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2252-648X (Print)

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Publisher Universitas Negeri Semarang , Indonesia Manuscripts accepted in Indonesian, English

LCC subjects Look up the Library of Congress Classification Outline Education: Education (General) Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Recreation. Leisure: Sports Keywords sports physical education

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Instructions for authors.

The Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES) promotes OPEN ACCES - OPEN PEER REVIEW SYSTEM and selects the best manuscripts for publication.

( total transparency and collaboration between author and reviewer, if there are non-compliant elements.The final decision is taken by the editor based on discussions and clarifications author -  reviewer, and based on the final report on the manuscript)

Editor-mediated review - editorial pre-selection of articles - final decision The editor decides whether the article should be accepted, and formulates change requirements for the authors

The editorial staff requires that all manuscripts that are sent for publication to be evaluated. A reviewed manuscript will be subject to one of four possible outcomes regarding publication in JPES. 1. Initial rejection of the manuscript by the editing committee without further review (due to severe deficiencies in writing/content, theme) 2. Acceptance without modifications 3. Acceptance with minor modifications 4. Acceptance only after major modifications

The decision will be communicated to the respective author(s) in a strictly anonymous form. During the peer-review process, the reviewers will evaluate elements from the Evaluation Protocol that is provided below, which makes direct reference to having published a manuscript that is considered an original article.  1.    Originality of the investigation                                             20 points    2.    Scientific topicality                                                             15 points    3.    Applicability to current practice                                            15 points    4.    Design quality of the study                                                 10 points    5.    Quality of the disclosed results                                            10 points    6.    Clarity and depth of the discussions                                     10 points    7.    Clarity of the conclusions                                                    10 points    8.    Accuracy of timely quotes and the bibliography                      5 points    9.    General language quality of the manuscript                            5 points    On the basis of these considerations from the Evaluation Protocol, all manuscripts will be given a maximum number of points: < 50 points will result in rejection, >70 will result in publication, and 50-70 points will require some punctual modifications to the article before acceptance/rejection is decided.

Please write the article according to the template model.

The JPES article template can be downloaded below. Below are specific points to follow: - Page set-up: A4 format; margins: top, bottom, left, right=2.5 cm - Font: Times New Roman, size=10, (one row, for text); size=10, Title 13 - Full first and last name of all of the authors, which should be accompanied by their affiliations to a certain institution - Corresponding author’s email address - Abstract of 250 – 400 words maximum, preferably structured with the following headings: Problem Statement, Approach, Purpose, Results, and Conclusions - Keywords (4-6, font size=10, bold) - The main text should be structured in the following manner: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions . - Tables - Tables should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance and using roman numerals. JPES recommends that authors reduce the number of tables to a minimum. All tables must have a title placed immediately above it.  All tables must be mentioned at least once in the text (e.g., “as described in Table 1”). Tables should be placed horizontally, be centered and cannot exceed a width of 150 mm. The table data should be written with a TNR, 10 pt. font. - Figures - All illustrations (graphics, schemes, diagrams, figures, pictures, etc.) must be sequentially numbered in order of appearance and be numbered using roman numerals.  All figures must have a title (caption) that is placed immediately under the figure.  All figures must be mentioned at least once in the text (e.g., “as shown in Figure 1”).  Figures cannot be drawn directly in the Word document. Figures must be imported either as image files (jpg, bmp, tiff, etc.), or as objects (ppt). Black and white images should be provided only in high contrast, and color images should be provided in high resolution. JPES’s  reference style This journal follows the APA reference style. The authors take full responsibility for the content of the articles sent for publication by signing a commitment declaration. ETHICS OF PUBLICATION : The JPES policy regarding suspected scientific misconduct, including plagiarism, fabrication of data, and falsification, is based on the “Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)”, which can be found at Cover letter: All submitted articles must to be accompanied by a cover letter with an original signature that includes the copyright agreement. Proofs will be sent via email and returned within 48 hours. All questions from the reviewers must be resolved and answered and represent the final corrections and printing permission. Clinical research or experimental studies involving human subjects If a clinical research or experimental study involves human subjects, the study must conform to the directive of the Helsinki Declaration, and the study must have the ethical approval of the relevant institution with signatures from the ethics committee. For experiments conducted within the field of Physical Education and Sport, the author(s) must have the approval of the institution to publish the experimental data. The participants must be anonymous, both in pictures and in the text.

Editing rights : The publication of the article is conditioned on the authors’ acceptance that the editor has the right to correct the text with the purpose of improving the clarity and linguistic style and/or to bring the publication to accepted standards. Editing process and acceptance for publication: The authors will be informed upon the receipt of every manuscript. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. The publishing decision will be provided within a maximum of 2 months from the manuscript’s submission date. The editor will provide the specific journal edition in which the manuscript is likely to appear.

Online evaluation process: To maintain a transparent evaluation process on the JPES website, a list of manuscripts under evaluation, received for each issue are posted with the authors' names and institutional affiliations. The order of publication of the articles depends on the evaluation process and the maximum number of items that can be published in each issue of the journal ( English Language Consultation (editing and other manuscript assistance) Non-native English speakers will be asked to seek help in preparing their manuscript from specialized services that provide scientific editing and proofreading.  


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journal of physical education and sport scopus

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journal of physical education and sport scopus

Title Type
1 journal4.691 Q1224268920993482275626.5937.0736.82
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16 journal1.273 Q15410017351667881724.2451.6646.36
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19 journal1.193 Q1176148707678525876163.2945.8458.29
20 journal1.174 Q1834114423505521433.2857.3236.00
21 journal1.167 Q165163282609710262553.2737.4030.20
22 journal1.141 Q1131125435431412454192.3734.5147.95
23 journal1.141 Q1161365144915246454114382.7741.7720.54
24 journal1.136 Q1555417331277321723.8157.9136.84
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26 journal1.091 Q12163108941254629627383.1340.4751.31
27 journal1.078 Q179246518930618705163.6537.8327.27
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29 journal1.046 Q1126182733956431587303.9752.5539.04
30 journal1.008 Q1505923328087882082.9847.5957.09
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37 journal0.921 Q1118105456349310454382.1333.2737.18
38 journal0.910 Q1704022314246571892.3535.6054.97
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45 journal0.849 Q14899523394016425133.0639.8027.89
46 journal0.849 Q1586621341355532072.3662.6517.28
47 journal0.823 Q164311081160277901.7937.4253.42
48 journal0.808 Q1558735735499793572.0840.7922.66
49 journal0.808 Q111386362312010313442.5436.2853.40
50 journal0.804 Q15510821444495912062.5741.1926.25

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Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): 2247-8051





ISSN Romania

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Title proper: Journal of Physical Education and Sport

Abbreviated key-title: J. Phys. Educ. Sport (Online)

Other variant title: JPES

Original alphabet of title: Basic roman

Subject: UDC : 796/799

Subject: Sport fishing. Sport hunting. Shooting and target sports

Subject: Sport. Games. Physical exercises

Corporate contributor: Universitatea din Piteşti. Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport

Publisher: Piteşti: Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 2011-

Dates of publication: 2011- 9999

Frequency: Quarterly

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: English

Country: Romania

Medium: Online

Indexed by: ROAD

Indexed by: SCOPUS

Indexed by: TITLE DOI

Indexed by: CROSSREF


Indexed by: FATCAT

Indexed by: ZDB

Indexed by: WIKIDATA

Indexed by: SUDOC

Indexed by: OPENALEX


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Has other medium version: Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Print), 2247-8051

Continues: Citius Altius Fortius (Piteşti. Online), 2066-2483

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Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 06/02/2021

ISSN Center responsible of the record: Romanian ISSN Centre For all potential issues concerning the description of the publication identified by this bibliographic record (missing or wrong data etc.), please contact the ISSN National Centre mentioned above by clicking on the link.

Record creation date: 26/08/2011

Original ISSN Centre: Romanian ISSN Centre

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Focus and Scope

Journal of Physical Education and Sports publishes articles of original researchs and conceptual studies about physical education and sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sports covers all aspects of Physical Education and Sport

  • Sports Medicine,
  • Sports Law,
  • Sport Pedagogy,
  • Sport Management,
  • Sport Information,
  • Sport History,
  • Sport for All,
  • Sport Facilities,
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology,
  • Sport and Exercise Physiology,
  • Sociology of Sport,
  • Political Science of Sport,
  • Philosophy of Sport,
  • Neuromotor Psychology,
  • Motor Learning and Control,
  • Military sports,
  • Kinesiology,
  • Kinanthropometry,
  • Individual Sports,
  • Didactics, Educational Technologies and Special Pedagogy
  • Comparative PE and Sport
  • Combat Sports and Martial Arts,
  • Coaching Science,
  • Biomechanics,
  • Adapted Physical Activity,


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  1. Journal of Physical Education and Sport

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  2. JPES (Journal of Physical Education and Sports) – DOAJ

    Added 23 October 2015 • Updated 8 April 2021. A peer-reviewed, open access journal in sports & physical education.

  3. Journal Rankings on Sports Science

    Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy: journal: 1.431 Q1: ... Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy: journal: 1.273 Q1: 54: ... Metrics based on Scopus ...

  4. Journal of Physical Education and Sport - Impact Factor (IF ...

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  5. Abstracting & Indexing

    Journal of Physical Education and Sport has linked its papers to references. by DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers. SCOPUS ELSEVIER Bibliographic Databases. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources.

  6. Instructions for authors

    The Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES) promotes OPEN ACCES - OPEN PEER REVIEW SYSTEM and selects the best manuscripts for publication.

  7. Journal Rankings on Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and ...

    Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy: journal: 1.431 Q1: ... Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy: journal: 1.273 Q1: 54: ... Metrics based on Scopus ...


    BODY LANGUAGE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION; REHABILITATION. Indexed in: Scopus (ELSEVIER), East & Central Europe Database (ProQuest), Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest), Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection (ProQuest), CAB Abstracts (CABI), Education Collection (ProQuest), Health Research Premium Collection (ProQuest ...

  9. ISSN 2247-806X (Online) | Journal of Physical Education and ...

    Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport. Publisher: Piteşti: Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 2011-Dates of publication: 2011- 9999. Frequency: Quarterly. Type of resource: Periodical. Language: English. Country: Romania. Medium: Online. Indexed by: ROAD. Indexed by: SCOPUS. Indexed by: TITLE DOI. Indexed by: CROSSREF. Indexed by ...

  10. Focus and Scope | Journal of Physical Education and Sports

    Journal of Physical Education and Sports publishes articles of original researchs and conceptual studies about physical education and sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sports covers all aspects of Physical Education and Sport. Sports Medicine, Sports Law, Sport Pedagogy, Sport Management, Sport Information, Sport History, Sport for All,