ગુજરાતી શુભેચ્છાઓ – Gujarati Wishes

માતૃપ્રેમ અને મા વિશે નિબંધ | Mother / Matruprem Essay in Gujarati

Matruprem essay in gujarati : માતાનો પ્રેમ તેના બાળક માટે ખૂબ વધારે છે. જો દુનિયામાં કોઈ તમને સૌથી વધુ પ્રેમ કરે છે, તો તે તમારી માતા છે. માતાનો પ્રેમ શબ્દોમાં વર્ણવવો મુશ્કેલ છે. પરંતુ હજુ પણ આજના લેખમાં આપણે મા વિશે નિબંધ અને માતૃપ્રેમ નિબંધ લખીશું.

આજના નિબંધમાં તમે mother essay in gujarati અને matruprem nibandh gujarati મતલબ માતૃપ્રેમ અને મા વિશે નિબંધ વાંચવા માટે મેળવો. તો ચાલો શરૂ કરીએ…

matruprem essay in gujarati

માતૃપ્રેમ ગુજરાતી નિબંધ – matruprem essay in gujarati

મા આપણું પાલનપોષણ કરવાની સાથે જ જીવનમાં માર્ગદર્શક અને શિક્ષકની ભૂમિકા નિભાવે છે. આપણે આપણા જીવનમાં જે પણ પ્રારંભિક જ્ઞાન કે શિક્ષણ મેળવીએ છીએ તે આપણને મા દ્વારા જ આપવામાં આવે છે. એ જ કારણ છે કે મા પ્રથમ શિક્ષક તરીકે પણ ઓળખાય છે.

આપણા આદર્શ જીવનના નિર્માણમાં આપણને આપણી માએ આપેલી શિક્ષા ખૂબ મહત્ત્વ ધરાવે છે. કેમ કે નાનપણથી જ મા પોતાના બાળકને સારા કાર્યો, સદાચાર અને હંમેશાં સત્યના માર્ગે ચાલવા જેવી મહત્ત્વપૂર્ણ શિક્ષા આપે છે. જ્યારે પણ આપણે જીવનમાં રસ્તો ભટકી જઈએ છીએ તો આપણી મા હંમેશાં આપણે સદમાર્ગે લાવવાનો પ્રયાસ કરે છે.

કોઈ પણ મા ક્યારેય એ નથી ઇચ્છતી કે કે તેનો દીકરો ખોટા કામોમાં સંડોવાય. આપણા પ્રારંભિક જીવનમાં આપણને આપણી મા દ્વારા ઘણું એવું જરૂરી શિક્ષણ અપાય છે જે આજીવન કામ લાગે છે. એટલે એક આદર્શ જીવનના નિર્માણમાં માનું ખૂબ મોટું યોગદાન મનાય છે.

એ વાતને હું ગર્વ અને વિશ્વાસ સાથે કહી શકું છું કે આ દુનિયામાં મારી મા જ મારી સૌથી સારી શિક્ષક છે કેમ કે તેણે મને જન્મ આપવાની સાથે સાથે મને પ્રારંભિક જીવનમાં દરેક વસ્તુ શીખવી, જેના માટે હું આજીવન તેનો આભારી રહીશ. જ્યારે હું નાનો હતો ત્યારે મારી માએ આંગળી પકડીને મને ચાલતા શીખવ્યો. જ્યારે હું થોડો મોટો થયો તો મારી માએ મને કપડાં પહેરતાં, બ્રશ કરતાં, શૂઝની લેસ બાંધતા શીખવ્યું અને સાથે જ મને ઘરે પ્રારંભિક શિક્ષણ પણ આપ્યું.

જ્યારે પણ હું કોઈ કાર્યમાં નિષ્ફળ થયો તો મારી માએ મારી અંદર વધારે વિશ્વાસ જગાવ્યો. જ્યારે પણ હું કોઈ સમસ્યામાં હોતો મારી માએ દરેક શક્ય પ્રયાસ કર્યા કે હું તે બાધાને પાર કરી લઉં. ભલે મારી મા વધારે ભણેલી ગણેલી મહિલા નથી પરંતુ તેને પોતાના અનુભવોથી પ્રાપ્ત થયેલું જ્ઞાન કોઈ એન્જિનિયર કે પ્રોફેસરના તર્કોથી ઓછું નથી. આજે પણ તે મને કંઈક ને કંઈક ચોક્કસ શીખવી દે છે કેમ કે હું ગમે તેટલો મોટો થઉં પરંતુ જીવનના અનુભવમાં હું હંમેશાં તેનાથી નાનો જ રહીશ. ખરેખર મારી મા મારા સૌથી સારી શિક્ષક છે અને તેના દ્વારા મળતી શિક્ષા અનમોલ છે.

તેમણે મને માત્ર પ્રારંભિક શિક્ષણ જ નથી આપ્યું પણ જીવન જીવવાની રીત પણ શીખવી છે. મને એ વાતનું શિક્ષણ આપ્યું કે સમાજમાં કઈ રીતે વર્તન કરવું જોઈએ. તે મારા દુખમાં મારી સાથે રહી છે, મારી તકલીફોમાં મારી શક્તિ બની છે અને મારી સફળતાનો અર્ધસ્તંભ પણ છે. એ જ કારણ છે કે હું તેને મારી સૌથી સારી મિત્ર માનું છું.

આપણે આપણા જીવનમાં ગમે તેટલા શિક્ષિત કે ઉપાધિધારક કેમ ન બની ગયા હોઈએ પરંતુ જે વસ્તુઓ આપણે મા પાસેથી શીખેલી હોય છે, તે આપણને બીજું કોઈ શીખવી શકતું નથી. એ જ કારણ છે કે મારી મા મારી સૌથી સારી શિક્ષક છે કેમ કે તેમણે ન માત્ર મને પ્રારંભિક શિક્ષણ આપ્યું પણ મને જીવન જીવતા પણ શીખવ્યું છે.

  • ગરવી ગુજરાત નિબંધ
  • જન્મદિવસની શુભકામનાઓ સંદેશ
  • નિવૃત્તિની શુભેચ્છા
  • મમ્મી ને જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • My Mother Essay in Marathi
  • Matruprem Essay in Gujarati

તો મિત્રો આ માતા પર ગુજરાતીમાં નિબંધ માતૃપ્રેમ નિબંધ હતો. અમને આશા છે કે matruprem essay in gujarati તમને ગમ્યું. તમારા મિત્રો અને પરિવાર સાથે આ નિબંધ શેર કરવાની ખાતરી કરો. ધન્યવાદ

સંબંધિત પોસ્ટ્સ

garvi gujarat essay in gujarati

ગરવી ગુજરાત નિબંધ / મારુ ગુજરાત | maru gujarat, Garvi Gujarat Essay in Gujarati

Narendra Modi Essay in Gujarati

નરેન્દ્ર મોદી ગુજરાતી નિબંધ | Narendra Modi Essay in Gujarati

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Gujarati Essay on "My Mother", "મારી મા વિશે નિબંધ" for Students

Essay on My Mother in Gujarati Language : In this article " મારી મા વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી ", " મારી માતા નિબંધ ", " Ma...

Essay on My Mother in Gujarati Language : In this article " મારી મા વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી ", " મારી માતા નિબંધ ", " Mari maa vishe Nibandh Gujarati ma "for students of class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Gujarati Essay on " My Mother ", " મારી મા વિશે નિબંધ " for Students

પ્રસ્તાવના:  મારી માતાજી મારી પ્રથમ શિક્ષિકા છે. એમણે મને સૌથી પહેલાં ગુજરાતી તેમજ અંગ્રેજીનું જ્ઞાન કરાવ્યું. લખવાનું તેમજ વાંચવાનું શીખવાડ્યું. તેઓ પ્રતિદિવસ મને ભણાવે છે. તેઓ સ્કૂલથી મળેલા ગૃહકાર્યમાં મારી પૂરી મદદ કરે છે. મને સારી-સારી વાર્તાઓ તેમજ કવિતાઓ સંભળાવે છે.

પરિચય:  મારી માતાજી અમદાવાદની છે. મારી માતાજીએ એમ.એ. સુધી શિક્ષા પ્રાપ્ત કરી છે. તેઓ એક વિદુષી મહિલા છે. તેઓ સંસ્કારશીલ તેમજ ધાર્મિક પ્રવૃત્તિની છે. એમણે મારા જન્મના પાંચ વર્ષ પછી એક મહિલા કોલેજમાં પ્રાધ્યાપિકાનું કાર્ય સંભાળ્યું છે. મારી માતાજી પોતાના પરિવારને પૂર્ણ સમય આપે છે. બધાનું પૂરેપૂરું ધ્યાન રાખે છે.

કાર્ય:  મારી માતાજી વિદ્યાલયમાં અધ્યાપનનું કાર્ય કરે છે. એમની બધી વિદ્યાર્થિનીઓ એમની પ્રશંસા કરે છે. એમનાથી મળવા માટે ઘર પર આવે છે. માતાજી એમને પોતાના બાળકોની સમાન પ્રેમ કરે છે. તેઓ એમની બધી સમસ્યાઓનું સમાધાન કરે છે. વિદ્યાલયમાં પણ એમની સાથી અધ્યાપિકાઓ એમના વ્યવહારની પ્રશંસા કરે છે. હું પોતાની માતાજીને ખૂબ પ્રેમ કરું છું. એમનું પૂર્ણ સન્માન કરું છું. માતાજી પ્રતિદિવસ પોતાના હાથથી અનેક પ્રકારના ભોજન બનાવીને અમને ખવડાવે છે. મારી બહેન ઘરેલૂ કાર્યોમાં એમની મદદ કરે છે. માતાજી ઘરના બધા કાર્યો પર ધ્યાન આપે છે. તેઓ પરિવારના બધઆ સદસ્યોના સુખ-દુઃખમાં પૂરો સમય આપે છે અને એમની સેવા કરે છે.

ઉપસંહાર:  મારી માતાજી પ્રતિદિવસ સવારે ઊઠીને વ્યાયામ કરે છે. તેઓ સવારે સૌથી પહેલાં ઊઠે છે તથા રાત્રે બધાના સૂઈ ગયા પછી જ સૂઈ જાય છે. તેઓ વહેલી સવારે સ્નાન-પૂજા માટે “રામ મંદિર” જાય છે, ત્યાં પર ફૂલ, ફળ તેમજ મિઠાઈનો પ્રસાદ ચઢાવે છે અને અમારા માટે પ્રસાદ લઈને પાછી આવે છે. તેઓ પોતાના સ્નેહ-પ્રેમથી બધાને પ્રસન્ન રાખે છે. તેઓ સ્વયં પણ હંમેશાં હસતી રહે છે.


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Gujarati/Family relations

In Gujarati culture:

These are the "titles" for family members. With the exception of Father, Mother, Grandparents, and others who are marked with a star (who are called by the title only), all of these titles are added after the name of the person.

  • Father: Pappa, Papa, Bawa or Bapuji*
  • Mother: Ba, Mummy, Mumma or Maamajee*
  • Brother (also male cousins): Bhai (e.g. Haresh Bhai)
  • Brother's Wife: Bhabhi (e.g. Komal Bhabhi)
  • Sister (also female cousins): Bahen/Ben (e.g. Mayuri Ben)
  • Older Sister: Didi/Ben (e.g. Mayuri Didi)
  • Younger Brother: Bhaio*
  • Sister's Husband: Banevi or Jijaji or Kumaar (from in-laws) (e.g. Kunal Jijaji)
  • Father's Younger Brother or Father's Younger Cousins (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc): Kaka or Chacha (e.g. Rajesh Kaka)
  • Father's Younger Brother's Wife: Kaki or Chachi (e.g. Komal Kaki)
  • Father's Older Brother:Bapa or Mhota Pappa or Mhota Bawa or Ji Dada
  • Father's Oldest Brother: Mota kaka or Mhota Papa or Mhota Bawa
  • Father's Oldest Brother's Wife: Mhoti or Mhoti Mummy or Mhoti Ma or Mhoti Ba or Bhabu
  • Father's Sister: Fai, Foi, Fui, Fia, Faiba, Foiba (e.g. Komal Fai)
  • Father's Sister's Husband: Fua, Fuji (e.g. Akshay Fua)
  • Mother's Brother and Mother's Male Cousins (1st, 2nd, etc): Mama (e.g. Ketul Mama)
  • Mother's Brother's Wife: Mami (e.g. Kanta Mami)
  • Mother's Sister: Masi (e.g. Sneha Masi) or Mahee
  • Mother's Sister's Husband: Masa (e.g. Gopal Masa) or Mahaji
  • Paternal Grandfather: Dada or Dada Bawa or Bapuji*
  • Paternal Grandmother: Dadi or Dadi Ma or or Ba*
  • Maternal Grandfather: Nanabapa or Nana Bawa or Nana or Dada*
  • Maternal Grandmother: Nanima or Ba or Nani*
  • Maternal Grandfather's Brother: Nana or Nana Bawa
  • Maternal Grandmother's Sister: Nani
  • Wife's father:Sasra or hahara
  • Wife's mother:Sasu or hahu
  • Wife's Younger Sister: Saali
  • Wife's Younger Brother: Saalo
  • Wife’s Elder Sister: Patla Sasu or Patla Hahu
  • Wife's Sister’s husband: Sadhu Bhai
  • Wife's Brothers wife: Saadhotri or Sadaveli (e.g. Bhumika Saadhotri)
  • Husband’s Elder Brother: Jeth
  • Husband’s Elder Brother’s Wife: Jethani
  • Husband’s Younger Brother: De-ar
  • Husband’s Younger Brother’s wife: Derani
  • Husband’s Sister: Nanand
  • Husband’s Sister’s Husband: Nandoi
  • Brother’s Son: Bhatrijo, Bhatrijao (plural)
  • Brother’s Daughter: Bhatriji, Bhatrijio (plural)
  • Sister’s Son: Bhanej, Bhanjo, Bhaniyo, Bhaniyao (plural)
  • Sister’s Daughter: Bhanej, Bhanji, Bhani, Bhanio (plural)
  • Cousins are considered to be "brother" or "sister". Elder cousins' name followed by Bhai or Ben
  • Son: Babo, Chokro, Dikro, Lalo
  • Daughter: Baby, Chokri, Dikri, Lali

If an uncle or aunt is a generation above usual (a "great uncle" or "great aunt"), a "mhota/mota" (big) is usually added to the title, and the name is dropped. So Maternal Grandmother's Brother is "Mhota Mama" (Elder Uncle).

Names are usually followed by titles, as they have listed above. This is different from the English, where we would say "Uncle John".

It is not unusual for this to vary from family to family, but these are the generally accepted titles.

mother essay meaning in gujarati

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મધર ટેરેસા વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી | Mother Teresa Essay in Gujarati

મધર ટેરેસા વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી | Mother Teresa Essay in Gujarati

શું તમે ગુજરાતીમાં મધર ટેરેસા વિશે નિબંધ શોધી રહ્યાં છો ? તો તમે બિલકુલ સાચા સ્થાને આવ્યા છો!

મધર ટેરેસા વિશે નિબંધ

મધર ટેરેસા વિશે ગુજરાતીમાં નિબંધ .

મધર ટેરેસા વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી | Mother Teresa Essay in Gujarati

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  • Mother Love Essay


Essay on Mother Love

An essay demonstrates an understanding of concepts and a particular situation. Documentary knowledge of various subjects such as history, language, or religion is heard from readers by writing a story and reading these books regularly. By writing essays, students get to review various issues and examples before concluding. Such knowledge extends to other subjects that make learning more effective and also improve writing skills.

The importance of learning to write an essay extends beyond the education of school and its curriculum. For success in scoring good marks, one needs to know, spelling, vocabulary, support writing skills and communication. So, articles and essay writing prepare you to be a successful person in the future.

Mother is the most selfless person in this world who starts loving her children even before they come into this world. Nothing could be compared to a mother’s love in this world as it is the purest form of love. Mother is like an angel for her child, who always loves her child and supports him/her. For every child, his mother has a special place in his heart because she is the first person the child sees after his birth. This is the reason why a child and a mother have a special bond between them. But not all people are fortunate enough to have mother love in their life due to many reasons. Those who have their mother with them must love and respect her.

Mother is the greatest gift for a child by God. It is the mother who always loves her children without expecting anything from them in return. It won't be wrong to say that women are inherently good mothers, but they realize the power of mother-love when they become a mother. A mother can do anything to protect her child, and she is the primary support of a child. She not only morally supports the child but also prepares her child to be a better person in life.

A mother plays many roles in her child's life from being her child's first friend to a mentor who always guides him/her, and she dedicatedly plays all these roles without complaining or hesitating.

Mother as a Best Friend

A mother is the first best friend of her child who instantly forms a special bond with the child just after his/her birth. She understands all the needs of her children and always tries to fulfill them. My mother is also my best friend. In fact, I can share all my secrets and desires with him. She always understands me and supports me. We play many games together, and our favorite game is Ludo. Many times she happily loses the game so I can win. She knows what I like and always makes me happy by cooking my favorite food. I am fortunate to have my mom as my best friend in my life.

Mother as a Mentor

A mother is not just a first best friend of a child but also his/her mentor who always supports and guides her children to achieve all the success in life. A great mentor is one who always teaches you what is right and what is wrong. A mentor not only supports you but also becomes strict with you when required. And we all can see these traits in our mothers. 

My mother is truly my mentor as she not only guides me in every phase of my life but also supports me whenever I need her. When I make any mistake, she becomes strict with me to make me understand my mistake. But soon she showers her love on me and always supports me in my decision. She helps me in my studies and asks me to be serious about my career. She teaches me both cultural and moral values. There cannot be a better mentor than a mother because she knows what is right for you and always prefers the best for you.

Mother as a Caretaker

No one can care for us as a mother does. She selflessly takes care of her child since the day he is born. She knows all the needs of her child and can do anything to fulfill them. She is always there for her children. Whenever we get sick or ill, It is our mother who takes care of us without concern about her health. For a mother, the well being of her children is the utmost important, and she always ensures that her children remain safe and protected wherever they are.

A mother provides all the comfort to her child. It is the mother who makes the home cheerful and safe for children. She is like a superwoman who can manage both household work and her responsibilities towards her children. Talking about my mother, she is adorable and compassionate. She loves all my friends and me. Whenever I get sick, she gets concerned about me. She always takes care of my health and my needs. I love her the most and cannot imagine my life without her.

Mother as a Special Person of Our Life

After God, it is our mother who has the most special place in our hearts and our lives. Since the birth of a child, a mother forms a precious and special bond with him. Without thinking about herself, she thinks about her child and his happiness. She works day and night for her children so that she can make them happy. Motherhood is an integral part of a woman's life, and she selflessly gives her best to it.

A newborn child recognizes her mother from her unique fragrance. And before we start speaking, our mother understands our needs through our actions. This is all because a mother and a child share a special bond, which cannot be described in words. All a mother wants is the betterment of her child and to achieve that, sometimes she supports her child and sometimes becomes strict with him. But her intentions are always pure and honest. She always wants the best for us, and she does everything to give us the best.

When we grow, we want to spend our lives on our terms and in doing so, many times we misunderstand our parents. We become selfish sometimes and fail to understand her love, but she never complains or demands anything from us. All she wants is some respect and love from her child, and every child must provide that to her.

Mother’s love is the purest form of love in this World, and Mother is the greatest blessing for a child by God. As a child, it is our responsibility to value the sacrifice and efforts of our mother because all she wants is the betterment of her child. We are very fortunate to have a mother in our life, and we must respect our mother. We should give her all the happiness and love because she deserves all of that in return for her selfless love for us.

Step by Step Guide for Writing Mother Love Essay 

Find Out What Kind of Essay You Will Write - There are many different types of essays that you may be asked to write in elementary, middle or high school. Some of the most common ones include narrative, commentary, argument, persuasion, comparisons and texts.

Create an Essay Framework - The outline is your street map. It will guide you to the finished product. When you create an outline, you are organizing your thoughts on a topic.

Create a Research Statement - Your essay should inform the reader as to what point you are making or any question you will answer on the topic.

Introduce Your Title - The first section of your essay will introduce your topic and provide guidance for the entire narrative. The introduction should discuss your main idea, or what the story is about, and state your thesis and points or arguments that support your conclusion.

Write the Body of the Essay - The theme of the essay provides details of the points in your presentation section that supports your essay. Take the points listed in your introduction and discuss each section in one body.

Present Your Conclusion - The conclusion summarizes the story and gives the reader a closing. In three or four short sentences, you should repeat your thesis and review the main points of the body of the article.


FAQs on Mother Love Essay

1. Why should the students refer to Vedantu for learning about the Essay on mothers?

Vedantu being the leading educational technology company, knows how to help the students find the right knowledge to help give a positive direction to their preparation. The experts of Vedantu have left no stone unturned to keep the students happy and informed with the answers and other study material. The essay on Mothers is written to help students understand how to approach the essay and the ideal ways to go ahead with it. So it is highly recommended for the students to follow the essay.

2. How are we supposed to support our mothers, we are so young right now?

Without my mother's we would have been dark, gloomy and sorrowful. Your mother is the person who got your back always and forever. Since your childhood she has been taking care of everything. Now when you are sufficiently able to support, don't step back as this is the moment she counts on you the most. Let her feel secure and express love, care, and respect for your mother.

3. Why should we show love, care, and respect to our mothers?

You must realize the importance of your mother in life. A mother must be respected and cherished as delicately as a flower because they are the gifts of God on earth. Whenever you will be in trouble she will be the first person to reach out at your rescue. Loving, caring and respecting your mother is something you should always be attentive towards. Don't create a fuss for her which hurts her and don't utter a word without thinking about how she will feel. These are some small things you need to keep in mind to keep your parents happy

4. Why is it necessary to spend time with your family in general?

Time passes by quickly and you don't get the chance to show your love for your parents. Let your mother feel blessed to have a kid like you who knows how to balance both the ends of life, i.e., personal and academic. Go out with her and do whatever she likes to do, make her feel special as she also might love the adventure which you do. Be sure to keep your phone away from you that day and contribute time to your parents daily. This essay is all about making your family feel special and appreciated in your life.

5. How do you show respect to your mother?

Mothers are the best people on earth. The essay incorporated in this website has talked about only one thing throughout and that is to respect mothers as they are our tutors, best friends, and family. By respecting and honoring them you will develop a positive attitude towards your parents and make them your priority. Never have bad memories in front of your mother and consideration of their point of view is very necessary. Lastly, even if you disagree with them, always be polite and engage in healthy conversations. 

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Happy Mothers Day 2024 Gujarati Quotes wishes - મધર્સ ડે પર આ વિશેષ મેસેજીસ દ્વારા તમારી માતાને આપો શુભેચ્છા..

mothers day

ગુજરાતી નિબંધ - માતૃપ્રેમ .. મા તે મા બીજા બધા વગડાના વા..જનની જોડ સખી નહી જડે રે લોલ !

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day 2024: મધર્સ માટે સેલ્ફ કેયર છે જરૂરી, આ રીતે કરે મધર્સ પોતાની કેર

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day Special: મા - દીકરીના સંબંધને ખરેખસ ખાસ બનાવે છે આ વાતો

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day 2024: રામાયણ કાળની કેટલીક એવી માતાઓ જેના માતૃત્વનુ આજે પણ આપે છે ઉદાહરણ

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day 2024: મધર્સ ડે ના પર માને ખુશ કરવા માટે કરો આ 4 કામ

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day 2024- મા માટે બેસ્ટ હોઈ શકે છે આ એક્સરસાઈઝ પેટનો ફેટ થઈ જશે ઓછુ

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day Gifting: મધર્સ ડે પર તમારી માતાને ગિફ્ટમાં આપો આ બ્યુટી આઈટમ કરો તેણે તેમના બજેટમા કસ્ટમાઈઝ

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day પર મા ને સ્પેશલ ફીલ કરાવશે તમારા આપેલ આ સરપ્રાઈઝ

mother essay meaning in gujarati

માતૃપ્રેમ કવિતા - જનનીની જોડ સખી નહીં જડે રે લોલ....

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother'S Day - તમારી દરેક હરકત પર નજર રાખે છે મા ના આ 7 જાસૂસ, મા થી મોટું કોઈ ડિટેક્ટિવ નથી

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's day wishes- માતૃ દિવસ ની શુભકામના સંદેશ "પ્યારી મા" માટે

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day જાણો મમ્મી માટે તમને શું કરીને તમે આ દિવસને ખાસ બનાવી શકો છો.

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day - મધર્સ ડે મા ને ગિફ્ટ કરો આ 5 ખાસ વસ્તુઓ, દરેક Gift માં ઝલકશે દિલમાં છુપાયેલો પ્યાર

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day 2024 - મધર્સ ડે ક્યારે છે? કેવી રીતે થઈ મધર્સ ડે ની શરૂઆત? જાણો તેનો ઈતિહાસ અને મહત્વ

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's day gift- આ ગિફ્ટ મમ્મીના ચેહરા પર લાવી શકે છે

mother essay meaning in gujarati

મા વિશે નિબંધ

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's day wishes in gujarati- હેપ્પી મધર્સ ડે

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Mother's Day મધર્સ ડે પર મમ્મીને ખુશ કરવા આવું કંઈક પ્લાનિંગ કરવી

mother essay meaning in gujarati

#Mother's day special- આ 13 ડાયલોગ દરેક ગુજ્જુ છોકરીઓને સાંભળવા પડે છે.

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Essays on the value of Indian civilisation and culture. This volume consists of various essays: 'Is India Civilised?', 'A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture', 'Defence of Indian Culture', 'Indian Culture and External Influence' and 'The Renaissance in India'. They were first published in the monthly review Arya between 1918 and 1921.

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  • The Renaissance in India
  • 1997 Edition
  • The Foundations of Indian Culture
  • 1972 Edition

mother essay meaning in gujarati

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  •   भारतीय संस्कृतीचा पाया    मराठी
  •   Les Fondements de la culture indienne    Français

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Essays on the value of Indian civilisation and culture.


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Essay on Mothers Love for Students and Teacher

500+ words essay on mothers love.

There is nothing that can come close to the love that a mother feels for her children. Women are inherently good mothers. Till birth women carry their young and then continue their love & affection throughout their childhood and even into adulthood. Every Mother always makes sure that their children are safe and happy throughout their childhood. It is the love for their child that a mother feels that drives these feelings. No one can describe in words the feeling that a mother has towards her children. In fact, most people do not understand unless they become a mother themselves. Love always encourages us in any falls which come in life. She is the only person who has no demands except our best future.

essay on mothers love

Mother as a Caretaker

A Mother always wants best for her child and never compromise on anything related to her child. Parents protect their child from any difficult situation and provide him all comfort that they can afford. Mothers love is not only about pampering her child but also about letting her child know the moral and cultural values.

A good upbringing makes the better future of a person and a mother does an excellent job to give the best future for her child. She converts a house into a home; she works as a superwoman because to keep managing household works and to fulfill all family members’ requirement on time is no easy task at all.

If we talk about working ladies than we can’t even imagine how she would manage all things together. I am proud of my mother who has nurtured me along with doing a job and also managing home properly.

Read 500 Words Essay on Mother here

Mother as a Best Friend

After birth, a child finds his mom as the first friend who plays with him along with extra care and nourishment. She interacts with her child as a friend and keeps watching all her child’s activities.

A mother never feels tired while playing with her child and always fulfills all his demands without thinking of her. A mother is like an angel for her child.

Mother as a Mentor

Without any expectation, a mother keeps on working for the betterment of her child. She plays all roles including mom like a mentor, a teacher, a friend, a caretaker.

She loves her child more than any other thing in this world but sometimes she becomes little strict towards her child for making him capable to fight with different circumstances comes in life. Mother gives us that power with which we become able to accept them and get success.

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Mother – A Special Person of Our Life

When a child born; it is the mother who easily understands the feelings or requirements of her child. She spends every second around her child for fulfilling his all needs. Since childhood, our mother keeps telling us what is wrong and what is right in a manner to build us as a good human being and also encourage us to do good things in life.

She loves and cares us without any personal greed. The fragrance of a mother can easily be recognized by her newborn child. Since birth, a child is being observed by his mother. For providing a child all comforts she does all needful.

All mothers are pure by heart and want all the best things in their child’s life whether it is any toy, clothing, education and the values. Motherhood is the best part of life a lady can have. It is a full-time job without any salary but it worth’s a lot for a child. Mother’s love is something that can feel, mothers love is like a blessing by God, mothers love is everything. People who escape from the love of their mothers are really very unfortunate.

We as a child always take our mother for granted but without her our life becomes worthless. Mother is a precious gift by God which we need to keep with love and care. She does her job of motherhood with a pure heart and complete devotion. The first teacher is a mother for any child and if he keeps learning life’s lessons under her guidance nothing can stop him in achieving the heights of success.

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mother in Gujarati ગુજરાતી

  • મઠમાતા ⇄ mother
  • મા ⇄ mother
  • માતા ⇄ mother
  • માતા બનવું ⇄ mother

mother in Dogri डोगरी

  • अंबड़ी ⇄ Mother
  • अम्मां ⇄ Mother
  • मम्मी ⇄ Mother
  • मा ⇄ Mother
  • मां ⇄ Mother
  • माई ⇄ Mother
  • मौरड़ी ⇄ Mother

mother in Hindi हिन्दी

  • उत्पन्न करना ⇄ mother
  • उत्पादक ⇄ mother
  • गोद लेना ⇄ mother
  • जननी ⇄ mother
  • दत्तक लेना ⇄ mother
  • पालण - पोषण करना ⇄ mother
  • महन्तिन ⇄ mother
  • मां होना ⇄ mother
  • माता ⇄ mother
  • वालिदा ⇄ mother

mother in Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ

  • ಅಮ್ಬಿಕೆ ⇄ mother
  • ಅಮ್ಮ ⇄ mother
  • ಅವ್ವ ⇄ mother
  • ಜನನಿ ⇄ mother
  • ತಾಯಿ ⇄ mother
  • ಮಾತೆ ⇄ mother

mother in Kashmiri कॉशुर

  • موج ⇄ mother

mother in Konkani कोंकणी

  • अंम्म ⇄ mother
  • अम्मा ⇄ mother
  • आम्म ⇄ mother
  • आम्मा ⇄ mother
  • आव्सू ⇄ mother

mother in Maithili মৈথিলী

  • अम्ब ⇄ mother
  • अम्मी ⇄ mother
  • प्रसू ⇄ mother
  • महतारी ⇄ mother
  • माए ⇄ mother
  • मैआ ⇄ mother

mother in Malayalam മലയാളം

  • അമ്മ ⇄ mother
  • കന്യാസ്ത്രീമഠാദ്ധ്യക്ഷ ⇄ mother
  • ജനയിത്രി ⇄ mother
  • തളള ⇄ mother
  • തായ് ⇄ mother
  • ധാത്രി ⇄ mother
  • മാതാവു ⇄ mother

mother in Marathi मराठी

  • आई ⇄ mother
  • माउली ⇄ mother
  • माय ⇄ mother

mother in Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

  • ਅੰਬਡ਼ੀ ⇄ mother
  • ਭਾੱਥੀ ⇄ mother

mother in Santali

  • अंबा ⇄ mother
  • अम्बा ⇄ mother
  • मतृ ⇄ mother
  • मात ⇄ mother
  • मातरं ⇄ mother
  • मातृ ⇄ mother

mother in Sindhi سنڌي

  • ماءُ، امڙ، جيجي، پالڻ، جڙ ⇄ Mother

mother in Tamil தமிழ்

  • அன்னை ⇄ mother
  • அம்மா ⇄ mother
  • தாய் ⇄ mother

mother in Telugu తెలుగు

  • కడుపునొప్పి. ⇄ mother
  • స్త్రీలకు తగిలే వొకవిధమైన మూర్ఛ ⇄ mother

mother in Urdu اُردُو

  • امی ⇄ mother
  • ماں ⇄ mother
  • والدہ ⇄ mother

mother in English

  • mother ⇄ adj. 1. that is a mother. Ex. a mother bear. 2. like a mother; that bears or produces others. Ex. a mother vein from which many ores are derived, the mother cathedral of England, a mother nucleus. 3. of a mother. Ex. mothe
  • mother ⇄ mother (1), noun, verb, adjective.
  • mother ⇄ mother (2), noun. a stringy, sticky substance formed in vinegar or on the surface of liquids that are turning to vinegar; mother of vinegar. Mother consists of bacteria. Sometimes mother is added to liquids to cause them to turn to vinegar.
  • mother ⇄ noun 1. a woman who has given birth to a child. Ex. The mother and father were very proud of their new baby. 2. a female parent. Ex. The puppies have lost their mother. 3. (Figurative.) the cause or source of anything. Ex.
  • mother ⇄ v.t. 1. to take care of; be mother of; act as mother to. Ex. She mothers her baby sister. 2. to acknowledge oneself mother of or assume as one's own. 3. to give birth to; produce as a mother. Ex. (Figurative.) The floods were mo

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Translation of "mother" into Gujarati

મા is the translation of "mother" into Gujarati. Sample translated sentence: But Mother knows better. ↔ પરંતુ, માતા સ્વચ્છતા વિષે સભાન છે.

A (human) female who (a) parents a child or (b) gives birth to a baby. Sometimes used in reference to a pregnant female, possibly as a shortened form of mother-to-be (c). [..]

English-Gujarati dictionary

female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant

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One's mother [..]

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Rape and murder of doctor in hospital sparks protests in India

mother essay meaning in gujarati

Early on Friday morning, a 31-year-old female trainee doctor retired to sleep in a seminar hall after a gruelling day at one of India’s oldest hospitals.

It was the last time she was seen alive.

The next morning, her colleagues discovered her half-naked body on the podium, bearing extensive injuries. Police later arrested a hospital volunteer worker in connection with what they say is a case of rape and murder at Kolkata’s 138-year-old RG Kar Medical College.

Tens of thousands of women in Kolkata and across West Bengal state are expected to participate in a 'Reclaim the Night' march at midnight on Wednesday, demanding the "independence to live in freedom and without fear". The march takes place just before India's Independence Day on Thursday. Outraged doctors have struck work both in the city and across India, demanding a strict federal law to protect them.

The tragic incident has again cast a spotlight on the violence against doctors and nurses in the country. Reports of doctors, regardless of gender, being assaulted by patients and their relatives have gained widespread attention. Women - who make up nearly 30% of India’s doctors and 80% of the nursing staff - are more vulnerable than their male colleagues.

The crime in the Kolkata hospital last week exposed the alarming security risks faced by the medical staff in many of India's state-run health facilities.

Getty Images Posters are seen outside of an emergency ward inside a Government hospital during a junior doctor strike to protest the rape and murder of a PGT woman doctor at R G Kar Medical College & Hospital in Kolkata, India, on August 11, 2024

At RG Kar Hospital, which sees over 3,500 patients daily, the overworked trainee doctors - some working up to 36 hours straight - had no designated rest rooms, forcing them to seek rest in a third-floor seminar room.

Reports indicate that the arrested suspect, a volunteer worker with a troubled past, had unrestricted access to the ward and was captured on CCTV. Police allege that no background checks were conducted on the volunteer.

"The hospital has always been our first home; we only go home to rest. We never imagined it could be this unsafe. Now, after this incident, we're terrified," says Madhuparna Nandi, a junior doctor at Kolkata’s 76-year-old National Medical College.

Dr Nandi’s own journey highlights how female doctors in India's government hospitals have become resigned to working in conditions that compromise their security.

Madhuparna Nandi

At her hospital, where she is a resident in gynaecology and obstetrics, there are no designated rest rooms and separate toilets for female doctors.

“I use the patients’ or the nurses' toilets if they allow me. When I work late, I sometimes sleep in an empty patient bed in the ward or in a cramped waiting room with a bed and basin,” Dr Nandi told me.

She says she feels insecure even in the room where she rests after 24-hour shifts that start with outpatient duty and continue through ward rounds and maternity rooms.

One night in 2021, during the peak of the Covid pandemic, some men barged into her room and woke her by touching her, demanding, “Get up, get up. See our patient.”

“I was completely shaken by the incident. But we never imagined it would come to a point where a doctor could be raped and murdered in the hospital,” Dr Nandi says.

Getty Images Medical staff attend to a patient who has contracted the coronavirus inside the emergency ward of a Covid-19 hospital on May 03, 2021

What happened on Friday was not an isolated incident. The most shocking case remains that of Aruna Shanbaug , a nurse at a prominent Mumbai hospital, who was left in a persistent vegetative state after being raped and strangled by a ward attendant in 1973. She died in 2015, after 42 years of severe brain damage and paralysis. More recently, in Kerala, Vandana Das, a 23-year-old medical intern, was fatally stabbed with surgical scissors by a drunken patient last year.

In overcrowded government hospitals with unrestricted access, doctors often face mob fury from patients' relatives after a death or over demands for immediate treatment. Kamna Kakkar, an anaesthetist, remembers a harrowing incident during a night shift in an intensive care unit (ICU) during the pandemic in 2021 at her hospital in Haryana in northern India.

“I was the lone doctor in the ICU when three men, flaunting a politician’s name, forced their way in, demanding a much in-demand controlled drug. I gave in to protect myself, knowing the safety of my patients was at stake," Dr Kakkar told me.

Namrata Mitra, a Kolkata-based pathologist who studied at the RG Kar Medical College, says her doctor father would often accompany her to work because she felt unsafe.

Getty Images Doctors from AIIMS Delhi stage a protest against the alleged Kolkata Doctor Rape case on August 12, 2024 in New Delhi, India.

“During my on-call duty, I took my father with me. Everyone laughed, but I had to sleep in a room tucked away in a long, dark corridor with a locked iron gate that only the nurse could open if a patient arrived,” Dr Mitra wrote in a Facebook post over the weekend.

“I’m not ashamed to admit I was scared. What if someone from the ward - an attendant, or even a patient - tried something? I took advantage of the fact that my father was a doctor, but not everyone has that privilege.”

When she was working in a public health centre in a district in West Bengal, Dr Mitra spent nights in a dilapidated one-storey building that served as the doctor’s hostel.

“From dusk, a group of boys would gather around the house, making lewd comments as we went in and out for emergencies. They would ask us to check their blood pressure as an excuse to touch us and they would peek through the broken bathroom windows,” she wrote.

Years later, during an emergency shift at a government hospital, “a group of drunk men passed by me, creating a ruckus, and one of them even groped me”, Dr Mitra said. “When I tried to complain, I found the police officers dozing off with their guns in hand.”

Getty Images A junior doctor protesting against  the murder of a woman postgraduate trainee doctor at state-run RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata

Things have worsened over the years, says Saraswati Datta Bodhak, a pharmacologist at a government hospital in West Bengal's Bankura district. "Both my daughters are young doctors and they tell me that hospital campuses in the state are overrun by anti-social elements, drunks and touts," she says. Dr Bodhak recalls seeing a man with a gun roaming around a top government hospital in Kolkata during a visit.

India lacks a stringent federal law to protect healthcare workers. Although 25 states have some laws to prevent violence against them, convictions are “almost non-existent”, RV Asokan, president of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), an organisation of doctors, told me. A 2015 survey by IMA found that 75% of doctors in India have faced some form of violence at work. “Security in hospitals is almost absent,” he says. “One reason is that nobody thinks of hospitals as conflict zones.”

Some states like Haryana have deployed private bouncers to strengthen security at government hospitals. In 2022, the federal government asked the states to deploy trained security forces for sensitive hospitals, install CCTV cameras, set up quick reaction teams, restrict entry to "undesirable individuals" and file complaints against offenders. Nothing much has happened, clearly.

Even the protesting doctors don't seem to be very hopeful. “Nothing will change... The expectation will be that doctors should work round the clock and endure abuse as a norm,” says Dr Mitra. It is a disheartening thought.

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India's covid doctors demand action after attacks.

What happened in the Kolkata rape case that triggered doctors’ protests?

Activists and doctors in India demand better safeguarding of women and medical professionals after a trainee medic was raped and murdered in Kolkata.

Following a murder of a 31 year old post-graduate trainee (PGT) doctor by rape and torture inside a government hospital, activists of different humanitarian and political organisations and medical professionals participate in a rally with posters and torches demanding adequate intervention of the ruling government and exemplary punishment of the culprits, in Kolkata, India, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024.

Activists and doctors across India continued to protest on Wednesday to demand justice for a female doctor, who was raped and murdered while on duty in a hospital in the eastern city of Kolkata.

Feminist groups rallied on the streets in protests titled “Reclaim the Night” in Kolkata overnight on Wednesday – on the eve of India’s independence day – in solidarity with the victim, demanding the principal of RG Kar Medical College resign. Some feminist protesters also marched well beyond Kolkata, including in the capital Delhi.

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While the protests were largely peaceful, a small mob of men stormed the medical college and vandalised property. This group was dispersed by the police.

This comes after two days of nationwide protests by doctors following the incident at RG Kar Medical College in West Bengal’s capital city. “Sit-in demonstrations and agitation in the hospital campus will continue,” one of the protesting doctors, identified as Dr Mridul, told Al Jazeera.

Services in some medical centres were halted indefinitely, and marches and vigils shed light on issues of sexual violence, as well as doctors’ safety in the world’s most populous nation.

What happened to the doctor in Kolkata?

A 31-year-old trainee doctor’s dead body, bearing multiple injuries, was found on August 9 in a government teaching hospital in Kolkata.

The parents of the victim were initially told “by hospital authorities that their daughter had committed suicide,” lawyer and women’s rights activist Vrinda Grover told Al Jazeera. But an autopsy confirmed that the victim was raped and killed.

Grover has appeared for victims in sexual violence cases in India in the past, including Bilkis Bano , a Muslim woman who was gang-raped during the 2002 Gujarat riots, and Soni Sori, a tribal activist based in Chhattisgarh state.

Thousands of doctors marched in Kolkata on Monday, demanding better security measures and justice for the victim.

On Tuesday, the Kolkata High Court transferred the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

The Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA) called for a nationwide halting of elective services in hospitals starting on Monday. Elective services are medical treatments that can be deferred or are not deemed medically necessary.

Doctors hold posters to protest the rape and murder of a young medic from Kolkata, at the Government General Hospital in Vijayawada on August 14

On Tuesday, FORDA announced on its X account that it is calling off the strike after Health Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda accepted protest demands.

One of these demands was solidifying the Central Protection Act, intended to be a central law to protect medical professionals from violence, which was proposed in the parliament’s lower house in 2022, but has not yet been enacted.

FORDA said that the ministry would begin working on the Act within 15 days of the news release, and that a written statement from the ministry was expected to be released soon.

Press release regarding call off of strike. In our fight for the sad incident at R G Kar, the demands raised by us have been met in full by the @OfficeofJPNadda , with concrete steps in place, and not just verbal assurances. Central Healthcare Protection Act ratification… pic.twitter.com/OXdSZgM1Jc — FORDA INDIA (@FordaIndia) August 13, 2024

Why are some Indian doctors continuing to protest?

However, other doctors’ federations and hospitals have said they will not back down on the strike until a concrete solution is found, including a central law to curb attacks on doctors.

Those continuing to strike included the Federation of All India Medical Associations (FAIMA), Delhi-based All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Indira Gandhi Hospital, local media reported.

Ragunandan Dixit, the general secretary of the AIIMS Resident Doctors’ Association, said that the indefinite strike will continue until their demands are met, including a written guarantee of the implementation of the Central Protection Act.

Medical professionals in India want a central law that makes violence against doctors a non-bailable, punishable offence, in hopes that it deters such violent crimes against doctors in the future.

Those continuing to protest also call for the dismissal of the principal of the college, who was transferred. “We’re demanding his termination, not just transfer,” Dr Abdul Waqim Khan, a protesting doctor told ANI news agency. “We’re also demanding a death penalty for the criminal,” he added.

“Calling off the strike now would mean that female resident doctors might never receive justice,” Dr Dhruv Chauhan, member of the National Council of the Indian Medical Association’s Junior Doctors’ Network told local news agency Press Trust of India (PTI).

Which states in India saw doctors’ protests?

While the protests started in West Bengal’s Kolkata on Monday, they spread across the country on Tuesday.

The capital New Delhi, union territory Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow and city Prayagraj, Bihar capital Patna and southern state Goa also saw doctors’ protests.


Who is the suspect in the Kolkata rape case?

Local media reported that the police arrested suspect Sanjoy Roy, a civic volunteer who would visit the hospital often. He has unrestricted access to the ward and the police found compelling evidence against him.

The parents of the victim told the court that they suspect that it was a case of gang rape, local media reported.

Why is sexual violence on the rise in India?

Sexual violence is rampant in India, where 90 rapes were reported on average every day in 2022.

Laws against sexual violence were made stricter following a rape case in 2012, when a 22-year-old physiotherapy intern was brutally gang-raped and murdered on a bus in Delhi. Four men were hanged for the gang rape, which had triggered a nationwide protests.

But despite new laws in place, “the graph of sexual violence in India continues to spiral unabated,” said Grover.

She added that in her experience at most workplaces, scant attention is paid to diligent and rigorous enforcement of the laws.

“It is regrettable that government and institutions respond only after the woman has already suffered sexual assault and often succumbed to death in the incident,” she added, saying preventive measures are not taken.

In many rape cases in India, perpetrators have not been held accountable. In 2002, Bano was raped by 11 men, who were sentenced to life imprisonment. In 2022, the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi authorised the release of the men, who were greeted with applause and garlands upon their release.

However, their remission was overruled and the Supreme Court sent the rapists back to jail after public outcry.

Grover believes that the death penalty will not deter rapists until India addresses the deeply entrenched problem of sexual violence. “For any change, India as a society will have to confront and challenge, patriarchy, discrimination and inequality that is embedded in our homes, families, cultural practices, social norms and religious traditions”.

What makes this case particularly prominent is that it happened in Kolkata, Sandip Roy, a freelance contributor to NPR, told Al Jazeera. “Kolkata actually prided itself for a long time on being really low in the case of violence against women and being relatively safe for women.”

A National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report said that Kolkata had the lowest number of rape cases in 2021 among 19 metropolitan cities, with 11 cases in the whole year. In comparison, New Delhi was reported to have recorded 1, 226 cases that year.

Prime Minister Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has called for dismissing the government in West Bengal, where Kolkata is located, led by Mamata Banerjee of All India Trinamool Congress (AITC). Banerjee’s party is part of the opposition alliance.

Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the opposition in parliament, also called for justice for the victim.

“The attempt to save the accused instead of providing justice to the victim raises serious questions on the hospital and the local administration,” he posted on X on Wednesday.

Roy spoke about the politicisation of the case since an opposition party governs West Bengal. “The local government’s opposition will try to make this an issue of women’s safety in the state,” he said.

Have doctors in India protested before?

Roy explained to Al Jazeera that this case is an overlap of two kinds of violence, the violence against a woman, as well as violence against “an overworked medical professional”.

Doctors in India do not have sufficient workplace security, and attacks on doctors have started protests in India before.

In 2019, two junior doctors were physically assaulted in Kolkata’s Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital (NRSMCH) by a mob of people after a 75-year-old patient passed away in the hospital.

Those attacks set off doctors’ protests in Kolkata, and senior doctors in West Bengal offered to resign from their positions to express solidarity with the junior doctors who were attacked.

More than 75 percent of Indian doctors have faced some form of violence, according to a survey by the Indian Medical Association in 2015.

What happens next?

The case will now be handled by the CBI, which sent a team to the hospital premises to inspect the crime scene on Wednesday morning, local media reported.

According to Indian law, the investigation into a case of rape or gang rape is to be completed within two months from the date of lodging of the First Information Report (police complaint), according to Grover, the lawyer.

The highest court in West Bengal, which transferred the case from the local police to the CBI on Tuesday, has directed the central investigating agency to file periodic status reports regarding the progress of the investigation.

The FIR was filed on August 9, which means the investigation is expected to be completed by October 9.

Bengal women will create history with a night long protest in various major locations in the state for at 11.55pm on 14th of August’24,the night that’ll mark our 78th year as an independent country. The campaign, 'Women, Reclaim the Night: The Night is Ours', is aimed at seeking… pic.twitter.com/Si9fd6YGNb — purpleready (@epicnephrin_e) August 13, 2024


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