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Bullying Essay – Writing Guide

A bullying essay is a piece of writing that explores the issue of bullying, its causes, effects, and possible solutions. Bullying is a widespread problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is a form of aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or psychological, and is often repeated over time. Bullying can significantly impact the mental and emotional well-being of those affected, leading to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicide.

A bullying essay is an assignment that students can be required to write at all education levels. The problem of bullying is pervasive in schools and has many facets that must be addressed with equal consideration. That’s why there are many things you can write about in your essay on bullying. Read on to see a short essay example on this topic with a few comments and some topics you can use as examples for this assignment.

The bullying paper example below is divided into three core elements: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part is followed by a short analysis of that part.

Bullying Essay Example (with commentaries)

Topic: The Three Major Effects of Bullying in Schools

Type: Informative Essay


Bullying in schools has remained constant from decade to decade. Bullying is terrible for children in schools and can have various detrimental effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Education, bullying comprises three core elements: unwanted aggressive behavior, observed or perceived power imbalance, and repetition or high likelihood of repetition. It is alarming that almost 20% of students aged 12 to 18 experience bullying nationwide. School bullying can adversely affect kids, including health conditions, learning problems, low self-esteem, and mental health issues.

Introduction analysis:

The introduction oof this essay provides background information on bullying. Then, the writer uses statistics from credible sources as an attention hook, which is one of the good ways to start an essay. And it ends with a thesis statement that states the three main aspects that will be discussed in the essay. However, it lacks a proper transition between the hook and the thesis statement.

Body paragraphs

The first and one of the major negative effects of bullying in school is its ability to wreak havoc on a child’s health and well-being. Aside from physical injuries which may result from physical shoving or pushing, bullying can cause headaches, trouble sleeping, and stomach aches. The mind and body are connected; hence, any stressor to a child’s well-being can manifest as physical symptoms. Bullying may also aggravate pre-existing health conditions like skin, heart, and gastrointestinal diseases. The negative impact on a child’s health is one of the more obvious adverse effects of school bullying.

In addition to affecting the child’s physical health, bullying can cause learning struggles and delays in development. The academic impact on the child experiencing bullying can be overwhelming. Often, one of the first indicators that a child may be experiencing bullying is a sudden decline in grades or poor academic performance. Sometimes, kids are so caught up with how bullying makes them feel that they forget to study, don’t do their homework, or have difficulty paying attention in class and digesting the study material. Bullied children often make excuses to skip school, pretend to be sick, or lie to their parents about attending classes. Overall, the academic impact of bullying is one of the worst ones that must be considered when tackling the problem.

To make matters worse, besides negative physical health outcomes and unsatisfactory grades or a decline in academic achievement, kids who experience bullying in schools also suffer from poor self-esteem and mental health effects. For example, bullied kids tend to experience negative emotions such as social isolation, anger, loneliness, and more. In some cases with high school students, these negative emotions can lead to the misuse of drugs or alcohol. Bullying causes kids to feel poorly about themselves, increasing their risk for depression, anxiety, self-harm, or suicide. These effects can be short-term or long-lasting, even when bullying has ended.

Body analysis:

The body of the essay discusses the three main negative consequences of bullying mentioned in the thesis statement of this bullying essay. Each of these points is elaborated on with specific examples. The language used is clear and easy to understand. However, the essay does not flow smoothly from one point to the next and feels somewhat choppy as a result.

School bullying can have significant and detrimental negative effects on kids, including adverse health outcomes, inadequate academic performance, and mental struggles. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience a manifestation of health conditions, which may become chronic. Bullying causes kids to be less likely to perform well academically and may cause them to skip class, thereby impacting their learning. Lastly, bullying causes kids to experience unhealthy emotions and poor self-esteem. Bullying is a chronic problem that we must continue to address in schools everywhere.

Conclusion analysis:

The essay’s conclusion restates the three main points of the body and reaffirms that bullying is a serious problem with far-reaching consequences. But, it feels somewhat abrupt and could be further developed at the very end, even though it is an informative piece.

97 Bullying Essay Examples – Here’s a PDF file with more examples of papers about bullying (by various authors). They vary in size and quality, so make sure to analyze them thoroughly.

What to Write About (Topics)

Below, you will find various ideas you can use to write an essay on bullying. The topics are divided by essay type as it will affect how you write and what you write about.

Expository essay : You can educate or inform your audience about bullying or define bullying from your unique perspective. Here are a few topic examples:

  • Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools
  • How to Stand up to a Bully Effectively
  • What Role Bystanders Play in Bullying Situations
  • How to Support Someone Who is Being Bullied
  • The Legal Repercussions of Bullying
  • Existing Policies and Laws That Fight Bullying
  • Best Ways to Handle Bullying for Educators
  • How to Overcome the Consequences of Bullying
  • Examples of Effective and Ineffective Anti-bullying Programs in Educational Institutions

Classification essay : You can explore and describe the types and subtypes of bullying. For example:

  • Bullying in schools
  • Workplace bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Bullying of children
  • Bullying of teenagers
  • Bullying of adults
  • Verbal bullying
  • Physical bullying
  • Emotional bullying
  • Racial bullying
  • Religious bullying
  • Cultural bullying
  • Fat shaming

Problem-solution essay : You can explore and describe the possible solutions to bullying. Here are some topic examples for this bullying essay type:

  • How schools can effectively address bullying
  • The role of parents in preventing bullying
  • How we can change the culture of bullying
  • How we can support a bullying victim
  • How to create a more positive school climate to prevent bullying

Cause and effect essay : You can explore and describe the effects of bullying or the causes that lead to bullying. Below are several topic samples:

  • How bullying leads to school violence
  • How bullying can lead students to suicidal thoughts
  • The long-term effects of being bullied
  • How bullying affects the academic performance of students
  • The psychological consequences of bullying

Persuasive essay : You can try to take a stance on bullying and persuade the readers to take action. Such a bullying essay could be written on the following topics:

  • School shootings: why do school shootings happen, and how can we prevent them?
  • Repeated verbal abuse: how does repeated verbal abuse affect bullying victims, and what can be done to stop it?
  • Family members: should family members be held responsible for bullying?
  • Bystanders: what role do bystanders play in bullying, and how can we encourage them to take action?
  • Social media: how does social media contribute to bullying, and what can be done to stop it?

Argumentative essay : You can argue your point of view on bullying or any of its aspects in an argumentative paper. Topic examples:

  • What causes people to bully others?
  • Can we end school bullying for sure?
  • Should people who bully others be punished?
  • Is there a difference between boys and girls who bully?
  • Is there a link between bullying and poor mental health?

Narrative essay : You can tell your personal story related to bullying (if you have one) or a story of someone you know. Topic examples might include the following:

  • How I studied bullying behavior for my project
  • How spreading rumors ruined my middle-school life
  • How other countries I have been to deal with school bullying
  • Why I changed schools five times and don’t have many friends
  • How it can get to you even through text messages

Bullying is a serious and growing problem affecting individuals, their families, and communities. It is a complex subject to broach and talk about because it provides little comfort to parents, but it should be discussed to implement strategies to mitigate bullying and its effects. And while it is true that some young people will likely “grow out of” being bullied, it’s also true that some never stop being bullied.

In conclusion, this essay guide on bullying has provided a comprehensive overview of the issue and its impact on individuals. It is a problem that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. By working together and taking action, we can help create a world where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected, and where bullying has no place. If you are writing an essay on this topic, this guide can serve as a valuable resource to help you better understand the issue and develop practical solutions to address it. Remember, if you or someone you know is being bullied, speaking out and seeking help is important.

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Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Cathy A.

Learn How To Craft a Powerful Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Published on: Jan 24, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024


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Are you looking for ways to craft a powerful persuasive essay about bullying? Writing an effective and engaging persuasive essay is no easy task.

However, with some preparation and planning, it can be a piece of cake! 

From outlining strong arguments to providing examples, we will explain all details of composing a perfect persuasive essay about bullying.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

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Writing a Perfect Persuasive Essay About Bullying 

Bullying is a major issue that affects many children, teens, and adults in schools, workplaces, and other environments. 

Writing a persuasive essay about bullying can effectively raise awareness of the problem and find solutions.

Here are a few components of a persuasive essay that you should include:

  • An Introduction 

Start your essay with an interesting introduction that explains the concept of bullying and its effects on those involved.

Provide evidence to support your argument using facts, statistics, and personal accounts to support your claims. 

Offer potential solutions to the problem of bullying. Focus on proposing effective solutions that can be implemented in schools and other environments where bullying is a common issue.

  • Call to Action

Conclude your essay with a call to action for both victims and bystanders of bullying. Encourage them to stop it or report it when they witness it happening.

Here Is How You Can Write a Persuasive Essay About Bullying Introduction 

Writing an introduction to a persuasive essay about bullying can be challenging.

To start, it's important to understand the purpose of the introduction. It is to provide a brief overview of the topic and introduce your thesis statement. 

  • Begin by providing a general overview of the topic of bullying.
  • Introduce the main point of your essay: your thesis statement. 
  • Create a hook for your introduction to draw readers into your topic and compel them to read further. 
  • State why this issue is important and relevant, providing evidence from authoritative sources to support your claims. 
  • Conclude your introduction with a summary of the main points you will make in the essay. 

How To Write Body Paragraphs In a Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Body paragraphs in a persuasive essay about bullying should focus on providing evidence to support the thesis statement. 

This can be done through various research methods such as interviews, surveys, and personal experiences. 

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Here are five ways to effectively write body paragraphs for a persuasive essay about bullying:

1. Utilize vivid tone and descriptive imagery

2. Present evidence - Provide facts, figures, and other evidence to support your argument. 

3. Discuss consequences: Explain how bullying hurts individuals, communities, and society. 

4. Make a call to action: Ask the reader to participate in anti-bullying initiatives or speak up when they witness bullying.

5. Offer solutions: Suggest ways to prevent bullying, such as implementing more school-wide programs or teaching students.

How To Write The Conclusion In a Persuasive Essay About Bullying

The conclusion of a persuasive essay about bullying should summarize the key arguments. 

It should provide a call to action for readers to take further steps in preventing or stopping bullying.

Check out this amazing video!

Lastly, it is important to end on a positive note, reassuring readers that progress is possible.

Learn more about making perfect persuasive essay outlines in this amazing blog!

Examples of Persuasive Essay About Bullying

We have shared some practical examples of persuasive essays on bullying so that you can get inspired and start crafting your paper. 

Persuasive essay about bullying must stop

Short Example of Persuasive essay about bullying

Persuasive essay about bullying in school

Cyber Bullying Persuasive Essay

Bullying Persuasive Speech

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Bullying

These essay samples can give you a helpful look at how other students have approached this complex topic before. 

Argumentative Essay About Bullying Introduction, Body, Conclusion

Argumentative essay about bullying pdf

Check out this amazing blog by our expert writers on persuasive essay examples !

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics About Bullying

Have a look at these inspiring topics. You might get motivation for your next persuasive essay. 

  • Should Schools Implement Mandatory Training Programmes to Address Bullying?
  • What Role Do Parents and Guardians Play in Preventing Bullying? 
  • Is Online Harassment on the Rise and How Can We Stop it?
  • How Effective Are Anti-Bullying Policies at Schools?
  • Should Employers be Responsible for Preventing Bullying in the Workplace? 
  • How Can We Make Schools a Safer Place to Help Students Avoid Bullying?
  • Is Social Media Making Bullying Worse? 
  • Are Laws and Regulations Regarding Cyberbullying Effective Enough?
  • Should Teachers Be Held Accountable for Bullying in the Classroom?
  • What Are Some of the Long-Term Effects of Bullying on Victims? 
  • How Can We Encourage Bystanders to Speak Out Against Bullying? 
  • Is Cyberbullying More Difficult for Parents and Schools to Stop Than Traditional Bullying? 
  • Should Government Intervention be Required to Address the Bullying Crisis in Schools?
  • How Can We Help Victims of Bullying Heal and Recover? 
  • What Are Some Effective Ways to Prevent Bullying From Occurring?

Check out some more persuasive essay topics to get inspiration for your next essay.

In conclusion, consider all aspects of the issue when writing a persuasive essay on bullying. You should provide evidence to support your point of view and address any potential counterarguments. 

If you're struggling to write a persuasive essay on bullying, CollegeEssay.org's persuasive essay writing service is here for you.

Our experienced essay writer can help you create a well-researched, persuasive, and compelling essay.

With our essay writing service, you can be sure your essay will make an impact. 

Our AI essay writer is here to assist you in creating a well-reasoned argument.

So, what are you waiting for? Place your ' write me an essay ' request today!

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For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Last updated on: May 30, 2024

Achieve Perfection in Your Persuasive Essay About Bullying: Check Out Our Examples!

By: Nova A.

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: May 30, 2024

persuasive essay about bullying

Writing persuasive essays on bullying can be difficult, especially if you are unsure where to start. The problem is that many students do not know how to write persuasive essays, let alone persuasive essays about bullying. 

Fortunately, we have your back! We have put together a collection of persuasive essay examples about bullying. They can help you get started on the right track. 

With our free persuasive essays on bullying examples and topics, you can easily craft a perfect essay!

Ready to take your persuasive essay about the bullying game up a notch? 

Let's get started!

persuasive essay about bullying

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How Do You Write a Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Writing persuasive essays about bullying requires structure, persuasive language, and evidence. To create a persuasive essay about bullying, you need to follow the basic structure of an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Persuasive Essay About Bullying Introduction

Let’s examine how to craft a captivating introduction for your next persuasive essay on bullying. 

Creating a Hook

The first step in writing an engaging introduction for your persuasive essay about bullying is to create a hook. This can be done by:

  • Asking a thought-provoking question
  • Making a bold statement
  • Including vivid descriptions or imagery to capture the reader’s attention. 

Here are some examples of hooks you could use in your persuasive essay about bullying:

  • “What if one day you woke up and felt like you were living in prison? That feeling of being trapped and powerless is what many victims experience every single day due to bullying.” 
  • “Bullying has become so pervasive that it affects millions of children each year—it's time we take action against this issue."  
  • “The pain, humiliation, and isolation experienced by victims of bullying can last well into adulthood. This is something that needs to be done before more lives are changed forever." 

If you want to learn more about crafting a persuasive essay, explore our persuasive essay guide!

Providing an Argument Overview

In addition to creating an engaging hook, it’s also important to provide your readers with an overview of your argument. This should include information on why you discuss this topic and who it affects most. 

You can also mention your unique perspectives on the subject matter. 

For example, if students' perspectives are particularly important when discussing bullying, mention this in your argument overview section. 

The goal here is to give readers context and insight into what they can expect from the rest of the essay.

Crafting a Clear Thesis Statement

The last element you'll want to include in your introductory paragraph is a clear thesis statement . This statement should outline exactly what point(s) you will argue throughout your essay. 

Make sure that this statement is brief yet comprehensive enough that readers understand your paper's main argument(s).  

If you still need a guide to write the introduction paragraph, our sample can provide you with the necessary direction.

Bullying Persuasive Essay Introduction

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You can also check out this descriptive video on crafting an outstanding persuasive essay!

Persuasive Essay About Bullying Body

There are certain steps to take to write a persuasive essay about bullying. Read on for tips on crafting an impressive essay body about this important topic! 

5-Paragraph Structure

The most effective way to structure your essay about bullying is as a 5-paragraph paper. 

Each paragraph should begin with a strong topic sentence that outlines the main point of that section. This will help ensure that your argument is clear and concise. 

Incorporate Evidence-Based Facts

Following each topic sentence, include research-based evidence to support your claims. 

When citing sources, use proper in-text citations so that you do not plagiarize someone else’s work accidentally. 

Transition Phrases

In addition to having clear topic sentences, it is also important to use transition phrases at the end. 

Without transition phrases, your paper may seem choppy or disjointed. This can distract from your main argument and hurt your overall grade on the essay. 

Discuss Opposing Views

When writing any persuasive paper, it is always important to consider opposing views and arguments. Address them in the body of your essay. 

Acknowledge differing perspectives without necessarily agreeing with them. This will show that you have researched and thought critically about all possible angles of the issue. 

Persuasive Paragraph About Bullying

Persuasive Essay About Bullying Conclusion

Let's dive into the necessary components of a persuasive essay conclusion to create a persuasive essay about bullying.

Restating Your Thesis Statement

The first step in writing a persuasive essay conclusion is to restate your thesis statement. This allows you to reinforce the main point of your persuasive essay about bullying and remind readers why it matters. 

Summarizing Key Arguments

After you have restated your thesis statement, you should summarize the key arguments presented in the body of your persuasive essay. 

This can help further emphasize to the readers why they should care. 

Presenting a Call-to-Action

The last element in creating a persuasive essay about bullying conclusions is to present a call to action. This should be used as an opportunity to reiterate the importance of your persuasive essay. It will persuade readers to take action on the issues discussed. 

Check out our persuasive essay example to better understand how to write persuasive conclusions. 

Sample of Persuasive Essay About Bullying

If you want to learn howto craft your own essay outline, explore our persuasive essay outline blog!

Examples of Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Writing an effective persuasive essay requires research, organization, and passion. Fortunately, we’ve covered you with our persuasive essay about bullying examples to help you get started! 

Explore these persuasive essays about bullying, and you’ll better understand the persuasive writing style. 

Persuasive essay about bullying must stop

Short Example of Persuasive essay about bullying

Persuasive essay about bullying in school

Cyber Bullying Persuasive Essay

Bullying Persuasive Speech

If you want to learn how to write a persuasive essay, you can visit our persuasive essay examples blog for reference!

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Bullying

When you explore argumentative essays about bullying, you’ll better understand the persuasive style. This will help you write your argumentative essay about bullying. 

The examples provided here offer a strong foundation for your work. So don’t hesitate to use them as a starting point!

Argumentative essay about bullying introduction, body, conclusion

Argumentative essay about bullying pdf

Persuasive Essay Bullying Topics

Our persuasive essay bullying topics are the perfect way to jumpstart your persuasive writing journey. These topics can help you write a persuasive essay about bullying.

  • Is Cyberbullying just as harmful as traditional bullying?
  • Should parents be held responsible for their children’s bullying?
  • How can we create a more inclusive environment to reduce bullying?
  • Are there any effective solutions to stop cyberbullying?
  • Is it possible to prevent bullying in schools?
  • How can social media networks help police and prevent cyberbullying?
  • Are there any effective measures to stop bullying within households?
  • What are the long-term impacts of bullying on victims?
  • Can technology help in monitoring and reducing bullying incidents?
  • How can we teach empathy to children through anti-bullying initiatives?
  • Should school implement strict policies against bullying? 
  • How can we prevent bullying and related mental health issues?
  • What are the roles of teachers, parents, and students in preventing bullying? 
  • Should bullies be punished for their actions? 
  • Is there a better way to raise awareness about the dangers of bullying?

We have a wide range of captivating persuasive essay topics right here . Check it out!

Now you have it! Our persuasive essay about bullying examples and topics will help you create a persuasive essay that will engage your readers. So don’t hesitate to use them as inspiration for your essay. Start crafting your persuasive essay about bullying, and you’ll create a persuasive masterpiece! 

If you are unsure and need help, MyPerfectPapper.net is here to help! Our persuasive essay writing service will get you a persuasive essay about bullying in no time!

Reach out to our academic writing service and start crafting the persuasive essay that will bring success! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a persuasive essay about bullying.

There are a few key steps to writing a persuasive essay about bullying. 

  • The first step is ensuring you understand the definition of bullying. 
  • The second step is to identify the different types of bullying. 
  • The third step is to identify the effects of bullying on victims. 
  • The fourth step is to identify the effects of bullying on bullies. 

What are the 5 paragraphs in a persuasive essay?

  • An introduction that establishes the thesis of the essay and outlines the main points to be addressed; 
  • Three body paragraphs that support the thesis with evidence and analysis; 
  • A conclusion that summarizes the main points of the essay and provides a final perspective on the topic.

Nova A.

Marketing, Literature

Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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Bullying is something that nobody should have to go through but alas, it occurs towards any number of individuals or people. One can define bullying as seeking to coerce, harm or intimidate someone for one’s gain. It is morally reprehensible but sadly typical in high school and educational institutions. A lot of teachers are actually assigning essays on bullying to students in the hope of making people think about it seriously.

Just like people that are bullied, sometimes one can feel hopeless about their homework. This by no means is an indicator of lack of ability, for instance one may lack time to carry out their work. Our writing service offers people with the help they need to write their essays 24/7. One of our many trained writing staff will be happy to assist you in any aspect of the writing process.

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What Exactly is a Bullying Essay?

A lot of people might be asking what exactly an essay about bullying is about. Fortunately, a lot of people have not been bullied in their lives, but one should touch on inequality, humiliation and any unfair treatment in their bullying as saying. It isn’t all too frequent phenomenon that exists in schools around the world and your essay should touch on it. It’s important to hit home and make an emotional connection in order to create a great assignment. It is often the case that bullying essays are assigned to students because of the severity of the problem.

Writing a Bullying Essay

When you’re going to write your essay, what exactly is the plan? Don’t worry because we are here to help with the writing process. Let’s take a look at an example plan to guide you in your essay writing.

The introduction

How can bullying be defined and what are some common examples?

The negative implications of bullying

The adverse consequences that bullying can have

What are the victims of bullying and what happens to them?

What is the true meaning of the essay (thesis statement)?

The different conditions where bullying can take place

The outcome is that the Lincoln have

Certain solutions to tackle bullying

How can the parents/children/community get involved?

Think about bullying and rewrite your thesis statement in your introduction

Relate back to the thesis statement and consider the essay as a whole

Remember: do not include any new information here!

How to Start the Essay off – an Unforgettable Intro

Every essay gets off to a good start, or a bad one, based on the introduction alone. One will need their introduction to be super succinct and to the point. It’s important to engage the reader and get off to a flying start from the get go. As you think about bullying, introduce the topic with a hook, statistic or anecdote. You can use something else if you like, just make sure it makes an emotional connection with the audience.

It is a great idea to define what bullying is using both dictionary terms and your own words. Whether you’re writing a cyber bullying essay or an argumentative essay about bullying, show how important the issue is by bringing statistics to the table. In essence, you will want to alert the reader of the severity of the problem and to help them understand what is to come throughout the essay. Nail the introduction and nailing the rest of the essay will be easy.

Concluding Like a Pro – a Brilliant Conclusion

The conclusion should serve as the point where everything comes together. The audience needs to have an impression left and motivation for them to feel strongly against bullying. As with the thesis statement made in the introduction it is vital that this is rewritten or revisited. The audio will need to become interested and they will need justification for caring about the issue of bullying. It is up to you as a writer to hone in on the points within the conclusion, but do remember not to include any additional information. If you find yourself with other additional points, go back and stick them in the body.

Bullying Essay Pointers and Ideas

If you’re not sure of what to write, don’t worry. Where here to take the stress away. Here are a number of different things that you can include in any bullying essay:

Offer some information on abusive practices

Discuss the role of bullying and its prevalence in society

List any negative impacts and implications of bullying

Write about the importance of further studies and research

Write about any significant lessons that can be learnt

Discuss the causes and effects of bullying, taking a multifaceted and broad approach

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Essay Examples

To help you along your way, we’ve come up with three different examples which one can evaluate in order to write their bullying essay. This unacceptable part of human life needs to be drawn on in a logical thought out manner. One can look at examples in order to know what to write. From a persuasive essay about bullying to a cause and effect of bullying essay, let’s take a look at examples.

An Argumentative Essay about Bullying

Make the world a great place – bullying is a social issue.

What can be said about bullying. One of the most draining and emotionally damaging things that can happen to children today. It is morally reprehensible and completely unacceptable. A lot of times, efforts are made to stop bullying which can either appear successful or futile. Throughout the course of this essay, I will look at the case of bullying and form an argument as to where I stand on the issue. It is my opinion that fighting against bullying something that should be employed in every school and by the wider society, not only by children. Many things have changed over time, however bullying is still as strong as it ever has been. A lot needs to be done about this.

As mentioned previously, bullying is morally reprehensible behaviour. Being a former victim of bullying, I believe I know where I stand on this matter. So what exactly is building? One can define bullying as behaviour that intends to coerce, intimidate or harm someone. Have you ever seen people misuse their power? It is a dog eat dog world out on the schoolyard, with the most powerful exerting the most control. What can be said about bullying? It is a natural part of life, yet what exactly goes on and how is it changing over time? Some of the most common forms of bullying and name-calling, face-to-face aggression, rumours, physical violence and cyberbullying. Over time, cyberbullying is becoming more prominent whereas aggression is taking a backseat.

As technology has advanced, so have the bullies. Trolls are ever too common in our society and the fact that everybody carries around smartphones with them gives bullies an easy access. Nowadays one doesn’t even have to be in contact with the other person, they can merely view someone from the comfort of their own home. Text messages, social media responses, shaming and name-calling are all too common and can be done anywhere. It is now even more easy to grow following, attracting others to harass the innocent victim. A bully can round up other “ recruits” in order to get their “work” done. Not only this, but bullies can share information with ease, for instance creating websites about their victims which humiliate them. Harassment is a very controversial topic of our time and our technology is perpetuating its ease.

So why does bullying occur? A lot of people think it is because of disenfranchised youth and socio-economic problems which create tension in society. People may often bully others because they feel some sort of insecurity within themselves. Confidence is important in the child and if one doesn’t have confidence, they can become very angry and bitter people. One can also feel jealous of another person and then decide to bully them. Is it really sometimes the fault of the bully or can we look at much broader causes? There is a lot to ponder and due to the affects the building can have, a lot to solve.

So how can one prevent bullying? Because of the changing technology of our time and disenfranchisement of youth, I believe that people need to turn not only to children in the class but to wider society in order to tackle bullying. There are a variety of reasons why this is a societal problem.

A child may go to school as a bully because of their background. People that do not have a lot of money and have poor health, drug addiction, trauma or any other sort of harrowing issues may raise kids. If they do then children will become very much disenfranchised and will be riddled with insecurities and problems, leading them to take their frustrations out on other children. It is vital in my opinion that society changes and that support is given to those with rough backgrounds. The underlying causes of bullying can be looked at and eventually one will come to prior courses, such as issues within the child’s family.

Schooling systems may not be able to tackle bullying because of a lack of funding received by the state. It is one thing for a school to put money into tackling bullying, however if there is no money then it makes it more difficult. A lot of schemes aimed and tackling the causes of behavioural problems are long run and take a lot of financial backing. If schools are not able to receive funding then there will be problems.

It is one thing for a bully to experience a lack of opportunities at home, yet bullies often may feel that there is no hope for them in society, leaving them to take their frustrations out on others. We may look at the whole overall system and the way that there are a lack of opportunities for children. In poor areas country, there may not be any schemes in place to help children express themselves, leading to pent-up anger and frustration. How can a child expect to function in a normal manner if they can’t even go and play in the park because their park is a gang war zone? This rhetorical question illustrates my point.

I have made my position on the fact that bullying ought to be an issue considered by society. The causes of bullying are very much societal and broad problem. It is not only the school, or the people around the bully, but society too. Problems are multifaceted and complex, requiring broad solutions. I can only hope that adequate solutions in the future proposed to tackle bullying take into account the grander scheme of things and socio economic problems.

Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Bully – you are a criminal.

The act of bullying is a sick reminder of the problems that schools face today. Bullying starts with annoying comments and progresses on to much more severe matters. Everybody who’s been to school has seen how it happens and how it makes people feel. Whether you’re a victim of bullying or a former bully, you can certainly appreciate the severity of the act. A lot of people may say that bullies are nothing but ignorant children, but say what they might, bullies end up becoming criminals. This lack of self esteem can lead to stealing, leaving, thuggery and a long life spent in the penal system.

Bullying is regarded as a crime by almost every law enforcement agency in every country, because of the detrimental effects it can have on individuals. One not only needs to look at what goes on in classrooms, bullying can escalate in the wider society too in the form of crime that involves coercion, harassment, humiliation and violence. The effects that bullying can have on any individual is evident and the insecurities of children can have severe consequences, becoming so severe that they are considered illegal.

In rare and unfortunate circumstances, bullying can result in tragic loss of life. One need only look at suicide victims or violent acts committed by bullies. Look through the archives of news articles and you can find some about tragic cases where bullies have resulted in suicides. As an example, the teenager Larry King shot himself in the head in front of all of his classmates and his teacher as a result of bullying he faced at school. Other even more tragic cases, such as the Columbine shootings, have been linked to bullying that the children faced – in this case, the victims were in their dozens and were gunned down by those children that had been bullied.

People often have the assumption that the bullies aren’t aware of the consequences of their actions all that they are not aware that they are doing harm to others. This is untrue. Bullies definitely understand what they are doing. It doesn’t matter whether the bully is an adult or a young child, they certainly know what they are doing is wrong. Bullying is abuse and abuse really has to stop. Those that take a blase attitude and dismiss bullying as something which is common are completely missing the point. Do we really want members of society to go to jail or commit crimes? More needs to be done by schools, parents, children and society altogether . Bullying will not go away on its own and it is here to stay unless something is done about it.

In summation, people need to work together to stop bullying. Bullying is indeed a criminal act. If you look at what bullying is, it involves coercion, abuse, intimidation, ridicule and sometimes violence – all of these can be considered in criminal acts. It is important that people stand up to bully and also work to improve self-esteem within the community. If something can be done, change can really come about to improve society.

Cause and Effect Of Bullying Essay

The bullies – why and how.

Take a look at some of the most widespread and neglected problems in school and you will find bullying at the top of the list. One shouldn’t turn a blind eye towards this harrowing aspect of life. The implications of bullying are severe and so there should be severe consequences for those who are bullying others. This important issue is not likely to be solved any time soon until everybody takes a stance and addresses the underlying causes and reasons why bullying is happening in the first place. With the right kind of training, guidance and skills, everybody can work in their own respective way to alleviate the problem of bullying in society. In order to tackle bullying, one needs to look at the why and how, all the causes and effects of bullying on children.

What exactly is bullying? In a broad sense, one can look at bullying as an aggressive and abnormal behavioural response directed towards a victim. Bullying usually encompasses either one or many of the following: coercion, aggression, antisocial behaviour, victimisation, intimidation, ridicule and violence. Bullying in schools has the potential to repeat over time. Children who practice this usually use their physical strength to their advantage or they leak information to harm their victim. Anything from teasing, name-calling, threats, taunting and spreading rumours are common acts of bullying within school.

If one looks at the root causes of bullying, it is often attributed to dysfunctional family life. People can do well growing out of the pot of dirt, yet it is usually the dirt that fosters bullying. Studies have shown that significant numbers of children who identify as bullies come from family homes which show little love and affection towards these children. Parents may not exercise the most appropriate behaviour and may abuse their children, leading them to become insecure and angry individuals. It is the behaviour patterns that children see in the dysfunctional home which they imitate out on the playground. When a bully does not feel any sort of assistance, their power grows and they feel rewarded when they bully somebody. It is difficult for ability to regulate their emotions and manage them. Often they will become angry and agitated because this is what they are used to at home in their dysfunctional family. By no means it is a dysfunctional family the only cause of bullying problems, yet research has shown that it is a significant contributor.

There are numerous and extensive effects of school bullying. From a mental standpoint, bullying has a large potential to severely impact victims lives, even after bullying has ceased. People who have been intimidated and frightened throughout their childhood are far more likely to suffer from anxiety, mental health problems and depression. This is exacerbated when the bullying is long run and over a prolonged period. The consequences of bullying on the psyche include loneliness, depression, low self-esteem and an increased potential to lapse into various illnesses. Some all of these issues can persist right through into childhood as the building blocks have been corrupted in the early years. It should be discussed that the mental impacts can harm both the victim and the bully. Those that carry on bullying for a long period of time are increasingly likely to suffer problems in the future of their own.

The effect of bullying on academic performance is an issue which highlights the causes and effects. Once someone finds themselves to be a constant victim of bullying, they may refuse to go to school and so their grades suffer as a result. If they do go to school, they may not be able to concentrate and learn. Research has shown that bullying impacted approximately 12 million students in 2018 and hundred 20,000 of the students stayed home from school every day because of the severity of bullying. Catastrophic effects can lead people to drop out of school. More tragically, schools may not have enough resources to deal with bullying all the children which are the victims.

Parents, friends and family suffer as a result of bullying. Children can become isolated and strange, distrusting the people who are supposed to be close to them. They may feel constantly alienated and justified to attack others and seek revenge in order to relieve their anxieties and insecurities. There are a lot of physical effects that come from school bullying. Bruises, bumps, bites or other physical ailments are far too common in school. One can also experience malnutrition and problems related to sleep lost if they are severely bullied.

It is an unfortunate fact that there are too many effects of bullying, so more should be done to tackle it. One can see that the causes and effects are multifaceted and encompass various different parts of life. One should not only consider the early, the victim and direct relationship – problems need to be solved by looking at prior, root causes. There is a lot to be done, yet a lot of progress can be made.

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Bullying Essay Writing Prompts & Examples for Students


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Bullying is a repeated, physical, social, or psychological behavior that refers to the misuse of power by a person or group towards another individual or people. It is unacceptable in the United States! However, the acts of bullying are typical for the educational institutions, especially high schools. The teachers assign corresponding essays and research papers hoping to prove the harmfulness of this phenomenon to the students. Do not confuse bullying essay and bully essay! We will explain the difference between these two, share some good topics, provide useful writing tips, and present free examples of such papers. There are times when students can do nothing about the homework. It does not mean they know nothing about the offered topic or have no talent - the lack of time is the most common reason. What our academic writing company offers is quality help with writing an essay available online 24/7. Do not miss your chance to improve your grade!  

What Is Bullying Essay?

One may ask, “ What is bullying essay? ” Okay, not all students know the definition of this word because some of them are lucky never to witness school bullying. A bullying essay is an academic paper on the humiliation, inequality, and unfair treatment of a person by another person or a group of people. It is a common phenomenon in the US schools. Bullying is one of the main reasons for the massive school murders. Because this activity may lead to the fatal, dramatic consequences, a bullying essay is one of the most popular assignments.

Working on Bullying Essay Outline

The primary thing to get ready with before writing a bully essay is the bullying essay outline. It is a must in any type of writing. An outline won’t let you get lost during the writing process. It looks like a detailed plan of action, and here is an example:

  • The negative aspects & adverse consequences of bullying.
  • The victims of bullying: common features they share, reasons to be involved in bullying, and mistakes the victims do.
  • Conditions under which bullying takes place.
  • The outcomes of bullying.
  • Possible solutions against bullying: from the things students should do on their own to the involvement of parents and teachers.
  • Conclusion Relate bullying as a story and rewrite the thesis statement from the introduction.

Preparing an Unforgettable Bullying Essay Introduction

In the bullying essay introduction, introduce the topic you are going to discuss. Define the term “bullying” using a dictionary and own words. Show the importance of discussing this issue by starting with an interesting fact or official statistics. The examples of the opening sentences are:

The rationale for writing an interesting bullying essay introduction is to make it possible to let the reader appreciate the topic and understand its significance.

Tips on Writing a Bullying Essay Conclusion Paragraph

A bullying essay conclusion paragraph should leave the greatest impression on the reader and motivate them to contribute something to the war against bullying. A writer can start with the essay hook or rewritten thesis. Both versions are good to make the reader interested. A student has to develop a conclusion to guarantee a closure for the bullying essay that defines his or her final claim concerning the problem of bullying in schools or an entire community. It is time to stop the anti-social behaviour!

  • Offer a final statement that talks about the abusive practices against the person or group of people.
  • Provide learning insight to stress the important role of bullying in the life of modern kids. Show the importance of further research. Think about what makes a significant lesson for personal perception.
  • Share feedback relevant to the implementation of governmental regulations created to stop the bullying.
  • Come up with the recommendations about bullying to let others think about the most effective way of handling the problem.
  • List the negative implications of bullying (victim’s physical & mental problems).

Post-Writing Steps

No matter whether you work on a short essay about bullying or a long one, the post-writing recommendations are the same. Do not ignore their importance!

  • Look at the format and structure of the paper and fix it if needed.
  • Proofread to detect & fix any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes.
  • Seek for the tutor’s feedback before revising.
  • Apply grammar and plagiarism checking software to get rid of the errors.
  • Let your peers or family members read the bullying essay to make sure it is polished.

20 Anti Bullying Essay Topics

An essay on bullying is not limited to defining the term. It has many options when it comes to choosing a specific topic. An essay on bullying may have several categories. One of the examples is cyber bullying essay - the threat of bullying with the help of social profiles and Internet, in general, is high.

  • Reasons why teasing may end up bullying.
  • Accepting people for who they are - preventing bullying.
  • The ways to support people who were bullied in the past.
  • The consequences of school bullying.
  • Turning for help to the adults.
  • Stopping the culture of bullying in the US schools.
  • Ways to make students feel comfortable when talking about bullying.
  • The problem of standing around and doing nothing to help the victim.
  • How other kids may prevent their peers from bullying each other.
  • Bullying in person vs. bullying in a group.
  • What are the mental consequences of bullying?
  • How can students prevent cyberbullying?
  • Reasons why some people bully others.
  • The way a bully feels once he or she put someone down.
  • Family essay : The role of family members in the life of the bullied person.
  • Risks for standing up for the one who is being bullied.
  • New ways to increase the community’s awareness about bullying
  • Describing the episode of bullying from your life.
  • Things you would do if someone tried to bully you.
  • Different types of bullying.

Each of these bullying essay titles is a good example of the ways to reduce bullying in schools essay. If you still lack ideas, rely on our Topic Generator for Essay . 

Read our free bullying essay examples. They will help to understand the goals of such paper better!

5 Awesome Bullying Essay Examples

Argumentative essay on bullying.

An argumentative essay on bullying is a challenge. A writer has to take one of the positions in the existing debate. Unlike in persuasive paper, there is no need to convince the target audience of your truth, and it makes the mission a bit easier. Here is an extract from such essay:

Persuasive Essay on Bullying

In a persuasive essay on bullying, a student has to explain his or her position towards the existing problem AND prove it to the reader. It requires more efforts than an argumentative paper. See the example below.

Cyber Bullying Cause and Effect Essay

A cyberbullying cause and effect essay should explain the reasons for bullying and the possible consequences. Most of the outcomes are dramatic and even fatal.

5 Paragraph Essay About Bullying

Do you need an example of 5 paragraph essay about bullying? Find the solution below - discover more statistics & facts about bullying in the US schools.

How to Prevent Bullying Essay

One of the most popular topics is how to prevent bullying essay. People should not close their eyes to the problems of teenagers ! Your essay may sound this way:

So, writing a teenage bullying essay is useful. It helps to study one of the most serious school problems. Bullying essay should unite people in a battle against inequality and unfair treatment in educational institutions. What do you think? 


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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“Between 1 in 4 US students say they have been bullied at school.” “There is no general profile of a person involved in bullying. Young adolescents who bully can be either well-connected socially or marginalized.” 
"Bullying is unacceptable, and many movements exist trying to stop this act of violence and inequality among teenagers. I will formulate an argument towards the problem at hand. Being a student of the high school, I see bullying among students of my age every day. That is why I will express my support in the fight against this phenomenon. Some things change for better thanks to the efforts of our parents and teachers, but the signs of bullying are present in most of the US education institutions. It is inhuman and has to end. Do you think the measures contemporary society takes are effective? I am a former victim of bullying: it happened several times when I was studying in the high school because of my family’s social status. The rest of the students came from wealthy families, and they believed there is no place for “burglars” like me. What they did to me was morally unacceptable. I think the government along with the legal bodies should make school bullying illegal and punish those who commit this crime according to the constitutional law. Such type of crime can have a long-term impact on everybody involved in the act. The experts define several types of this crime. Those are face-to-face like direct name calling; at a distance like spreading rumors; and cyberbullying. To me, the worst one is face-to-face even though experts name cyberbullying as the most dangerous one.”  
"School bullying is one of the basic issues in many educational institutions. Students may injure or even murder others. It happens in many regions of the world, but it looks like the United States suffer from this problem more than other countries. This type of crime is never acceptable. I have witnessed several acts of severe school bullying in my city, and I do not understand why teachers, parents, and government do nothing special to prevent such cases. Even if the act of bullying has nothing to do with physical injuries or rape, it may lead to the victim’s suicide. That is the purpose of the school bullies. I insist on forcing all shareholders in the education sector to cooperate to decide on the ways of handling and preventing this problem until it gets worse. The shareholders and working personnel are responsible for bullying. They should guarantee the safety of every student. One of the solutions I recommend implementing to fight against school bullying effectively is through special education explaining why this type of activity is to be discouraged and measures to take if bullying takes place on the eyes of other students. The students should understand the problem. Writing a persuasive essay on this topic might be a clue to the solution.”  
"Hitting someone makes a bully feel good. The strongest ones tend to express their significance through humiliating the weak. It is a natural instinct of many people. The primary reason to blame people who are weaker than you is the inferiority complex - the bully is a non-confident teen who feels better when making others look beneath himself or herself. The psychologists name one more reason. One of the main problems that lead to school bullying is the inability of parents to control their children. Those who come from wealthy families believe they will stay untouched. This feeling of permissiveness results in many different crimes and bullying is one of them. The major effect of the school bullying is the dramatic change in victim’s personality. Bullying can make initially happy and mentally healthy people self-conscious, shy, non-confident, or insane. Some of them end up in asylums. The results of bullying are obvious: the person becomes anti-social and keeps away from trying new things. The victims avoid speaking in public or participating in team games. In some situations, a bullying victim can start to have previously absent anxious signs.”  
"Bullying is one of the most common problems in the US schools. More than seven percent of kids in the 8th grade prefer staying at home once per month because of the school bullying (Banks, 1997). 15% of students are regularly bullied. Some of them are initiated into the bullying practice by the older students. The paper will talk about the definition of bullying, causes, effects, and the ways people can prevent this phenomenon. Bullying exists for ages. In most situations, it involves the School Bus Park, school hallways, and bathrooms, sometimes during recess (Banks, 1997). A bully never attacks alone. Such person prefers being surrounded by some type of minions that follow him/her everywhere. These people, minions, tend to have no personal opinion, and that makes them a treasure for the leader.”  
“A victor of bullying can do a lot to stop this phenomenon. It is necessary to take measures to protect yourself by evaluating personal strengths and weaknesses. This way, you will know how to resists the bullies. It is critical to develop and implement psychological, defensive tactics to keep away from getting in touch with the bullies. To stay away from bullying, one has to avoid any contacts with the bullies. A potential victim should not show anger in case of the attack - a good sense of humor may prevent the conflict. If bullying happens, the victim must report it immediately.”
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Argumentative Essay: Solution for Bullying

Bullying is a big problem for children and young people that go through it. It knocks their self-esteem and makes them lose their confidence, and can make them dread going to school each day. In extreme cases, young people can become suicidal as a result of bullying, while in other very serious cases, it can get out of hand and lead to the bully murdering their victim. It’s also a huge problem for parents and teachers, because stopping bullying is a hard task and they often don’t know the best ways to go about it. There are three key elements to stopping bullying: educating the bullies, imposing greater sanctions for the bullies, and protecting the victim.

The reason that bullies must be educated is that many of them are not aware of exactly how much they are hurting their victim. In serious cases, it is probably wholly deliberate, but even then, most bullies wouldn’t want their victim to become as suicidal as they have made them. Bullying can come in all sorts of forms and one that affects girls in particular is a group of so-called friends excluding them from everything. In cases like these, if the bullies understood that they had become bullies picking on a victim, they may think twice.

The second way to deal with the bullies is to punish them. This could be the only thing that works for incredibly nasty people, because they will only care when it begins to affect them. Bullying often isn’t taken seriously enough; for example, if you punched a person in the middle of the street you would probably be arrested, but if it happens in a case of bullying, the perpetrator might get a detention. It is important not to allow things to happen in school that they would never get away with out in the real world, and children and young people who don’t have boundaries and sanctions imposed as they grow up may not obey the law as adults.

The final main way to deal with bullying involves working with the victim. Victims of bullying need to know their self-worth so that they don’t just accept what’s happening to them, and need to be taught to be assertive without just being aggressive. They should also be taught that self-defence is allowed when necessary, and should not be punished for it, while it is very important that adults always listen to them and take their concerns very seriously.

All in all, there is no one single solution for bullying, but it’s not good enough to ignore it just because it’s hard to deal with. By using a combination of these three tactics, teachers should be able to stop bullying at school long before it gets out of hand.

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Combating Bullying in Schools: A Call to Action

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