should be able to identify them. This way, threats will never catch you unprepared, and you’ll be able to work actively in diminishing them. This section is tricky to work with because it demands some medium and long term vision of both your business and your overall context. Even if you think everything is going well, it’s important to take external factors into consideration that can impact negatively on your project.

Changes in the economy, or the trends, or technological development can affect radically the way you do business. It’s great to complement this section with other analysis tests, like PEST, for example.

What to take into consideration in a SWOT Analysis Presentation

SWOT analysis presentation

  • A SWOT analysis presentation is also a great opportunity for you to polish it. You can use the presentation to get feedback on your analysis. Maybe someone in the audience has a new point of view that you haven’t considered before when doing your analysis.
  • Take into consideration your public. Your SWOT analysis presentation can be a part of a pitch deck, for example. In this case, potential investors might not be very comfortable if you just throw in weaknesses and threats. You should definitely include them in your SWOT analysis presentation, as they will show you’re objective and grounded. But you can also add how you’re working on them, or how would you overcome them over time.
  • Use concrete examples and data that support your claims. Your SWOT analysis will be much stronger. For example, if you say that your good reputation it’s one of your strengths, you can add positive reviews or a customer satisfaction evaluation. If you argue that some trend is going on the rise you can add a graph that shows this. Do your research and apply it to your SWOT!

SWOT Analysis Templates for the perfect presentation

Sharing your SWOT analysis in your presentation can be great. Even if it just began as brainstorming, a good SWOT will always be useful to present the bigger picture to your associates and investors. You can elaborate on it to explain the value proposition of your product or your brand.

However, making a PowerPoint out of it can be tricky. Since each section includes numerous bullet points, it can be difficult to fit in just one slide. It’s easy for it to look messy, or just plain boring. That’s why here you’ll find the best of the best free PowerPoint templates for your SWOT analysis presentation

Ultimate SWOT Analysis Template Pack

Ultimate SWOT analysis template

This creative PowerPoint template includes 6 slides to make your SWOT analysis presentation a success. It offers you 4 different options on how to present in one slide the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. And, it also includes a slide in case you wish to separate each of these points into their own slide. Its creative style will help you convey all the important points of your business to your audience. And its creative blue design will make sure that no one loses focus during your presentation.

SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Templates

SWOT analysis presentation template

This template pack offers 3 different options to present your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It includes 8 different eye-catching icons to represent the 4 categories. Its modern design will help you capture your audience’s attention without it feeling cramped. This free PowerPoint template, as the last one, includes a model of an “S” Slide, in case you wish to present each cornerstone one by one.

SWOT Analysis Presentation Templates

SWOT analysis presentation

This 9-slide pack is ideal for a complete, detailed SWOT analysis presentation. It includes the classic 4 quadrant matrix but it also includes several other types of slides to complement the presentation. This pack has a map slide, 2 percentage slides, and a honeycomb slide, among others. These will help you backup your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats with some rigorous, objective data. The great thing about this PowerPoint template is that is also has a beautiful color palette that will make your presentation much more eye-pleasing for your audience.

SWOT PowerPoint Template

SWOT free PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template offers you a really complete and detailed option to present your SWOT analysis. You’ll find here 3 original designs to organize your presentation. You can use the “X” diagram to make the slide look more dynamic. There is also the chart option, for those who want to fit more information under each section. And you also have the double-entry chart to make a different SWOT that emphasizes in the external/internal factors. Whichever you choose, it will help your SWOT analysis presentation look completely different from all the rest.

SWOT analysis presentation template

It also has original diagrams for presenting each point in their own slides. You can forget about tedious bullet points with this template: it is filled with dynamic, visual ways to present all your data. It also includes a percentages slide to present quantitative data. And it has a sleek design that will help your presentation look more professional without being boring.

Playful SWOT PowerPoint Template

Playful SWOT analysis presentation

This colorful SWOT analysis template will assure you that your presentation doesn’t go under the radar. This pack offers 10 beautiful slides for everything you need in a SWOT analysis presentation. It has 2 different designs to present the 4 pillars. But it also includes other slides so you can present in detail each of these points. It includes a map with percentages slides to back up your arguments with some objective data. You can also find here a great compare and contrast slide.

SWOT free powerpoint template

All over the template, you’ll find original and eye-catching icons to make each of your points shine. This template is one of my personal favorites, and its playful and colorful design will really make your presentation stand out.

Financial SWOT PowerPoint Templates

financial SWOT analysis presentation

The slides in this free PowerPoint template will complement perfectly any presentation you want to do about your business. This pack consists of 3 different SWOT analysis slides that will take your presentation to the next level. One of them is the classic 4-quadrant matrix for the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The other 2 will allow you to expand on each of these topics individually in a visually striking way.

Other Templates Packs that include SWOT Analysis Slides

Ultimate product hunt pitch deck powerpoint template.

This Pitch Deck template pack has everything you need to sell to your audience your project. SWOT analyses are a great way to show that you’re aware of your shortcomings and are carefully working actively on them. This way you’ll show your potential investor that you’re grounded and trustworthy. Check out more about Pitch Deck presentations in this article .

pitch deck SWOT template

Dark themed 30 Slide Template Pack

The dark background in this PowerPoint template will make your presentation look professional and elegant. It includes 30 beautifully design slides for any information you want to show about your business. It has percentages slides, maps, processes, and, of course, a SWOT analysis slide.

Corporate Package of 20 Slides

This creative and colorful pack will work wonders for any business. It offers a wide range of slide designs. It has (aside from the SWOT analysis) pie charts, an iconic list, a map slide, and bar diagrams. Everything you could ever need in a corporate presentation!

Project Analysis PowerPoint Template

This one is a 10-slide pack perfect for a detailed but short project analysis. It includes a growth diagram, a couple of chart slides, and obviously, a SWOT analysis. In this case, this last one is presented as a double-entry chart. This template has a great color palette that will make your presentation look unique and fresh.

project analysis SWOT template

Business Presentation Template

This 20-slide business presentation includes some great slides, from circle diagrams to social media analysis. It also has a wide range of graphs and charts, like an organizational and a Gantt chart. Among all these, you’ll find a great knot SWOT slide to show your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This template has a lot of not-conventional diagrams that are really worth taking a look at!

Creative 30 Slide Mega Pack PowerPoint Template

In the 30 slides of this deck, you’ll find absolutely anything you could ever need for your business presentation. It’s filled with beautiful and eye-catching diagrams and charts for all your information. In the last part of this pack, you’ll find the SWOT analysis slide.

Playful Mega Pack Slide PowerPoint Template

This deck will help you catch your audience’s attention with its playful design and amazing graphs. There are great processes and growth diagrams, circle graphs, pros & cons…. You name it! And, among them, the obligatory SWOT analysis slide to complete a perfect presentation.

Creative Competitor Analysis Template

As part of determining your own value proposition, you have to know what your competitors are offering. This PowerPoint deck has everything you need to showcase what is your competition doing. Work on your competitors SWOT analysis: every one of their weaknesses can become a strength for you!

Playful Facebook Report Template

social media SWOT template

Even if this deck says “Facebook”, it is great for any social media report you need to present. Social media is such a big part of our lives now, that is vital that you take it into consideration. This template includes bar and line charts and a team slide so you can share with your team your social media campaigns. And, of course, your SWOT analysis.

swot analysis presentation

A SWOT analysis can make a difference in your presentation to a potential investor or associate. It can help get your team on the same page. It can help evaluate your business performance and plan ahead. A customized slide design can help your SWOT analysis really stand out. It’s easy for SWOT analysis to look cramped, or too generic. If these templates are not enough, you can always contact our team of designers here at 24Slides . They’ll make sure your SWOT analysis presentation looks like no one else’s!

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  • The Best Free PEST Diagram PowerPoint Templates
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SWOT Analysis

Immerse yourself in our impressive collection of SWOT Analysis templates, expertly crafted to enrich your PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations.

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool that evaluates the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a project, organization, or situation. It is an essential framework for presentations related to business strategy, marketing, and decision-making.

Leverage our captivating SWOT Analysis templates to create a memorable presentation that resonates with your audience and drives informed decision-making.

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SWOT Analysis Deck for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Preview image showing the editable Light Bulb SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides with colorful bulbs representing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Light Bulb SWOT for PowerPoint and Google Slides

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SWOT Analysis Matrix for PowerPoint

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Twisted Banners SWOT PowerPoint Diagram

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SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis templates deck helps you present the strengths and weaknesses of your team with clarity. You can easily edit the text placeholders in these slides and replace them with relevant content. Analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization is critical to its success. Our SWOT analysis templates feature a clean and creative design with a compelling mix of text and graphic elements. Easily customizable, these slides can be easily included in any existing presentation to make it more appealing. From SWOT matrix to flat SWOT diagrams, these templates can help you create them in minutes

Theory of Change

Theory of Change

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Startup SWOT Analysis

Startup SWOT Analysis

Competitive Profile Matrix

Competitive Profile Matrix

Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study

Start Stop Continue

Start Stop Continue

Professional SWOT Analysis

Professional SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis Illustration

SWOT Analysis Illustration

SWOT Analysis Smart Shapes

SWOT Analysis Smart Shapes

Cross SWOT Templates

Cross SWOT Templates

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35+ SWOT Analysis Templates (Free, AI, PPT & Our Picks 2024)

Roger Match

Need Quality Design at Scale?

SWOT analysis has truly become my bread and butter as a marketer, but let me tell you, finding that perfect template to beautifully present my competitor research insights was like searching for a needle in a haystack! That's why I'm here to make your life easier. Let me simplify the task of finding fantastic, free, and visually stunning SWOT analysis templates just for you. Whether it's original designs crafted by top-notch Superside designers or AI-powered templates tailored for PowerPoint, Excel, Microsoft Word, or Google Slides, rest assured, these 35+ SWOT templates are precisely what you've been searching for.

Establishing a niche within the broader market is one of the most challenging aspects of competitor analysis. If you don’t believe me, look no further than Albert Humphrey, who developed the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) model in the 1950s as a business strategy tool to gain fresh insights.

Crafting a competitor analysis using the SWOT framework isn't always straightforward, but it's a necessary step.

But, in my experience, finding the right design for your SWOT template can be even more challenging; otherwise, your ideas may not be conveyed effectively.

We at Superside have gathered top SWOT analysis templates for you to assess your business, project, or venture and develop clear strategic plans for success–ready to sprinkle some sweetness into your competitor analysis with a SWOTer plot twist ? Let’s dive in!

What Exactly is SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is one of the most popular and effective strategic planning tools—it’s a potent technique that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that affect an organization, person or situation based on internal and external factors.

The SWOT analysis uses a grid or a matrix to collect the internal and external information of an organization or person.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal, while opportunities and threats are external. The information is analyzed to produce a decision, and the decision leads to strategy.

Take a look at the four elements of a basic SWOT grid:

swot analysis presentation

Source: Creately

The Key Role of SWOT Analysis in Strategic Planning

Part of the beauty of a SWOT diagram is breadth. In a business plan context, it can give real insight into what sets your company apart because you examine internal factors and external factors affecting your business.

At the same time, you can (and should) perform a SWOT analysis of your key competitors, including evaluating where you stand compared to them. Then, you can put your organizational strategies in motion based on the comparative analysis—whether your business is about to launch a product or your non-profit is planning a fundraiser. A thorough SWOT diagram can help map the way. Apart from that, business plan examples can also provide valuable insights into structuring and articulating your own business strategies effectively.

For a personal SWOT analysis, you might put together a SWOT matrix to plan your next career move or to prepare for an interview. In this case, you are the product and your SWOT diagram can help you distinguish your talents, abilities and opportunities from the rest of the market.

Another appealing part of a SWOT analysis is its flexibility. You can use it in an entry-level way, to get the wheels moving around a thought or strategy. Or, you can apply it diligently and frequently, to map out how to take your organization to the next level.

Why is Conducting a SWOT Analysis Important?

Using SWOT analysis to pinpoint a company's unique characteristics is a common practice that often leads to excellent outcomes , clearly demonstrating its benefits, which include the following:

  • Strategic Planning: It helps organizations assess your company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, enabling better strategic planning and decision-making.
  • Identifying Competitive Advantage: By understanding your external and internal strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors, identifying areas where you have a competitive advantage becomes a walk in the park.
  • Risk Management: A simple SWOT analysis can also help organizations identify potential risks and challenges in the business environment, allowing them to develop strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.
  • Resource Allocation: If you are looking to avoid economic downturns and manage financial resources more effectively, a comprehensive SWOT analysis is a great way to focus on areas with the greatest potential for growth and improvement, while minimizing risks.
  • Enhancing Communication: SWOT analyses facilitate communication and alignment within an organization, as they provide a clear framework for project managers to discuss external and internal weaknesses affecting the business.
  • Adaptation to Change: Effective SWOT analysis enables organizations to gain valuable insights into the current competitive landscape of their industries, allowing them to continuously evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to develop a better project plan for new market trends.

Superside's Streamlined Approach to Competitor Analysis and SWOT Templates

Dissecting your business's strengths and weaknesses can feel overwhelming. Understanding the internal and external factors influencing your plans can be challenging without the right partner. That's where Superside comes in.

Superside offers more than just beautiful design assets with our comprehensive design subscription. We also provide digital marketing consulting services led by experts. These services are designed to help your business achieve its growth goals by equipping you with the necessary insights to outperform your competitors.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your brand identity and increase brand recognition within your industry or need to present your SWOT analysis in a clear and impactful manner, Superside has you covered.

Additionally, our presentation design services ensure that your detailed analysis is communicated effectively to relevant stakeholders, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive business evolution.

Superside's Design Capabilities

Superside's Design Capabilities

Explore Superside's full range of design capabilities with creative examples of our work for clients, like Amazon, Salesforce and Puma.

10 Free SWOT PPT Templates Designed by Superside Experts

No matter how you use a SWOT analysis, you need a guide. We compiled seven tricks to find visual data to help you determine graphically interesting ways to disseminate the information in your SWOT analysis template in PowerPoint.

We also created and collected an assortment of SWOT templates in PowerPoint so your slides get a boost with dynamic, beautiful graphics while honing your competitive edge, and, if you are feeling even more creative, check out the best free PPT presentation templates we have for you.

Let’s start with examples from our Superside designers , who have created a range of SWOT PowerPoint presentation templates, all easy to edit and customize. They’re terrific examples of the top-level talent at Superside, and you can download them for free.

swot analysis presentation

1. Colorful SWOT analysis template

Slightly unconventional colors grab our attention here. Paired with helping hands that sport catchy icons, this is an ideal non-profit SWOT matrix template.

Download this slide: Download 4:3 | Download 16:9

swot analysis presentation

2. Vibrant SWOT verticals for dynamic morning meetings

This PowerPoint design combines sharp verticals with colors that pop and a hint of fun. It's perfect for those early morning meetings, whether it’s used for project management or business planning templates.

swot analysis presentation

3. SWOT self-evaluation and employee analysis template

A SWOT employee analysis like this can be used for self-evaluation. The corporate figure and blue tones encourage taking the task seriously.

swot analysis presentation

4. Competitor analysis SWOT PPT template

We see this as a competitor SWOT analysis PPT template, with blue and red indicators that point out helpful and harmful factors.

swot analysis presentation

5. Business analysis SWOT template

This business SWOT analysis template places bold shapes and colors on a white background. The energetic and motivating feel keeps the analysis process moving.

swot analysis presentation

6. Competitor research SWOT template

Here’s another possible SWOT template for competitor analysis. The black background conveys a more serious tone of importance and relevance.

swot analysis presentation

7. Non-profit SWOT diagram

With appealing light colors and unexpected capsule-shaped graphics, this non-profit SWOT diagram template is inviting and approachable. It’s also great for a personal career search analysis.

swot analysis presentation

8. Tech & science SWOT PowerPoint template

This blank SWOT PowerPoint template conveys authority via a black background and slightly reserved design. It’s ideal for use in science and technology industries.

swot analysis presentation

9. Retail competitor analysis SWOT diagram

Subtly graduated color in a repeated block design distinguishes this editable SWOT analysis template, which also includes appealing orange accents. It’s perfect for retail use or competitor analysis.

swot analysis presentation

10. Pastel personal SWOT analysis template

Pastel droplets and a clear, readable font make this design stand out as a personal SWOT template in PowerPoint. You can also read our guide on the best fonts to use in your presentations . Download 4:3 | Download 16:9

To give yourself an array of options, download all of the Superside designers’ slides above .

AI-powered SWOT Analysis Templates

AI is the not-so-new kid on the block that everyone is talking about, and it can also be a powerful ally in creating free SWOT analyses with just a few clicks.

Here at Superside, we've experienced this firsthand.

By integrating AI enhancements into our subscription model, we've slashed design times by up to 60%, all while keeping costs lower. The result? Exceptional campaigns that speak volumes.

swot analysis presentation

11. AI SWOT analysis generator

SWOT Analysis

If you're seeking a swift, AI-generated, free SWOT analysis template, simply provide a brief description of your company, and watch this AI tool work its magic.

swot analysis presentation

12. Taskade AI

Streamlining your business analysis brainstorming sessions has never been easier, all thanks to Taskade AI's SWOT analysis generator. Download and share it for free today!

swot analysis presentation

Notion SWOT Analysis w/AI

As a content marketer, Notion templates save my life daily. Utilizing this free SWOT analysis template, businesses can effortlessly grasp their strengths and weaknesses at the touch of a button.

swot analysis presentation

14. LogicBalls

SWOT analyses revolve around logic and understanding a business or project, and that's precisely what this AI-powered tool by LogicBalls accomplishes.

swot analysis presentation

Bizway's AI SWOT Analysis Generator transforms the way you perceive your or your competitors' businesses. In just a few seconds, you can utilize it to kickstart your own SWOT graphic without spending a dime.

Download More Free SWOT Slides & PowerPoint Templates

I’ve searched the internet to find even more examples of SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation templates, available for free or for a fee. Each example is one of many from each source and is an editable SWOT analysis template that you can use to map your organizational or personal strategy.

swot analysis presentation

16. PresentationGo


Use this free editable SWOT analysis template to show the relationship to a central idea in a cyclical progression.

swot analysis presentation

17. Slidehunter


Soft pastel colors in large fields make this free SWOT template approachable, and it works in either a vertical or horizontal layout.

swot analysis presentation

18. SlideModel

SlideModel offers a free SWOT analysis PowerPoint template in conservative blues and grays, with a solid square-based design.

swot analysis presentation

19. Microsoft

Microsoft Templates

Microsoft’s free SWOT diagram template is easy to download, with high-contrast colors to make the analysis factors easy to distinguish.

swot analysis presentation

20. Slidestore

Slidestore’s free SWOT analysis sample is contemporary, with a full-field photograph and sharp icons.

swot analysis presentation

21. EnvatoMarket


The bright colors, white space and clean design in this SWOT template pop with a professional but somewhat playful feel. Cost: 8 USD.

swot analysis presentation

22. SlideTeam

This management and business SWOT analysis template plays with shades of green, blue and gray to suggest trustworthiness, which is underscored in the balanced rectangle design. A monthly fee for 20 PPT template downloads starts at 49.99 USD. Seven-day free trial available.

Free SWOT Analysis Templates for Microsoft Word

So far, we’ve focused on templates for PowerPoint, but you might prefer SWOT analysis templates for Microsoft Word or  other presentation software . See the free downloads we’ve found, below.

swot analysis presentation

23. OneDrive

This turquoise and gray template is super simple and clean, perfect for drafting a SWOT business analysis.

swot analysis presentation

24. Word Templates Online

Word Templates Online

Muted, earthy colors and a softened rectangle-based design give an organic feel to this editable SWOT matrix template for Word.

swot analysis presentation

25. Demplates

This Word SWOT analysis template uses a colorful curving road or path design to graphically demonstrate the intentions for any business using it. It’s both professional and whimsical.

SWOT Analysis Templates for Excel

Using Excel for a business SWOT analysis is one of the most straightforward ways to present comparative information. Download the free templates below to get a quick start on the SWOT technique.

swot analysis presentation

26. Word Templates Online (Excel)

Word Templates Online SWOT Excel

This green and gray SWOT analysis template for Excel features side-by-side competitor analysis for easy comparison.

swot analysis presentation

The competitor sheet on this Excel SWOT analysis template provides a clear and easy comparison of the number of employees, sales, revenue, assets, liabilities and other factors.

swot analysis presentation

28. Spreadsheet Page

Spreadsheet Page

This Excel SWOT template was designed to measure a new product against similar products already in the marketplace. Each sheet addresses a different factor in the SWOT analysis.

Free SWOT Analysis Templates for Google Slides

I’ve also found several free SWOT analysis templates for you to download, if perhaps you prefer working with Google Slides.

swot analysis presentation

29. SlideModel (Google Slides)

SlideModel Google Slides

Appealing icon illustrations meet vivid colors in this editable SWOT template. Perfect for businesses that have a slightly edgy approach.

swot analysis presentation

30. SlideSmash

This fully editable SWOT template for Google Slides features a modern layout and colors.

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Popular SWOT Analysis Examples by Superside

Our Superside designers also created SWOT analysis templates for some of the largest brands.

swot analysis presentation

31. Starbucks SWOT analysis example

Just in time for the holidays—a template for a SWOT analysis of Starbucks, with festive colors, dynamic design components and a mouth-watering photo.

Download this template here: Download 4:3 | Download 16:9

swot analysis presentation

32. Apple SWOT analysis

Signature sleek design, metallic finishes and the appeal of technology combine in this template for a SWOT analysis of Apple.

swot analysis presentation

33. Nike SWOT analysis

This template for a Nike SWOT analysis delivers a sense of exuberant movement and strength, from the icons to the figure photograph.

Download this slide here: Download 4:3 | Download 16:9

swot analysis presentation

34. Amazon SWOT analysis

Amazon SWOT Analysis: This template for an Amazon SWOT analysis emphasizes the company’s size and dominance via a field of black and no-nonsense accents in orange and white.

swot analysis presentation

35. Walmart SWOT analysis

This template for a Walmart SWOT analysis uses the corporation’s familiar blue, gold and white color combination against a crisp white background, for both brand recognition and industry authority.

How to Do a SWOT Analysis in 7 Swift Steps

Conducting a SWOT analysis is an excellent way to take a strategic approach, gaining valuable insights and identifying opportunities. But how do we do it? Generally, to perform a SWOT analysis, we follow seven quick steps:

  • Identify the Objective: Start by defining the purpose of your SWOT analysis. Whether it's for a specific project, product, business, or brand strategy , clarifying the objective will help focus the analysis.
  • Gather Information: Then, collect relevant data and information about the internal and external factors that may impact your objective, such as threats related to your organization and trends in emerging markets.
  • Identify Internal Strengths: Once you have all the information you need, proceed by analyzing what your organization excels at and its unique advantages. Reflect on resources, expertise, brand reputation and market position.
  • Recognize Internal Weaknesses: Evaluate areas where your organization struggles or encounters obstacles. Identify opportunities or areas needing improvement and obstacles hindering success.
  • Explore External Opportunities: Investigate external factors that could benefit your organization. Examine market trends, emerging technologies and regulatory changes. Look for opportunities in changing consumer behaviors, industry developments and partnerships.
  • Assess External Threats: Examine external factors posing risks to your organization. Here, it’s important to identify risks that could negatively impact your business, including actions of new competitors and changing consumer preferences.
  • Prioritize and Analyze: Once you have identified your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, prioritize them based on their significance and potential impact on your objective.

For some guidance on how to get started with a SWOT analysis for your business, check out popular YouTube videos.

VirtualStrategist: Produced by a strategy management firm, this video features a live presentation on a whiteboard on performing an organizational SWOT analysis. It’s composed and thorough with a classroom feel. At just over seven minutes long, it has more than 104,000 views. In my opinion, it’s definitely worth a watch.

tutor2u: Produced by tutor2u, creator of many educational resources, this video is a clear, complete introduction to SWOT analysis usability in business. With a step-by-step approach, it explains how SWOT works, along with the pros and cons of using it. Text-based PowerPoint slides walk viewers through the six-minute presentation.

365 Careers: This video, the second lesson in a series of business strategy modules produced by 365 Careers, focuses on helping business and finance graduates land their first job. In just over three minutes, it gives a basic overview of a SWOT analysis, with specific examples for each component.

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10 Free SWOT Analysis Templates for PowerPoint

By Joe Weller | August 12, 2022

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We’ve collected the top sampling of free, customizable SWOT analysis templates for listing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. All templates are available in a presentation-ready PowerPoint format. 

Included on this page, you’ll find a basic SWOT template , a custom photo SWOT template , a sample business SWOT template , and an animated SWOT template . 

For SWOT analysis templates in other formats, visit our collections of SWOT templates for Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Google Docs , and Google Slides.

Basic SWOT Matrix Template for PowerPoint

Basic SWOT Matrix Template PowerPoint

Download the Basic SWOT Matrix Template for PowerPoint

This basic SWOT matrix includes four fillable quadrants to map out and present strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This colorful template is fully customizable and can be tailored for any use case, including project analyses or personal decision-making efforts.

3D SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

3D SWOT Analysis Template PowerPoint

Download the 3D SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

This template features a modern 3D design to record the results of your SWOT analysis. This template is fully customizable, including the colors of the 3D shapes. Use it to present your analysis clearly and creatively with a simple but eye-catching design.

Colorful Leaves SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Colorful Leaves SWOT Analysis Template PowerPoint

Download the Colorful Leaves SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

This SWOT analysis template features a fun, creative, and colorful leaf design to bring some visual flair into your presentation. Each leaf acts as a quadrant of a traditional SWOT matrix, which you can fill with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This template is fully customizable and can be used for any personal or business case.

SWOT Puzzle Template for PowerPoint

SWOT Puzzle Template PowerPoint

Download the SWOT Puzzle Template for PowerPoint

Present your SWOT analysis in a fun, visual way with this puzzle design. Each puzzle piece represents a quadrant of the SWOT matrix and can be customized with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats found in your analysis. This template is fully customizable, so you can easily change the colors or text to fit your needs.

Diamond SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Diamond SWOT Analysis Template PowerPoint

Download the Diamond SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

This diamond-shaped SWOT analysis template reinvents the traditional matrix to make the presentation slide more visually interesting while keeping the simple, readable format. The template includes plenty of space for text in each section and is fully customizable to suit all business or personal analysis needs.

Career Change SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Career Change SWOT Analysis Template PowerPoint

Download the Career Change SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

This template includes prompts to help you through the decisions involved in a career change. Use it to examine your professional strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats that a career change may present. This template comes prefilled with sample copy, all of which is completely editable to suit any personal decision-making or business purposes.

Business SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Business SWOT Analysis Template Example PowerPoint

Download the Blank Business SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint Download the Sample Business SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

This four-quadrant template provides a sleek and professional layout to present your SWOT analysis results in a business setting. Use it to display strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in an easy-to-read, polished format. This template is fully editable and customizable to suit any business or professional need.

Animated SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Animated SWOT Analysis Template Powerpoint

Download the Animated SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Use this animated template to present your SWOT analysis data in a creative, professional way. The animation highlights your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and it helps for focusing meeting participants on your presentation. This template is fully customizable and ready to use for all business and personal needs.

Plain SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Plain SWOT Analysis Template PowerPoint

Download the Plain SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Use this plain SWOT matrix to present your SWOT analysis with no distractions. This template has a simple two-by-two quadrant layout with no added color or illustrations. This template is a fully editable, blank canvas that you can easily customize to make your own.

Custom Photo SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Custom Photo SWOT Analysis Template PowerPoint

Download the Custom Photo SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

Use this template to display the results of your SWOT analysis over an image of your choice. This template comes with a selection of three photo options, or you can upload your own photo. Use this template to create a truly customized look and feel for your presentation, and edit the copy to suit your needs.

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What Is SWOT Analysis And How To Use It In A Presentation

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • May 16, 2024

A SWOT analysis, a short form for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, is  an efficient way to evaluate a business or project. It’s like taking a good look at what you’re good at, what you’re not so good at, what chances you have, and what might cause trouble. You can use it for anything from a product to a whole business plan to see what might help or hurt you in reaching your goals.

It’s one of the handiest tools for planning because it helps you see the big picture. By breaking things down into these four categories, you can determine where you’re doing well and where to improve. 

You can use a SWOT analysis not just for big meetings but also for serious planning. They help you understand where you stand now and where you might go in the future. They’re usually shown in a grid with four sections, so it’s easy to see everything at once. Plus, it helps you see how all these different parts fit together.

SWOT analysis can be used for any project or idea. You can make smarter decisions by looking at both internal things (like your own strengths and weaknesses) and external things (like what’s happening in the world around you).

You might think your idea is the best thing ever, but a simple SWOT analysis can show you if the time isn’t right or if you’re missing something important. It’s like stepping back to see the whole picture, not just what’s right in front of you.

And you don’t just do it once and forget about it; you can do it regularly to track how things are changing. You could do one every few months or every year to see what’s working and what’s not. It helps you keep growing and improving like any good business or project should.

SWOT analysis might sound fancy, but it’s just a smart way to examine the situation and make better decisions. You can use it for anything you’re working on, no matter how big or small.

Key Takeaways

  • SWOT analysis, a   short form for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats,  is a potent tool for evaluating a business or project, helping to identify what you excel at, where you need improvement, and what external factors could affect you.
  • SWOT analysis is not just for big meetings; it is crucial for serious planning, providing insights into both current standings and future possibilities.
  • Good SWOT analyses are typically presented in a grid format, making it easy to see how different elements interact and fit together.
  • This tool isn’t limited to businesses; it applies to any project or idea, helping you make smarter decisions by considering both internal and external factors.
  • Constantly updating your SWOT analysis allows you to track changes and adapt your strategies accordingly, ensuring continued growth and improvement.
  • SWOT analysis Microsoft PowerPoint or Google slides provide a clear and organized way to communicate your findings effectively, using visuals and bullet points to convey key insights.

Elements of a SWOT Analysis

Knowing where you stand is crucial for business  success. An effective SWOT analysis is a potent tool for doing just that. It breaks down into four key elements: strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.


Strengths are what your business does best. They’re like your superpowers, giving you an edge over the competition. They can be tangible, like top-notch equipment, or intangible, like a stellar reputation. To identify your strengths, ask yourself: What makes us unique? What do we excel at? What do our customers love about us? By understanding your strengths, you can leverage them to your advantage and build on them to grow even stronger.


On the flip side, weaknesses are areas where your business falls short. Maybe your production process isn’t as efficient as it could be, or your customer service needs improvement. Identifying weaknesses is crucial because it allows you to address them and turn them into strengths. Ask yourself: Where do we struggle? What aspects of our business need improvement? Being honest about your weaknesses is the first step toward overcoming them and becoming a stronger competitor.


Opportunities are external factors that can positively affect your business. They could be emerging market trends, technological advancements, or untapped business opportunities. By capitalizing on opportunities, you can drive growth and expand your reach. Ask yourself: What new developments could benefit our business? Are there any gaps in the market we could fill? By keeping an eye out for opportunities, you can stay ahead of the curve and position your business for success.

Threats are outside factors that could hurt your business. They could be anything from increased competition, changing market conditions, and acts of God like natural disasters. Identifying threats allows you to anticipate challenges and develop strategies to mitigate their impact. Ask yourself: What risks do we face? What factors beyond our control could pose a threat to our business? By being aware of possible threats, you can protect your business beforehand and ensure its long-term viability.

To make a SWOT analysis, it’s essential to involve your team and approach it with an open mind. Start by brainstorming ideas and then refine them to create an exhaustive picture of your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By understanding these essential elements, you can make better decisions and chart a course for success in today’s competitive business landscape.

Importance of a SWOT Analysis

Importance of a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis isn’t just another fancy business term—it’s a powerful tool that can make a real difference in how companies plan and make decisions. Here’s why:

Strategic Planning: SWOT analysis helps organizations see the big picture by assessing internal strengths and weaknesses alongside external opportunities and risks. This bird’s-eye view helps plan strategies and decision-making, setting the course for long-term success.

Identifying Competitive Advantage: By pinpointing what sets your company apart, SWOT analysis makes it easy to identify areas where you have a competitive edge. Knowing where you stand relative to competitors helps you leverage your strengths and opportunities effectively.

Risk Management: With SWOT analysis, companies can spot potential risks and challenges on the horizon, allowing them to develop strategies to avoid these risks. It’s like having a radar for trouble, helping you navigate through uncertain waters.

Resource Allocation: In times of economic uncertainty, resource allocation becomes crucial. SWOT analysis helps companies focus on areas with the most potential for growth while minimizing risks, ensuring that resources are used efficiently.

Enhancing Communication: SWOT analysis provides a clear framework for organizational communication and alignment. By identifying internal weaknesses and discussing ways to address them, teams can collaborate more effectively, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Adaptation to Change:  Change is inevitable in today’s fast-paced business world. SWOT analysis allows companies to stay ahead of the curve by continuously evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  This proactive approach ensures that organizations  adapt to new market trends and challenges.

Overall, SWOT analysis is not just a one-time exercise—it’s a dynamic tool that helps companies navigate through uncertainty, make informed decisions, and stay competitive in an ever-changing business landscape.

SWOT Analysis Presentation

A SWOT analysis presentation is a clear and organized way to showcase your SWOT analysis findings using PowerPoint and Google Slides. It breaks down the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats into easily understandable visuals and bullet points , making it accessible to stakeholders.

The SWOT PowerPoint template typically consists of two main sections. The first section includes the SWOT Diagram or Matrix, which divides the analysis into four quadrants, each representing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Users can customize these quadrants with identified factors, such as “Sales Team” for strengths and “New Competition” for threats.

The second section provides detailed explanations for each factor listed in the SWOT Matrix. It delves into why each factor was identified and its impact on the organization. These business presentations help stakeholders understand the rationale behind the analysis and its implications for decision-making.

SWOT analysis using PowerPoint templates serve various purposes. You can present your SWOT analysis template in PowerPoint with storytelling and suggest approaches for informed business decisions, either by interacting with the presentation during design or collaborating online with others. Additionally, they can be utilized for personal SWOT analyses to plan for professional and personal growth.

Presenters can use SWOT presentation templates for PowerPoint to gather feedback, polish their analysis, and tailor it to grab their audience’s attention . Including concrete examples and data strengthens the analysis and enhances credibility . SWOT analysis examples include showcasing positive reviews or customer satisfaction ratings supporting claims about strengths, while diagrams, graphs or statistics validate observations about trends or market conditions.

Ultimately, SWOT templates provide a clear overview of the company’s current situation, challenges, and opportunities. They guide the planning and decision-making processes, enabling businesses to navigate uncertainties and chart a course towards long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a SWOT analysis, and how does it help in business?

A SWOT analysis evaluates a business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It provides an exhaustive understanding of the company’s position, helping in planning strategies and decision-making.

2. How can I create a SWOT analysis PowerPoint Presentation?

You can create SWOT slides using presentation software like MS PowerPoint. It typically includes a SWOT Matrix and detailed explanations for each factor identified.

3. What are the main sections of a SWOT analysis presentation template?

The main sections include the SWOT Matrix, which divides the analysis into four quadrants, and detailed explanations for each factor listed. Users can customize the matrix with identified factors and use bullet points for clarity.

4. How can SWOT analysis templates for PowerPoint benefit my business?

A SWOT analysis template helps businesses understand their current situation, identify room for improvement, and capitalize on opportunities. It also facilitates communication and alignment within the organization.

5. Can SWOT analysis slides be used for personal growth?

Yes, SWOT analysis slides can be used for personal SWOT analyses to plan for professional and personal growth. They provide insights into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, helping individuals make informed decisions about their future.

6. How often should I update my SWOT analysis PPT?

It’s recommended that you update your SWOT analysis templates regularly to track changes and adapt strategies accordingly. You can do it every few months or annually to ensure your business stays competitive and responsive to evolving market conditions.

Unlock Your Business Potential with Prezentium’s SWOT Analysis Presentations!

Discover the power of editable SWOT templates for your next presentation. At Prezentium , we specialize in crafting visually stunning and informative presentations that highlight your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Our overnight presentation service ensures that you receive a editable SWOT analysis templates for PowerPoint and Google slides in your inbox by 9:30 am PST the following business day. Email us your requirements by 5:30 pm PST, and our team of experts will combine business understanding, visual design, and data science to deliver an editable presentation that exceeds your expectations.

Need help transforming ideas and meeting notes into exquisite presentations? Our team of Prezentation Specialists is here to assist you. Whether you need to create new designs or templates, we’ve got you covered.

Looking to enhance your team’s communication and problem-solving skills? Explore our Zenith Learning workshops and training programs, where we combine structured problem-solving with visual storytelling to drive interactive communication and collaboration.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage SWOT analysis in PowerPoint for strategic planning, decision-making, and business growth. Contact Prezentium today and unlock your business’s full potential!

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SWOT Analysis Slides For Business

It seems that you like this template, swot analysis slides for business presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). This is a strategic analysis tool that companies and organizations use when making decisions. It analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, all of this offering a global vision of the issue. It is a business concept that, if presented with a visual resource, will make its understanding much clearer, and this is what these creative slides are for! They offer a corporate and professional style (although we've added WordArt text to give it a slightly more relaxed touch too) and are full of resources such as graphs for you to present your figures. Your SWOT analysis better presented than ever!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 36 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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  • Business Plans

How to Make SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Slides With PPT Templates

Andrew Childress

  • Bahasa Indonesia

We're all guilty of sometimes having "blinders" on in our business and work. We get so busy  doing  that it can be challenging to zoom out and see the bigger picture, assessing a situation holistically. But if you miss out on seeing an entire case, you likely are missing out on ways to grow your business.

Luckily, there are tried-and-true processes that you can use to find insight. One of the most popular techniques is a  SWOT  analysis. A SWOT analysis considers the  strengths,  weaknesses, opportunities,  and  threats  of a situation.

If you're on point for assessing a situation and presenting that analysis, it's likely that you'll need to build SWOT analysis PowerPoint slides. It's best if you can focus the majority of your time on the analysis and not tinkering around in PowerPoint. 

That's why we'll use SWOT analysis templates in PowerPoint. You'll start with a pre-built SWOT slide, add your insight, and wind up with a slide you feel confident in presenting. In 

For a sampling of some free and premium PowerPoint SWOT analysis and change management templates, review these articles:

swot analysis presentation

In this tutorial, I'll teach you how to use those SWOT templates for PowerPoint to show your assessment. Let's get started

What's a SWOT Analysis?

As I mentioned in the intro to this article, a SWOT analysis focuses on four key factors

  • Strengths . What advantages do you have in your situation? Maybe it's your technical expertise or strong industry connections that others have. Reminding yourself you've got strengths and then considering how to make the most of them is crucial!
  • Weaknesses. What are the blind spots in your business? What does your competition do better than you? Showing these weaknesses
  • Opportunities. No matter what services you offer or products you build, there's probably an idea in the back of your mind that you haven't explored yet. This could be launching new products, growing your work with an existing client, and more. Tee up the opportunities in your SWOT so you know where to steer your business.
  • Threats. Threats to your business can be internal or external. For example, an internal threat would be that you don't have a certain skillset or technique that customers are asking for. External threats could be changes in the industry such that customers are choosing product types that you don't offer. Either way, showing these threats can help create a plan to close gaps.

SWOT analyses are popular because they intuitively make sense. Every situation in your business features some level of each of these elements. Creating a SWOT will help you see the picture.

Here are a few examples of SWOT analyses that you can use to get inspired and learn more about how to position a situation in your slide:

  • Bplans has a great list of fictitious SWOTs that you can use to learn more about the format
  • Check out this version of a SWOT on Apple , shared on SlideShare
  • Ron Feher's deck on preparing a Personal SWOT Analysis features info on how to assess yourself and also has excellent examples of how this should look.

The reason that a SWOT analysis is so useful is that it lays out a situation from every angle. Sure, every situation has a strength, but it also has its threats. And your company or group may have a weakness, but that's just an opportunity to improve. Running a SWOT analysis can help you 

If you want to learn more about business strategy and how to assess a situation, check out the two tutorials below. David Masters has an excellent article on how to run a situational analysis and "see around corners" on the opportunities and threats in a business. Will Kenny's piece is a total look at the SWOT analysis process and he breaks it down into manageable steps:

swot analysis presentation

Going through a SWOT analysis can help you dig deep and think about your business. As usual, the hard work is in really zooming out and understanding the situation. The more natural part should be building a slide that shows your findings. Let's learn how to create those.

How to Use SWOT Templates in PowerPoint

Time is of the essence when you're preparing a SWOT analysis. Your boss or client (even if  you  are your client) is ready to get the recommendations so that they can launch the next steps to address it.

That's why I always start with a SWOT template for PowerPoint. These are readily available as a part of a subscription to Envato Elements , the all-you-can-download service for creatives.

As part of a subscription to Elements, you'll get access to thousands of PowerPoint templates that save you countless hours in the design process. The most important part of a SWOT analysis is the content you create, and outsourcing the design of your slides to a designer saves you time.

Luckily, you don't have to hire a designer each time that you want to create a SWOT analysis in PPT. Instead, choose a pre-built SWOT template for PowerPoint, add your details, and you're ready to present! These SWOT templates already have the grid drawn and they've got placeholders for your findings.

There are other options for SWOT analysis templates for PowerPoint. You can also purchase templates one-at-a-time from GraphicRiver. If you already know exactly what you've got in mind, this can be a cost-effective solution to building a SWOT analysis in PowerPoint.

If a SWOT analysis template isn't exactly what you've got in mind, check out the two tutorials and round-ups below to learn more about other business-centric slide decks:

swot analysis presentation

How to Make a SWOT Analysis in PowerPoint

Now that we've looked at options for sites where you can find SWOT analysis PowerPoint templates, let's choose one and build the analysis.

I'm going to use the aptly-named SWOT Analysis PowerPoint  template available via Envato Elements. This choice has seven different color palettes and multiple slides in each version that showcase the power of SWOT.  

In this tutorial, I'm going to create example case studies to demonstrate SWOT techniques. I'll use a variety of slide designs that help you perform a quick SWOT analysis and create the slides easily.

1. The Basic SWOT

I often opt for form over function, and slide 15 in the presentation is the perfect way to do that. Less design and more content is the best way to draw attention to your conclusions instead of design elements. 

In this example, just use each of the four rectangles to fill in the components of the analysis. It's as simple as that:

Basic SWOT example

There's not much to using this slide, which helps you finish your presentation when time is of the essence. 

2. The Graphic SWOT

For a more visual approach, check out slide 17. This still has the four major placeholders and category that you've come to expect in a SWOT analysis. It has an almost leaf-like shape that uses each of the four parts as a way to measure the situation:

The Graphic SWOT

One excellent addition to this slide could be adding animations so that each "leaf" of the SWOT comes on in stages. If you're unfamiliar with animations in PowerPoint, check out the tutorial below:

swot analysis presentation

3. The Internal and External SWOT

Earlier in this tutorial, I mentioned that a SWOT should consider internal and external factors. Sometimes, your most significant threats are within your company, and other times they come from competitors.

That's why it might help to prepare a couple of SWOTs that compare internal and external factors. That's where slide 22 comes in. I like the tree diagram style for this slide as a way to split out those factors:

Slide 22 SWOT Tree

Helping to split your analysis this way can help the audience to understand what's in your control and what's not. Consider this slide if you want to separate those forces on your business. 

4. The Quantified SWOT

SWOT analyses typically use "soft" factors that are hard to calculate, but slide template 40 takes an entirely different approach. If you work in a field that leans on calculations like finance or engineering, you might be included to create a SWOT analysis with numerics attached: 

The Quantified SWOT

You could also use this slide to show the status of an extended SWOT analysis, by assigning a percent completion to each of the four major categories.

5. The Personality SWOT

One form of a SWOT analysis is to reflect personally and prepare a SWOT. If you've got many ventures and interests, a SWOT can bring together a favorable view of yourself so that you know how to grow and what to work on.

In this example, let's use slide seven as a way to show this in a fun way. There's a cartoon character with a personality that matches each of the four quadrants in a SWOT analysis. Customize each of them with thoughtful self-reflection for a great personal SWOT:

A Personal SWOT Example

If the character on the slide doesn't fit  your  personality, consider jumping back to Envato Elements and choosing a caricature illustration  like this businesswoman design, for example. Drop those illustrations in and presto! Your slide matches your personality.

Examples like this show the absolute versatility of using pre-designed templates via Envato Elements. SWOT analysis slides don't have to fit a single stylistic mold. Use any of the designs in a template to like this one to help assess a situation.

Start Your SWOT Now

If you want to grow your business and see which direction to take it, a SWOT analysis is a great process to undertake. Breaking down your situation into those four categories combines for real business insight.

If you want to learn other techniques to build a PowerPoint presentation, check out the tutorials below. These selections are some of the best techniques for working professionals to apply PowerPoint templates to the business world:

swot analysis presentation

Download Our (Free) eBook on Making Great Presentations

If you've been following along in this tutorial on how to make a SWOT analysis in PowerPoint, it's likely you could also benefit from learning more about how to create effective presentations. If you're interesting in learning more about making presentations, we've got just the resource for that!

Grab our eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available to download for Free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

complete guide to making great presentations

Build a SWOT Analysis Today With a SWOT Matrix Template in PowerPoint

If you need to build a SWOT analysis in PowerPoint, don't delay any further. Jump to Elements or GraphicRiver to grab a suitable PowerPoint template that already has most of the hard work done for you.

Andrew Childress

swot analysis presentation

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Why present SWOT analysis and how to improve it?

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Why present SWOT analysis and how to improve it?

Making a SWOT analysis equals taking a snapshot of your organization in a specific period and analyzing what you do well internally and externally: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation portrays visually what you’re doing right and wrong and where to move to perform better. Indeed, it collects all numbers for comprehensive bar/chart/diagram statistics, adds colors to your situation analysis, and makes the information more memorable to your investors or managers.

swot analysis presentation

What Slides Should the SWOT analysis presentation Include?

The bullet points are the best option to show statements 1,2, 3 to be clear and concise. The time of any audience is likely to be limited, so do not overload their visual memory with plentiful SWOT analysis presentation slides.

You can explain every strength or threat orally but be limited to one sentence in a single line visually. If you need help with this, make sure to contact custom PowerPoint presentation services that know how to play with your text and colors.

Here is the basic outline for your SWOT analysis presentation ppt:

  • Intro (what is the company, its market direction, the goal of the presentation, etc.).
  • Strengths (what the company does well & how do you make strengths even stronger), e.g., ensured budget, team available, verified technology, etc.
  • Weaknesses (what the company does poorly & how you can improve it), e.g., no methodology, lack of experience with the market, no reputation, etc.
  • Opportunities (what outside opportunities could the company take advantage of), e.g., increasing demand for the product, positive financial trend, specific market situation, etc.
  • Threats (what outside threats could a company be hurt by & what strategies should you have to fight off those threats), e.g., unstable market situation, offers of emerging competition, the geopolitical situation, etc.
  • Conclusion (conclude the information, discuss plans, answer the “so what?” question).

Pro Tip: It is easy to list strengths and enjoy how cool you are. However, if you want to prosper, you have to admit your weaknesses and not be scared that people will see how bad you are. No investors will give money to the company seeing no competition and market changes.

How to Design SWOT Analysis?

Your presentation must be visually engaging to cause the expected audience’s impression and results. You should use strong, colorful diagrams & symbols to rock your slides. There are also several ways to design SWOT analysis slides:

  • Use simple flat diagrams (show each SWOT item on a separate slide if you have a lot of text).
  • Compare internal (strengths and weakness) and external (opportunities and threats SWOT factors separately.
  • Present all four SWOT items on one slide if you have a few short keywords (SWOT analysis one-pager).

Preparing the text and designing slides might be a significant burden for your fantasy. That is why we always advise delegating your PowerPoint to a professional presentation agency that can redesign your draft slides or create new ones from scratch.

Hack Your SWOT Analysis PPT Presentation with These Tips

Presenting creatively is complicated for people of different minds and fantasy horizons. Besides, being, e.g., an accountant, you are not supposed to follow the latest PowerPoint trends and Pantone colors. Check out these tips to improve your presentation:

  • There are many tutorials on YouTube you can follow step-by-step to stimulate your fantasy or leave it alone 🙂
  • Use icons, lines, and other decorative shapes to differentiate strengths from threats visually.
  • Sort and distribute text over the slide so that the last rows can see it vividly.
  • Choose vibrant and contrasting colors to create associations in viewers’ minds.
  • Choose a background that helps to read text, not vice versa.
  • If you want to add sub-points, choose methods of 4 rounded rectangles: the main one on the left and three smaller ones on the right (e.g., SWOT action description with a due date, status, etc.).
  • Enrich your slides with abundant diagrams and visuals to better explain and depict the topic.

These pieces of advice are not unusual, but still, many people write blue text on black backgrounds, choose fonts from 2007, and are afraid to improvise with icons. So, design wisely but not typically.

The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique for an any-size organization at any period of their activity. Such an analysis helps connect with reality, see current wins and flaws, and plan prospects. Today, we’ve talked about how to do a SWOT analysis presentation, and you know now what slides are compulsory to include and how to improve them visually.

If you still need help with slide design, do not hesitate to contact us and get a free consultation on your current or required slides.

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SWOT Analysis Presentation Templates

Looking to conduct a SWOT analysis for your brand or company? Dive into our versatile range of SWOT analysis templates. Whether you’re seeking a PowerPoint presentation or a Google Slides template format, we’ve got you covered. From businesses to students, our templates cater to every need.

Showing 1–12 of 76 results

SWOT Analysis Presentation Infographic

In the dynamic world of business, a robust use SWOT can make all the difference. It’s not just about pinpointing strengths and weaknesses but also understanding internal and external factors affecting your brand. An effective SWOT analysis provides profound insights that steer management decisions.

Our platform offers a collection of editable SWOT analysis templates, tailored for every industry and purpose. Ranging from simple SWOT analysis templates to intricate designs for strategic planning, there’s something for everyone.

Why Choose Our SWOT Analysis Presentation Templates?

  • Free and Paid Options : From free SWOT analysis templates to premium designs, we cater to every budget.
  • Variety : Whether it’s a PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides template, we have it.
  • Customizable : Each editable SWOT template ensures you can tweak it to your liking.
  • Relevance and Free Download : Our templates resonate with current trends, ensuring your presentation stands out.

Whether you’re aiming to create a SWOT powerpoint template for powerpoint, delve into competitor analysis, or even touch upon marketing SWOT diagram, we have the right tool for you. Each free template is crafted meticulously, ensuring you can present your SWOT matrix template with clarity.

The importance of SWOT is undeniable. From startups to multinational corporations, understanding your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is pivotal. And our templates help you do just that – effortlessly.

Broadening Your Analysis Scope with Diverse Templates

When it comes to evaluating a company’s position, the SWOT is just the tip of the iceberg. Our extensive collection covers a plethora of template types, ensuring every aspect of your business is assessed comprehensively.

  • PEST Analysis : Beyond the SWOT, the PEST analysis offers insights into Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors. It’s essential for understanding the macro-environment in which your company operates.
  • Personal SWOT Analysis : Our personal SWOT analysis template is a boon for professionals looking to introspect and understand their own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It’s particularly useful for self-growth and development.
  • 3C and 5C Analysis: Delve into company, competitors, and customers with the 3C model or expand further with the 5C by adding collaborators and climate to your analysis.
  • Situational and SWAT Analysis: These templates guide users through specific scenarios or events, ensuring every angle is covered.
  • SWOC and Analyysi Pohja: For those wanting a different linguistic touch, our templates also come in Deutsch with the SWOT-analyse mal and Finnish with analyysi pohja.
  • Excel SWOT Analysis Template: For those keen on using Excel for dynamic and interactive analyses.
  • Marketing SWOT Analysis: A dedicated template for assessing marketing strategies.
  • Business Planning SWOT Template: Ideal for startups and businesses looking to expand or pivot.
  • File Formats and Platforms : Our templates are available in multiple formats like ppt, pdf, and pptx. Whether you need a SWOT analysis template for PowerPoint or a downloadable version for offline use, we’ve got it all.

Your Ultimate Guide to In-depth Analysis

The journey from beginner to expert can seem daunting. That’s where our complete guide to SWOT analisis comes in. We break down complex concepts into easily digestible chunks, offering:

  • Training Modules : Engage in training sessions that cover everything from the basics to advanced strategies.
  • Examples of SWOT Analysis : Real-world examples that provide a tangible understanding.
  • Performing a SWOT Analysis : Step-by-step guidance to ensure you perform a SWOT analysis effectively and draw actionable insights.
  • Using the SWOT Framework : Practical tips on how to use the SWOT and integrate it with other tools.

Our resources don’t just stop at providing templates. The importance of SWOT analyses is vast in today’s business landscape, and we equip you with the tools and knowledge to harness its full potential.

In summary, for the best SWOT analysis templates and examples, look no further. Our collection is your one-stop-shop for every analysis need. Whether you’re a professional, student, or educator, our templates are designed with you in mind. Dive in and discover the difference a polished analysis presentation templates for powerpoint can make.

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How To Present SWOT Analysis in PowerPoint

How To Present SWOT Analysis in PowerPoint

How To Present SWOT Analysis in PowerPoint

A SWOT analysis is a robust framework that helps you assess a project, business, or idea’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Whether you’re a student, professional, or entrepreneur, effectively presenting your SWOT analysis can provide valuable insights and drive strategic decision-making.

Presenting a SWOT analysis holds significant importance in various contexts, from business strategy development to academic presentations. This structured framework allows you to evaluate the internal and external factors impacting an entity, helping you make informed decisions and shape future strategies.

Whether you’re presenting to a board of directors, pitching to potential investors, or delivering a classroom presentation, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to communicate your SWOT analysis effectively. So, let’s dive in and learn how to transform your insights into a persuasive PowerPoint presentation that informs, influences, and inspires your audience.

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Selecting the Right SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

3d swot analysis powerpoint template concept, conclusion and final remarks, benefits of presenting a swot analysis.

Incorporating these benefits, PowerPoint becomes a powerful tool for conveying your SWOT analysis concisely and persuasively. Its features enable you to transform your analysis into a visually appealing and impactful presentation that effectively communicates your insights and recommendations to your target audience. PowerPoint offers several benefits when you present a SWOT Analysis. You can enhance your presentation’s clarity, impact, and effectiveness. Here are some key advantages:

  • Visual Representation: PowerPoint allows you to create visual representations of each component of the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). Visual cues make it easier for your audience to understand and retain the information.
  • Clear Structure: PowerPoint’s slide format enables you to organize your SWOT analysis into distinct sections, making it easy to follow the flow of your presentation. Each component can have its dedicated slide, creating a structured narrative.
  • Graphical Elements: You can use charts, graphs, and icons in PowerPoint to visualize data, trends, and relationships. When you present a SWOT analysis, it is beneficial to mention quantitative information or illustrate comparisons.
  • Bulleted Lists: Bullet points help you succinctly present critical issues within each SWOT category. These lists make it easy to communicate important information without overwhelming your audience with lengthy paragraphs.
  • Audience Engagement: Interactive elements like hyperlinks, buttons, and clickable areas can be incorporated into your PowerPoint slides, enhancing audience engagement and allowing them to explore specific aspects of the SWOT analysis.
  • Consistency: PowerPoint’s slide master feature ensures consistency in design elements, fonts, colors, and layouts throughout your presentation, giving it a polished and professional look.
  • Customization: PowerPoint offers a wide range of design tools, themes, and templates that allow you to tailor the appearance of your SWOT analysis presentation to match your branding or the theme of your presentation.

Choosing the correct SWOT analysis PowerPoint template is essential for creating a visually appealing and effective presentation. Here are some steps to guide you through the selection process:

  • Define Your Presentation’s Tone and Audience: Consider the tone you want to set. Are you seeking a professional, modern, creative, or minimalist look? Also, consider your audience – are they corporate executives, investors, students, or a diverse mix? Your template should align with your intended tone and your audience’s preferences.
  • Browse Templates: Explore PowerPoint template resources such as Microsoft’s built-in templates, third-party websites, or design software platforms. Look specifically for templates labeled “SWOT analysis” or those suitable for strategic planning presentations.
  • Assess the SWOT template’s design elements, color scheme, fonts, and overall visual appeal.
  • Ensure that the design enhances the content and doesn’t distract from it.
  • Choose a template that complements your branding or the nature of your presentation.
  • Alignment with Your Message: Ensure that the template’s overall design aligns with the message you want to convey. If your SWOT analysis focuses on innovation, a template with a creative design might be suitable. A more professional template might be appropriate if you’re presenting to a conservative audience.

Below are some templates that you can use for your next PowerPoint presentation. You can also browse our collection of SWOT pictures for presentations at SlideModel.

Free Horizontal SWOT Analysis Template (Free Download)

A ribbon-style SWOT Analysis template that will highlight the four components of SWOT and help you record the audience’s feedback and highlight the key points.

Go to Download Free Horizontal SWOT Analysis Diagram Template

Flat SWOT analysis presentation Template

A simple but effective SWOT slide template to highlight the four components of SWOT analysis. The template is compatible with all users and can be customized as required.

Go to Download Free Flat SWOT Analysis Presentation Template

SWOT Analysis slide design (Free Download)

The creative slide template with a SWOT matrix can be customized per the presentation’s needs. You can use this PPT template to present a SWOT Analysis to an audience.

Go to Download Free SWOT Analysis Slide Design for PowerPoint

SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint

SWOT Template for PowerPoint is a simple design, created with lines and a bold title, showing the SWOT Matrix with labels for each quadrant. The outside borders of the matrix describe the sentiment of the factors – Negative and Positive and their position within the analysis boundary – internal and external.

Go to Download SWOT Template for PowerPoint

Flat SWOT Analysis Template

It is a professional and modern slide deck for companies to present their SWOT analysis to the board.

Go to Download Flat SWOT PowerPoint Template

Sketched Shapes SWOT Analysis Template

If you are looking for a personalized hand-written template, this is your creative template.

Go to Download Sketched Shapes SWOT Analysis Template

Retro SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

Graphically appealing presentation with a retro touch targeting unconventional audiences to keep them engaged and involved with the analysis.

Go to Download Retro SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

If you are looking for quick decision-making powerful templates, then the Flat template is your best solution. It keeps the audience focused on the key points and helps formulate decisions on given data.

Go to Download Flat SWOT Analysis Design for PowerPoint

Material Design SWOT Analysis Template

Best for the learners and all the professionals to bring out their Entrepreneurial skills in front of the board.

Go to Download Material Design SWOT Analysis Template

Vertical SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

If you are looking for a template to present your business plan as a business owner, then this 4-column SWOT analysis template is best.

Go to Download Vertical SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

Detailed SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

Suppose you present a SWOT analysis for future development or a new project. In that case, this template with detailed infographics and good business analysis is best for you.

Go to Download Detailed SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

Personal SWOT Analysis Presentation Template

Personal SWOT is a powerful self-evaluation exercise that you can leverage when preparing for a job interview or making an introspective analysis. Here you can download a Personal SWOT Analysis PPT template to ease this process.

Go to Personal SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

Navigational SWOT Analysis PowerPoint template

A powerful animated template for explaining the business opportunities for organizations like NGOs.

Go to Download Navigational SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

Creative SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

A perfect template for Marketing consulting companies to explain their own SWOT analysis.

Go to Download Creative SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

If you are looking for a SWOT template that can help you highlight the problem or project planning, then this simple SWOT analysis template will help you solve problems, plan projects and business outcomes.

SWOT Analysis Table

Go to Download SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

A 3D SWOT analysis template is a visually dynamic and engaging PowerPoint presentation slide that adds depth and perspective to the traditional two-dimensional SWOT matrix.

Creative SWOT PowerPoint Template.jpg

This template type can make your SWOT analysis stand out and capture your audience’s attention.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats - Weaknesses highlighted in a SWOT Analysis presentation slide

Here’s an overview of the features typically found in a 3D SWOT analysis template:

  • Quadrant Layout: Like a traditional SWOT matrix, a 3D template will typically have four quadrants labeled “Strengths,” “Weaknesses,” “Opportunities,” and “Threats.” Each quadrant represents one aspect of the SWOT analysis.
  • Iconography and Symbols: The template may include space for icons or symbols within each quadrant to visually represent your analysis’s key points. These icons can add clarity and help your audience quickly grasp the content.
  • Text Boxes: The template will include text boxes within each quadrant for you to input your analysis. Using bullet points or brief descriptions, you can use these text boxes to elaborate on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Visual Consistency: A well-designed 3D SWOT analysis template maintains visual consistency throughout the slide. This consistency ensures your audience can easily follow the content and identify which quadrant is being discussed.
  • Compatible with PowerPoint: Most 3D SWOT analysis templates are designed to be compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint, making it easy for you to create and deliver your presentation using familiar tools.
  • Color and Design Customization: You can customize the colors, fonts, and overall design of the template to match your branding or the theme of your presentation. This customization allows you to create a cohesive look that aligns with your message.
  • Visual Depth and Perspective: A 3D SWOT analysis template creates the illusion of depth and perspective, making your SWOT matrix appear more three-dimensional. It adds a dimensionality that can enhance the visual appeal of your presentation.
  • Cube or Pyramid Design: Many 3D templates utilize a cube or pyramid design, with each side or face of the shape representing a different SWOT component. This geometric design adds a modern and creative touch to your presentation.

Go to Download Creative SWOT PowerPoint Template

Delivering an effective SWOT analysis presentation requires careful planning, clear communication, and engaging delivery. Understand your audience’s background, interests, and objectives. Tailor your presentation to address their needs and concerns, whether they’re executives, investors, colleagues, or students. Organize your presentation logically. Begin with an introduction, an overview of the SWOT framework, deep dives into each component, and a conclusion summarizing key insights and recommendations. Incorporate visual aids like charts, graphs, icons, and images to illustrate your points. Visuals can help your audience grasp complex information more easily. Use real-world examples and case studies to support your analysis. It makes your presentation more relatable and allows your audience to see how the SWOT analysis applies in practical situations. Whenever possible, back up your research with data and facts. It adds credibility to your presentation and strengthens your arguments. Encourage interaction and engagement. Ask questions, seek opinions, and foster a discussion. Engaged audience members are more likely to retain information.

Highlight the most critical strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Prioritize the information that will have the most significant impact on your audience’s understanding and decision-making. In conclusion, mastering the art of presenting a SWOT analysis is an invaluable skill that empowers you to navigate complexities, make informed decisions, and drive positive outcomes. Ultimately, your proficiency in presenting SWOT analyses can shape organizational strategies, guide decision-makers, and contribute to achieving your goals. With each presentation, you refine your craft and contribute to the art of strategic thinking. So, armed with knowledge and practice, step confidently into the realm of SWOT analysis presentations and harness their transformative power.

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Analysis Templates, Business PowerPoint Templates, Diagram Templates, SWOT Analysis Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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Nice template

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SWOT Analysis Presentation Templates

These SWOT analysis presentation templates will help you communicate each and every aspect of your company in detail so you can make better, more profitable business decisions. Customize them as much as you’d like in Visme’s drag-and-drop editor and free, built-in graphic assets.

SWOT Analysis Presentation Templates

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Swot analysis presentation templates by visme.

Understanding the internal and external factors that affect your business is crucial to its success. Analyze your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats using our professional SWOT analysis templates. These SWOT presentations are detailed enough to help you effectively communicate factors to your team.

Customize these SWOT analysis templates by changing the number of slides, and editing the text, colors, fonts, icons and all other elements used for the design. You can choose to remove the separate SWOT slides and keep the overall SWOT slide, or add even more slides to turn this into a longer presentation, such as for competitive analysis and marketing strategies.

Download your SWOT analysis template as a PDF or PowerPoint file to review with your team or present it to the management. You can also use the presentation software for educational purposes, such as creating a SWOT for a fictional company. Don’t want to download? Share your presentation online using a link and it will be hosted on Visme. You can also embed it on your website using a code.

Create Your SWOT Analysis Now

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5 Tips to Create a Winning SWOT Analysis Presentation in PowerPoint


  • February 22, 2019
  • Marketing , PowerPoint templates for download

SWOT analysis presentation is an effective instrument, which you can use to influence stakeholder’s decisions. For this reason, it’s important to learn how to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and how to illustrate them effectively so the audience will get your message.

Explore our Business Performance PPT Reports category on the website for more resources to boost your presentation impact.

SWOT puts the company into the context of market conditions and may be used to display marketing situations and develop strategy. SWOT method might be used to tackle corporate strategies, but also a department or even personal strategy for career planning.

The SWOT model graphics we present here come from our collection of SWOT Analysis Outline PPT Diagrams   that we’ve designed.

It’s not half as tricky as you think, although not quite as easy as writing an ordinary report. Keep reading to find out how to save time and design an attractive SWOT analysis presentation to boost your efforts.

Try SWOT Analysis Diagrams instead of Ordinary Bullet Points and Matrices

SWOT analysis presentation diamond list diagram ppt

To craft a winning business presentation, you have to find a balance between text and graphics. One of the tricks you could try is to substitute the default bulleted lists with diagrams. Such a simple data visualization will help you to guide your audience through the logic of your presentation.

SWOT analysis illustrated with pinwheel diagram powerpoint

And don’t worry if you think you don’t have enough skills! You don’t need to be an advanced graphical designer to design similar infographics.

You can choose one of the ready-to-use templates and customize it up to your requirements. Such diamond diagrams show an example of how you can make your SWOT analysis slide look more engaging.

Play with Colors in SWOT Analysis Presentation

You can use different shades to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your company. It will help you to point out every item, and make your presentation bright and catchy. Check the honeycomb diagram template, which demonstrates how you could improve the overall design of the presentation using four different colors.

Choose Background and Fonts Wisely

If you want to make your presentation look more stylish and unordinary, you can choose a background color other than white. Dark grey, ocean blue, or black shades work great for business presentations, and SWOT analysis in particular.

Whatever background you choose, make sure that the font is readable. Font size shouldn’t be smaller than 18 points (also, remember not to stuff your slides with too much information). We recommend selecting font shades with enough contrast to the background.

Explain the Interconnection of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

In fact, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are always interconnected.

Emphasize this interdependence in your presentation by using the flower diagram template. It will help you to explain how your company will utilize its internal sources to overcome external barriers and embrace the changes.

Present Each SWOT Concept on the Separate Slide

Threats analysis description

If a SWOT analysis is not just a part of your presentation, but its major subject, you can use separate slides to discuss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It will help you to highlight small, yet important details, and improve your presentation.

In conclusion

Whether you are crafting a SWOT analysis presentation for a small cafeteria or a big corporation, you should always pay attention to the design. Ready-to-use templates will help you to visualize different parts of your report and to make content more accessible and enjoyable. This is the easiest approach to creating a remarkable presentation, which will help you to achieve your ambitious business goals.

Check our YouTube movie about SWOT analysis slide design with a guide on creating a modern outline diagram:

If your SWOT analysis is only a part of a bigger report, see our ideas on illustrating financial report presentation .

Resources: SWOT Outline Graphics for PowerPoint

A simple version of such SWOT model diagrams can be designed on your own. If you want to save time and get one design-consistent collection of charts and icons, consider checking this template we designed:

Looking for more marketing or business templates, like roadmaps, customer journey diagrams, CSR, or design thinking models? See our Business & Marketing slide decks collection .


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How to Make an Effective SWOT Analysis Presentation in 6 Steps

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An effective SWOT analysis presentation can influence stakeholders' decisions. Here are some tips on how to make the ideal SWOT analysis presentation.

Businesses use various tools to help them understand their relative position in the market. The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (or SWOT) analysis is one such tool that matches the company's resources and capabilities to their industry. 

Through the use of a SWOT analysis , the company can gauge internal factors. These can be strengths and weaknesses, while external factors may include opportunities or threats to the business.

Once these factors have been identified, companies can then present this SWOT analysis through a presentation.

An effective SWOT analysis presentation can influence stakeholders' decisions or the actions they may take. For this reason, it is not enough to identify an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is equally important to present them in a manner that is clear, concise, and relevant to its audience.

The following are what to keep in mind when making the ideal SWOT analysis presentation:

1. The Objective of the SWOT Analysis

The presenter should first explain why they made a SWOT analysis . That explanation must include factors taken into consideration when they made the analysis, as well as how the results can be used as leverage for the company.

The presenter should also define the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats they have found while conducting their analysis.

As a rule, strengths must pertain to factors that can currently give the business leverage, and what the business can do to optimize them. Weaknesses should be factors that can lower the organization's competitiveness, and what they can do to address these weaknesses.

Opportunities are factors that can help the business grow, such as positive changes in government regulations or new markets. Threats, on the other hand, are factors that may challenge the organization's competitiveness or its current market share. 

swot-analysis-presentation-call-to-action group of colleagues at meeting discussing about SWOT analysis. b

2. The Audience for the SWOT Analysis Presentation

The audience of a SWOT analysis presentation can determine the language to be used and the information that will be highlighted.

For example, if the SWOT analysis presentation was created for current or potential investors, they will likely need several statistics and figures to supplement the data presented. They may need concrete examples as well as solid research . If one of the strengths identified is about the business' good reputation, an actual customer evaluation can back this claim. As much as possible, each factor should tie back to profitability as investors are normally concerned about this point. 

The emphasis of a SWOT analysis presentation may differ depending on the audience . But what is more important is for the presentation to show the interconnectedness of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats identified as no business operates in a vacuum. Each of these elements is contextually relevant to the other. 

3. Presenting Key Findings in a Matrix

The matrix form will provide readers with a quick and easy way to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The 2×2 matrix can visually present the key findings of each aspect of the analysis. In relaying the results in this way, decision-makers see which findings need to be prioritized as they are ranked from highest to the lowest on the presentation. 


 Priority will depend on several factors such as the overall impact on the organization and the resources available. Since the presentation is in matrix form, the factors should not be more than six to eight. Too many points could distract the readers and shift their attention away from the most important issues. 

The SWOT matrix , however, is not enough. There is a need to provide details of each key point during the presentation. This is to avoid confusion, omissions, or mistakes. For each key point, there should be evidence to prove their significance as well as logical explanations on why these points made it to the list. The presenter should also explain the priority assigned to each point. 

In discussing each point, the presenter should focus on why each point is significant to the organization's goals or objectives. 

4. Starting Strong

The presenter should first talk about the strengths and weaknesses followed by the opportunities and threats. The negative aspects unearthed in a SWOT analysis are bound to elicit reactions and may even become controversial.

It is recommended to guide any discussion of possible threats to the organization until the last part of the presentation and anticipate a lot of questions. The presenter should be equipped with data and evidence to back up points presented, especially if they’re on the controversial side. When facts are presented, these can help validate the findings.

swot-analysis-presentation-slides SWOT technique concept for business

5. Making a Slide Presentation

In expounding each key finding, use bullet points that follow the 5×7 rule. This means that there should only be a maximum of five points presented per slide where each point has a maximum of seven words. Avoid lengthy descriptions on the slides as this can make the viewers shift from listening to the speaker to reading the texts on the slides. 

To keep people's attention, there should be a proper balance between the use of texts and graphics. Data visualization can help the audience understand points better. Each slide can use colors, graphics, or charts to emphasize certain points. But in each one, graphics should not affect the readability and clarity of points. 

An alternative to bullet points is  the diamond list diagram  shown below.


For each slide, the presenter should spend at least one minute to discuss the salient points or provide additional information. If the presenter spends less than one minute on a slide, it will make the presentation appear rushed. The presenter, however, should not spend too much time on each slide as this can unnecessarily drag the presentation. 

Prior to the presentation, the presenter should do a test run of the entire presentation to determine the pacing and make adjustments as needed. 

If the entire presentation takes longer than 30 minutes, it needs to be segmented to prevent the audience's attention from straying. For instance, after discussing the key findings for the organization's strengths, the presenter can take a five to 10-minute break to answer questions. Each segment needs an equal amount of time to prevent the audience from thinking that longer segments are more important than shorter ones. 

6. Call to Action

A SWOT analysis is a great tool to help businesses find areas to expand and improve. As such, the presentation should end with a call to action. In this Call to Action, the presenter can identify what the audience needs to do next to make the most out of the information presented.

One call to action that the presenter can ask of the audience is to provide feedback about the presentation. Alternatively, they can ask them to raise additional factors that they believe should be included in the analysis.

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Animated SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

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Animated SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

Most of the business presentations need a SWOT analysis PowerPoint slide. It is very important to showcase a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

About this SWOT analysis PowerPoint Template

We have tried to give a very professional look into this SWOT analysis PowerPoint template. With the animation, it looks stunning. You can use this particular template not only as a SWOT analysis slide but also you can use for other suitable purposes.

Features of this SWOT analysis template

  • Editable SWOT analysis template
  • Includes professional-looking animations
  • Good color combinations
  • It is a multipurpose template
  • It will support any Microsoft Office application
  • Free for personal and commercial use

Watch the tutorial video

If you are interested in learning how to create this template step by step, you may watch the tutorial video. Check out our other tutorials on our YouTube Channel .

Get this SWOT analysis template

Download this animated SWOT analysis template for free. Check our other free PowerPoint templates and free Google Slides themes .

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Free Business SWOT Analysis Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides Presentation

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  22. Animated SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

    Most of the business presentations need a SWOT analysis PowerPoint slide. It is very important to showcase a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. About this SWOT analysis PowerPoint Template. We have tried to give a very professional look into this SWOT analysis PowerPoint template. With the animation, it looks stunning.